Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1996, p. 17

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1) The. Kinamen Club ai Whitby wlll hast, thoir 25th annual ukatoathon, ln support of the. Canadian Cystlc Firouis Foundation, on Saturday, Feb. 10, at -Iraqls P 9~ .ta 3 p.m. Top fundralsers wiil b. eligible ta wln one af 10 prizes, ta b. awarded at a oeremony. Rofeshments, spot prizes, ontertainment and a freo day of skting are availablo on thits date. A pledge fbrm wlth $250 or more wlll sllow a studeutes name ta b. enternd Inta a draw for ans of two- Sega Geousis Systoms, and with *50 or 'mars wlll allow a studont', name ta ha outered Inta a draw ta win ane af three Gameboys. Any manies coilectod should be taken to the arona on the day of the. skateathon. Plodgos recelvod that day will result ln a studonts name bolng entened ln a "rw. New private sohool to 'open, A new private Bchool is opening in Whitby in September this year. In what will be called the Ogilvie Terrace School, at an'as yet undisclosed location, gradesM 4, vP5 and 6 are for bath boys»ad girls, while grades 7, 8 and 9 are for boys. tl September 1997, Grade 10 will b. added, Grade il in 1998 eni t 01 coo ffersuniversity entrance. On Feb. 13, 7:30 -p.m., at Trafagar Castie School, 401 Reynolds St., Whitby, interested parents are *vtd aametn a*ics the new schaol. ivtdt.ameigt ice Applications will be available. For more information, cail 668- 7650. Report on new school upcoming A "student accommodation needs report" for - tue new unnamed Anderson éeomentazy uchool wibb b. ~ brogthfore the. Durham pulic brd at its regular meeting Feb. 12. Communications diroctar Mary Brown says the report la being prepared by the planning department but she was unsure wbat It wilb contain. Tii. school, for which a modlfod school clenda ham boen propos.d, la uow under constructiou sud la schedul.d ta b. completed by mld- Dance upcoming JThe A nderson Music Parente Sciety is posriga %50's, Ooes su 0sValen iesDance' on Saturday, Feb. 10, 8 p.m. ta, 1 a.m., at the" Masonic Temple on Cochrane Street lu Whitby. Tickets are $12.50 per persan and the. price lucludes a iglit mes! later in the evenlug. There will be door prizes and priz'es for best costume fram the 'Mftes, sixties and seventies3.' A cash bar wiil be javailable. Tickets may be obtained by calliug Norm Gibb at 430-6040 or Jim Wild at 576-9288. Worker hurt at Garnier A man was iuuured' lu an accident that occurred while ho was workIng at tue- French-language high school lu Whitby lbut week. Th. Toronto residont was doing masonry work at tue new Ecole Secondaire Catholique Saint- Charles Garnier at Brock Street and' Tauntou Road on Wedneuday when ho fel off a ladder sud receivodhbead fijuries. H. waa taken to Wbitby Goueral' Hospital for frealment. The 'Mlnlary of' Labour le lnveslgaling ltheacident. Board chair Tom ,Oldmnan: If s up- to the province whether Catholic JK rema .ins By Mark Roosor Tefuture of the Durham separate school board'. junior Indergarden <JE) program lu ln the provincial govornment's hands, says board chair Tom Oldman. Despite protesta from parents, the public board voted last month Hayley Wood TRAFALGAR CASTLE and the. other for the. Ford Centre of Performing Arts. Despite the cold, sid day was a great succes. Everyone return.d home intact, with no brdk.n boues. The. lucky few of us who attended Suse Bulvadstarted' the day ith an education experience, in which w. learned ail about the. background ai the play. 1Suned Boulevard was an exciting, fast-paced experience which few ai us shail soon forget. Auy student who did not get the chance ta sem ths performance wifl have another. oppôrtunity on Thrsdy,ý Feb. 29. Don't miss it. Austin* meets the standlards Wednesday, Jan. 31 was a bitterly cold day, but that didn't deter us on skiSunet Boulevard day.i.he bus ehaded out at 8:30 a.m., one bound for Devil's Elbow . ... .Jason Collier HENRY ST. cw well a lots ai nd the railable Mdtrip, t ia $50 The. second semester la nc underwa with classe and n.w tig happening arou Ther. are stil tickets avi for the Swsset Bouleva scheduled for Fob. 28. Coul par tickret, see Mms Marsh fo: details. Tonight (Wednesday) Street lHgh Shcool will b~ information night for pare Grade 8 students. Parenl came aut and uee what lien ta offer its future Hawks. Many students from grad OAC took part lu Ibis y.. trip ta St. Douant, Que. T] was open toanay student ta] French course aud wa excellent opportunity for t ai alskiing ability 1evi experience French culture a as ta, practice their aral conversations! French. ' students wha misued aut oi fabulaus opportunity should it lu mind for next year. On Tuesday, Feb. 13, ther ha a multi-media presentatiat Ride, spansored by Impact funded by the SAC. presentation encourages stvi ta utay lunsehool aud off ai dr Impact la again sponsoriz% 30-hour Warld Vision Famine 22-23. If anyone who la inter han ntyet bcome involved, i ta Mme. Mathew for infrmtin.AIIproceeds froix fund-raiuer go ,toasupport 'Y Vision luMi tuir humanità efforts& ýr more Whitby's Fathor Loo J. Austin Catholie Secondazy School Grade 9 Henry students were sightly above the 100t aunlDurham average lu resubta of the Buts ai province's reading sud writing ýt cau tests held lu bat. 1994. iu7 has Ninety-mine par cent af Austin students mot or exceodod the les 9 ta provincial standards lu the WBs ski Ministry of Education and liS trnP Training reading tests, compared Io.ng a to 96 per cent for Grade 9 students 33 an in tue Durham soparate systsm as Ldents a whoîe. elu ta Nlnety-seven par cent of Austin ELa wefl studeuts met or exceoded the 1 sud standards lu writing, comparod ta Thome 94 per cent Durham-wide. n Ibis Sevonty-two par cent- af Austin d keep studentu were lu the higiier levols ai performance In reading, sud 66 re will par cent at the higiier.bevels lu un, JOY. writing. ,t sud Thoso results, recoutby sent out The. ta parents lu tue Durhamn Catuobic %dents school system, will ha used ta rugs. deterrolue the effectiveneeis ai ig the -eiatlng programa. e Feb. The. teuting, intograted luto the oeste day ta day activitios af Grade 9 speak English classes, for reading more fbcuued au utudont comprehension nu Ibis af materlal read, -and for wrltlng World on ,organIzation ai thought, style, ain» awarenuesfai udience, up.eUlng, punctuatlon and grammar. ta cancel its amaller-scale JK program after the province halved grant monoy, and separate school supporters fear their truste.. will do the. same. "We've Q hatiprogrsm lu place since ,1974," says Oldman, "because w. halieve in it.. rve nover ta4iked ta a trustee on the board yet that wantu -ta cut that progrsm... "Itfs the. provincial government who bas announoed they don't waut ta, support the Junior' kindegardn program, itfs fot us The. board las hoping ta get an indication aver the. neit couple- of woeku how much mouey It wiRl get from the province.' 'If w. don't know ln, this month, we've got a major'problem," and Qîdman says another question needs ta ha answerod. "Is the. mlnlstry going, to pasa logisiation which would sllow us ta charge user fees?... if tiiere's going ta ha complote, abolishment of funda from 'the ministry ta us, thon will they allow us ta offset that buas lu revenue?... "rd 111w ta make it abundantly clear - we have no Intention i trylng ta Inease the mill rate higiier than what ls acceptable.- . "We're the - lowest spendlng board lu the Greater Toronta Area (per pupil) sud'we're notgolng ta stray away from that philosopy.* Th. board now bas about 2,000 students in its JK program, ho says, and la oxpecting at lesat that many neit year if< the prograzu continues. "W. have ta look at the system ast a whole - aur 25,000 students aud how they will ha affected," h. adds. Board directar of oducation Grant Andrews says- he's waiting ta hear from the ministry hafore maklng a recommendation an JK ta the. trusteos. .The. province bas promisod a final decision on proincal grant regulations lu mid-March, Andrews say, so "It would appear ta me that a decision wlth regard ta JK- will ot ha made for a littie while yet. Whltby frustaeJudy Morris says Jixsl a vuy valuable program and a prrty wlth trustme. "I would like ta selt as one of the last Othl that we ahould ha cutdmg.. there tla no guamùates that It won't bappen (though). I can't unequivocally say that it won't (b. eut)... "Wh.n we look at tbbugt alotvutbln.g bas ta b 9 ýlookod at Ifwe!re golng ,to spend the. man.y wily." Moris says she's recelved a iew cafla noum oeuoered parents about theii. asse&udsuggesta .they aiso contact othor trustees about their concerna. "When People take the time to oeil yu, thon It la an*isuewlthý them.- Téh. more .we hoar, from people,lItjust remnforoes the belle&h tha w.have..." Which came..firstbad '>grades, or a bad attitude? LAs tlhe leader in, suppleniental education for over 16 years, Sylvan has helped over a million students with problemis ranging fromi bai grades to a t)ad attitude. Flrst, we get to the root of the problem. Then, our certified teachers develop a personalized prograni that is the key to your child's success. Grades go up. Motivation iniproves. Students becoiue excited about learning again. TOI SYLVAN LEARiNING CENTRE 1801 Dundas St. "E., Whitby Kendalwood Park Plaza t .s tt aW h ltbY Fm r «. W b Ã"daY. Feb m 7, 1 9, Pa e 17 Sud entSItake part in Kinsmen skateatholn . W#WÀW il p

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