Bantams bow out of p layoffis Whitby Fro. Preas, Wockiosday, Februar 28, 1906, Page 15 . .. ... The hockey season came to an end last week for Whitby's major bantamAAA hockey team. Whitb lost two straight to Centa Ontario ln the best-of-three playoffs. Central won 3-1, Mike Longo scoring for Whitby, and 4-1, Andrew Judd, wlth the Whltby goal. Scott Thompson was superb in the Whitby net in both gaines in which Central scored empty net goals. Despite the losses, Whitby kept it close against the powerful Centrai teain, and Whitby's fine Whitby froquois indoor soccer SHRIMP Feb. 24 Ugt Blue 2 (MattewMink 2) Yelow 5 Joshua Boderck 2, Jahn Volpe 2. Jan Hull) YelowiBlue4 (Dnielanumrchia 2, Kaya Lamuiras, Michael Lo) Ught Gren 3 <MathewKrei.nsel 2. Jonathan Bak) Feb. 17 YlIowMBue 4 (Dentck James Grundy, Daniel Tonurchio, Chris Stokes. Michael Lee) Purple 0 YeliowO0, Ligh Green 3 <BoK, Taylor Lard, Spencer WhiteO0, Puiple 3 (Bradley Etherington 2, Buttany Chowen) Uight Blue 3 <Menik 2, Jillian Manillo) WhiteO0 feb. 10 Blue 5 Jordan Mercier 2, Menik 2. Marillo) Gren 3 (Taylor Lard 2, Krooenstoei) BLueYliow 6.<Deick James Grundy 2, Adam Jeronimu, Katya Lamna, Tomaecio) WhiteO0 Ye.loaw0. PurplisO - GUIRI Fub. 24 Tum 2 i1<Alan Evelyn)Tuum 03 2 (Tyer Mackdn. Matthew Raid) Tean 08 0.Tam #7 2<(Peter Canrpos, Sont P.quegnut) Tuinfi1 1 (Rabble Goddard) Tam#4 3 <George Wlanvid2, David James) TemfS0 2 (Bake Howsam, mli Mitchel) Tam #65 <Branen Berendi 2, Aaron Woodfull) Fsb. 17 Tourn#1 0, Team03 3 (TylerPwtcdn, Cody MacDonald. Matthew Dlaney) Team 05 i <Luleurry) Teum #7 0 Teani # 2<Bérendt, Keith Had) Tam 6 1 (JameS playoff performance showed the progress macle over a season in which they began with 12-O, 8- O and 6-O bosses. Other team membera are Brian Poulin, Brett Macrury, Ryan Babcock, Clay Cornish, Mike Majeste, Darren Forbes, Evan Cardwell, Peter Triantafilou, Tim Fennessey, Jason Schleiffer and Evan Kitamura. tie with Barrie. Philip Mcllhone led the team with a hat trick, with singles goals bw Luke Carson, Michael Trudeau and James Neal. Ryan Kerr had two asoss. W'ildcats approacli the playoff li foxurtli place in the easteru ETA division, with 13 wins, 12 loaes and five ties. Novices fourth Atom series The Whitby minor novice AAA hockey team finished regular -season play on Feb. 17 with a 6- Yainada> Team 02 3<evuyn 2) Tmn#4 6<J(MMs2. Millnovsici 2. Brandie MacMdntosh, goiscrernn nia) MOSO11UITO Feb. 25 Drokiln LadnsAux 7 <Pasquale OBmeuta 2, Unduay Zutn, Maia Partis., Scot Vanular, OMid O'Haw, Peter Wright) Canadlan Motel0 Strikers2 <Rbera.FRouioi, Robert Pria) WoivWnes 6 (Bon Sandhaus 4, Paul Kantas2) CanadanTirs <Michel Bowermnn4.Rymn Wood. ErnWatson) Paul Leblanc 1 <Michael Shuehan) Kraln Bull3 (<Mou Bull 2, ArthurSusld) Village Chruber 6 (Kerdl ingnn3. Mils Wer 3) Ralnd Pools 5 <Vita Rossini, EricLohnert, Deuici Manine, Spencer Hosldin, Catherine Fluet) Wahtzng WeuIeé2 <Michael Gray, Michael Askew) Red Oevls 5 <Chrs Taylor 2. Haben James 2, Scot Chowen) Fortune Fnanclal 4 Chil Wynne 2, Jamie Delmastra, PafHouston) Feb. 17 Canadian Tire 1 (Bawwmn) Baind Pools 8 (Rossn3'. Hosdn 3. Fie&.L.hnert) Brookiin L.adn AwIc.5 <Beveuto 3, Vanular 2) Kevn Bull 1 <NeliBull) Wohneines 6 (Sandhaus 3, Kontos 2. Wibley)Village Chuyler 4 (Oubeau 2. Grson, Mile Wr)q Canadana Motel 2 (hnnn Pulm) Red OirIuT4" (Ciawsn 2. Taylor, Sinins) Paul Leblanc 3 <Funland, Lebian, Lundy) Fortune Rnancla4(Dagts 3. Hardy) Stdlles1i(Pawen) Waltzn WUse3 <Guy, Caughel, Plndur) Feb.i1 Ralnd Pools 5 <Lhnet2 Rossini 2, Porter) Sliker0 Kern Bull 4 <N. Bull 2, D. SuI12 ) Walernes 1 Vilage Chrysler 2 <MibeWerJohnson) Canan Muai3 (Mo1ka, Pulmn, Sichenrl Red Devls 7 <Rid 4. Taylr, Slrnne, Helein James) Paul Leblnc 2 Lebanc 2) Fortune FInancial 1 <Pat Hauston) Brookil Ladins Atm 4 <Benveuto 2, Parai. Vanular) Wabtin Wesei 3 (Dancing, Aulcw, McLaughlin) Candlan Th 2 <yan Wod, Cassidy) deadlocked. The Whitby minor atom AAA hockey team sphit two games with the Richmond Hill Stars last weekend in the second round of the Eastern Ontario playdowns. After eliminating Vaughan Rangers in two straght games ealier, Wildcats had to wait for the red hot Stars to complete a major upset, by eliminating the higher rated Quinte Devils in double- overtime. SWhitby then hosted the high fiying Stars in the opening garne of round two on Saturday. Richmond Hill stole the home !ce advantage from the fiat Wildcats by a score of 5-1. Adamn Stein spolled the Richmond Hill shutout when he broke in alone and buried a bard short into the upper corner of the net. Wildcats then outplayed Stars the followrng day in Richmond HFEU for a 4-2 win, as Kyle Musselman scored twice, singles by Kyle Percewicz and Justin Sawyer. The best-of-three series now moves back to Whitby. Durham indoor soccer MENS DIVSION Feb. 22 - DurhaanCelc 7 AIAzha4.L&SRangers 4.Whily ulers2; CCSCda 4. Oshawa Tund 1; Fit 15 - Drm Chllc7. Whlby SluIeu1; Alrican SUS. Oshawa Tuni 4. L&.Rangers 8. AI-Azh5 Feb. 25 - WuIzing Wuube 4. Paibrn UnIte 4;, Bicycle Plus 6. kneloa u5, Oshawa Kics 8, Ruckus 1; Feb. 18 - BicyclePhus 7, Rucia s3. Waltzng Wuesi9, Barceon 3; Oshawa Kickas8, Paibrn Uniled 3 DIVISION iI Fd. 25 -Tridents 9. shawaJaln 5. Red BougeraS, Whlby Inn 7. Me. 18 -Orange Cmiii 3.Whitb Inn 0; Red Bougera 9, Oshawa Janz Tweens edged oùt championship thriller The Whitby tween AA ringette team won a silver medal in the Gloucester tournament over the weekend. In the first game, Waterloo skated te a 5-3 win. Knowing that another losa would put them ont of the tournament, Whitby then defeated Cumberland 3-29 Beaconafield, Quebec 2-1 and Camnbridge 2-1. For Beaconsfield it waa their firet lbas of the year. This placed Whitby ln the semi- final against Sudbury. Whltby took contraI early. and neyer looked hack registering an 8-4 victory. The final matched Whitby against Gloucester. With the hometown crowd behind them, Gloucester won an extremely close checking game 5-4. Gloucester tied the game 4-4 with two minutes remaining. Aa the dlock ticked down and both teania frantically trying te win the game, an errant pass found a Gloucester player on the edge of the crease and goalie Heidi Sclitt dove aci-osa te make the save.' But the rebound went back out te the same player who shovelled the ring inte the open net with three seconda left for the 5-4 win. Teani membera Schlltt, Kara Byrnea, Miranda Burgess, Lyndsey Smith, Sara Vanderlip, Krlsta Mueller, Jessica Brownridge, Jennifer Lelghten, Stephanie Campeau, Nichole Freeman, Rachel Reid and Lindsay Freeman will be in the provincial championshlps in Cambridge in three weeka. Petites fmi'»sh lst After a slow preseason start, the Whitby petite Cl ringe tte teain went 10 consecutive games undefeated ta finish Rt Ien the division of the Ontario Central Ringetto League. Team members are Lindsay Tait, Lexa Bailey, Carie Horwood, Hobby Mackillop, Disa Mlayhew, Melanie Queisneble and Jessica Templeman on the forward ines, and Catlbin Campbell, Sandra Clarke, Ainanda Handscomb and Candice Hodgson; on defence. "1996 REGISTRATION La c rosse Play Canada's National Oummer Qport and the fastest game .- on Iwo feet wit h Whitbyj Minor Lacrosse The finest way to stay fit . for the 98-97 sports. season. .We cover ail theDu'rham Region,,: Ages 4- 20 OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA Sat. Mar. 9 & Sun. Mar. 10 WHITIBY IROQUOIS PARK ARENA Sat.,Mar.30& Sun.,Mar. 31 ALL TIMES: 9:00 arn. to 3:00 p.m., Cgali 434-8919 or 432-2322 for more informationj el 1bae w hitby',min-oIlr basebali association 199 SLEC iPOGAM SELECT COACHES FOR 1996 (Upon Approval By The Executive)»- MINOR MOSQUITO (Solo Appicant) MAJOR MOSQUITO (Solo Applicant) MINOR PEEWEE (Solo Applicant) MAJOR PEEWEE (Solo Applicant> BANTAM BANTAM MIDGET (Solo Applicant) Rob FORRESTER David ARD Jeif SISSONS Terry WITRUK Ken JIMMO Guy CONNELLY Ray MICHAUD Michael JANACEK 430-8800 BORN 1986 430-0672 BORN 1985 430-1470 BORN 1984 666-3944 BORN 1983 666-3716 BORN 1981-82 721-2319 BORN 1981-82 668-0826 BORN 1981-82 668-0018 BORN 1979-80 Selection of the above mentioned coaches was made through advertisement in the Whitby Free Press in which solo applications were received by the Select Director ai ail levels with the exception 0f the Bantam Division. Three applications.were received ai the Bantain Level. Following discussions with the three applicants Ray MICHAUD and Guy CONNELLY expressed interest in coaching together. 601h stated that they ha".e worked together in the past and had reached an excellent rapport. 'Any players requlrlng further In formation about pre-season. wà èaa4fé a nud. #vâùtn à im.iom ontam,' *thâ.u4sr. h lmraampin~.