Whitby Free Press, 28 Feb 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, WNU>hy Fr. Prise. Wodneaday, February 28.1996l The only Newspaper owned andôoperatedý by Whitby residents for Whltby residents! MEMBER 0F: @4A hiA CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER* NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATIO.N ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distnbuted free to 99% of t he homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtle as weIl as numerous public and commercial outlets In Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST - Outside Canada $85 + GST - Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whîtby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager. Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Pninted on newspnnt with minirhum 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. cAil wtten matenai, illustrations and advertislng contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial puroe without the express permissycon of the newspaper is prohlited and is a violation o fCanad copyrightZ'w Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shouid bear a credif i Ine to te Ctby Free Press. To the edîtor: Re: Education 'tool kW~ soan ta b. unvelîed, Fr. Press, Feb. 21. In response toa Educatian and Tralning Mnister John Snobeîen's suggestion ta Ontario's achool boards, I amn diaappointed thai ho dldn't Inform the. presa about the smart decisons aur provincial achool boards have been maldng, flot only recently, but also for rnany yeara. The Ontario Public Sohool Boards A good reputation Sup port> the childre.n Tro the editor: The cillren ai aur.communlty are losing support frorn aur local agendles ln fie flght agalnst mental lînesa.- An aduif sufferlng from a montaI ilîneas la very difficuif and these indMduals tend ta b. powerless ln controlîi ng their own situations. Can you aven try ta Imagine what fh la Ike for a cild try1tng tabattle amental heah ltineas? Those cildren are .=hlngadouble baffle, againef tth. i~esadagaWna their age. Children suffer lrom rnany of the same ilMesses that aduits suifer frorn. The most common diagnosis that, la labebed an a chld la attention deficit d1sorder, at hougi cilldren also suifer ýfrorn depression and schlzopirenia. if la also Important ta note miat young people of Whtby make Up 33per cent.af tii. areas total population, accordlng ta the Town 0f Whtby's municipal documents. ln a rocent article ln the Whltby Free Press, I was inlormed ftae fi. Unted Way as cut back $4,000 ln aur loalKnark Famlly Services ln Wiltby. This Is one of the few, If not the. only, agency fiat deals wlth cilidren sufferlng from mental health ilineases. 1 understand that fils cutback ln funda was a resuif ai tii. commrunty's rosponse ta the. lunding carnpalgn. ktiadeM a gal of $3.2 million but onty reldved $3.010,000. Part ai tue blame for fie lack 0f funds was because the fundralsers were not pe ttet canvasa GM employees. an.fie Ime. There was also blame upon fie unemployment ln fie govemment sector.» AMith1ido not have any facta or figures an the. extent ta whlch fie govemment has cut baciç an flese services, I couldn'tImagine that Klnark has b.en bift devoid ai any Increase ln fundlng from fils source as welL But we can't place al the. blame ln on. soctor' or another' of aur cornmunIty oraiofie govemrnient's *typlcar behaviaur ai aur curront limes. Durham Reglan must talc. ovwrahlp of ha people, lncluding ha youlg peopIe.. TheTawnaiould bcI nitiatives tacontinue ta p »lesiie adae rvd addltianal cars programa and facîlies for thase with f hese speclal needs. la fie laco a support for aur healti programs, a roi lection upon lie community w. Uiv. in? Many people feel fiat the broakdown of the nucloarlamliy la partially ho blarne for the. dwlndllng commiments In aur neighbounhaods. if la flot the siapo ai aur larnily that mattera but ratier the *sensen af family fiat has been loat Our communlty spirit and togethemnesa has been bift by thie Th1sle omnt should not walt unlil someono they know isa sulferlng frÃ"m a mental healthIllînoss. Action neods Io b. taken for future arluifs In aur nieigibounhooda. CalI your'local United Way and support thie oaitiy survival ai aur chlldren. Robyn Koffer Student 'Sad'y about moving To the editor: I arn In Grade 5 at Pingle Creek Public Scicol and have been a stuent at Pringle since kindergart on. I have mal. lots ai goad finonda and 1 Ike my teachers. Many of rMy beat lriends %Ili not be moving ta the *new achool and fiat maices me really sad. I lhlnkftheif adûlta agre. fiae their chlldren shauld not attend fi. new school, they ahould not be lorced. If I have ta go ta the new sciool In 1997, I would only have fwo yoars there. For tue sake of two years, 1 don'f thlnk fley shauld force me ta go. Putting an elemontarj achool In Anderson field la rot a very amant mnove because somo younger students m2ayb. watchlng aIder students smoking, -or beiaving In ways fiht younger chldien should not b. soeng. Most ofle peoplo I have talked ta would b. happler if fley ihadn'f started fie new achool In tue tIrst place. But now they have, 1 fhlnk that kids f hat are neanly graduated from fohin achool, aiould rot be forced to change mldstream. - 'Adam Hais,.10 To the editor: Re: 'Money unwisely. apent,' letter, Free Press. Feb. 21 1 hope ta clear Up sorne af the negative critidsr levelled against the publc warks department wlth regard ta the salfing of Whitby's streets. 1 have Ived ln Whlty for six years and durlng this lime I have had some deailngs wlth the above departrnent. Without hesiation, 1 can honestly say that the department la ans of the most effcent and well managed departments that 1 have had ta deal wlth. Rf is a well known fact throughaut Durham Region that the Town af Whitby has a reputatian af having its raads and streets cleared of Ice and snow long before ather municipalitios. With this ln mInd, iR la hard for me laý ait back and read the published commenta attacklng a departrnent that works sa hard. l's fine for someone ta look out their wndow and make a judgrnent cal about road and weather conditions, what shouki or shauld not be done. I, an the other hand, woukId rather have these' decisions made by exporienced vorkers who, more than Ukeiy, have been, Up belore dawn actually travelling the oals wMieothers sleep. ,If sorneane wisied ta question an operatian, the answers are just a phone oeil away. Town council sets standards and objectives and the department carries them out. 1 don'twant ta get Into-a debate about the. pros and cons of sait vesus sand, but take a look at some of the outlying Regian roads cornie sprlng. This sand just daesn'f wash away, but costa thousands af dollars ta dlean up. SA llght fluiy, a few centimetros of snow, a ane-degree drap ln the temperature can cause black ice or, Icy slppery conditions ln a matter of minutes. Sane rmay think. that northem consultants can do botter, but with the bordertine conditions we experience ln Durham Region,-1 would put rny maney on aur public works anytime. The men and womon wia have ta beave their familes at a moment's notice ln the. middle af the nlght, waicened by a phono calta corne ta work in a blinding snawstarm ta sait tho roada, deserve a lot mare credif than- some people, alVô th eM'. >WVith coin? Io, for one, wouid 1k. ta take tuis opportunlty ta flank the Town of Whitby public iurks management and staff for delivering a- very professional, effcent and safe service throughout this past wlnter. Lorry Maddeaux Stop the gouging To th. editor: Copy of letter ta Ontario Hydro, Wiitby Hydro I arn angered 'at yet another W=oppngW ~huge increase ln aur alrely ay tohigh hydro bill. Tell me what could passlbly b. the, rosi reason for thls Inrease?- Hydro empboyees not quit. makng $50 per hour yet? Hydro hastbaught enough of the, trop.ical rainforest that has become avaliable for more millions? f canl . b. for lack 0f nuclear reactrs, we have, a few of theso tiat'are elther cornplet.ly 1dbe or only Up and runnlng on hait steam. F4 Job, hasnIt aliowed me an increase ln my pay for so many yea rs that rm embarrasod f0 say how long. Too bal 1 couldn't do what Hydro doos, -oh boss, 1 figure, my services are worti al15 per cent increase this week, followed by a furtier 10 per,- cent next week, and if everythilng goes okay l'i talc. another 10 per cent nextrmanti. Voah, rightlý I woùld b. aut the. dooë probably f aster than if takes hlm ta recover from the 'atfack 0f the. glggles 1 Iust Induced. But you at Hydro choose ta Increase almost at whlmt. What are we ta do? Freeze In the dark? What we nood la a government the£ wili ailier dismantie tilla grass rnonopol compbetely, or keep a« much'Ugier rein an these rnaney- wasters- Byrigifs our rates.shouldn't be even- hall what they are nw They keep s-âyIng aur power prIces, are gotlng cheaper'éwery year, ,shll the. bils are higiier. How can f get cheaper and cost us.'double, whâ t I coast us, a mre 10 years ago. 1 give &p 1donl-.know whato do? Beg? ThS gouglng has gotot stop. l'for otie.have .d enouigl Assodton has publlahed these efflclendes, yet his staternenta ta the pres oukidl balthe public ta befleve that aur school boards are not "oI managed. He particularly mentions savIngs; whîch could b. made In the area of transportaion, yet hé does not tei the press that the. Victoria County Board af Education*<1k. many- others) saved 10 per cent of Its transportation budget.~ changing sohol nty ad xitres. They aiea SeoctfaD 5ve $36,.000 annually by arranglig common routes wfth the separate board and two nelghbaurlng boards. Seven nelghbauring boards are" sharlng a telecommunloations, network ta provIde studenta and teachers wlth a wlde range aio resaurces lncluding acess ta the world-wlde Internet netwark " Other shared services Initiatives In boards whlch share boundarles Include Purchaslng, occupational heakh andsafety Inspection, services, warkeoe' compensation management programs, technical services such as computer, audla-vlsual and tolaphone repaira and servlng, and photocopyln9 areemnts. Board superintendents af finance Informed me that meetings ta discuss shared, cost-effective strategles are part of their modern, saund business practice. Chuldren have accoesta specl] classes ln negbuln ors whenths laa eter way ta provde service,. School boards are. worklng wlth communlty colleges and universities ta purchaso or develop contractai for paper, supples, copylng,, couder, transportation 'and-.,even -payral pragrama. The. Joint .tenderlng initiatives, af Durham,,- ,Durham eprtVictoria, Peterborough', Hasina, Prince .'Edward, Narhuberland-Clarî'ngta*n, >Haliburton and ather achool boards have resuied hin huge svna sthe, minister knows, thiese ofileclsare As minisdter responsiblel, for education, he has an- obligation -ta the. pubilè tlà nform'them 0 f the on'goirig effectve sÈteps, whlch save taxpayeria'dollars. ý,He' has ,an obligation toaspplaud the initiative ai- the <staff of ewery school board for manage 'ment .which' makes.. a differenâce.' H. has an obligation ta vislt échoola and achool boards ln arder 1 see firsf-hand howime aid. money are l nvested -ln the best Interests ai chidren and taxpayeOra. School boards, have been spendlng money lesmarter.« School boards have. entortainieci significnt do wnslzlng ln' administrativead teacilng staff1,nthe.Iaàti th and years.Rif . lrne the. minister sang thilrr ie.kistirne he ,representecj eductin and trlnng ,.as aur nlafser., lnstead'ai mlsre presenrg tii. rhInlatry ' te a o na. so th edior.. 'S Mart' decisions flot mentioned

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