BEST AVAILABLE COPY Page 20o WhItby Fe 4ProseWeà iesday, Ob"à ay 21' 1 Trafaar 10host Science Olympics Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. .On Saturday, Feb. 24, Trafagar Castle wiil hold the Junior Science Olymlpies for the-Boreal Cup. The evont is being coordinated by two senior students, Sonya Kelising and Suzanne OgllvIo- King,. and wili. begin with an opening presentation at 9 a.m from profossor Paul -Dlaney from York University, who wlll talh about -'Headlinesý" from Spaoe,' al the latest from the world of spaco exploration including the -Galilea mdission te Jupiter, the. reoent dlscovery of "Earth-hike" planets arounid other stars, and the lateot, brightost and clearoat photos takenI of the. universe from the. Hubble spaoe telescope. Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., teanm from the. 2 achools will compote in a wide variety of fun yet cballenging events. - Evonts mclude: Quiz Show, a Reach-for-the-Top. type of game; Tower of Spheros, in which teama Hayley *Wood TRAFALGAR CASTLE Saturday, Fol>. 17 was. our eagerly anticipatéd formai. Tii. night was filled, wi"th some great dresses, lots of' dancing, and haudsome dates. -Tii.Valentine's Day theme turneaout te be a great success. We want te give a special thanks tote Grade 7 and 8 students, for tueir help with the. wonderful decorations and food. Msrch Break ,is quickly spproaching. Oný top of having te wonry about ail our.ISP deadlines, we are starting .ýte prepare for experie nce 'week wiiicii starta on March' 4 and is guarsnteed te be fun for everyone. Tua»*is a week in which students. are given the. opportunity te, take part in a wide variety of activities. mhe hardest part is making a choice from ail the great options such -as hikiug in, New Mexico, virtual -roaiity 'adventures, learning to cook or make a quilt, a concert tour in Hawaii,. beginxuug skiing and, snow*boarding, or fituesa for fun. My decision -was easy and a natural follow-up'to tue activity I did hast year. -,Mrs. Murphy organizes eaççîétnîg caving expeditions - last'year te Virgini*a and this year te Ne w Mexico and Texas- and se USjumped at the chance. W. wiil b. camping odl, cooking ail our own meais and hikcing through- seme amazing temey -tt shouid be inceutive enoughjý shouldn'lt it? Tii. best is tIi. caving itself. Exploring underground caves is fabulous - we wiIl se. formations and cohours and' rock structures tiist tue average-person neyer notices; Lsst year we had to wiggle -, our way inte an ehtrance se s3mall 'that some even lied, te shed their second layer of cWéhing - that's a snug fit. And it can b. prétty cehd at tint tine. of 'year, especialy in the. eveninga under. '1,canvss, even though we wilh be-fairly far soutu. 'Davne Summiers isu going with me rbuild the tallest, seif-supportlng 3 structure possible; Chemical Concentration, just hiks the game 1 show Concentration in wbich knowledge ofeélements 15 required *to coniplete the matches; Boats, Planes and Automobiles, in which teams need to construct the longest continuous route within a Lgiven aroas; SimFarm, computer simulation in which teamn ned to gonerate as much cash as possible from their farm in the Urne permitted; The Relay, a mini-event testing knowledge of mammals, logic, math, design, estimation and observational sills. Prior te, the day's events, each competing echool has te, produoe a short video based on some scientific principle. The event, Quiet on the Set, will be judged by the quality and humour in the Aise, each team bas to construct a vohicle capable of protecting four eggs from a three-moetre drop te a bard surfaoe. The winning toam. in Crash Test Dummies will be determinod by the teain that protectsalal the fi"passengers" in the lightest possible vehicle. It is sure te b. a smasbing succese.- Awards wili b. presented te top schools. Tainya Hunter /Ala na Koster SINCLAIR SECONDAR) SCHOOL Tu 'e past few weeks have been very busy here. Students bave been trying te complete tueir course selection sheets. Just s briefremilnder that sehection forme are dus tomorrow. SAC !& on the. looes Students boware! There's ne room for the. camera shy, as SAC haunched their first episode of Sinclair Spunk hast week. Our noble leader, Will Ellis, sud bis camera crew have been on the. prowl to catch any victime, willing- or.,net, for an on-the-spot interview with Will. Watch for your debut as the. show wnIlh air every weekduring TAG âmne. Many thianka are extended te al those who- helpsd te make our Valentine'.-1 week a huge success. SAC, once again g ave a terrifie performance with the. Dating Game last Tuesday. Congratulations te our liret-plaoe couple, Nilc Hudson sud Matt Hunter,. Who received $50 for a nioe evenlng eut tegether. Second- and tuird-,place couples aise roceived nome great prizes (great shà orts, Mii). Thanks 'te aIl tiiose wbo participated.. Intramural council kept busy' with their carnation sales sucid deivening themte tthe TAGs on Wednesday. Grade 9-' students can look forward te their Arts & SIdilîs for Living second term report cardsà this ïý rdysohropportunity for parents te stay informed about our school cemmunity. The February school newshetter- is also due-eut this Friday. Find eut mûre. about what's been happening 'frorn- our different departmenti--as well as how you can get involved at, achool. The. count is on as"we eagerly await the. arrivaliofMalrch break. As we ail know, the Henryr Street High School Hawks senior basebali team won the Prentice Cup championship last June at the. Skydomne. This award, also known as the Blue Jays Cup, is embiematic of supremacy in high school baseball in Ontario. On the basis of their championship season, Hawks have been invited as the only Canacian representative to a prestigious tournament in Boca Raton, Fia. this' spring. H-igh school teams froni 'California, Georgia, Florida, and other states will compote in a week-long tournament. As well as offering top level competition, the. toumnament will present works3hops, in leadership, drug awareness and other issues relevant to young athietes. The tournamnent runs from March 31 to April 6. Local organizer Jack Mqcdonald has done a first-class job at arranging a warm welcomne for his 'friends from the. north.' Hawks will be practising indoors for the next eight weeks in order to prepare for the trip south. Also, they are looking for sponsors for their trip. -A donation of $100 will purchase a complet. uniform for on. of our 16 players. If anyone wishes te advertise on the back of the. sweaters, this can be arranged. For mîore. information, contact Mr. Buchanan or Mr. Brady at 668- 2731 (fax 668-3473). A teani of seven Henry wrestlers was second overall at the. Campbellford tournament, losing to a larger and stronger teamn by only one point. 0f the. seven Hawks,* first-place winners were Rob Lyon, M'bike Francis and Justîn Turner, and Puyia Vakilia- Zad had a second-place finish. This Thursday,, the. Henry wrestling team will b. competing ,in the LOSSA championships at Sinclair. Finals commence at 6 p.m. and spectators are welcome. Admission is oniy $2, so lies ail cheer on our Hawks. Option selection time is just around the corner,, and al-. students should b. thiinking ahead to what courses they, are going to ta ke and what courses they wil require in the future. On Tuesday of hast week, Impact sponsored a multimedia motivational assembly to try to convince students te make good decisions in hif.. Tii. presentation was by Motivational Media Assemblies lac. and was sponsored by Pepsi*. Km Hewitt thought *that the. presentation was "Véry" and a "strong message which will help ail." Sarah Cook thought "it realhy rehated to' the diverse problems facing teens of today." Music students represented Henry at tiie Durhamn Reion Honour Choir and Band: singers Maeghan Fenneîl, Jackle Mclntrye, Sarah Mitchell, Christina Roberts and Erin Smith; concert band members Ryan Ash, Tom Hwang and Brook. Misasi. They performed superbly. On March 6, Henry will hold»its first annual Aerobathon. Students and. community niembers are encouraged te participate. Tii. event will- include guest instructors,,music, fun and prizes. Ail prooeeds will b. divided between a local charity and the Henry Street athletic program. Henry is busily preparing for tiie third annual Henry Street Variety Show te b. held on Feb. 29, at 7 p.m. Any staff or students interested in participating, ses Ms. Morley or Mr. Fuke. Whatever your talent, we're iénterested in having you show your stuff at this GO~ Blair Niblett ANDERSON CVI Welcome te tue epic.saga of A.C. Jones, tue perfect Anderson student, sud bis quest for tue hohy "A." Wiien we hast left our hero, he was preparing for bis OAC Englisi diagnostic esssy in tue computer lal>. After printing eut bis essay and attacbing al of bis procesa, A.C. Jones hesds dowu te the new gym te see what's up witu the. Sport-a-Thon; .On bis wsy, h. is interrupted by a horrible sound from the. stage. I tue hope tuat h. iight find some action, A.C. Jones darta up tue stairs te tth. stage. Tuer. he finda 25 students in orange jackets, five English tesciiers and a custodian jumping around wildly. " hhit's only arad! thiks AC. te bimself.* I'tue midst cf ail -the excitemnent, A.C. dreps'bis' diagnostic essay, and it is "sammn'ned" on b)y al of tue unruly lip isynchers'. "Agghbl" -cries A.C. as h. dives under-the mxass of people te save hie essay. "I got it," h. exclaims, sud h. boita off tii. stage-just'as Mn. Simpson is about te tae off bis head with a chainsaw. Disgruutled by tue uuprovoked attack on hise esay, A.C. begins bis oueyback te tue computer lab, t ernt bis eà say. On the way past,tuo'ecafotoria, a giant health> nurse ,stops A.C. aud attempta te inject bim witu poison measies vaccine. A.C. dodges left sud ducks right. The. healtu nurse is slow but A.C. beginate tire sud ita seemeaa messies injection isineacapable. Luckily, Mira. Ough cornes sud notices A.C. battlfig agai2nst tue evil need. "Mrs. Ough, helpt" h. cries. "Hold on, I can hglp youll" Mrâ. Ough yels back. Sh. jpuis a peucil from her hair and propels it like a dart tewards tue evil health nurse. "Yes!!i! Direct hitlll" exclailmi Mrs Ough asthe. peucil punctures tue healtu nurse, in tue'arm, causing her te run away for s tetanus shot. "Wow, Mru. Ough, tuat's smaziug!" With unew euergy, A.C. continues up the. computer lab, reprints bis ossay, aud reattaches tue uow trampled writing precess. Desperste te haud in bis essay, A.C.runs te room 140 sud hauds it in thte- impatient Euglish mouster, just before tue deadlie. Pheased by tue obstacles' that h. had overceme, A.C. Joues heada back dowu te thenew gym te catch tue asat few heurs of tue Spot-a- Thon. Stay tuued for the. Furtiier Adveutureu ofA&C. Jones sud bis Queat for tue Holy *A.' 'See ya iu two weeka, Anderson* year's production, One Guy and a Ukulélé. Henry Street High Sciiool wll host students from. Whitby, England, April 5-19. If you are lnterested lit bflletlng a studont,- caîl tho school and asIc for tue bistery dopartment. Henry Street High School and tii. Whitby Courthouse Theatre have consolidated a partnership vision statement. Henry ls lookcing forward. to sharing resources and experience with them in the noar future. FATHER LEO Je AUSTIN I wanit toý teil you, My head is, /llled with thinga. to say Much ike the. Beatles, my mnd is se cluttered witii exciting Austin I . scarcely know whiere te Las e.k stùident counèl held à ' Spirit Week. On Wednesday wo were treated to a non-unifor m 'Red and White day.' In honour of Valentine's Day, computer 'Cupid carde were aise, availablo. Thursday evening was the Blast From the Past dance',"and. on Fniday students aud1 teaciers traveled* te 'Mount- St.' Louils Moonstone for a day of skiing. Congratulations to student coun"il for putting on yet another successful event., Coursme selections formes were handed eut -te -students on Monday, and are due bck, along with your -activity fee, te your homeroom teaciier by Feb. 27. If yeu're not sure what courses te take, course counselling, is available in the gudance office. Measles imimunizations wère held st week smid moans'of proteist.' Wile the. thought of a needie made meut of us cringe, w. faced it with characteristic braveny. Thanka go eut te ail the Austin parents snd OAC studeuts who volunteered toesupervise.,* Good luck te hr. Demiîerre, the concert baud, choir, jazz band and vocal ensembles as- they prepare to compete. in the Pickering Muuic, Festival uext week. The. University of Waterloo math contest was iield today for budding mathiematicians in grades,9 te 1il. Thei. contesta 'for -grades 12 and, OAC wili b. written soon,- check with your math teacher for exact dates. And tuere are * many, more activities happening soon, such ï as volleyball and basketbsl games, swim meets, religion retreats, The Pirates of Penzarnoce, sud the ever- popular March break. Until tuen, keep up the good work, Austin. Omiss ion, I th eFeb. "7,edition, Brett H1-uetuer -shou1,d_ 1'have.'_be.en included as on. of tue Ontario sciiolars from 'Hemry $treet igh. School. 'lisnarne w4s not ontha )laat