Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1996, p. 30

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Page 30, Whltby Free Poess Wekiosdav, Februuy 14. 199 Whitby Free Press* 668-6111 Fx6809 Office H ours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 prn*Fa 6809 IV.........EE.1 V L N 5R.iY Big Sisters.'N.O."W., Wants You!, BETTY-ANN MANNING TAMMY REYNOLDS TRACY PINGLE csi .Financlal Services Representative Police Dispatcher- Matched 6 months Matched 2 months Matched 1 Ye"r .Beir.ig a BgSister has given me flot Vlhen pee tell me they dont have the lime, *The bond Mat we have only wonde lly memorable mo. fentS, mone or (aen» 10 become a Big Sister, 1 telleeoedi h as eri but atso a fdeidship mth my Lie e m ils not about spending lots of Money or e oeyinteîbl e. areai Siser thatl1know vill lest a rl i.tîe1 planning big elaborate events evety week - it S abso tl nrdbe h ely caolhope that she feels whatl1do, about gMvng aIie lime and a lilie of yourself islike the sisteri1 ne ver had. Ifs an htin some wayl1 have ennched 10 someone special ils about being a (boend - * wonderful experience.' her lie, as she has mie. and geflit>g a fniend in reum. » pur YOISELF LISA KOWALENKO MARSHA CHAMBERS You can help a Liftte Sister Admilnlstrlvs Assistat Duugn Arts ýb en Matched 3112 years Matched 1 year b en 'l neyer imagned that being »As a roe mode!, one is given ffie Big Sister Vounteer. a Bg Sste wo/db Sawonerll. opportunifr lo be a positive influence on a Ail Rt takes is your fiendship l'i cheishthrwu e se me on forve. new generalion bylimparllng values and for a few hours a wee. l'ilchetsh hesememolesforeer. building characler ln young friends.« Big .Sistors heIp Littie Sistor»s......you can holp to.! CALL 725-9300 TODAY ~~ or for more details visit the BIG SISTERS' office at Y555 Wentworth St. E., Unit #1 , Oshawa NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail claims against the Estate of GERALD CECIL COLUNS, late of the Town of Whitby, Ontario, who dled December 17, 1995 must be in our hands by the 4th day of March, 1996, after which the Estate wili be, distibuted having regard only tomte cdaims then filed. ALFRED HENRY COLUNS, Estate Trustee, by his Solicitor hérein, ROBERT G. WHI1TNGTON 326 Dundas Street East Whiby, Ontario Li N 2J1 FAX YOUR AD 668-,05941 MAY THE Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the wod now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray fo us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude hel jer of the hopeless, pray for us. Anniversaies Announcements AnlIqes Art & Colectbles Aparinents for Rent Appliaces Arices for Sale kVratsMobbies Aions Aitosfrnjcs for Sale Bitis Boats & Supplies Busness Oppoiuniles Busness Servies Caml a Prolesonal Card oIf liails Caees Child Cre Servies Coenng Events Coewineriai Space forRent or Sale Dance lnsructon Deats Eiijoetonal Servies Emplomnt Waied FwrmslAcreage Farm Suppies & Equiçrme Fiancal Services For Rent, Garage & Yad Sales HomesforRent Homes for Sale n Memoiam Insuraioe Ladsapig Sevices Leai Lost & Found Lalsiotages Mileomes Moorgaesls Personals Persoal Services Peesbesid & Supplies Real Esate Repskatioe Resldoetial Serves RonorbRet Shawed AosmmodabSo SlLrag Tenders Traaing Serves. Tr»avelabelos Vo&nlrs Neidi Wàntod THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & pserved throughout the world now & forever. O Sacoed heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker ot miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the eighth day your prayer wII b. answered, regardless of, how hopeless your situation sêems. Publication must be promised. D.J.P. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, neyer known to fail. 0 most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immacuate Virgin, assist me'in necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O HoIy Mary, Mother of God Queen of Heaven &- earth, 1 hubly' beseech you -(rom the bottomof my heait to secure me in my- necessity (make requests). There are none that can withstand your power.- O Mary conoeived without sin, pray for us Who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary 1 place this cause in your hand (3 timn es). Sa y this prayer for 3 conse.cutuve a s and then you must pubsh it Mnd t wilI be granted to you. JD&LD. New ice. in ' 97 PROM PAGE 1 reservo funds ýand the issulng of a 1 $6-mMio debenture over 15 y"ar at 7.5 per cent Interest. Cost 0f the. debenture will b. cover.d by a *25-per-hour Increase 1 in current rentai feos for the. two eisting pads at Iroquois Park and 1 the single-pad Luther Vipond 1 Memorlal Arona in Brooklin. 1 Tii. f.. hike, broken down Inte, increments of $12.50 on Sept. 1 and again onApril 1, .1997, will b. lu addition to any inflationary q increasea.1 While h. agreed that "time la ticking on"and council must makei a décision, coundillor Gerry Emm i iiad reservations about staffsi recommendation te' bypase tii traditional tend.ring procese in favour of a "design/build" concept1 for the. project. Ernm asked -parka and recreation director Larry Morrow te explailn the. system wiiicii staff estimate wlll Bave the, Towu $1.5-to-$2 million. The. designlbulld proces Involves the Town hiring Just on. contiactor wiio is'tiien responsible for paying architecta, engineera and construction crewa. To speed up the process, staff will "pr.qualify"- potential candidates from wiom'theY will aoeept proposais for the project and unlike the. tender system, the. lowest bldder will:not n.cessarily b. awarded the. contract. "Any anidail contractors wlll b. lnvited te participate," sald Morrow. "W. will bave a criteria oiihat w. want and it will b. narrowed down to four orflive companls," he said. In response te a question from councilor Judi Longfleld, Morrow sald tbat once staff bave identified the. firme it wants te select fromn, tiiey will report te council. -< "Will tiiere b. an opportunity for tu, public te participate if tiiey feel we're acting in an undeniianded fasiiion7' asked Longfield. "Yes,"- replied Morrow, wiio added tiiat 'tuis system was followed wiien the Rossland Road recreation centre was bufit. Longfleld's queries were ln response te a deputation by pust mayoral candidate Pat Perln. As se did at last weeke comnittee meeting, Perlns warned council that It could b. leavlng Itseof open te crlticism for flot tendering the project lu the usuel way. Althougii h. was aiso sciieduled to niake a deputation, former Whitby councillor Roas'Batten did flot attend tiie meeting. Batten, an investor lu a Richimond Hill company,ý Multi-Plex Inc., told operations commttee members last week that hie firm was prepared to construct a four-pad cQmplex that Would' generate more revenue than any publicly-owned facility. But, even though .ho was not present, Batten's aim that bis company -had a' much botter proosl was rejected by councl. "Tii.posslbility ofý goig to private enterprise is somethlng that this council and staff embraced, said councillor Marcel Bruneile. "W. went after al kinds of offers, but as part of the procese it» caused us te ok at our -own operations and concepts," h. said. "And alter a -bard look, ln the. short-tenu and long-torm, -we feit' lt was ln the best Interests todo It ourselves. BrjIeie point.d out -that ýtii Town aireadyhas the-land for both the fadfityr and paking and would own the. arenas ocutr[ght. Under Multî-Plees popsai, th. Town had te guarante. the. company rentais of 180 hours per week over a 15-year period at cost of $800,000 annually. In .addition, the. iunlclpality would bave bad te boan the. flrm, $3 million te use for land acquisition and construction costs. Brunelle also, d.fended the. deuign/build concept as nec.ssary to keep coste down anid dld flot accept Perklins' warnlng of potential probleros. However, "tii. most glorlous thingiln ail of t"isle that wWre not only building three new arenas, but we're talng the. rut 0f the facityup to wiere it will ail make a profit," b. sald. S-Aoeording to the staff report, the. five ice . pada. wllproduce 'an annual profit of $4400» until the. debt las retir.d. The. two eisting Iroquois Park arenas now run at a $1409865 deficit. Longfield, meanwbule, conc.ded tiiat tiiere ls the. possibility ofthie current d.mandfur Ice d.clinlng lni future y.ars. But siiuld that occur, tii Town would bave the. fexliity of belng able te' offer It. Ic-tet groupe outslde Whitby, e, aid. "In the, private one we were locked in, and, had no opporftunity tomarket i, sald Làongtield. Councillor Don Mitchell, an outopoken advocate, of building more ke faciities, almoat lmmedliately upon bis élection ln 1991, feit .Multi-Plegs proposai Was an "excgitn" concept whicii ,nerited consideration. "I tink the. user groupe are so ice-starved tii.y would have supported anytiiing," h. said. However, Mtchell admitted that private sector faduities " Inevitably" tend te bave an aduit user focus. "Tn going thus way, tbls council and future councils will b. able to control the.amount0f ice athours they (children) want and- at prices tiiey can afford." instructed in WhtL>y By Vieki Duthie armed forces, Chambers stu&d *.laalln IVTu..'nw.fih,. wa v". Ailcido~a yobna, a vry OJAUIIuMA FL'5j5. popular martial art incorporating seif-defence, les belng offered li Whitby. Inatructors Michael Chambers and Lisa Corbett operate tue training centre locat.d at 900 Hopklna St. - (at the. corner of Burneo).' Stèven Seagal uses aikido li moet of Ie movios. However Chambers states that "Steven Seaga was instructed with aikido, but thie violence he uses la just te mako tue movies more action- pacled Chambers, the. chiefiLnstutor, desciB)es iki do '«. "bonds-oni control thaLles purely defenaive ... a partner's attack can b. rodirected wltuout strngth," whereby participants use their body welght a black beltlin tue martial art tuat bas taugiit iim "how te treat people ... they react depending 'on iiow you troat them." Aikido la taugiit te echools, mulitary and police forces, and' Chamubers- feels tuat aýnyono lnterested lu loarning self defence would benefit from'aikido, tbat it "le irrespective of age, soi, or culture." Chambers bas' provided. aikido instruction at Oshawa Centrai Coilegiate, tue Durhiam Aduit Learning' Centre and will soon b. lnstructing' at Stephen SayweUl Public School lu Oshawa. Instruction ta now given te a clase 0f 20-25 people wiio vary lu age from 14 te 51 and soon a class iuIlllin nfar.A t clzre tewd i

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