page 10, Whitby Fr.. Pros, Weckiosday, Febray 21, 1996 Dimod o isus 'ewReites' Young-women in vited to meeting Mayor. Nancy Diamond will speak about the local impact of proposed reforma sugg.sted ln the Greater Taranto Area Task, Force recommendations, at the Oshawa & District Chamber of's annuel mayors luncheon, Thursday, Feb. 22 at the. Oshawa Holiday Inn. The. toplé of her eddress is Succoeing in the New Relities. "Issues of governance, taxation, independance and accountability. are now at the forefront," says Diamond. "Local governments ce n no langer consider basic local services as their only respoflsibilit. "'ot.ntial y.reorgeniza tion -of municipal boundaries and fonctions,' downloeding from upper-ti. governments and the' v.ry existence -of regionel gov.rnment itueif are all on the. table. "Our daily work, as well as our foundation for future developmnent, must ail b. carried out within the. new realities." The luncheon begins at noon and the mayor will speak at approximately 1:15 p.m. Tickets are $26.75 and ca e hopurhesd et the chamber of commerce office, 50 Richmond St. E., Oshawa. For furtiier details, call the chember et 728-1683. Top producer A Whltby representetive was Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate's top mortgege producer for Canada Trust i 1995.* Alice Hrehoruk wau first in the awards besed on the total number of residential mortgages referred- ta Canada Trust by Coldwell. Two Oshawa reps of Coldwell, Renata Leonowicz and William Roka, were fifth and ninth respectively. The top 10 Tlortgage Masters' earned a trip ta the 90th anniversary Coldwell conference i San Francisco Feb. 20-24. 619-2713N 110 H unt t. narHrwo AjaD 2 LanTgSqEhRNAVicoi P)SorhY 12M= rto S atavl),Trot The Durham Business and non-treditional noIe. Professonal Womends Club invites The club will also celebrate the young women In- Durham Reglon International scope of the ta the Feb. 28, dinner meeting et arganizetion and membershlp ln the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. the International Federation of The club aims ta provide positive Business and Professional Women. rale modèes for young women and career opportunities available. -T tf Guesat speaker' will b. Det. O t M a Const. Shebera Valles of speclal Investigation services of the omnt Vlu er Metropolitan Toranto Police. Acoun ty VohmReiWluee Velles- le a young mother with hold the. third lu its series of 1995- two smell children who works 96 sominera for not-for-profit undercover In the narcotica groupe and associations. division. She wlll share insights 'How te Manage Reduced into her career and the. challenges Government Fuxiding1lai on of succeeding as, e woman in this Tuesday, Feb. 27,' 7 p.m., et Caldwell 'Don't lose dough' phiosophy A securities frm that recently opened an office in Whitby offers investers an ne teely conservative" Investment style. 'The main thrustila preservation ,of capital - we like te sey 'Don't las. the. dough,'" sye Caldwell Securities vice-president ,VInce John, who runs the Whlthy office. That'. accompllshed by buylng blu, chlp gavernment bonds and lnvestlng In major corporations, he says. "W. icek to y Government of Canada or Ontario bonds and when we buy equities it's the big names - General Motors, General Electric... (w.) buy them when they're ont of favaur and give them back when people are euphoric about them."U Caldwell offers invest9rs one-stop shopping with Its three divisions, says John. . Clients cen purchese stocks and get lnvestment advlce through Caldweil's retail brokerege arm, receive individual anaemnt services If they havea large amount (over $500,000) ta Inveat or purchese mutual funds, Including the. frm's own Assoclate Fund, the top performlng Canalian balanced fund over the lest two-and-e-half years, John *14ést financlal planners wil recommend variouss mutual flinds to inveit lnu-and withln 'every mutual fund there are betwe.n three and five guys that ectually oeil the. shots - 'whet are we golng to buy, whet are we golng ta soU and when. "At Caldwell Securities,. we a-ua= yare those guys that oeil th hts"sys John. Meeting the health care needs'of the entirefamilyl A family practice facility with designated walk-in hours. CONVENIIENTLY OPEN 7 DAYSA WEEK. Family Cane Medical Centre Dr. W. A. Cecutti Whitby Towne Square 3050 Garden St. 430-5305 RsianI c I Cost for students la $15, guestas $30, members ý$26. .,For reservations (before Frldey, Feb. 23), MUi Laura Nigro et (416> 752- 2881 or Karen Graham et (905) 427-6930. iage sendnar Fortune Financial (Ajax office), 335 Bayly @t. W. The sominar wiil be of interest ta treasurers, directors, and admainistrators. Pre-registration à a required by Feb. 23, as noa registration will be allowed eat the.door. Call 480-9122 for seminar registration information. Ufy the downtown busines-ses To the. editor: Dear people of Whitby: As a shop owner I have enjoyed yearsof smNvng the. flendly people of Wbitby. Personally, I wouldn't have My business anyplace else. M5su re .you will egnee that Whltby bas charm, charecter and history. ,-Marchants,. such as mnyseif; would nie ta build- on that, creating a-e queint smaIl tow'n etmosphere wlth- unique shape, restaurants and serSvices. By seeingtii. people and'hearing their needs, I believe we cen echieve thus, hence attractlng other business *es ta open up and occupy some of the- vacant buildings. This would' then b. encouragement. for meintaining the. beauty and lnteresting architecture of aur buildings and streets. This lu just a gentîs reminder té look flrst et aur downtawn before heeding out *to the malsa. Let us know wiiet your'needs are à . we cen deliver. The . heart of Whltby deserves ta be. eppreclated, maintained and developed.- Let -uls all, please : create a wonderful Whitby culture- -by frequentizigaursiiops, restaurants and using aur services., Cathy Secu re Your 1 B Take home a 75MHz computer today with a guaranteed upgrade path! We are the first Canadian system builder committed to insuring pur happiness in the future. Dy purchasimg any one of our currently available 75MHz Pentium processor powered systems, you are guaranteed a route. on the Intel processar road map of IOmM futre W y -y M perfor- Py- ore poer - C ee manoe. Fp * Sinply - --& a, M retum your system ta o a participating dealer whie the promotion is in ef fect and for a guaranteed 10w prîce <which indudes installation) we wil upgrade yaurprooessor. 90f HOURS FREE iStar iINTERNET ACCESS * Mma w ft ïlC syhinhWun sueheks OpenN.tee575 0 75MHz Intel Pentium- processor è 9.51 duel sca, COOUR cn e 34081 removabl"-ad drive 9 DM8 RA exp. to 40818on board e 3.5- high density floppy drive é 1MB local bus vldeo e buift4n 16-it sound card * Extenat SCS54 keyboare and monitor ports * High speed serial & parallel ports a redaargeableNiM batte#>~ AC adapter 0 Speaker &nMicrophone jacks 0 carrying bag% car cigarette adrapter 2 .year parts 3 year labour carry-rn warranty PCNM Acard option blPWa .......510 ZelbisCUOA 8mie ..........oe.. .551 UPC'C D/FX*575 " 75MHz Intel Pentunf processor " Omo AM a* MWuta mk.chIp mm -1.0GB bard drive - 1.44 floppy " On.beard PGWEm coutr.iorm t Mob ep.d e" l paramwoIport - 1MD PCI SGA vido " 14,400 bps modemt " Woindows 9S*keyboard " Windows.9Tpre-lo.ded <manuals included> * Seven Mirosoft oftware tilles' * Miao.oft Encvb a- CA Wrâs5CD, gy- CD. 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Shreddîeng # High wiII reduce your shredding cost *Secure locked containers at no extra cost *Bonded drivers *100% of paper is recyclied *Certif icate of destruction *Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs CALI NOf (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) WASTE SYSTEMS Computer Performac Center 2Thlckson Road North (Near K.F.C.) *Tel: 905-725-7454 a Fax: 905-725-732 Hotus: Mon., Tues. 10-7. Wed.-Fri 10-, Saturday l";6 Suricay 11-4' e (135 11ft$IdB obus P JVs &a A Bus ine ss Owners Buy Without CASH! BARTER WORL (905)723-4923 1-800-668-5915