Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1996, p. 1

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Waste colection. Home, garden recommendation postponed shows held locafly Page 3 Pages4,15 Whitby benefit for Scottish school Page, 10' First ever provincial gold for Wbitby.rnet Pagel17 - id 'SEWAGE POND> Hlospitl ffic1is ste am.ed <about. Plan W By MIke Kowalsk U j u A proposed storm water reten- -- tion .pond tseeth future I4nde Shores housing 'projeet has created its own storm Of i corintrovry Whitby General -Hospital offi- cials have blasted a recommen- ~ ,fljdation from Town of Whitby staff topemitconstruction of the f» lty on provincial governinent lansouth of the hospital. Warning of odours, potentiai -î- safety concerne and maintenance problèe aasoeiated with su Open sewge pond,' WVhitby Genéral ,-iicà-president 'Marc' Kèéaley ,callod on Toncouncil- --lors a oeap- the "ludidrousi" recommendationMondaty. Z7-Failure ta do so will resuit in opoito that will-dafee that which surrounded the con- tentious proposai ta change the hospital inta a réhabilitation 4 ~.treatment centre, Keaiey, predie- ted. S"IfM ou think that theres been ea ""a~ afih on the future of the ý' an a t riIIù dig hu a4~Rsàmtospital,yZou haven't semen any- ~ ~ Ma&bJ i~Ieeenvatd a~iII- A though Kealey could not con- bà o OhP0rad fewg devolopment - committee ta kil -ptml -yIàkFýf. the proposaI outright, the com- mittee agreed ta send the matter ByM&e Kowaisid A Whitby Jail office worker sud her faûmily had ta contend with piciet lines outside their homrie last wo'ek. Membors of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) staged a noisy. demonstration at the Chiltern PIaîce «residence of Irena Kenioer on Monday and Tuesday oven- Tedemonstratars were upset that Kenicer had apparently been doing work normally prfor- med by striking OPSEU jail employees, despite an agreement between OPSEU sud Kenicers union that this would not ho permitted. Durham Regional Polioe were called on both occasins> but other than subjectin~ the 1amily ta taunta of L«scan sd loud music, the pickets were genorally well behaved. As of Frday, thy had not reured but- an OPSEU ofca warns offimlar action should' the unions agreement with the- Association of Management Administrative .& 'Profesasional Crown Employes f -Ontario (AMAPSCEch.bracedagain. "Shes dOing mY members' work and wo fid' that wrong,» declared Nick Tefoglou, pro- sident of OPSEU Local .359. "We allowed their (Kenicer's) union ta go in. and do their work sud thoy stabbed'us in tho baclc,» ho charged. "What ls there left ta do when yvoure on the outside sud stars,- mng sud someones going across théoline and taking the food outý of!nicethuband, however dlaims the pickets overstepped their bounds. Marc Flego said* hie family wero "prsoners" in their own home and 'is- angry that «in- nocent" parties were dragged into a union squabble. «Tm. upset that thoy could cone min front of my house sud demonstrat,Flego complained. "If thoy h aa timate pro- blem it should have been resol- yod at- the office sud not involve- my family, »ho s aid. "We as a society have'no-con- frol if people can do what they want sud it' affects so msuy -A.eo r ed h incidents. began with atelephoneoelfroin su OPSEUmembo on unday evening. "Ho told me they knew me sud what my wife was doing and this coming week they planned te set up a picket line in front of my house, said Flego. We called the police and told them what th% (OPSEU) said would happen.We didn't expect anyone ta show, but if they did, the police said they would res- The flhst night, five people arrived about 8 pm. sud stayed for two hours, FlAego said. As promised, police responded ta his cal for assistance. After chatting with the strik- ors, police informed Flego that the demonstrators were within their. rights,. but had agreed to, beave after a reasonable'length of time. syth ing about it," he said. It was not a picket lino, but. su information Iliè'and $they were free to set up an informa- tionlino ifront ofmyhouse..' hinking that thZe OPSEU members a made their point, Fbego said ' the family was «caugh y 'urs *.Wh4n il1 strikers, wih a RMCX-V rpo- ter in taw, returned the following Voli;ce were aLyain summoned sud this time the demonstrators. stayed for only one hour. As'a rominder of their visit, they left behind five jpicket signs. Not wislung ta subjc his two "trrified7 children ta a repeat performance Flego took them out WednesAay evening sund did not return homo until 10'p.m. Whilè e ho aims ta have no way of knowing whether his wife prformed duties that were con- trary ta, OPSEU's agreement with AMAPSCEO, Flego insists the problem should have been resolved another way., «'I feît lii. a prisoner in my own bouse,» ho said. "What right do* they. have to obstruct me? My rights were taken away.' Aniong those to whom Flego complainied'about the incidents were Whitby'.MaLyorTom.' Edwards, Durham Centre MIPP. Jin Flahorýty and' Durham Ragional Police Chief Trevor McCagherty., O¶'h question 1, would ask the M PAGE 27 'back to staff ýfollowing hie pro- tentation. Reading a letter from3hospital ci:hief executive'offioer Elizabeth Woodbury, Kealey criticized staff for supporting a request from the Ontario governmëe' Manager *ment Board Secretariat. Accordintoýa joint re Oof the Town sanmning,. publiC works and Parts and rcrato departments, the re9uest was- macle to accommodite future deéément near the Gordon The detention pond is one of four. that will, treat storm wlyater .,runoif.podc edà b y the eab lye >hores houm roject, a ~t initiative of- the .Ontario' t1 ororti on (ORC), Dur-à ham egion snd teRs-Cor-- poration. Originally intended to be loca- ted near Liàe Ontario south of the Whitby ental Health ,Centre, Oi<cofficiali have asked that the pond ho moved* south of Whitby General Hospital, 0'po- site the municipal boat launcg!" 1Higher' costs associated with sowage pipe installati on due to oxisting grade constraïnts, and potential impacts on lakeshore ,open spaoe, prompted the- ORO request, the' staff report states. While conceding that othor uses ma* be planned for the nearly Jhectairesof proinca lande botween the two hospitals, Koah3y said Whitby General offi- ciais wore stunnod upon learug that a storm sewer pond moef them. -NoU' that they had no know- ledgeof'the proposai until infor- med by councillor and ommittee chair Marcel Brunello, Kéaloy reiterated the' hospital's (and councils) previaus support of. a medical research theme park toutod to , he former DP government a few yoars ago., «Nothwithstandinf that the- usg-ouhe a of lan~d in question wudbnei hscoin- rnunity and- the hospitals aiong Gordon Street* if it wero develo- ped ... » Kealey read. «But the spin-off effects would enhance the Town's reputatio-n as a leader in'specific health- related research far greater than a storm sewage pond,» he said. According ta Koaloy, tho donido" te the pond are odours, safeéty-issues such as the pýotential ofrdrôwning," main- tenance, concerns and «nui- sance? from birdsuad other wildlife. If a medical research-park -is pot amenable to the goverrnent !Ç!ý_ -the comitteo b6noihor, ting the pond to tsoriginal site or reirnthe riallation of undroudds :haras tanks.»' Ifaling that Kealey maid fewer

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