Whitby Free Press, 7 Feb 1996, p. 7

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Whitby Free PrOs., Weclneday, FebruarY 7,1996 Page 7 . .. .... . . . ............ .... ....... ........ ..... Boot camps I Corne with us now to Mike's l9th Green. Five floors below street level at Queen's Park, it ie the perfect retreat for weary Conservative MIPPs. MIXE: We don't want to be too formai. But want to thank you alfor your work on Bill 26. ERNIE EVE9S: The OmniBus, Mike? MIKE Nothe OmniBus, Bill! Har! Hari lier! EE: You right. You're flot too fbrmal. MX:(TM the hundred-odd backbenchers): Did I ever tell the one about 'oie Ernie Eves here, using, a double-edged axe as a driver on the Budget Fairway ... EE: Isliced. MIKE: Hlar! Hlar! Hlar! He slioed! Get it? Now may I intodce... Janet Ecker, the person with the toughest job in this government. TSUBOUCHI: Not tougher than welfare cuts. MIXE: Janet will solve both the daycare problem and set up boot camps. 11 TSBOUCHII: Well, that's fot so tough. We just take those juvenile dehinquents, hey, I know rm not supposed to use that term today, but why flot send themn to a camp just south of James Bay? No guards, no supplies, no road out, MIXE: Dave, even an insensitive, non-too-bright clod like myseif can see there might be perception problems. I like the style, though. Get the hint there, John Snobelen, -Education Minister? SNOBELEN:- Minister of Education and Training, need I remmd you. That Education stuif is just a bunch of teahers trying to stuff lofty thoughts into the kids' heada, that's ail. MIKE: Minister of Training? SNOBELEN: It needs polishing. Minister of- School Reform? Minuster of Reform School? Minister of Learni*ng, Multiplication Tables, Training Seminars. We'll work on it. MIXE: Anything that might help Janet with that day care Thing? SNOBELEN: We're taking a billion point three outta the system. I thought maybe privatizing the lot might shake up those teacher creatures. EVES: Privatize schools? SNOBELEN: W. offer vouchers. Give every Id a voucher, let the parents pick the school. EE: Sounds democratie. SNOBELEN: Yeah. Vouchers would make rich people real happy. MIKE: I can see that. SNOBELEN: And ail the right-wing weirdos, ike us, would bW happy, because they could afford to send thefr kids to private schools. MIE: Some do already, John. SNOBELEN: Yeah, but histen. Strap that to a couple of incentives, and then theres nobody left i public sehools but kidsa of workring stiffs, welfare cheats, druggies, that sort of thing. Evezybody with any sense takes the voucher and runs. MIK.E: Hmmm. This could be Common Sense Revolution Volume Two. JANET: Those students left in the publiceschool system could benefit from my boot camps. Do I hear the beginnings of an idea here? hMX: Were Reform Tobries, we don't have ideas. We apply Common Sense, the kind you get at Mikes l9th Green. Beats tiin'n. JANET%. Vouchers will send serlous students to private or charter schools, right? SNOBELEN: Right. JANET. What's left in public echools are some pretty tough cookies. right? NM: Right on. JANET: Pay those who can afibrd it to take their ide elsewhere. Publiceachls becomne the boot camps, financed out of their own vouchers! Voila.? Boot camps that don't cost «85 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, February 2, 1961 edition of the wiw1TBY WEEKLY NEWS " I. Davldson Dunton, LL.D, president of Carleton University, Ottawa, wlll offlclally open the. new Anderson igh Sehool on Feb. 10. " Starving musicrats are invading Whitby due te ice-locked ponds and str.ams. " A downtown shopping mail has received oniy iimited interests from local resident. " The Federai Government wiii spend $70,000 on a turning basin in Whitby Harbour. 100 YEARS AGO from the, Friday, February 7,1896 edition of the WITBY CHRONICLE *Arthur IL Allin has purchased the drug store at the nortiiwest cerner of Brock and Dundas Streets from John McCullough. * Mis FidIer uses the. assembly room at the. Coilegiate Institut. for her choir classes, but bas teov«de ber own hght and caretaker. oDr. Clarence Leslie Starr of Brookdin has moved te Toronto te, set up a medical practice. *Aimonds. Metiiodiat Church congregation ls debating wheth.r te loôin wit th Plckening Metiiodiat ChurcýL IL~f ri )t~ I z 0 OW L AN 'FACTORYAND NEKCEUROR BILDING, JERAR, 190 The litti. hous at rght, whlch stood at the, nort.hest corner of Brock and Mar~y Streets was used'as a church and meeting place for the ontanio County Couneil ln the* 1850a. Ih was, demolished ln 1968. The brick factory was operated by. Samuel Trees for tii.1 manufactur of hors. blankets until 1958, and demoished in 1962. Whitby Archive. photo 10 MUARS AGO from the Wednesday, February 5,1986 edition of the' WHMTY PRE PRESS " Residents of new subdivisions will have communlty mai boxes lnstead of home mail delivery. " Jim Souch is the. new president of the Whitby Chaniber of Commerce. " GO Transit wiil corne to Whitby in 1988, but there may flot b. funds te improve loal roa to the rail lin.. " Corridor Area residents are stili fighting a proposai to build a medical waste transfer station. 4 % , . , . F i % 0 fýý'4 , e 1 f -:, , f , -, , ,> . ý ; , ', là àý-..mmzmK lac-.donc& Àý -.ý ýl=-.dmmmz 1 L il,

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