Page 24, Whitby Free Proe, Wechiesdaij, Febnjary 14, 1996 GO, Whitby Transit fare agrecinent in jeopardy . J AVAILKO i&WMaio Local commuters M ay soon ho talng another hit from the Ontarlo government. Whltby Transit's fare integration agreement wlth GO Transit will ho terinated April 30. Dependlng on negotiations between GO Transit and the Town, GO passengers who also use municipal buses will likeiy ho paying more for 'their transportation after that date. Under a worse case scenarjo,' commuter. could ho left wfth picking up the full cost of GO nTansit current $1 17,700 subsidy should GO eliminate the fare integration program entlrely. "This is one of the more foolish thinge this goverrnment la proposing "" councillor Judi Longfleld told a meeting of councils operations committee.last week. "This (possible cut) i. just the beginning, o Longfleld warned. "There will ho a number of people Who won't take Whitby Transit and will ho forced back' onto the highways," and the Town will lose even more money than the GO subsidy, she noted. SHE. LOVE S YOU! IltShe Loves You NoL. You can't miss with apersonalized Dairy Queen Frozen Cake! Cool creamy chocolate and vanilla Daiiy Queen soft serve.Cis chocotate cookie crunch. Rich, cold fudge and icing, packed fore= take home. Choose from 'our display or phone ahead for order. ( WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 We brewv for you. - no extra charge INC (you just add the yeast) Brew your 1lOth batch & ypur 11lth is FREE! Make wine now! From $2.75 per 750in1. We use only the highest quality importedjuices to, make our wines. Choose from: a Chablis -, French Colombard a Sauvignon'Blanc e Pinot Chardonnay e Chateau-Neuf..Du- Papee Valpollicella.e Cabernet & many mr , KEG PARTIES Kegswith taps available for y party or event. Cali us to re DUNDAS ST HWY 2 oc 0e CONSUMERS ,our next We guarantee co eve!tsato 1CALL 666mBREbW 1390 Unit Hopkins St. #6 Whitby Brewng Heurs: LMon.Fi.I ~11-9I \Sat. 5 L-ongfield'si and other committee members' anger was prompted by a public works department report on pending changes to the Town's èight-year.oid agreement with GO Transit. Fare integration has been in place since rail service was extended from, Pickering to Whithy In Octohor 1988. Under the original agreement, GO Transit reimbursed 75 per cent, of the cost of a regular Whitby Transit aduit fare for every person, travelling to and from, the Whltby GO rail station who had a valid GO ticket or pas. In 1993, GO cut the subsidy in haif, but the Ministry of Transportation made up the 37.5 per cent shortfall through regular operating subsidies. Last month, Town officiais were notified that GO Transit i. cancelling ail of its eisting fare Inýgrtion agreements and that new conditions will ho lmpiemented May 1. Provincial funding cuts were cited as the reason for GO Transit'. decision to cancel aIl of its current agreements with municipal transit systems. If GO opta to eliminate, the Whitby program, this will cost the municipality 56.25 cents per ride or an estimated $117,700 for the remainder of 1996, the staff report states. If this occurs, the Town wouid have te consider raislng the fée it now. charges GO Transit users, from 25 cents te 80 cents, the report adds. Longfleld noted that the recently-reieased. Golden, Task F'orce report on restructuring the Greater Toronto Area makes Regular Tickets:! Ringside VIP. several references te encouraging greater use of public transit. However, the Ontario governmnent le doing Its best to, discourage, this mode of trasportation, she ciaimed. Slashing GO Transit'. budget i. "absoluteiy the wrong direction te, go,"8 sald Longfieid. Counclor . (Jerry Emm suggested that Whltby MPPs Jlm Flaherty and John O'Toole ho invited te a future meeting te dlscuas the imnpact of this and other -provincial *cost-cuttlng measures. He referred te council's recent refusai te acSptjurisdictjon over a portion of Highway 12 unies. the government honours a prevlous commiltment te pay more than. $900,000 tewards the cost of needed repairs. "I'm getting concerned that too, much i. happening, too fast," said Emm. "In strong ternis we should ask our representatives te speli eout what tis will do -te our muniliîty and what eh. ila Ià pttee thon supported. Emm'à inotion that couneil hold a special meeting with the MPPs te discuss local government fùnding Councillor and committee chair Dennis Fox also pointed out, that Emm and anyone else may be able te, raise, these concerne with Flaherty as early as next Tuesday., The Durhan Centre MPP. expected te attend a public niieting on the OTA and the. Golden report t eheldln the Town council chambers at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 20. The public works staff report, $21.50 & S17.50' Seats: S37.50 nieanwhlle, was te have been discussed at Mondayos council meeting. IBig Sisters, awareness Februazy ha. been pr;claimed %Big Sisters Awareness Month' in Oshawa and CaI=gon The. month i.ddcat.d te heightenigoemmunity awareness regarding progranis and services, and te recruit more Big Sister volunteers. Events and activities are being held to, celebrate, the month. Ini Project Afghan, Big Sisters are helping the Innu families of Davis Inlet. Finished blankeets wil ho presented te Innushare for distribution later in 1996. Innushare is a Whitby-based registered charitable trust aiding the women and ebjldren -of Davis Inlet Labrador.. On Sunday, Feb. 18, 3 te 6 p.m., Big Sisters Newçastle-Oshawa. Whitby will offer a mini-bonspiel at the Oshawa C urling Club for Big and Little Sisters. New. schoolI FROM PAGE 1 sayIn this - youhbave to do this' when, in fact, we work foruhemof Jack Smnyka, the . sehoolp. prncial, -said 102 -s tudents, roughly-- haif. from within tti. boundazy area,-have reisteMd for tie modified school year calendîr -enough te 511l four clasarooms, -ccording te Graham. SThe capacity of the neww hool,, orlginally 450 students, bhas been lowered te 378 because of the board'm dcision te drop the junior uidegrtsM<K)program -,, Ais Graham explained it, tii. à iginal 441-student capacity level ras the. Mnistry of Education'. igure and inclu&ed .1K Without jIK whlch ha. larger lsethe minlstry capaclty igure drops te 421. The. Durham )oards' eapacity figure, which lis mnaller clams sizes thanthe. ninistry's 35 te meet teacher Dfltract r-equirxpente, in 90 per cent of thé. ministay"s, which, Msuts in the lower figure. ~rhm pledged to hold neetings with parents of children rrntly enrolled in- Pringle ,reek, Thornten and MeFarlane iiblic schools "by 'Feb. 29" -te forin therno f the boundary* and he effect on tiie other sehools." The board's interim director, larene Prinsa, nid registration )rthe modified year programn was *mpleted a week ago Saturday. .an Interview later, though, nyka maintained registration i. MI o0pen. Prins nid the boundaries will rIdIculous." Adecision on final boundarles d PIrne wltbln. the -school 3u d b.'a completed by Id-March at telateat,"iald, erlntondent cf- educatfon/ hies. Mran Cain. L report on thi. boudà rles and Feb.,29 to Mar., 3 SKY OMEI PRESEN TED IN THE INTIMACY 0F SKYTENT SAVE $4.0 on rme e ih Fe. 9 j 730* 1 1 -