Whitby Free Press, 31 Jan 1996, p. 3

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Items from Whitby counmbil agenda(s) Recommenations huom the iplannming aind devellopment .committee That council athaethat pbli notice bo givenaiteows Intention tn auas a byiaw ronamldng Blair 6reet ta Gardon, Street between Bums Street ta Comsmers Drive. ln 1991,9 couni changed the name af Blair Street between Bumns and Dunclas streets ta Gardon, but dld flot lckde the most sautherly portion. A single name for the same road allowance wdi reduce rotential confusion for Street denifcaon by emnergency servce and the generai public. a staff repart States. Carried That,a site plan application tram 738373 Ontaula me. (Rose Carp.) for a sewage pumping statian ta serve the future Lyndo Shores housing dovelopmont and nabyWhltby Mental Healh Centre be approved. The proposai coensists af a 33.8-square moire contraI bulding and a 31 .2-metre wot well whlch wID b. situated primadli below grund. The contrai building will b located an the west side of the Jeffrey Street road allawance and designed ta rot iect a Victorlan cottage development. Carriod That a request for a minor vaitnc to the munldipalWys sign bylaw from Tii. Ltd., 1615 Dundas St. E, for two addltlanal wail slgns for a propased videa rentai store be approved. Carriod Recommendations from the operations COMMittee ibat a $22.886 quatatian tram Graphic Papers af Scarborough L for and delvery af dupUcnapor bu âmâptâd- New Business That effective Feb. 1. the lares for WNhy Specialized Transit Service (Handî-Trànsit) b. increased by 50 cents per trip as recommended by Handi-Transit Inc. Handi-Transit cairrently providès sealzd transit service for Whitby, Oshawa. Clarlngton, Broc* and Scugag townships. iR is recommending simillar lare Increases ln -ail areas and Oshawa wil b. prôceedlng with its Increase an Feb. 1 as wiL. Wîhtby's tees have romained unchanged since Auguui 1991. Cmbld WhIlby Fmue Prma, We*isdy, Janums 31,1996l, Page 3 Miracle Food Mart wili soon become an A&P store For the foundation WIH MOM Edith (eit) and Jane Sleep of the Jennifer AshIe~ Foundation looklng on, Ben Twlddy plcks the wlnner of a g4 basket ln a reent draw heid by the staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia branc at Rossland and Garden. Proceeds went to thie foundation, which helps chronfically and terminally ill children And their familles pay their medical expenses. Photo by JeromnyDmsar, Whlby Frm Prou Warnng:taxhike FROMPAGE i "It's the firat sho. that will drap if they (government) implement this acroas the GTA." According ta the finance departmonts report, Métro Toronta's annual proporty tax burden would decroase by $452 million wiiile tii. four regianal municipalities outeide Metra would absorb tiie difference. Property taxes in Durham Region wauld incroase by $40 million annually under Golden's envislaned scenaria, the. repart states. Residential taxpayers wltii an assessed property value o! $250,000 would pay between $236 ta $609 more per year, depending on the. municlpality. Commercial taxpayers wlth an assossed property value of $i million would psy between $720 ta $5,620 more, wile industria taxpayers would psy between $788 and *4,882 extra. In Wbitby,, the figures would b. $367 for residential, $3,906 for Publicca have Say about GTA On Tuesday, Feb. 6, area residents can. make their vlews known on the. controveruial report on the. future of thié Greater Toronto Area. Durham Centre MAPP Jim Flaherty bas organlzed a 'tawn hall" meeting about the Golden task force recommendations. Tii. meeting will b. iield at Immanuel Christian Sciiool 'an Rosuland Road in Oshawa. "Obviausly if's a seriaus issuei Oshiawa and Whitby and w. as MFPs have a duty ta represent the. people," says Flahierty. "I expect MPPIÏ from ail partes wlll want' ta hear -how thefr osmtituents fel." commercial and $3,397 for Industrial. Predicting a harsh roaction from Region coundil, Brunelle said the feelings of GTA reuidents autaide Motro muet b. conveyed ta the government. 'This ls a significant incroase to the taxpayers, not including the downIoading w. are now experlencing," he said. It needs to be said that wo need -ta corne together as a community and defend ourselves againut tliis attack an our pocket booku." Councillor Donnis Fox was outragod that the. goverament has yet to Indicate whether it will consuit with residents of the GTA prior to implemonting axw of the Golden recommendations, if lndeed it does. Gharging that the governmont's attitude towards public debate of its policies harkens back to the 1930a "whoný governments did what they wantod and to heil with the people," Fox claimed the. Golden proposais could be enacted as a resuit of Bill 26. The government's controversial omnibus legisiation was approved earlier Monday and Fox devoted part of bis remarks to a blistering condemnation of the bill. For councillor Jo. Drumm, the "bottom lino" is that "Metro Toronto is broke...mentally, moraily and physically." Hlowever, h. foît that something positive had been accomplished by the. Golden tasik force. "'Thi report actually makes regional gavernment look good," said Drumin. After promising to relay council's feelings to bis colleagues at the next gathering of GTA mayors, Mayor Tom Edwards announced that a public meeting bas been tentatively scheduled for Fob. 20 to shlow Whltby residents to exprssfl their opinions on the Issue. J.Loal MPPs wiI b. invited& »TR By Mark Reesor Whltby wIll soon las. Its last Miracle. A&P vice-president of marketing Bill Sheine confirms that the. Tawne Plaza Miracle Food Mart - ala-n wlth iliôthers ln Duiim Reglon - are slat.d ta b. converted ta A&P stores. in early, March. The change won't affect the employees or, the operation o! the. stores, ho stresses. Sheine smys the movo Is designod ta eliminate the. av.rlap botween A&P and the Miracle and Doinion stores It acqulred. "Over the. years we'v. ended up wlth, ln some cases, four or five difféent bannors in the. same goographical area, se ltfs a matter of doing some consolidating now." The Miraclo and A&P stores are very similar, ho -îys, and - the conversion will mean A&P will have only one bannor in town, and can eitiier reduce its advertising coste or spend the. money mare effectively. Whitby's otiier Miracle Food Mat% wblch was locat.d ln the Whithy Mail, was closed last year. Sheine says the. Miracle name won't disappear, tiiough. "In some cases, in'other, areas, w. have converted A&P stores ta, Miracle - lt's a matter of consolidation and whatever makes sense in a particular markoet LOtto Win for the Sanders A Whltby couple watched In delight as almost aIl of their lottery numbers were announc.d on television on Wednesday night last week. Jack and Dorm Sanders collectod $65,716 as second prizo in the Lotto 649. Jack, an electrlclan, and Doris, a, receptionist for th. same electical' service company, says they're going ta purchase a new vehicle, pay down the. mortgage and "keep a little extra." This R.R.S.P. Season Cali A Professional! L666-8245DEBEMRA ANNOUNCEMENT ....... Allan Smelko, Manager of W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. in Whitby, is pleased to announce a most welcome addition to the Frank Team. Marilyn Patterson, formerly of Century 21 in Oshawa, has been a very successful full time sales representative, serving the entîre Durham Region for the past seven years and has buiît a reputation for servicing home buyers, as Mariyn attrs < well as sellers. Her dedication and Sales Representative extensive knowledge of real estate, coupled with a compassion for clients and her attention to detail, has earned her numerous sales awards. Ail of us at W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. are excited about Marilyn joining us and wish her continued success. Marilyn extends an invitation to hier many clients, with whom she has dealt with over the years, to cal her at her new office number (905) 668-6171 and perhaps get some helpful information about the different services offered by W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. op For blanket coverage ai ALL the homfes and/or businesses in Whftby OR ta selectedareas anly, oeil the Whitby Free Press - 668-6111. If youdid .nat get a flyer whic is iisted for full distribution, giveus a caill. *Jerry's The Drug Warehouse (total distribution) *Broolin Pharmacy (Whitby select, Brooklin, Ashb-um) *Broolin Day Nursery (Brooklin) Dr. May Daemi (select) *Wayn e McPhee - Re/Max Sumnmit Reafty (selec.t),

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