Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1996, p. 13

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Whitby Froe Pros,. WohVdn y, Febnjay 7,1906 Page 13 lnflight BRENDAN MOHAMMED of Henry Street High Sohool attempts a basket d urng a firat round game against, Mlddlefield in the Harvey's senior boys' basketball toumnament (formerly the Oshaa imes CLaSSlo) at Durham College Fiicay and Saturday. Henry Iost 98- 49, wlth Stan Divranos scorlng 24 points'for Henry, and then Iost 56-41 to Pickering, Chnis Smith with -16 for Henry. Moham med had 15 points in a 67-41 wln over McLaughlin in a consolation game. Middlefield Iost to Pine ldge In tme champlonshipgfial. .P Nvces recla oistontrophy The Whitby major novice AA hockey team was crownod champion this pant weekend as tliey won the 1Mti annual Jim Jolinston Memorial hiockey tournament. Tiie last Whitby t.am to do so was li 1988. Wildatewonail tiree ga meson offensive attack and strong defensiv, -play tg neutralize the. opposition.achia Gae one against west rhia Ajax saw Whitby jump ito a firet peiod 3- lead on tieir way toa 4- 1 win. Zack Greer, Stepiien Foston, Tyler Healy and Matt Anderson found the. twine ini tus one. Androw Meadows was a gae star for b is strong, two-way performance. Gae two found Wildcats against eastern arclirival Clarington. Whitby wouldprevail i hsone, wi*nnig 3-2 on. a two- golperformance by Justin Fox other akr Tiie ciamplonshp. gae.un Wildcats against Uxbridge who were looking.ta advonge a bs.i thir own toürnammint ta Whitby. Playing thefr tlurd gae of tii. day had little eff.ct on thie Whitby team as tiiey played thefr gamne plan ta almost perfect hwinn*n* 4-2. Game star Greer led the way wth two goals with singles going ta Meadows and Dean Seton. Aloo contributng througiiout the. tournament with' assista were Seton (three), Fox,, Foston, Anderson and Laaray (two eacii), singles to Muler. Greer, Rempel, Meadows, Cunming, Fitzgerald, Goodwin, Healy, Ricica and Cassidy. Justin White and Jordan Callaglan splt goaltending duties3 i eacii gae, allowing two and three goals3 respectively. 1Wildcats also hkold a 2-0 bead over PlckePring in the. fret round of the. OMHA, playdowns, winng 4- 0 and 3-1. Redmen take 3 Griflns Brooklil Redmen sexected tliree players from the Gloucester. Griffins as the. Ontario major box lacrosse league iield. a draft of over-age junior players on Jan. 28 lni North York.i Redmon, who dldn't pick until the thid round due to, previous trade deals, took Matt Steinwald li round three, Sean Mran ln round four and Pat Coline in round five. Owen Sound, which had top pick as the last-plaoe team lest seasn, didn't show upfor the draft. Appront1y dui Ataa money-losing eason last year, Hlenry rnp Eastdale. H-enry Street upset Eastdale CVI 5-4 in LOSSA (Durham Reglon) hlgh school senior boys' hockey Iast Thursday. The team may have peaked as the victory' over the strong Eastdale teain, ranked in the top 10 In the Motro Toronto area, oeme wth just one regular season gam e maining for Henry and the playoff soon to begin. "It was flics to see the boys play up to' their potential out thero today," said team captain Bud Wye after the. game. "W. ail oeme together as a team, and It fit, great to beat such a Bantams Sv Thi. Whitby major bantam AA 'hockey team elizinated Orillia in two games for a sweep ithe. bout- of-three playoff series. In. the second game, Wildcats scored fSst and lot Orillia play Sil»ver for. wrestlers Two Henry Street Hligh School wrestlers won silver medals at the. provincial cadet/junior champlonships in St. Catharines. over the weekend. David Chau was second -in the. 43.kiogrm division and Murra Howle second li 74-ldlogram, both li the cadet (aged 14-15) division. Puya VakIli-Zad of Henry was- slxthin xi63-Ilogram in junior (gged 16-17). Whitby select hockey. Fb.4-lugi Whby 3 <r1nyiOl dsonAnduw Hamm.nEIIk Vaughan 2 Fub. 1 - mdiibition WbNy3 (GWeis mmnWumMW Anigia> Whtby 4 <Lihai FiniganPami Lobu mariKIfan WdI~as, PulVand.lIp> JUn 27 - "iuion Whitby 5 (U R Swb2. LichauFnin 2Paii they d.cided to, drop out of the. %C beague. fmdWMNeg i Peterborougn thon selected Steve Toil, an offensive force for b. the. St. Cathaerines* Athletice lest WNtW3 M(La 12A.UOM Nh season, as the. Rut pick- od" i Fergus, wlth the noit two plcks, Ju 2 thon séectod two Mississauga Whîby Tomahawks player, Jason Clark WuiikWU2 and John Siciniki. With Owen' Sound gone, the. romaining teama li the major ~ ~ 101 beagu, are Brooklii, Six Nations, Fa. 1 Fergus, Peterborough ,end fty2PWJu%1IIM« Brampton. Owen Sound, players, ~oWmlxKanmuI lncludlng talentsd Jail; Uim Grimoldby,ar now fr-eè tînW highly ranked .team, iiavlng the. young team, that w. do." Henry also won wlthout the services of two top players, Adam Shields and D.rek Ackford. But goalie Rich Saunders was splendid, witii plenty ofiielp from Geoif Park who contained Eaàtdale star sniper Rob Sirnms. Cliff Coppolino, Wye, Darreil Dion, Mark Vandeïrii and Paul Heinrlch scored. for Henry. Heinnii's goal,,a bist from, the top of the circlo, would'prove to ho theo gamewinner as Eaatdaie scorod two late goals to make it close. MrepOrilIlia catcii.up ail night. Whitby outuhot and outiustl.drillia ithe. fret fame, but numerous 'penalties, gave Orillia the, edge li the second period. Ini the third period, Whitby iield on to a 5-4 lead until Brant Flaherty scorod on a great rushi to mak. the final6-4. Jaye Sawdon was solid li the Wiiitby. net, turning away 2 siiota. Alsooscoring for Whitby wer. Brion Hendxy, Paul Heinrich, Matt Smithi, Matt Foran and Bob Schlitt. Mark Foret, Derek Ackford and' Flaherty each coilected two. assista. Wildcats wil face Belleville li the. neit series. Peewees win, plaOff series Mie Wib major pe.we. hiockey team completed their' playoff series witii Richmond 1Hill in two straigiit games, witii a convincing. 4-0 victory li the second game. Andrew Ailison netted two goals, with Paul Tait and Luc Chiasson eacii adcling a goal and an assist. Matt Ras and'Grant EIowe iiad two asuists witiiý Bryan Rourk. and Stepiianie LinkIater contributing single iielpers.11i" Mike Tiiomton was solid i goal, turning aside 22 siots to earn'tii shutout. *Durham indoor soccer MEN'S DM8101 m1u i Folb. 1 rub.4 aboe etyWw Wka Fob.4- Trdà*U il Oeoe Adda 7 Ochm Tuul 8 RU"li 10 Pabmrwld 4 Wluwuxlcb omun-

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