Whhby Free Pros.,Wocfneday, Fobru.y 14, 1M.6 p < 9 Drugs stolen Five different types of narcotica and narcotic-containing druga wero stolen ln a break-in at West Lynde Pharmacy early Monday mornlng. Officera sent to the West Lynde plazî store, around 4:10 a.m. to Investlgate a burgiar alarm oel found the front door had been amashed. 1The suspect(s) had'pried open one locked drawer behind the pharmacy and taken 1,,000 tables of Tlerlnol 3 with codeine and Phenobarbitol, 500 tablets of Percodan and Oxycocet and 100 tablets of codeine - other druge ln the drawer were Ieft behlnd.1 A hammer was found near the smashed door. Sateathon raises $ 11,000 Close to 400 Whitby ar ea students raised pledges totalling *11,000 at the. 25th armual insmen êkateathon hel d rocently at Iroquois Park. Whitb7 business also played a nIWor role insponsoring t hoement Offering aIl insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA- 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. to help fùnd researcli into cystic fibrosi "Getting the. childron o'ut oveay year in alwayu made sasier by the. generosit of our business commntY#" says Bryan Chulderhouse, Kinsmeni sponsorship chair. JAMES R VANflIl - ~ kiIVA!I? Aj [jON FOUR REASONS YOU SHOULD BE WORRIE*D ABOUT THE MIKE HARRIS .PLAN TO PRIVATIZE ONTARIO. HYDRO ilel pu oefreetiiy Power sold for poit b rivate utilities costs more thon publicly-owned, non- profit power. Fore'xampe, in the U.S., residential customers pay an, average of 33% more. In the U.K., where the entire electricity system wos privatized seven years ago, rotes, are now nearly twice as high as in Ontaria. Guess who has to pay for those private shareholder profits? Ointaria Hydro is now one of the world's safest and most reliable power systems. Will this ch ange under priyate ownership? It did' in the U.K., whic h s now experi- encing unprecedented reliability problemns. The reason? Maintenance costs money and eats intoshort-term profits. If Hydro is privatized, are you willing to wait longer for your power to be restored? Meetingý the health care-needs of the entirefamilvi A. family practice- facility with designated walk-inhours. CONVENIENTLY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Family Care Medicai Centre Dr. W. A. Cecutti Whitby Towne Square 3050 Garden St. 430-5305 RosadRd.e ,~k 4- FRONT PADS & *' FRON-T-É STRUTS AL-'-D ROTERS REPLACED PARTS & LABOUR 0. 1990 Chsv. Cavalier I 0. 1991 Dodge Caravan ~13'~plus plu $1 99 ----------taxes 1 -- -- -- -5 taxes Do we really want our nuclear power stations in private hands? Willi profit-driven, company invest the same amount of money in safety? a private, Niagara Folls is one of the world's landmnark sources of eternally renewable, non-pollut- ing energy. The Hydro stations, supplied by the water of the fails, generate enough electricity to light every home in the province. Under the Hiarrîs plan, this power would be prî- vately owned and sold to the ~ hiighest bidder. We in Ontario wiI have to compete with the U. S. to buy the power that has belonged to us f or 90 years. "I saiy on behjalfof the gozernent that electric power ai over Mhe country shoiild not i thefittitre be tnuide a sport andprey ofcapita/ists, and sua/I flot be treated as iluythjiig e/se but a valu able (isset of the people of Ontario, wvhose trustees. t/is govern- mnenit of th e p eop le ar-e. James Whitney, Conservative Premier of Ontario, 1906 A Conservative Government created Ontario Hydro in 1 906 to ensure that our province would always have a rlable supply of "Power at Cost". This vision of public c wrhsworked well for 90 years. In Ontario todaý,, we Fýave lower rates, higher relia6iity and less pollution orn the U.S. states that border our province. Don't let it happen. Stop -Mike Harris from selling off our most valuable public asset - a non-profit electricity system that is JOHi-N MURPHY the envy of the world. PRESIDENT, THE POWE-R WORKER.S. POWER WORKERSO UNION CANADIAN Ut4lON 0F PUBLIC EMPLOVEES, LOCAL 1000. Power Workers Turning a little light on Hydro.* For more information caol: 1 (800) 958*8PWU or fax us of 1 (800) 343-1083- and we'Il send you our complete package (Pieuse indude your name, address and phone number) JAMESR.YANCH