Page 18, Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday, Februasy 14, 1996 Be my Valentine l's Valentine's Day! Amid the cards, flowers and chocolates, cast a sympathetic thought ta the f lonists of this world. There they sit, braced for the onslaught of customers ail looklng for that perfect bouquet at 6:55 pam., ail outraged that. the availlt seemns Umited by day's end and ail faintlng at the price. Last 'week on our play's openlng night, i headed over ta Andersons, my favourite f Iorist, ta pick up some roses for the cast and crew fromn Wendy and 1 as a thank you. 1 asked the price for red sweethearts and reeled back ln shock when she told me they were $4 each. Nowl1try ta buy Canadian, but when the grawers (flot the retallers) push up the prices that: much just befare Valentine's Da those $1 red carnations grownn Colombia start ta look pretty goad. And ïf yau' are thinking 0f a dozen long stems for your sweetie, then take your Gold Visa, you are going ta need ht. But there are floral alternatives avallable, and one long stem rose enhanced by some other blossoms can do -the trick. At least that's what l'm counting on. And so now that you have yaur flowers ln taw, It's off ta the card shop and thîs Is where ht gets tricky. There you are, faced with a sald walof choice. You open a perfectly respectable- and pleasant card, one that looks frendly and welcomIng, one that says lm sincere, yaur spouse will loye me. You open sald card and discover ta your absolute horror that it oontains a message so ful of syrup and candy flbss that your teeth ache. You byee yvur spausal unît witth ail your heart. But you simply cannot give a card that contains insipid rhymes written by some tortured soul chalned toaa computer, who Is only doing this because their Harlequl n romance manuscript keeps getting rejected. So what are youto do? Do not, 1 repeat, do flot go ta the humour section. There are times in a marriage or ather relationship where a light giggle or guffaw are welcome. Ths Is flot one 0f, them. If you are so faolhardy as ta' give your spouse a gag card on Valentine's Day, then you deserve your fate, which Will be long, chilly and painful., Every. Valentine's Day that card wvill rise from the ashes ta haunt yau and yau wiII jain the ranks of hollow- cheeked, grimn-faced people (99 per cent of them husbands) who thought that a bit of a laugh was just what was needed. The solution to this dilemma? Go Immediately ta the section that contains the cards that are blank on the Inside and write your own message.This is not an onerous task and MI! save your Chrstpher Whte la the mnSteé f Wstminster Unted ChfrcW ITC Tne First Oshawa ITC Club, which helps develop confidence ln public speaking and leadership, will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 7 pam., at the Michael Stanr Building, first fioor, 33 King St.W., Oshawa. For more information, caîl 725-9179. DOWN SYNDROME The Durham Down Syndrome Association will meet Tuesday, Feb. 20, 7:30 p.m., at Whitby Baptist Church, 425 Gilbert St. E., Whitby. Assertiveness training will be presented by Kinari Children and Family Services. Babysitting is available. For more information, caîl 579-0187. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photographic Club will meet on Monday, Feb. 19, 7 p.m., at Henry Street High School, room 111, for a presentation by Paul Janosi on 'underwater photography.' He will discuss equlpment and techniques as well as show rare and beautiful images from under the ocean. Ail are welcome. For more information, oeil Peter at 430-0823. NOONS IN LENT The Wednesday Noons in Lent series begins at Ail Saints' Anglican Church i Whitby on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 2 1, at noon. [t is a time Of refiection, fellowship and lunch durting the season of Lent. The title of this year's series of talks is A Faith for AUl Agoe. Speakers will include local clergy and members of the community. For more information, caîl the church office at 668-5101. BLUEGRASS The Pineridge Bluegrass Folklore Society will hold a pzckin' session on Feb. 18, 5 p.m., at Camp Samac, main council hall. Pickers, singers and listeners are welcome. Alzheimer Durham will hast their next Oshawa family support group meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1 p.m., at the Oshawa Centre, suite 205. Ail cai egivers- are welcome to attend. For more information, caîl 576-2567. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS Parents Without Partners Chapter #204 will meet Thu raday, Feb. 22, 8 p.m., at St. George's Church (upstairs), Oshawa. There will be a video' on Barbara Coloroso's book on handling children, Winning at Parenting. For information, call Debbie at 571-5452 or Ron at 723-1699. BREAST CANCER Reach te RecoveMy breast cancer support group for patients, family and friends, will meet Thursday, Feb. 15,7 ta 9 p.m., at the Fortune Financial office, 335 Bayly St. W. information and other programs for grades 1 te 8 and adulte, oel Mica Arnold at 579-4326. S CIZOPHRENIA Ontano Friends of Schizophrenics, Durham chapter support. graup will meet Wednesday,ý Feb. 21, 7 p.în., in building 30, Whitby Mental Health Centre. Mare information, call 723-8673. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District, Coin Club will meet Sunday, Feb. 18, 12:-30 to 4 p.m., at- the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa city hall* EUOHR The Whitby Legion Branch 112 Ladies Auxfliary wlll hold ouchre at the Legion, 117 Byron St. S., Whitby, Thursday, Feb. 15, 8 p.m. sharp. Cash prizes and refreshments. Those who write for ebjîdren and are interested ini sharing ideas and support with others can attend a Writers' Circle of Durham Region meeting»on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 7'to 8:30 p.m., at the Toronto Sehool of Business, 1450 Kingston Rd., at Valley, Farm Drive, in Pickering. For -more. information, cal Elizabeth Riehie at 905-427-0410. PANCAKE SUPPER A pancake supper will be held at St. John's Anglican Church, Brock and Victoria streets in south Whitby, on Tuesday, Feb. 20,6:30 p.m., as part of the celebration of the church's î50th year. Cost is $5, free for Ids under age 10. Ail welcome. Ail proceede go te Outreach. HEAD IINJURY The Head Injuny Association of Durham Region will huld a support -group meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Survivors group on main floor, family and' caregivers group upstairs. For transportation or more information, cail 723-2732. YEAR 0F TE RAT The Oshawa Traditional Chinese Cultural School 1996 Chinese new year celebration will be held on Friday,- Feb. 23, at Eastdale 'Collegiate, Oshawa. Dinner is at 6 p.m., performanc'e at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 for seniors and children, $10 for aduits. Cali 579-3628 or 430-8642. 55 ALIVE A refresher course in defensive driving is being offered by the Whitby Seniors'Activity Centre in conjunction with* the Ontario Safety- Council. Classes start Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., for four weeks and include a one-hour, in-car instruction. Cost is $55. -For more information, cal the centre at 668-i424. ySteve Leahby Brooklin's Sparks, Browmies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers and their leaders are holding the annuel mother-ddughter banquet, to celebrate- Thinkcing Day, on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at the United Church cammunity events building, starting at 6:15 sharp. TCickets are $2 per persan on a firat-come first-serve basis and there is a limit of 180 people. In the intereeits of the environment and recydling, the organizers ask that everyone bring their own dishes- - cup, mug, dinner and dessert plate - and cutlery for their famuly. Dishes cannot ho washed at the church so bring a bag te carzy your dirty dishes home. CHUR[CH PARADE PABNWIIKXJPAffiNEWl Parents Without Partners Chapter i204 will meet Thursday, Feb. 15, 8 p.m. ('Friendshlp and Laughs Night'), at St. Georges Churvh (upetairs), 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa. For information, oel Debbie at 571-5452 or Ron at 723- 1699. ORIENTATION. Local Big Sisters will hold an orientation for anyone interested in volunteering as a Big Sister on Wednesday, Feb. 21. Cal 725-9300 for more information. ESTATE PLANNING An 'Estate Planning Info Nite will be held by the Durham Estate Planning Council Ãon Thursday, Feb. 15, 7 p.m., at St. Marks United Church (auditorium), 201 Centre St. S.,.Whitby. There will be discussion of taxation, wiils, power of attorney, RRSPs and other, estate planning subjects. To reserve a seat, caîl 728-6956. THE FRIENDLY AUCTON From the practical te the exotic, there will be hundreds of items and services for sale at the Big Sisters Association of ý Ajax- Pickering seventh annual "Bid for Friends;hip" auction on Sunday, Feb. 25, 1 te 4 p.m. (preview at 12:30 p.m.), in the HMS Ajax Room4,Ajax Co mmnity Centre, 75 Centennial Road. Lots of, door prizes, refreshments, and children's craft area. Tickets are $5, children aged 12 and under are free. Caîl (905) 428-8111 for more information. FEBROMYALGIA The Durham , Region Fibromyalgia Support Group wil meet at '44 William St. (Faith Place) Oshawa, Feb. 14y,7:30 p.mý. Ail welcomne. Cail 576-8357 or 434- 6177 for further details. BREAST CANCER The Oshawa and District Breast Cancer Support Croup wiil meet on Thursday, Feb. 22, 7:30 te'9:30 p.m., at Kingsview United- Church (corner of Wilson and Adelaide St.) For more informnation, cail 725- 5349. BEALTU CARE Author Dr. Cynthia Carver will discuss 'How te save C anada's health care systemn' at a meeting te be held tenight (Wednesday), 7:30 p.m., by the Canadian Federation of University Women, Oshawa and District, at the Durham Board of Education headquarters building on Taunton Road East in Whitby. commemorate Guiding and Scoutîng Week on Sunday, Feb. 18- at 10:30 a.m. Members of Brooklin's Guiding and Scouing movements will participate ia parade, as weil as collection, readings and singing in the choir. ASHBURN DANCE. The Legend of Ashburn Gulch returns te the Thunderbird Golf Club corral on Saturday, Mardi, 2, commencing at 8 p.m. The good folk of the Ashburncommunity centre board will put on qite a spread and proceeds support Ashburn's Can ada ' Day celebrations. It's two big bits (that's $25 for you townies) a couple, or $12.50 a single. ,'Come dressed i your western duda or reasonable facaimiies. For tickets, coeil,'aid dutiful deputv Steven-TTmlw uatOUýL.q4ggi BRD THuRSDAY' 3'rd Thursday breakfast' women's network will meet at the Harmony Creek Golf Club, 100 Bloor St. E., Oshawa on Feb. 15, 7:30 p.m. It is the lOth anmiversary of the network. A recognition award will be given to the founders' and five-year menibers; uests are welcome. For reservations, phone Helen Smith at 432-7200. OSTOMY mhe Oshawa and District Ostomy Association, a mutual aid group for aIl persons who have or are about ta, have will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at the Oshawa General Hospital, room 1002F, at 7:30 p.m. For more information, caîl Candice Miron at 427-5512, or Ron Marston at 571-. 3670. GIRL GUIDES A special, service will be held at Ail Saints' Anglican Church, Dundas and Centre streets, Whithy, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 18, to celebrate 75 years of guiding in Whitby. Past ang present members are invited te attend. Music HIBTORY mhe Oshawa & District Branch of the Ontario Reglstered Music Teachers' Association will sponsor' an audiomvisual presentation on Monday, Feb. 19, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at the Thomas House of -Music, 1001 Burns St. E., Whitby. Maurice Willock wifl present 'A Little Bit of Histozy.' HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Oshawa Hlistorical Society will meet on Monday, Feb. 19, 8 pmat Centennial, United Church, Rosehifl Blvd., Oshawa. Local coilector Carl Jolley ;à l discuse children's- riding toys. Admission is $1 for non-membôe and memberships'are available at' the meeting for $10 per year. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, cail 436- 7624. CHRONIC FATIGUE The Durham Region Chronie Fatigue Syndrom&UME. -Support. Group will meet on Wednesday,, Feb. 21, 7 p.m., at A.E. King Memorial Complex, Kingsway College, Oshawa. For more information, oeil Renee'at 655- 4398. BEAT THE BLAUS A get-together for. comedy and- sang te beat the Februar blahs - will be held Thursday, Feb. 22, 7 to 7:45 p.m., in the program room, at the Wihitby PubliceLibrary. Cail ANNUAL PANCAKE' SUPPER St. Thomas is holding its annual pancake supper in support of the Christian Children's Funcl on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 5 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door: $5 for adulte, $3 for children aged 10' or under.' Famnily price is $14 (two aduits, two children 10 and under). Phone 655-3883 if you need further information. St. Thomas is locatedat Winchester Road and Anderson Street. BROOKLIN }- Guiding 'banquet.