Whitby Free Press, 31 Jan 1996, p. 18

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Page i8, WhitbY Frm Pros, Weckesday. Januasy àl. 199 r~q New beginnings W d Ike you k>meet Carabée Driver, presIdent a-id chiot execuilv officer aiDrveraid Driver Crealie Text and Design. A former employee of Ontario Hydro, Corale. was one of Vie first Io expeutenoe restruciuring in aur eiectriclty company._ Whie worklng ai Hydro, she dlscovered that she enjoyed aid had considerabie sklIIs In graphie design. So iaoklng for a new opportunity, she decided k> become ai entrepreneur. She designs logos,. leterhead, business cards aid newslefters, aid even retouches old photos. She has the capacty Io cusiomn draw aiy design yau want on her state-of-the-ar Macntosh computer (yes, shewas ane ai diepeople who toldme to ge a Mac; when my worIKs rogncrashed lest week, 1 was i.nnlng b> Vik 1 Ishould have Ilsiened k> ber). AJI her clients have corne lirough word cf moulli and shes vey pleased wili the progress of W erbusiness. Shek>old me thaigRlias been one of lie mosi positive experiences of lier lite. Even lliough 11% been liard et times, s has tremendous pride I whai she lias accoipished and feels lie she le really living lier dream. Her advioe k> new business owners? Ignore the nay-sayers, create your awn ban of supportive people, aid nover give up. 0f course, now liat she's gettlng busier, Caraee might aon day need extra help, so who botter k> contact liai Bien Mann of Graphi's Temps. EBien liad a backgound In ptintlng sales aid when lier employter went bankrupt 8h. declded It wasUâme k> start lier own business.- Her liusband (lie companys btclinalrector> was a lithogrpher by trade aid liad also exlpnrlainced lie ups and downs of lie nineiles. 8h. aid lier husbaid thopoaedle cornpany In 1993 and have tripIed sales evey yer since lien. She describes lie business as going fuliltR aid says It' aphenamenal. nTlioy have arn alditional ful-Uime employee aid 40 freelancers #We place wtlin lie prinng kditiy. Her advloe? Dcn'tb. af raid Io b. ai eritrepreneur. Take a chiance aid belleve In yourself. Bath liee-pa'- have chidren and chidren need bats. So who botter lo oeil lien UdJs for Klds owner Kerry Stephiensan? Kerry . designs aid manfaturrscustom-made bats for cbildren of ail ages.She startod ty makdng bats for lier chidren's friends aid it txoffaitfram lier.. From a polar f leece wutli halls, to lie laiesi safari Sun block design for youw four-yoet- old, Kerry lias Rl ail. Aftor stwrlng just over a yer ago. lier productIis boing dlstribuled as far as Britishi Columbia. Her goal le k>I croate a virlual corporallcxibased on ber produci, aid she's wel on lie way. AI oi*teepeople are graduates of the self-employmient progam I wrole about last week. Al cf liern credit liai progra * wi theixr suoeess and belili tey woukhi'i have gane as far wilioui IL Thai pragram lieiped a lotio! farmetty unernplôyed people Io Wue cS!on tu*t h own Oives, aid now Ifs been cul by lie feera govemment 1 wait my tax dollars I k> h fivstdhI people, b> hoe Uiem opporluniies k> cmale wedlih, aid Viats wliat Vil pragram did. -But l'm flot gMvng up. not by a partemshl, 1 hope Vil le o f ahe.*~~e h ka Woef*,asrUhfeChuwh. Ris Iri LOCAL Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) members of the province's family support plan, ail expected to soon receive surplus. notices, were among protesters outside Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty's office on Tuesday Iast week. The A music marathon On Friday, Feb. 2, starting at 7 p.m., Anderson music students will begin a 12-hour'muic marathon te rais. funds for music activities. Plans for this jear include the. purchase cf uniforme, participation in the. Sauthern Ontario Band Festival and Ontario Vocal Festival, a musical-cultural excursion te Cleveland as well as participation at MusicFest '96 in Tarante ini May. On the. evening cf Friday, Feb. 2,' the ensembles Will prosent a a,)ublic concert, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are free and may b. obtained through the. music department. Dance upcoming Tii. Anderson Music Parents' -Society je sponsoring a '50%s,60's and 70's Valentine's Dance' on Saturday, Feb. 10, 8 p.m. te 1 a.m., at the Masonic Temple on Cochrane Street in Whitby. Tickets are $12.50 per person and the price includes a light meal later in the, evening. There will b. door pizes and prime for best costume from the 'fifties, sixties and seventies.'A cash bar will be available. 1 Proceeds from the. dance will go towards the. purchase cf new uniforme for the. bande and choir. Ticke may be obtained by calling Norrn Gibb at 430-6040 or Jim Wid at 576-9288. Anti-racism posters Tii. Multi-Cultural Council of Oahfawa/DunShamha. donated $1,000 te Durham Regional Police ta, heip stant a poster program involving ail secondary achools in Durham. The. theme will be anti- hatelanti-raciam. For moe information, coU Dave Pattorson, president Jof the coquncil, at 7285418 or Serent Roy (bcd at,579-1520, et. 412. plan enforces support orders issued by courts agalnst delinquent or deadbeat parents. The redesigned program wil close offices, including Whitbys, and instead institute a 1-900 telephone access system charging singe parents $2 per oeil. Pto by Jereny DresarWNhy Fros Pru Computer-, systems, stolen from high sehoot Three complet. IBM.cmue systeme, lnciudtng laser printers, were stolen from the library at Henry Street M1gb Sebool sometime Monday mornlng. The. syterns are valued at $2,700 each. Police say it appears a number of people croed over the roof of the. chool te a centre courtyard and removed a wlndow te get inte the. librazy, likly sornetime after 1 a.m. The. theft was discovered by janitors arriving for work later that morming. The culpnits "Ieft the sm a they cm te'says Inpec= Waltr Hllof Durham Ronai Police. "liere was no damage at aIl. They knew exactly wberethey were golng and what 1hey were Hayley Wood TRAFALGAIRCASTLE Now that we bave been back from holidays for a few weeks, things are returnlng te normal, and It looks like lets golng te b. a busy second term. We were happy te weicome some new students whp are jolning us for the remainder of the year. Most of these girls are from overseas, we make sure you do all yau can te make them feel welcome. Our annual skti day ta taday- (if the weatber co-operates>.. Non- skier have the. option of attendlng a matin.. of Andrew Lloyd Webezs SumatBou ad ha morning of instruction Iby a mnember of t.he staff Our first student councl meeting -of the. new year was reoently beld. W. got into-a vigorous debate about our annual May Day ucheduied for May 25. As the. years have passed we have been altering some of aur rigld traditions, in an attempt te adapt te, the. nineties' way of thlnking. Some are heuitant about change, Tanya HunterI Alana Koster I SINCLAIR'SECONDARY SCHOOL Welcome bock! This week ls just the beglnning te a very busy month. Tomorraw marks the. beginnlng cf course selection and heritage month ln TAG. Al guident. wMilb. making course selections for neit year, beglnning the week of Feb. 12. Juniors, no need te worry if you are not quit. sur what you want te do ln your future years. Juat keep your opions open bytakng a variety of courses. Seniors who are continuizng on wlth theïr post-secondary education are advlsed te drop by Student Services,'te look through college or university directaries te know exactly your ileeded qruists Choclat. sales, from Wiliam'. Choclat. Factory, will go on sale -Monday. Are you stiullooling for the. right gai or girl ln the school? SAC begins. Matchmaker an Monday te. bring an end. te your Just pay a smali fe. for a Matcbaker orm, fil it out, and when you get it backwith alistof compamie people, you can either chos.te forget about hlmn or ber, ýMor tlhtpro down untfi next week wlth carnation sales for Valentine'. Day. Ilake sure te send a lovely flower to a specla persan an Valentines Day. Bout cflu<k te ail thos. going an the Kllfingeon si dtrip neit Wednesday. Hope you have a safe trip amd eijoy your time away. but others are eagerly w.lcoming Wlth th. tradition of May.Day, students vote on the glrl--who w'e feel would beat rpe On ur uchooL Until recently, May Day celebrations have been, In ber honour. Now- this day bas expanded te include dances, performances, ethnie foodu prepared by our multi-cultered student body,, car wash,4 auction and many other excitig events. At the. recent student council meeting It was proposed-that the. May Quieen take amore active roi. ln the. day itself by organijzing al aspects of the day with the help of ber diosen comumittees. When thi. new proposai was brought before student council, It wan accepted unanimousy.Thsyar aur qusen wiil b. chosen earli.r tha n i years past te give ber time te select acmmte and begin planning . The. votlng day chosen was Feb.16. This week aur volieybail teams have been very busy travelling te varlous achoals and makldlnu praud. And we wish them iota of luck for their big tournament tuis weekend ln Toronto. Jason Collier* HENRY. ST. H.S.- Now that exama have flnaiy corne to an end, we are al starting te, settie into the daily routine of a new semester ful cf new, friendag, coursesanîd teachers A few reminders from last semester if you stiil have any averdue teitboaks or library books, you must retumn them in order'ta, obtain your second semester schedule on the first day back-,if' you have not.- returned 1 jour- measies foi=, you should do se as MsM lwaso ossb. unce failur. to d hour World Vision Famine. If you wish ta learu more about, or penliape participate in the. World Vision Famine, stay tuned ta ih. annoulncements or attend one of Impact'. meetings. On a darke note, first term anal repart carde wiilb. issued an F.b. 5, signaflingthat ti. shoolyjean i officiaily bal! over. 1Hawk lit.. as we know it .4 OPSEU protest

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