Page20 Whltby Free Proue. Wednesday,~ Febniaay. 14,1l996 Bunnies beaten in tournanient fina iVt,%fiV 1dt MODEL LAT4000 $54 " Consumer flated No. 1' " Last Longer Thoan AMy Other Brand o rnd r..,fer.ncesuves nth . & Cnada SELECT MODEL e Consmer Rtd No. 1 M-M The Whltby bunmies MI team won the silver medal at the Pickering ringette tournament held Jan.»31 te Feb. 4. Whitby defeated Markham 12- 10 and Ajax 8-2 before loslng to Pickering 6-5 to finish second in their division and advance te the final game. . I the final, Whitby loat te Whitby Iroquois indoor soccer Tutu#5 4(Bur Ednwads2. Siahan 8h.M l. Whbly Tmf 2 2 <llaPatton,JomnnsWhitney) Tmn3 3 <Ihthuw Dlnese2 Mcoi»MI) Testuf7 10 (JessloCW* 3. David Fomoia2. Nid McCaai2.JaumEllun. Brant HUac eDIM) Tain #1 12 <Daid CrabiS,. Sin mourn3. Cassnu ohueit Mlis MkCadnsy. David (bapu TmflO1 2 (rylr Mconsld. MchiWilch Tmf 4 7 (Rysu lrlaad 2,ShMuwn*ray, kW rDileRo e adc, e nSpnu% iThow> Trut #8 5 <Athorqny Lfo3. Dau*iLeshy Fb. 3 Tai f10 4 <Mchael Wslch 3, Colin Rlchadson) Tetuf46 ô<Dvd Handri 3. Tlsnfkham 2, Elrra Tutu1 fi l wBowunm3. Davd Crabbi2.Dvi Draper2. & MeMcatnsy Tutu f7 9<(Davd Fons 3, Srand Hed2. Jaus Ellmu, Chris BWacI NMil Mdae, JonniferARaluton) Tutu f6 3 <Mhbsu Filon, Gsoffroy Oborne., Desy Edwtads) Tutu f9 4<(Danny Wood 2. Jmennr(hndtl.Nicole Tutu f2 8(LpmaGouviia, PuiRNWayElizabh Malo. DMard atin. [h am asJomAnns whs. Natha Tssnf5 3 Sphn Bhaw2, Bitlli Tutu f4 13 (SlmoaThow 5. Rya m md4. Shuna mfey 3. San watm@) Tutu f3 5 (W#"qnUforp 3, Du*aiLeahy2) Pickering 8-6. Scorlng for Witby in the tournament were: Krista Keberer, 10 goals, four assistas; Kaila Janssen, six' goals, five ,assista; Katie Scott, five goals, one assiat; Katie Ilott, three goals, six assista; Leah Dolinski, one goal, four assista; Rachel Broderick, one goal, five assista; Tonya Cunningham, one goal, four Fli elailq p visa 20 Tummf 20 TaimiT 14 Tatuf#8 12 Timm#10 11 TaitufS suHIw vouîN Tmmnf4 Tesmf2 Tesm os Tutu f Tutu #3 ,aLl3 DMul1(D.rick JamssGrundy) Yllow 7 (Micei Wood 4. JshuaBoerck 3) Uigt Cmn2 (Tayilor Lord 2) UglaMu l4<(Jordan Phrcler 2. Ihnny Foots.John Whlte4 PM eltunn2. Jansd BalrAusln Aison) 84UIRT Fi 10 Tom#4 1 (GorgesMljmnovsld Tan 031 (Tyle lpln) Tmmm#8 2 (tlsvinGrundy, Jamaph Dicalo> Tutu 05 1 (LuaCuny) Tesn 02 4 (AMn Evon 3. Stephan ntsnglon) Toan #1 5 (Robbibs Goddard 3, Lum Omu2) leu 08 3 (Chultopier Shunda. Peu Dl.nabtuK, Amtn Woodfull) Tm 7 ô FL 3 Tean #4 1 (Davd James) Teatuf5 1 <Mii Icheil) TUm #7 O Tua #2 0 Tum 08 5<(Andew VanDtVdk 2. Aar-orWoul 20 ChidopherShunda) Tamf#3 Tuan #42 JamesYà audaJoseph Dwk)o Tut f#13 <Erin Hutchinson, Lum BeuRobbia GoMdid) MotouIro FM.,3 WaJlzlaWmml4 <(Mmsa. Fmnla.Undtr Mïughân) Hanna . Schad and Rachel Matamuraeach contlbuted three assiste. Kelsey Galbant and Cassandra Abel each had two assista. Gueit player Krlstie Stanfield contributed four goals. Julie MacKillop provided solid goaltending throughout the Wi DevleSôDshulrm2. Chouan, ames, aid> VllMagesChrpysMr7 <Boaa2, Dlngnu, Dubsu tum, Foftune mnclal 0 RSnd Poolas Seynour 2. Lohnut %brins, Hosldn) SWkn e2 (RonChdO Wffly Opr" 1 fflland> Canaian Tlr4<B m unm3. mitvods> Wolwlne3 Smdhua2. Wh CamiatuMMi2 <PulnDuaastt JIaL 28 Paul Lsblan3<(Jfmsy. Lablana, hoWa) KeiBullm 1 (N.Bugl) WallznWsusd3 (PlndurRschsr, Aalw R"kPootos4 <Poatar. Lianst , mod ~H d) WolNes«3 pmrbWh*.lsyanhUM ) Village Chyala4<Dâu. bainPurtin. Wslr Brooldn Là "Adlsfuxway 4(Wmnuo 2.Coughland. Kountus) Camdlan Tirs5ô (Wood 2. Bomunm nmom. FodmRtFmnh4 Mynm 2. Housdon, Duinusto < Aid DwliCouan 4. Red 3, Jmu2, itmons> J&M 20 SRiloer2 Ob l2) CanadiaaMokW 2 <hoqieon.Pulm) WoN«,una3 (".aiKoalas, Snfmnda Canadien Ti1(Bousu). Brocklin Ladies Amdlmy3 (Btmwnm*2,Paua PiLebbnc2 .âln0Wùon. Fmbid) ?I Villge CluysW 2 0<HmanWek WaWn Wmd 2 <A"M. Pindut) fo.ttm nnm 4 Obuaon 3. Dslaharo) Kiviat80u4<(LN . l 3Mul Redevils1i <ewriral iislndPools O (L~hnu2. HoldNDlurpoata.Al lul10.IL(4-i SELECT &ML s 9 " Super 4.0 Cpecily Oven " Froc 5 Yer limer Waffinty* * lTc-ex lerHlg R iogIs p uar 1m 1 *Fre Estlates .Resldentlal *commer-cil * ndusbira SNormiO'LaarY PARTNERS BLUARDS *Futl Lcnsed * rdoGaýmo Foom *Satellte DMs 13 - 8BALL TABLES Toumamt Quallty Tablos 4.34f121 19 16 DndXUs SL, E.,lfRby KMN Mc VORFS (AUTO BODY REPAIRS) 608tchen St. Wiow M m 9iii m i t N . sh w Philly's Potr Svoboda gets nailed by Montroai's Marc, Bureau and 'is carted away ta the hospitai. It happened a couple af weeks ago lnNoteF r abJ game between Montreal and the Flyers in Philadeiphia. the former Biroad Street bullies, but they aren't golng - ta take that, and ail hou reaks loose. After a scrap, eriforcers Donald Brashear af the Habs and Shawn Antoskl ai Philly get tossed out. But they continue ta *discusso the situation in the hallway between the two dressinq rooms. This is very easy ta do at The Spectrum because there is only about 70 feet of hallway between the twa raoms. Sa, while this dance is gaing an, the rest of the teams get in a scrum. My only question is, where was the Cashman-Holmgren Gale? W hat is that, you ask? Weil, here's the stary. The Bruins and Flyers hated one anather ln the '70s - big surprise- and they weren't calied the Broad Street Bullies and Big Bad Bruins for nothlng. Ifs 1977 - an exhibition game- and the place is packed. Il was exciting ln those days and yes, sometimes brutal, but it was great ta be part .01 it. Tho Wayne Cashman-Paul Holmglen rivalry was particularly intense and, ln this game, a stick ight breaks out ln front of the Flyers net and both playors get the heavo ha. Othe way ta thoir dressing rooms, they came up the hall and start halering at each other about what they're going ta do ta the Cther quy in the next game., Withaut wamtng, they start running at each aCher, acrass concrete, with their skates on. When the players an the ice faund out what was happening, things gat really interesting. -You'll have ta read next week ta find a ut what happened. Since 1930 1J ye fnuac Buslnes *Lfe aRRSP'S g WgDVCK VINSURANCE 2 14Da r L . t hthv GORD GARNER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. oe à &LJVtTnà wa WUM SS W,8unM 2§gN$WWCat.BwnlPM NOW DELIVERS~'Y I1AM-1PM Cash or C" - CwdA3ooed à Ëctwg do rid qç*j0t" ataea<=xr. M43 ING ST. WEST.OSHAW *used Parts Vie also offar troe ,Re.Upholstering & Rpairs Cuutom Made Furniture Office Furnilure 1520 Dundes St W., Whltby 430-2738 ýRustPrOICI1OnSKMPOO, ' Ony ,, . Only., $999M" $Sem 1501 H*Fb i GES.1011 1Th. look Ébat ges weekend tournaxnent. In league play, Whltby defeated Ajax 6-3 on Feb. 4, Jansen with three goals and three assisa. Abel and Kohorer had a goal and an asiteach. Scott a goal and Mataumura three assista. Dolinski played well in goal. This years tearn la coached by Steve Abel, assisted b Stephen Illott, Sue Keberer and Lt Schad. Whitby menys hockey VWL T VUP UbldsMowi14 ô 29M64 30 OsulWPM11 4 ô67454 28 SuvlcsUtsr13 7 1 73 4627 F 8o' sh 10 5 O 78 65 26 IhilonIiu l 8 2 64 82 24 AUssalyI, 7 9 ô OS 74 19 R«Oy'En.. 8S1i 2 82 78 18 eitsa IL 8 il 2 68 85 18 DM O Mdo 8le 11 il 2 86685 18 RJ. Pflllls 8 12 1 74 91 17 CJC.AWD otd 7 13 1 88 98 15 Qiu% HO S&14 2 56 9S 12 Feb.U8 CJ(.Auto Body ô (romBOucluna2, Petar58hs Jon Pat% MW. Rlzgrald RWa Entarptlsa5s OM ot esn2. M> Truduu2, Naid Fuquharan) IMWom8 Ctus kluY 3, Tom Shmsr2. Ibio Lessard. Hul Hope, Don MtheI Dodd & Souter 2 <Janu burg, BurnhsLWI. Cum.'s H@t3 <Don Fmnch, Stew Uot Kravn Main iTwi2<(Teny KellyJack Wrsy) AtÀUlyT1m7 (0Mo m ,WbtZMl. b. 2, Roo Wu% eDm gEdordm l.bFoM R.J. MdRIIlpAido2<I@"q NRoins, Bob Snulfr Suvlo MM a4<(Ma Waslw 2. RlU Expertch 0 MW$ iun a m m Clidslw. MUNIdmr. 3 90mb,1 MWml Dmu EdwardsAUusy fl1 got 3 usis m mi Fab. 8 a"MoesmnRoy'sEntu 32 34 88 PhiloLeesad, bemmor 25 24 49 Jon PotmCJC.A&MoDm&y .21 25 46 NI Farquhatun, Roys EDWa. 23 18 41 Paier Bathe.C.KAub ood 19 20 39 CailVIcl.sAâmIuyTlau 17 18 35 TomS*hzorMcldMOvM 21- 12 33 BuCkyCaOuch, B~oer Pizz 13 19 32 NiYnRomR.J. M91WP 14 17 31 Bob MOimut AftSyTIU 15 5 is30