Page 10, Whltby Fre. Prea, Weckiosday, March 2). 1996 Muisie benetit .in -Whithy for DunblaneSchool A musical fundraiser will b. held at The Lion & The Unicorn kirch 2 obene enr Whitby's Bobby Watt, a native of Scotland, and Lion proprietors are organizing -the event at which donationis can be made te the Dunblane Primary Sehool Trust which has been establ- ished. Watt says the Scottish com- munity -- and British community ln general -- ln Whitby and area hansbeen rocked by the gunmng cher in the central Scottish town. Thfe trust mone will b. used for scholarships for students of f h e hibyInn Retarant & Sports Bar 2 LB WIMGS &JUG SP!tJM Every night.e bar only from $3.95 il1 am-3pm Saturday & i Oam-3pm Sunday tDiming Room Special Buy one entrée at regular price 1 * get 2nd entrée orT 112 PRICE ~ iýEqual orýser value. Not to, be useci with other I specils. Expires March 31, 1996.~ Herongate Bam Now Paing "'Openling Night"i A Hilarious Conedv Dinner & Show TMurs. dhru Sun. Running until March 30 Starting at $32.95 Clip this ad and Save $2.00 Thurs. & Sun.' QnIy Group rates available. For more information eall: (905)472-3085 2885 Aitona Rd., Pickerïng ENTERTAINMENT Fdday & Saturday ýpm - 1 am wfth NORTH WEST PASSAGE EVERYTHURSDAYNIGHT Rib Dinner $9.9,5 SUNDAYS $1 Oý9ý5 Full Roast Beef 'Dinner St, Pats Pot of Gold Winner DAVE OITELÉ of Whitby (Come on down Dave)' 227 Brock SI. South. Whitýy 666-2211 the school and -for playground ,wpment and other tems. e %day ni 'ght lineu Wili féature Watt, a popular ;ofk art- POBU MGHT Poeta' Night is at the Clmaie Coffee Héuse. 1410 Bayly Stp Pl&erhi&ýMonday, March 25, 7 to 9 p.uL Poets wishing to read or songwriters - wishing to _ pSforra can =fi 430-7109. lutEl' TAX CUTS A workahip for writers, 'How to Cut Your Taxes in Half,' will be held on Satur"y, March 23, 9 to 11 am., at the Toronto School of Business, 1450 Kingston Rd., Plckering Cost is $10 for members and $1à for non-members. To register, call biadorie Green at 905-686-2085. 1 L- Take Oul - Delhen - 107 Brock Si. S.. 668-2222 L td*à zwý& Otter Creek Wes Lynde Video Video 900 BONACORD AVE. 27/3 MICHAEL BLVID. Reservation Hotline Rese'r'vation Hotline 666-9280 430-0992 ist, and many of hie "hiends" -- varlous artists including Howlin' at * the Moon, Iain Millar . and alternative bandý lhe Band With No Name. He expects other talented acta will aloo join in the event. "It will be quite an eclectic gni t" U; show geta underway. at 8 p.m. at the downtown Whitby location. Members -of the Drama Club March. Break Camp will present Out of lïnw at the Whithy Miay book We The Oshawa-Durham Symphony Orchestra, (ODSO) will hold its annual second-hand book sale ln May ln downtown Oshawa. To donate bard- and paper- backed books, musical tapes and CDe (not records or magazines), ceà 723-3183 or 4,38-1709 to make arrangements for drop-off or pick- UP- Courthouse Theatre on Friday, March 22, 7:30 p.m. The musical, written by Bernard Beales and Bd Dixon, will be performed by the club members, aged eight to 149 as the culmination of their week-long Camp- 1 It t9lls the stwy of a group of travellers whose bus breaks down near an old commune - they have groovy- experiences with the same, holdoute from the 1960t. Ticket* for $2, can be obtained at the ijorp., The Oshawa & District Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Téachers Association will present- a concert féaturing senior level atudenta on Friday March 29,, 8 p.m., at Zion ëÎýLtian . Reform Churçh, 409 -Adélaide ft E. (at Central Pârk),, Oshawa. INckets eut $5 and are avatiabie at Thom« House 'of Music, whithy. muumm 46THE1 -- - -- --T- - -- fflm- Children Under 10 - 1/2 hice ~ Regular Menu Ava'ilable l' 'FAMILY-PACK $ ,'FISH&CHIPS tax >5 fish,, 3 chi s, 1-250ml coleslaw West Lyn PeFFish Chips. Expires-Mar. 28/96. Buy one order of french fries RECEIVE',21NO. ONE FREE'g SIT DOWN OR TAKE -OUT Wem Lynýde Fish À Ch ips. Expirej Mar. 2'8/96. Groovy 5 phy t'o be presented- Fnloday i - qv dsl to 'Frien perfor-m Saturd&y Ie %ends of Fiddlers Green The concert wili be in the will perform at the Vital Spark theatre at the - Centennial Buil& Polk Club concert on Saturday ing, Centre Street South, doors night, March 23, in Whitby. opepm*g at 7 p.m. . The Priends' humour and INcketa, $10 for members -and musical eltille bave made them $12 for non-members, can be lonÊh*me favourites in the tradi- obtained, in advance by calling tinnal munie sSne. Alison at 430-2529. Student concert ïn Oshawa Best Chinese Food in Town Serving Durhamfor 32.),ean CHME FOOD AU You Can Eat BUFFET DALLY LUNCH$4*95 DENNER$7e-95 UV* ý'Wý 9 ý que