Whitby Free Press, 21 Feb 1996, p. 19

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Ihtby Free Press, Wedfresday, Februai 21,1996 Page 19 MPP upporsTw osition on link locationý M'y Mike Kowaiuid Town coundil ha. plcked up an Important ally In Ils figlit againat a controversial freeway planned for weat Whitby. ..Durham East MPP John OToole has thrown lies support behlnd council's efforts to change the proposed route. for a connecting link betwoen Higliway 401mdaire future HI-glway 407. OToole firmnly believes that the municipality should b. Oie final arbiter of where the eight-lane road is eventually bult. The north- Whtby representative "fully concurs" with a resolution adptaed by councfilalst week whlch oison hie. government te explore alternatives for a route that now threatens te sever Oie westernmnost portion of the tewn ln half "I' support Oiem totally. Itfs their town and they should have Oie final say," said O'Tooie. "Unlike the province which can walk away, tliey have te, live witli the decision. IlI be supporting them ail the way." In a strongiy-worded resolution put forward by west ward councillor Judi Longfieid, council reiterated !te long-held objection te Revenues not ashbighas exected IChange k fmacing Of new board headquarters By Mark Reesor ($1213,500). The9 Duriain public achool board (The board il required to put a is likely to restructure the wayitfs portion of the sale price of school paying for the $21.5-million board property lnto'a fund which i. used administration building, to offset the Mlnlstry of In' a report Monday to the Education'. share of future capital board's standing cominittee, Ray projecta). Clark, manager of business and The old'administration building financial semvies, astaff had has been leased to the Children's counted on $4.6 million from Aid Society of Oshawa for selling off seven board properties, *225,000 a year on a 10-year including the old (Rossland Road) lease. f administration building, to, help Clark suggests tie board obtain pay down the $219474s,445 deJ>t. -ilo on;sn h es Bcseof the sîuxnping real a $2-mlinlasn h es eamrethoee"vnu payments te covor it, and that from property sales have notaoOe*25700btrnfre from inte capital reserve fund te, materialtzed as fast as expected." mk pters fteeotal To date, the board hn; reak ucOe et f heshrtiul juat*54,500fro thesal ofto snoe the other four properties wIll properties - the old public school"lkytaesmtmeeso" on Brock Street South (*420,750). The balance of the debt, which was sold to, the Town and la $15,874,445, was financed through one.,of -several locations belng a debenture. considered for a future lire hall, The board will consider the and an old school in Raglan recommendation next Monday. Peeweesin semfintinals Oie Ministry of Transportation's preferred location for Oielilnk. AlOiough flot opposed te the 4079 Whitby bas been at ioggerheads with the mini*stry ever since Oie route was announced six years ago. The ministry wants the link te, run between Halls and Coronation roads. Council prefers that it be bufit along Lake Ridge Road, thus causing the least disruption te, residenta and allowing more land te be freed up for deveiopment. Whitby lias submitted severai alternatives to the ministry's proposai over the years and al have been rejected. While he feels the Whitby link is a "critical" part of the 407 project, O'Tooie said he appreciates council'B concerna. O"Tooie discussed the issue with council "somns time ago" and subsequently wrote Transportation Minuster AI Pailadini. 'l asked hlm to try te work it out with Oie Town of Whitby," lie said. "The (council) resolution i. directng Oie ministry te look at alternatives and I said Oiat ln my memo teOie minister." OToole also agreed with Town officiais that some of the reasons given by Oie ministry for flot opting for Oie Lake Ridge option seem "pretty frivolous." For example, mlniBtry staff fear that histerlc drainage tiles would b. destroyed by building the iink teo close te Lake Ridge. Longfieid teld The Free Press she introduoed lier motion because the issue bas been "in limbo" for some time. "W.s keep hoping that province wiil do somethlng, but it booki like it's ding," she'sald. "We c;nt get'the MPPs to excited. I-think tley feei It wiljust go away if wo don't talk aboutîIt." (Longfieid was intervi.ewed prior te O'Tooie.) Longfieid insisted Whitby's opposition le flot a typical NIMY (net in my back yard) situation. 'We're not saying put it lnAjax. We just don't think it's tlie riglit location for everyone concerned," she saud. Not oniy wiIl residenta of Almond Village be living between two nmajor highways (Lake ]Ridge is te be expanded te six lanes regardiesa), but people ln th e Otter Creek* and Queen's Comnion subdivisions will also be affected, Léongfleld noted. '"We've given them three or four different alternatives that could resolve tOu. te everyone's satisfaction," she said in reference te, a consultant's study undertaken for Oie Town by DS-Lea Associates Ltd. last year.. But other than- a letter of acknowledgement from Palladini last September, . nothing further has corne from the government, Longfild added. Durham. Centre 'MPP Jim Flaherty is also prepared te back Whitby's cause provided that it does not jeopardize the entire 407 project. "I'm supportive of, looking at alternative routes, that's reasonabie," said Flaherty. "Qverail, rm concerned that we don't delay 407 East. Itfs absolutely essential to the economlc weli belng of Durham Reglon, Whltby and Oshawa." Flaherty said- he lias also discussed Oie matter with council and Pailadini and is hopeful-of worklng out an agreement, that wlll shlow Oie highway te, proceed wlthout havlng te watt for a decision on Oie ilnk route. "The big problem la gettlng the hlghway golng," he sald. "I keep hearlng from my constituents about It, especlly the conimuters." Meanwbile P OToole conceded that Oie tîmetable envlslonpd for construction of the eastern section ofHighway 407 from Markham te Highway 35/115 ln Clarlngton could be puslied back. Flnanclng là net yet ln place te bulld wliat wlll eventuaily be Ontario's fist. fully electronlc toil highway, lie said. A consortium of companles - Canadian lghways International Corp. - la currently building Oie 69-ilometre central section from Highway 43 ln Oie west te Hlghway 48 ln Markham. Last April, former premier Bob Rae announced that work would commence witliln two years on the *1.5-billion, 62-ilomentre eastern section. However, both Oie 407 and an expanded 401 wiil be a boon teOie Durham ]Region and Oie Greater Toronto Area ln Oie ye ars abead, O'Toole stresed.-ýý "For economié réasons, I thlnk the 407- piays, an'Important part. That and a fully deveioped 401.»' The Whitby major peewee AA hockey team bas advanced teoie. playofi' semi-finais with a convlnclng 5-1 vlctery over Ajax ln the fifth andfinal game of the serles. Andre Alflison scored two goals Nov ic»ê es a re fif th The. Whitby major novice A"A hockey team, bad a wln and a loss la recent ganues te finish fith la their league division. Iàam ]Reddox liad two goals ln a 6-1 win over Oshawa, Oihe other goals by Matt -Snowden, Fenil Amurawaiye, Michael McKenzle and Brandon Davis. - Nicolas -Cotter scored twice inaa 5-3 - oss te Barrie, MceYnzle with the other. and set up two others, single goals by Grant Howe, Mark Cipparone and Luc Chiasson. Joali Hughes faced 16 shots ln net, Emerging with a 6-1 victory la gamIe four, Ajax liad appeared te have taloen backthie momentum in the series. Bryan Rourke had the only goal for Whltby ln that contest. The semi-finals feature the. four eastern teams ln the league, wli Claringten taking on Belleville and Whitby facing Peterborougli, undefeated ln league play Oui year. Whitby bas beaten Peterboroughi once this season in a teurnament, but only a strong team effort will aliow Whltby te advance te tlie finals. Fundrai"ser -for Henirybail team AAwiujJ 8Jf5AsD piayeus musAUD A*fundraising event for Oie week Henry Street Higli Scliool Hawks baseball teaem will b. held at Oie Lion and Oie Unicora Cross-imiins! pub-restaurant on Saturday niglit, club on the ru Mnen aisdfo hengto wlll heip defray Oie costs of the The Durham Region chapter o! toamn's upcoming trip te Florida. the Canadian Cross Training Club Hiwks lait year won Oie Blue wiii meet toiight (Wednesday), Jaya Cup, considered the Ontario 7:30 p.m., at Oie Osliawa Civic championsiiip In hlgh school Dome (south end of the track). basebail. Members - of Oie ui- ewly As a result, Hawks earned an established grïoup, for those wlio invitation teoie annual Boca Ilke te run, cycle, swim or cross Raton, Fia. teurnament that country ski, will take a groupTruui features some of the tep schooi and afterwarde discuss upconiing teama in the U.S. activiti'es. The. fundraiser at'Oie pub, at For 'more Information, oeIl Jim Green and Coborne streetis, starta at 404-104., a8pm- Fre Esimates , ResidenMa Convunerchdl0 industri .NermiOLoav PARTNERS BILUARDS Fuly Licne -Sateirde Dish PSo- Remise TABLE 13 - 8 BAU. TABLES >ToummnetQuaflly Tables 1916 DtnaicsSt. E., Whby KEN Mcl VOR'S (UOBDY BE PAIRS) *Co àLoekudy Pi LCoa , 16Ys * ildien'Wiows HRMPif md72fl1 sL f When 1 Iet you fast week, Wayne Cashman and Paul Holmgren had begun fightlng ln the hallway at the Spectwum ln Philadeiphia, Just as it happened recently in aniother Incdent ater Petr Svoboda was elbowed. When the Bruins and Flyers team mates saw the scrap going on, both teams emptied their benches and the real fray began. Bodies were so packed into the hallway, the police could flot get in 10 breack il up. When'it finally was over and the game continued, wo only had 12 players lt. lronically. that was the game hockey wrlter George Plimpton was researching a hockey book similar te his well-known football book (The Paper -iger). George played the first 10 minutes of the first penod for the Bruins and dld alrlght, but the Flyers lot Up on i hm a bit. When ho was done. he loft to meet wththe' brass of Sports Illustrated upstairs and ho missed the wholo thlng. George sald it was the blggest single disappolntment o! his llustrlous writing career. Needless 10 say, wo got the cal to go to tho NHL headofie in Moritreal 10 give our sidos of the sloWy. This Is how it went. *Mr. Holmgren, did Mr. Cashman hit you with his stick?' asked NHL penalty enforcer Brian O'Neal. *No, sir.' said Paul. OMr. Cashman, did Mr. Holmgren hit you with his stick?! askod O'Neal. 'No, sir," said Wayne. b Thon Brian put on thue vldeo which showod Paul and Wayne clubbing each other. 'Thon what do you, caîl this?' askod O'Neal. wJust love laps,' answered Wayne. O'Neal made a decree that a gale had'1 be erocted at The Spectrum 10 divide the dresslng roomns - -one that could stop elephants from charging.. That gale was dubbod 'The Cashman-Holmgren Gale.* What 1 want to know Is, why was il not closed 10 provent this latest brawl during the Habs-Flyers game. Since 1930 Busia s*Lfe# aRRSIPS VWCK IINSURAN CE 214 Duîxlm LEP Whkih. GORD GARNER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. 1 1 b ,11:4s 11AM-11IPM $.00 ýhoW ou~aupDnmn do aM, = Wmia«oS.m M43 MMN ST. WEST, OSHAWA 4e2_8400 "RlteUpholseng & Rpoir Cu asotoMe Fue rmiture o Office Furniture 1520 Dundee St W., Whitby Rust ProtectionSKAMPO Only OnIy Offlu u 9 1501 Hopkl

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