Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1996, p. 21

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Why F79isé ,esy CALtA MIOPESSIONAL ROOM$ NOUES j ARTI~LW$ FOR RENT....POU SALE i #FORSALE ARIE YOU A HANDYMAN but don'l h-ave the lime - ols or knowhow. Cati Brookhilti Àsnovaîions and we can. work wllh you 10 gel the job don.. Free esîlmates 655-5293. PAINTING, WALLPAPER, qualily work, best matenial used. -For those who deserve more for Iheir money. Cali. Jos 721-2706, please teave message. VOUR #1 SEW1ING CENTRE. SeWin machine repairs. Ail makes. 100%,nSeniors' discounit. Complets lune-up from $29.95 -+ parts. Faclorytrained lechnicians. For free pick-up & deiivery caI 432-7375. PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Doit,. Reliable exPenenced, uaiv work. Special r ateès for seniors. lexible hours, propt ervcefree estimnates. PhneGorge 666-1168. TWO'EXPERIENCED women wil dlean your home or art. Reliabie, hard worlng , reasonable rates. Cali Bonnie 666-8639 or Maggie 430-8769. WE DELIVER FLYERS The Whltby Free Press 668-6111 ............i--------- . s Perry Ho use, Child Care Services 129 Perry SI., Whltby 668-94761 RELIABLE DAYCARE availabte, fuil-lime. Two yars +, before/afber schoot, on Sr. Mark bus moute, nutriîious meals, fenced yard vwih play equipment. Elaine 430-3059. LOVING MOTHER IN THE Kathleen Rowe school area. Ages,2. and up.Avaiable 10 cars foryr chidi my home. Non-smoker, nutritious lunches. 666"021. CHILDCARE IN my home, indoor/outdoor play, fun activities, etc, outings 10 library & Y-Pace. Ages 2 & up. 668-0178. MOTHER WITH 10 years ECE expenience offening ioving home cars large bright playroon set up.as kindergarten class wiIh onqoing eduatinalactivities provided. Fenced backyard with play equipmenî, nuînitious meals, non-smoker. Manning & Thickson. Cail 436-7857. MOTHER 0F TWO PROVIDING loving, fun, reliabte daycare in Olter Creek. Indoor/ouldoor activities, fenced yard, many toys, meais & snacks provided, walk 10 col.- Farewell P.S. dauiy. Experienced, excellent references, non-smoker. Susan 430-2099. LOVING MOM iiting 10 provide daycare for children 11/24 +. Meats, snacks, references receipîs provided, fenced yaFd,ptay1oom, plety of .Ioys & TLC. l aunion/Brock. Cati 666-5182. ENGLISH NANNY, 1 vacancy, flexible hours, dedicated cars. Brock/Rossiand. Cati 666-4942. LOVING PART-TIME childcare needed in our home for 9 mos. old twins. CPR & first aid required. Cail Tracey aI 725-7872. RIELIABLE AND experienced mother witt cars for your children in my, home. Anyages wetcome. Close 10 schoo[ and park. Rossiand/Anderson. Cati Mary 430-0011. LOVlNG MOTHER 0f 14 mos. old availabete 1- care for your chitd, smoke-free, dlean, happy home nutnitious snacks & meais. First aid & CPR trained. Garden & Dryden area of Whitby. Cati Pautine at 665-1149. REILIABLE HOME daycre. Expenienced mother 0fr 3. Non-smoker. Close 10 SI. Mallhews & Ormiston. Infants welcome. Receipts. Fuît/part lime. Cali Cathy CAREGIVER WANTED for 6 mos. oid gi, 7am-6pm beginning March 18. No pets, no smoking', mother 10 babysit in own home (max. 3 children) OR cars giver 10 work in Our home (ThicksonlRossiand). Calt Lisa 666-5363. The system that provides... sUnscheduted home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fuliytýrained providers receive ongoung Agency support0 " FAeliable local backç-up covers Provider illness or hotidayrs " Complete insurance coverage " income tax receipts " ChUJdren six weeks and ip *Full or part-time For more information cail: 686-3995 a ioesd Agency SHOP IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! VouIl save trne and mono' if you shop the ads in the classified sectionhsrst' Its the place to frnd the bNg bargains youre looking for.1 A .SINGLE, YOUNG OR middle-aged lady offered free accommodation (room & bath> 10 help in ight housework. Terms negotiable. Caît 430-6163. RESPONSIBLE working person/couple non-drinker 10 share a beauliful 3 Iedroom home. AIC, ait fumishings, parking. Quiet neighborhood aI centre Whitby. CatI. Jean 2pm-lOpmn 905-665-1304. FURNtSHED ROOM for rent, $80/week.* Share bathroom & kitchen.. Worksr preferred. Walk to ail amenilies. Please caîl 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. WANTED: MATURE respnsble female 10 share a 2 berom fumnished basement apartment. $90 weekly. For detaits cai 430-2984. WVHITBY BEDSITTING roomn, bathroom, kitchen with fridge & stove, separate entrance. $475 pDer month, utilities inctuded. Avaitable March 1. Cati 665-0949. BON VOYAGE Motet - rooms avaitabie at 10w weekiy rates. Comfortabie, quiet surroundings, 10 minutes from Whitby on Hwy. 12'in Brooktin. Caîll655-5308. ROOMS FOR RIENT IN executive home. Share bathroomn, laundry, kitchen & rec room. Parkingcbl inctuded. $0/ee.Frst/last week. Cal Debbie 666-0200 after 6:OOpm. ROOM WlTH pnivate bath & walk-in closet, shared ktchen, references required. Non-smoking femnale only. InWVhitby. Cali Mary 728-5338. WHITBY, CENTRAL, fumnished, bedsitting roomns.. Clean, quiet, peaceful, private, parking $80, $90- $1 00 weekty large microwave and frid g e). Working gentlemen preferred. First and last. Calt 728- 69,655-5719 or leave message A BEAUTIFUL 3300 sq. fI. home located in Whity rokMnning. Beautifully anscaped, futty fenoed backyardf central air centrai vac upgraded marbîs tire placs, ail appliances inctuded, ait btinds and drapes included, alarm sysîem, garage door openers, watsr purifier system and much more. Bning in al offers. This house is a must. Easy showing. For mors, info cati Sandra 668-3701. PORT PERRY- 3 l'Ibedroom bungalow, acre lt, fi.nished basemenî, 2 baîhrooms,- jacuzzi tub, inground pool, woodstove gara g ecntral air, $182,00d negotiabte. Kim (905 8-27 (905 475-1730.95 8-27 MORTGAGES & LOANS e$ *lst&2nd e LUnes of credit a BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454' Upper Canada Funding Ine. Iprepald, Includles tax,I for 25 wordis or Iess APARTUENTS I COMMERCIAL.$PACE] FOR RENT ~OR~ENTOftSALE j NORTH 0F OSHAWA CENTRE. Quiet, clean 2 bedroom apt. $655 inctudes heal, parking and storage. 428-7677. ONE BEDROOM apartment. Downtown Whitby. 430-1352. WHITBY DUPLEX, baicony, laundry, garage, fridge & stove. References. Cataier 3pm (416) 633-5131. SPACIGUS, BRIGHT one bedroom apt. Main level of privaIs home. Lakenidge and- Hwy. 7 area. Separate entrance. Fridge, stove, washer/dryer.. AIl inclusive $700/mon1h. Availabie March 8th. Evenings 683-1257. COZY BASEMENT apartment, one bedroom, $550 mnci., laundry separate entrance:- Availabe immediateiy. Cati Sue after 5 at 430-7208. ONE BEDROOM 214 Mary St. N., Oshawa. Exceptionatly cisan & quiet Suit woring person. inctudes ulilities, parking* & apipliances. Available immediately. Slmatl pets wetcome. 668-3640. BROOKLîN BEDSITTING room 4 piece bath - kitchen with fridge and stove. $4§5 per month, utilities inctuded, avaitable now. 655-5539. MVBMV PROPERTY Management Whitby apartmnent buildings. One bedrooms starting at* $585 aIt inclusive. Firsî and lasI monlhs.. Good locations. 668-6700,days onty. 905-986-0480. BROOKLIN, STORE or office for rent. Parking, gas heat, 1500 sq. fI- renovated, alarm systemn. Levet' entry. Excellent location, reasonable rent. Cal *905-655-4544, 905-655-8989 evenmngs. Retail-Space for sale or rent in Downtown Whltby iformer offices oDf the Whltby Free Prss, 2760Osq. ft wlth 12, private. > parking spacek I668-6111 $$$$$ $$ $$ $$$$ $ $ '«Loans up to$ $ $50,OOO.0O" $ $ %P $t CHRîSTMA$ BILL$$ $ C O S O I D T $O $ Save up to 70% monthly . $ $Please call today $ $ Neyer any up front fee's $ ROBERTBROWN $ $ ,,.atJohnston & Co $ 668l-0398 » FRIDGE & STOVE, WASHER & dryer, from $99, kitchen, dining, bedding. Large selectio n nsw used. Béforeyou buy ive My Dad's a. ryjy 430-056Ï. BrcSt ADMIRAL SIDE by side refnigerator/frsezer with lce maker/water. $175. Cati 433-0775. FULL SIZE WASHER & dryer for sale dlean & excellent working., condiion. Also apt. size washer for sale,. perfect condition & rareiy used. Cai 434-8705. THE BOOK BETWEEN. Affordabls paperback/hardcovsr books and comics. StarWars & Star Trek. Also accepting your recent books at 852 Brock St. N. (tMnig.Cl 666-2442. (Mnig.Ct 1 WEER ONLY: HOOVER Carpet Vac $329. Fult warranty. Satisfaction guarantee d. Commercial'loilet cleaner,$2.6911, Swvish Floor Finish $12.9914L cash. & carry, VISA, M/C only. Swish Clean- it Centres, 500 Hopkins Street, Whilby (905) 666-1224 MEN'S - WINTER CLOTHING clearance: boys size 8 to men's XXXLG. Hundrsds of items 500/o-75% off. Pnices start: shirts $2, p anIs $4, jeans $6, wvinter coats $14, suits $18, wooi overcoats $18, sport jackets $10, ties $3 plus' plus pus. Sound 100 good to be' trus'l CËome to Rugqed Reptays' in Whitby, Durham Ès oniy upscats re-sate store for men, teens and boys and ses for yourseif. Ws seli only top quality stlish clothinçt and e o 75% bslow retait pnoces. tanufacturers samptes of name brand ski clothing andi outdoor wear.. (ait new,1 of course) are alsd avaitable. at wholesate pnices. Take Hwy., #2 to Thickson Rd. in Whiîby, g o soulh 3 iighls 10 Burns SI., tum eeft. We're in the firsl plnza on ieft BmS St. Plaza M-W 10-6; T-F 109; Sat.10-5.aital 404-2063 for more inform ation. Sale on now until Mar.'1/96. Cheste<ieIdsuites, sofabeds,> mattresses & much more McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Sîmcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 DRESSER $30, SOFA & 2 chairs $200, almond stove $150,- resistance workout bench $75, kitchen table $40, bar fridge $50. Cal 665-7337. 10 SETS 0F COMPUTERS, used good working order Ask for Paul 686-3207. Speciaiizing in', Early Chitdhood Education.. For Peace of Mmnd. m S)M, hlý, l'Ji i mililili, m4ll

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