page 14, Whltby FmeePres, WednesdaY, febry 14. 1996 1 î '. iq rjesidelt Of ehîtbI Ieart Foundation BY LyliflbDoWflbY On ehaf a th WhtbYChapter af the Hea!t and Sntr ak OfldthOel ai OtsilOIWouid 1k. tathank ail the dedicated valufteers and genflerau4dnois tram WhttbyWho contuibuted ta Malle 1995 a verY suOCSdui year. Thraugh yaur danafln ftiOnaile, ttrt, energY and ManeY, yau have enabled the taundatian ta achI0ve Res main goals ai iundlng med;cal researchl n- beart disease and strake s nd suppardnfg oducalloal pgams for publie andi healtil prafesslanais. ThWanks tayaur cormblned effort, the 'WhltbY chapter of the Heart and Srako Faundatian ai Ontauia ralsed a ttaliof $139,628.38 ln 1995. ibis enabiêd the taundatian ta cantinue ta influence a 1 .5 pier cent decrease per year ln the numnber of deathS tram, hear disease andci srake. ln 1996, aur pdriYfacUs veli be ta ralse awaiOflsS ai the preventian of heait disease and stroe, hlightim its impact an wamen. ln addltlan, we -ill continue-ta suppOrt aur 200 researcht tams acrasS the province. te.bsa proud histry ai The WhitbY chstrP s u invalvemeneilt heOUuham WestcommUnity.Ou pragiams are expandirç every yesr, aalflanur supparters ta give toart dIsease and stroke' research ln the method masi convonient fai theni. . n 1996 we Will ses the second annusi Big Bike far Strake ride ln WhltIby. Haaps for Hearts WlI be intrvduced inta aur hlgh Schaals, 1emlnding teenagers that exoercise ls an impartant campanent ai preveKtig heart dIsease and stroke. "OuraWmen, Heart Disease and Strake Initiatives Will continue, ta buld an'the suoceas a1 aur symposiums held ln NaVembel' 1994 and 1995. Pîanned gMnvin ll be IntradlJced ln 1996 as Weft This is a unique apprach t t (1 thaît ailaWs danarIStoedMéiflze the benemhs idtax sand esta planning. We Wlll hald semiulars ta heippe un êrtaldthsfliexible and boflOlidal metha dCd danatian.' As yau cari see, yaur dedicatiari and -contibutiai'9 cgI lme and maney are put ta*excellent use. We haP that ln 1996, we can cantinuJe ta counit an Yai support and coaperation. WlthaUt Yau, the iaundati( wauld noi be a succeSS you are truly lis bacl<bafl ln tact, yau are the faundatian ai the laundatian. r o. le I Dy Te OUHlred Hmlth pronpotbon chair The. mission of the Heau and Strake Foundation af Ontario la ta reduo the rlsk of premnature dealli and dIabIy fram heart dseas sand strake. The faundatIan raises mioney foir search and the dovelopmnenhof healli promotian piograms. lnaorder to reduce thels, eopl ln aur sadeT must Ieam ttlo refflnsbUfty frtorow efh ls veylImpartanhta lrease the qualty ai lie for an lndMdual. TNs incorporates dacsal ofhoalth fram eatng heaith, exerclsng dally, and steeung clear ai habit such as smaldng, substance abuse .and averconsumption a ofhal. WMon you P-rcoop the responslt far your awn heall, hopofufl y yuÃl realizo #hMtyau are the anlyone ho blamo or pralse when examng yaur staIs of health. The Hfeaut and Stroko Fauridiatlon lias a vadety of Infarmation liaI la mal 1 duà - ré<l in COOL. TNB imaeual Wl he:, ncroase, p~ur quaky of health, and consists of nformllèn about ,cholesterot heafthy diet and exerciso, ta name a lew. Get coo*king- at a- discount The. Hoart and Sticks Faundaton ai Ontarbo abibres FebnJaiy, Heart and Stroke Monti, wth a spocla Ofice at New location The Durhama West Reglan ai the Heat and Strako Foundation of Onharlo serves WNhy, Plcorng,' Ajax, Uxbrlge and the surraundIng aro&. The office las Just moved ho 11w new lroa t725 Westney Rd.S.,, unit 5, ahtheorner of Fnley and Westnoy faclng Flniey. 1* - The officemoved althe11w ofa Jsary. The publc ls encauraged ta Heab Information la ln abundanco, wth brochures on al aspects o art ldiseasand M"ok fram healthy eatng tijs ho researchi newsiottrs. This page sponsored by affo.' on the bes-selr cookk SImply HearSffan 't WÃŽby Bannie Stem. For a Ul*ed Ime aniy, fnpb' HeauSùMt Cooklng Wiii be avable taor $15.95 wh.n puichased drectly frara the Ajax office. Tha's a 20 par cent Iscount off the regular $1 9.95 [mao datewe haesold more than 1-1Iai tus ofObcookbook na*mwkWaOyspares coardlnahor Wendy Orton. "rie book lsa sucssfui for two rosson: il provIdes tii. most up-ho- date nt*ionai, inforamati id k ms&saors han 200 redipostiat Sroa iete basic priples ai - MWealngu 1 Te = lnthebOck have boen wan Io @eat ba«e. - pe=Who wanh ta reduce the dek ai premature doati and lsabillty tram hesut cisease and ahier nuitidon relsled ciseases. The cookbaok lsa aie useful ho clabotlcs and heart patients. Reduceè the nsk ,,jrLE PR ICE' from - $24r«» or ffluy Sack of $8,950) W month* kw- mmmmmzwý m their lifesylo poyeilvl, cari contact the Whltb '1er office ln Ajax st 686-1521. Are you heat smat?. ibis thue-taise, quiz Will determIne haw smart yau are abaut yaui heart. 1. The mast effectivewa ta krawrbload chalosteral la ta ruduce the tact ln yaurdlot. T F 2. The death rate from heaut disease and stroke continues ta climb sbly* each year. T F 3. Whethei ai nat you amake cigarettes wllI have htle effect an the passlbllty ai hvIng a heart sntack or shaoko. lTF 4. >The ward lite'l ar "Nght" an a faad -label-,doesnt necessuly mean losa lat or calories. IT F S 5. Abaut 45,000 Canadians dled af heart ahtacks last year, mare than haff befare gottlng any medîcal help. T, F 6. Far exercise ta be effective ln ioduding the dsk at heau diseas or stiako, yau Must exorcise Intenslvely lai 30 minutes aday. T F «7. More mon than wmen die af heat sttack. T- f 8. Same af the passible symptans, of a heart attack are: shartness-ai breth, feelngoai bar snd,ardety, and a bumling. sensation,- discomfait ai pain Inf the- centre of the chest. TF For anawrsse&page W