Page 10, WhIby Free Pros, W«ensdy, February 14, 1996 mii..ou \Vell-executed farce ýat the C ourthou se By George Kaufman Thore's notblng like a good farce ta buoy the spirts in Fobruary, and WMhy Courthouse Theatre ha. a good farce going right now. Lend Me A Tenor, 'by Ken Ludwig, provides a fascinating variation on the farce thome, with a bMarlous backstage peek Into the opera world. The Cleveland 'Grand Opera Society ia hoping to break into -the big time by bringing the' famous tenor Tito Merolli,, "Il Stupendo," to town for a gala performance. The ensuing plot la as sIlly and convoluted as a comic opera, *with death scenes,, diagulses, mistaken I dentities and, of course, -more thma littls mlxed-up romance. I other words, the Ingredients for a fine,.laugh-filled evenlngat the theatre. Veteran diretor Diane Wilkinson knows what to dowlth a script 1ke this, and bhs asslembled the cet to do lt justice. Tony Castaldo, who bas spentý most of bis extensive theatro Urne behlnd the icones, proves 'he should be on the. stage more often, wlth a charmlng portrayal of the, arrogantwomaniz1ngINto. Andhe laspairod wltii an equally charmlng Leonard Hendenson, who provides one of the mut hllanious turna rve seen ln local thoatre, as the buxnbling Max, an amateur, singer who ftlay gets, bis big chance to change bis life around. And - surprise - the guy- can really singi Many of the fumnlest linos, though, go to Christopher White, as the egotistical, hustling producer with a huart of pure selflshness. It's a pleasure ta watéh White wring every last bit of self-centred nastinesa out of bis character - I bad to keep myseif from boolng and toissng popcorn onto the stage at bis displays of doudcous villIainy. It'. bard te, belleve that tbls la White's stage debut, and I look forward te many more eujoyable performances by bun. SLaurel Campbell brings ber wonderfully sensual volce and attractive vamping te the nole of Diana, the minon-loague diva bhoplng te, use Tito as a stop up te succois. Donna Graham, Chonyl Marek, Paul Love and Wendy Heddorwick White round out an enongetic, talontod cast tbat sonde us- out into the wlntern nght with a big smile. Lend Me A Tenor continues et the c:iofortable, refurblshed WCT theatre in the Centennial Building Feb. 15-17 and 22-24. Advance tickets areavailable at Lafontaine Trading 'Postm downtown Whltby. Mur der mystr at Trafalgar- sehool The Rotary Club of Whitby emotions ln thia hilarious sipoof c Sunrise and Trafalgar Castle the. classie film Thie Maltes Sciiool wil pesentChir second Falcon, The Myst.ry of th annulal urer Mystery Dinner Maltes» Blue Jayl Theatre at Trafalgar Castle Sciioôl Cost is $150 per couple au, i Whitby, Saturday, March 2, 6 includes dinner ani p.m. entertainment. Call 668-6606 fc Sam Spade, Joel Pyro mnd the. Fatman clash as; tiey explore the. dark and seamy side of the hbuman 'e 2d Proceeds go to Rotary International service projects and Trafalgar Castle > School. Charitable donation receipta will hé provided. Herongat B am If#M71IT 801h. offmuwm Now Playing nOpeing NghtC A Hilariou.s Comedy Dinner & Show 'Murs. hiru Sun. Feb. 16 to Mar. 30 Starting at $32..95 CIp this ad and Save $2.00 Thurs. & Sun. Onty Group -rates available .For more informiation cati (905) 472-3M8 2885 Altona Rd, Plkeng At the gallery TED RE1TIG'S Three Thernes,, representing 20 years of hNs art, ls on exhibit at Thie Station-Gallery until Feb. 25.. PhMObby Mwk Rossai, WNItb Fre ProU Artifacts, 1862- mapý part 'of Heritage day Heritage Day will b. held on Sunday, Feb. 18, 1 to 4:30 p.m., at the Oshawa Sydenham Museum. Unveiled wifl b. the reconditioned 1862 Tackabury rnap as well as the niewest exhibit, Harbour Diecoverjea, which fea tures artifacta retnieved from Lake Ontania. PUB & RESTAURANT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fn., Feb. 16 & Sat Feb. 17~9pm to lam EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Pib Dinneir $9.95 I Robinson House, a collecton of children's iding toys will b. on display. IGuiy Houe, the anchivist will diacuse family trees and lnk on Pape>-, on loin from the Archives Association of Ontario.- wifl b. exhibited., <The museum lin located at 1450 Simcoe St. S. in Léakeview Park, Oshawa. Phone 436-7624 for more information. Admission in frme. Ballroom danc'eling' competition On Satur-day, Feb. 17, the. Let's Dance Club présente their 25th Ontario Star Bail, featuring both ballroomn and Latin competitions, at the Ajax'CmuiyCnr,7 Centennial Rd. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the. &Éra competition:will take place at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 p'er person and canhbe obtained by calling Les Green at (905) 686-7464 or Eleanor Turner at (416) 266-4872. There ia general dancing to ballroom and Latin music between competition, events. Wanted: strings'I The Pickering Philharmonic Orchestra rehearsesWednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Community musicians, particularly strings, are Iënvited to join. The orchestra, playa user- friendly anmements of favourite classics and apme pope. .For furtiier, information,* call 'Loinn at (905) 430-1617. * Ucoming concert dates _are" March 2and May 11. Bassan at the festival, The pan-Afican group BaEan will be the. featured artise at the. Festival of 'AfroQCariikun' Folklore, sponsored by Club Carib of Oshawa Ic., on Saturday, Feb. 17,.at the. Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth -St BE., Oshawa. From tlhe Ivoiy -Coast the quartet of dancera, singeras and drummershave toured ini Asia, Europe, North America. and Africa. Seiy Yoflande, Gneon Douho, Djolel Gogoua and Bache Ako wil -Piesent the evening concert to end the, day-long -celebration' 'of Heritage Month. Other events of the evening wil include dub poetry, percssion, dance, steel band and storyteiling. The day's activities -will begin at 1 p.m. with 'wonkshops on Caribbean cuisine, storytelling and drumming. There will.,be a pnldiscussion on the topic, I Search of Bol. Modela3,. at 5.p.m. Tih. concert is- at. 7:30 p.m. I betwee%, vtrs mal browse, shop at the! arta and cm#f dapay --d sipeCaribbea umi. Registrationi for the. worksiiop i. $15. Admission, to the evenig Béa Chinese Food in Town Sering Durrlzafor32veas CIINEE FOOD AUl You, ûm Eat BUFFET DAILY LUNCH $5.95, ChildrenUnder 10 - 1/2 ý.DNE$8.95 M. . iiW\lffl'4lý