Page 22, WNtby Free Prou,, Wednesday, Mardi 20, 199 HOW TO BOOK VOUR CLASSIFIED ADl Fax your ad tous at668- 0594. Please ensure you provide ail perinent information, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. ..;:.~. .... ~. . Mail your ad to: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, LUN 581. Ads should be mailêd 10 arrive by Monday at noon.* You can enclose your payment, or provide billing informà ation. P£ Wer oypn 9carn 10ou5pm, on Il amnon for Wednesday publication.. m, ated aÉ I CARS CAREERS CAR5~flS I ~ [I LEGALEXCUTIVE OFF[CE ASSISTANT. START IN MARCIH Pre Employinent Readiness - P/au, your joéb successfromn day oire. Keyboarding with WordPerfect - comput~ers are used in ail Tylpinig Modules Machine Transcription - Computers are used in ail Transcription Modules Business Communication - Mm'os, Letters, Reports' Office Systems and P rocedures- Organizational skillseand tinie management Bookkeeping and Financial Aceouning - mInro Io Manual Accountinzg Computer Fundamentals - software Applications, intro f0, Windâows Windows Applications - Microsoft Word, Mici-vsoft Excel Electronic Spreadsheets - Lots 1.2.3 *Law Office Practice and Procedures, e, Wills and Estates *Real Estate *Corporate and Commercial Law *Civil Litigation *Family Law *Principles of Canadian Law Job Search Oshawa HOME BASED business offering long distance service up to 60% off wihin North Ameica. N inventory quotas, account collection.'N selling. You may eam royalties for life. Caîl (905) 434-6503. FAX. VOUR AD!I 668059 ACCOUNTINGIBOOKKEEPING services- for your small business accounting needs and for com putenized persona I tax retums Caîl HK Business Services. CGA expenienced. Laurie King, 430-0627. S.O.S. Sandi's Office Support. Reliable. Have Aptiva 350. Word processing. Spreadsheet. Will do resumes. Have transpostation to pick up and retum worc. Cal 668-9891 a fier 4pm. Campus - Oshawa Centre 723-1163' Trenît U niversity at Durham College Summer 1996 Complete a Trent degree in Oshawa. Day or evening summer courses. are offered in the, fol lowing terms: 0 8 weeks: 29 April - 27 june e 12 weeks: 29 April.- 29 July 0 6 weeks: 2 JuIy - 14 August For information or a brochure cali: (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 KLEÉcote Française small adult c lasses in an informaI but results-oniented environment beginner to advanced courses Idesigned to meet your ed Reasonable rates 20 years teaching experience Private instruction also available Cal Jacques at 666-0993 -CLASSIFICATIONS. Amiverserles Announcements Antiques. Art & Colectibles Apartments for Rani Appliences Articles for sale ArlslCratlft/Hbbles Auctions AutosfTruclis for Sale Biths Bôats & Supplies Busines Opporluniies Business Services Cal a Prduslonal Châd Cmr Services Coming Evemis .Commel pv,» f ot Dance InstnucUon Deaths Educalkonl Seryces Employment Wanled Farms/Acrsage Faim Supplies à Equipmenl Fiancial Serviices For Rani Garage à Yard Sales Happy Ads Help Wanled HomDes for Rani Homes for Sale ln Memôsriam lnsurance Landscaping Services Losi 4,Found Laiscoitage mileslonbes Mlorgages MolorcycleslpVs Personais Personal Services Pels/Lrvestock 8 Supplies Real Estale Registration Residential Services Floams for Reni Shared Accommodatron Storage Tenýdes Thanlca Training Services Travel/Vcallons Volunfeers Needed Wanted, Pickering Camu 420-1344 HELP WANTED THE MUTUAL GROUP SEEKS a self-motivated individual w«ith excellent people skills and an interest in achieving entrepreneurial independence. C omplete trainnglbenefitslfinancing pro rams available. Minimum 2 years fuM time, working expenienoe required. Also, minimum h igh school (preferably Universit degree) requested. Fax resume 0 : Pearson Lanes 129 Bron St. N., Whitby ON LIII 4M8 (905) 668-2141. BECOME A nail technician. Courses available in acrylic nails, waxing and pedicures. For information caîl The Nail Station Career Training Centre, 723-8083, beave message. . OSHAWA QSCHOOL Oshawa - 728-0091 uDrivers Education Courses MARCH 26th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course MARCH 3Oth Saturdays 4 week course PR1 VATE LESSONS. AIRLINE JOBSI Now hiringl $10O-$25 per hour. AIl positions, both skilled and unskilled. Excellent pay/benefits. Cal 1(504) 429-9229 ext. 113A1 1. CRUISE-- SHIP JOBS! Eamn $3001$900 weekly. Vear round positions. Hiring bot h menlwomen. Free roomlboard. VYlII train. Caîl 7 days.- 1-504-641-7778, ext. 0142C12. Long term cçontract, in* Pickering. 3:OOpmr - 7:OOpm Monday ta Friday.' Data entry of :waybills. 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ADGA Systems International has immediate, requirements in Ottawa for: *Project Leaders * * Systems Management. Experts, and Technologists ta support the installation,> modification and maintenance of. MULTI-LINE OPTCAL CHARACTER READERS We have been providing Information Technology services to, govemment and commercial clients for nearly thirty years. We offer the right candidates competitive renumeration and benefits, as well as oppoîrtunities for advancement. Please send your resumne, in confidence, to: Groupe Group TEL: (613) 237-3022 FAX: (613) 237-3024 EMAIL: 8«pjp~45Cal668-6111. Ads placed by ~~ published that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save mone rprepay with your VISA card when placing the ad. ~«PM Computer Support and Applications. Business e Accounting e Dental e Hospitality* Secretarial* Medical Toronto Sehool of Business I-J 'l JIA (/pogr