Page 8, Whltby Fiee Proe, Wednesday, March 6,1996l whint y,sn . Firest ini Canada R*egional ene'rgy effciency network begun in -Durham Big stir A STUDENT from Durham College's food and beverage r rmtries out the equipment duning a tour of Brew Works n'hb.Photo by Jermy Drm.., MW tby FrouPis 110Isus Hut to(er oons, Ajax 2 ansing S&. (She pp itora k.,Not o 110untoSt. (ar Jarisd), ont Pive Durham Roglon organizations- have joined a notwork that will holp their "bottom lino" by reduclng enorgy consumption, and help the environment by reducing the omission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. CoSteel-Lasco and Woodbridge Foam Corporation of Whitby, Escalator Handrail Company of Oshawa, Goodyear Canada Inc. of Bowmanvflle and the Durham Region works departmnent have created "energy teama" whose mission i. to learn more about how energy can be saved in their facilities and to apply the measures they learn. <The Durhamn Region Energyr Efficiency Network (DREEN) i. being led by the Canadian Institut. for EnergyTraining (CIET) in partnership with the Bureau for Excellence in Durham Region (BEDR). Both CIET and BEDR are based at DurhamCollege. "The network idea was hatched through discussion with Dick Hadden, the executive director of BEDR," siays Doug Tripp, CET's executive director. "Approxlmately 40 Durham Reglon organizations were already involved in ISO-9000 networks. We thought that if they are looklng at procees optimizations and other total quallty Issues, they should also bo dealing with energy waste. 'Mlany organizations have found energy savinge of 20 per cent or more. That's what DREEN was Meeting the health care needs of the entire.fà rilv! CON VENIENULY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon. to Wed. 8am Thurs., Fri. 8am - 6pm e Sat. 9 Family Care Medical Centre Dr. W. A. Cecutti Whitby Towne Square 3050 Garden St. 430-5-305 -9pm -5, Sun. 10O-3pm Rojsland Rd. creatod to do." The particlpatlng organizations will ho Involved hIa son.. of training sessions, some of whlch include assessment of their own facilitios from, an energy consumption point of view; other workshop, sessions will focu on the ways ln which energy ln any form Ia consumed lni faclîties, where opportunities for savinga exlst, and what cen ho done to capture those savings. "As well, regular networlng meeting. wlll ptovide opportunities for information- sharing among the participants and for Input from other resources on subjecta such as project financlng options, technologies such as building controls, and operational measures that cen save energy. DREEN Is an example of the training services provlded by CIET to the industrial, commercial, institutional and governmnent sectors. The national training organization was established in concert with the energy efficiency branch of Natural Resources Canada as part of the federal govemment's effort te promote and support Improvements in energy* efficiency. Kassinger top R.2000ý builder in Canada' Stophen Kassinger received the national. R-2000 builder of the yerard at the Canadian Holme Buildors'. Association national conference ln Vancouver recently. Kassinger, president Of Kassinger Built Homes and a membor of the Oiihawa-Durham Home Builders' Association, was also, appomnted to the Canadian association's board of directors. Oshawa-Durham association oxecutivo officer John Stotta also, won a national recognition, the Dave Stupart award of honour for excellence in management. Halminen Homes won the top award for signage,. at their Nantu~cket site in Courtice. -DIREEN la CanadW'.flrt regional energy efficency network. The enthusiasm of the organizations that are jparticipating in it suggests that othe networks wlll soon appear i other regions across the country, says Trlpp. 'Firing' author at Sales Clubs meeinghi hity Sales Clubs of Canada- will host Jim Clemmer, author of Fïring on AUl Cylindera, at Cullen Gardons In Whitby te dlscuss Ise new book Pathwoya to Performance, on friday, March 8, 8 to 11:30 a.m. Tickets, $100 each, are now on sale te Durham Reglon businesses. Prices -includes a full buffet breakfast. and a copy of Cleimner'., new book.-. It- is the 'belief of theSae Clubs of Canada, that businesses constantly need te research and upgrade their knowledge te stay ahead these days," says Bill Goodwyn, president of the Sales Club. of Canada, based In Port Hope., 'My offenlng Information to businesses in Durham Region through newslettors and special events such as this one, we offer an opportunity for them te achieve a higher level, of competence to become more .uccesfifl." Clenimer has* also written FiNring on Ail Cylinders; The S&rvice Quality System for High Powered Corporate Performance, and Th7w VII> Stiutgy; Leadership Sk ils for Exoeptional Performance.' Ho lias delivered hundreds of keynote addresses and consulted to dozens of leading organizations acrous North Amnerica. Ho has been widely quoted inprint and given over 100 radio and' television interviews. Other scheduled upcoming évents include guest speakers Warren Evans, president of the Service Exkcellence Group, discussing 'The Buyer is Dead: Repositioning Yourself for Success in Today's New World,' on April 1, and Allan Simmons, discussing 'Personal Strategies for Týhriving on Change,' on May 15. 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Onitanio. The Intel Inside Logo anrd Pentium are regislered trademerks of Intel Corporation. The IPC logo is a trademark of 3D Mcrocomputers. O.A.C. based on*36 month lerm., frst and lest un advance and a 50, buyback. Software titfes subject todiange. **Pre-loaded on hard druve onfy. Proces may differ for dealers outsie the Toronto ares. AIl prices are cash duscounteul. Monitor not covered by on-site warranly., On-Sdfe service is nol available iu al areas of Caniada. Prices and configuration subject 10 change witfloul notice. -Ohio