Whitby Fme Press, Wednesday, Mardi 20 , 1M96,Page 25 A......T IR$ATCE RVE/ IA SBRN FOq SLFOSAEvaCAn N ____ TWO - 028 STIHL chainsaws, $300 & $210. Craftsman Rockweil Beaver table saw $350. bool box mechanical $490. Cal 655-4138. 13' NEW WHITE GE fride paid $1250 death forces sale $756Ã". Cal 666-1 ý23. FRIDGE, 2 frost-free, in condition, .$175. door -Hot point, good working Caîl 433-0775. SPRING HAS SPRUNG at Rugged Replays. Durham's-only upscale re-sale store for men, teens and boys. The wedding season is j'ust around'the corner- why not 100k your best for less by shopping at RUggedReplays, where for under a $10 you'il get a .stylish suit, shirt, fie and a pair of shoes. Sound too good to be true? Corne to Rugged Replays in Whitby and see for yourself. We selI1 everything from jeans to tuxedos, boys size 8 f0 mens XXLG at up to 75% below retail. Take Hwy. #2 f0 Thickson Rd. Go south three lifthts f0 Bumns St. Tum left, were inth first plaza ( Burns St. Plaza). Hours: -W: 0-6, T-F: 10-9, Sat. 10-5. For information 404-2063. FOR SALE dehumidifier, electric stove, electric lawrimower, apartment size d7er. Ail in A-I FULL SIZE WASHER &dryer, apt. sîzge.washera , dryer-vr çlen& excellent wo'rking cdi dlion. 'Call 434-8705. EYEEXAMS ARRANGED. 2 fcr I. Buy one pair at $199, get second pair of S. V. or contact lenses free. Discount for seniors and children. Tille% Opticiens, 102 Byron St. S. .430-8849 Chesterfield suites, sofabeds, mattresses & much more McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FABRIC CLEARANCE sale chilcrens pnints, cartoon characters, craft pieoes, some at cost. 10-4pm, M-F. 10 Sunray Street, Whitby, Unit 11. 668-7387. ARMOIRES WARDROBES, jam cupboards &m duimney cupboards, antique replications, reasonable gnces, solid pine construction. Viewm y apontmnt430-3554. ROTARY CLUB 0F WHITBY Easter ham sale top quli Schneiders 21/21b a$10 andTib' $20 hams availale Marc 25/aU [rom club members or phone Dave 568-3579, Grant 668-2179, Barrie 430-7683 f0 place your order. Prooeeds to community projects. Y'OUR AD!I 568. 0594 WELL SEASONED firewood for sale. Dry hardwood, kindling, half face cord, faoe cords bush cords. Pick up or deliver. (90k) 649-3183. YORK HOME GYM 2001 fitness system $100. Bedroom fumiture maple cOour, excellent condition, 6 drawer, desk, chair, 2-3 drawer, night table bookcase selI -set for $400O. 430-7683. GOLF CLUBS: TAYLOR -MADE tour preferred forged irons 1992 top model 1 iron to sand wedge (11 clubs>. Just been re-gnipped in great condition. Rig ht hande New paid over $1000 for i ron. Also included Burner Bubble Copy stiff shaft 45" plus a putter. Asking $450 complete set. Cali Steve 404-2063. BEDROOM'SUITE colonial, dining room, chandelier, mîrror, drapes customed, marbie tables, Royal Albert. Negotiable. (905) 655-3597.. LADIES, CHILDREN & matemlity spning clothing now being accepted Asu prom dresses & communion dresses wanted. The Wardrobe Exchange, 856 Brock St. N. 666-9225. WANTED: DOT MATRIX printer. Must be in good condition, print clearly and be reasonably priced. 430-6499. I WILL BUY YOUR unwanted items & contents. Caîl 728-8485 leave a message. SPIRIT 0F SPRING, Homes, Gardens and Lilacs- May 21lst. Join us for.a guided tour of two gracious mansions in Hamilton Whitehemn Estate and Dundum cbastle. We'l have lunch at the Royal Botanical Gardens and then stroil th roug h the gardens with over 125,000 tu ips, 250,000 iris and the world's largest collections of lilacs. FRANKENMUTH BAVARIAN FESTIVAL June il to 13. We'II depart for Michigan's "Little Bavaria" wvith a fabulous smorgasbord lunch on the way. During our stay in Frankenmnuth we'll take part in the Bavarianý Festival featuring bands frorn Germany and Switzerland. A visît to Bronners Christmias Wonderland, the largest Christmas store in the world, is a must! We'Il dineé in a tum of the century mansionand visit over 165 outîet stores before retuming home. The 1I Love Country Crafts & Quilts" tour and the Ottawa Tuli Festival tour are also available in Meay. And don't for get f0 come and meef us at our OPEN HOUSE on May llth befween lOam and 2pm. For more information on these and other tours caIl Silverine Tours, Pearson Lanes, 137 Byron Street, Whitby Ontario 430-2253. ARTSICflAPTS' I. IIOBBIE.$ I BISQUE-lT CERAMICS dlean fired & ready to, go! Retail or wholesale open every Saturday 10-3pM, 15 Jacob Drive. (905) 668-8267. e MOVING SALEv EVERYTHING MUST GO NEEOFUL THINGS BY ELIZABETH Unique craft & gift store. Christmas stock at wholesale prices. Choose from our inventory of many other in store specials. Specializing in flower arrangements for weddings,& funerals 965 Dillingham Rd. Pickering 905-839-6333 WeDe- - yr- 668-61 Sfior 25 words or less c M N ..... NEW CANADIAN Co. provîdes for '88 ESCORT, y. auto, clear car, cerf fid, $2000. Cal 668-7545. 1971 CHEVELLE 2 door hardtol $1700. Caîl 668-1702. '88 SUNDANCE $2500 certified, very dlean, low mileage on the engine. David 655-1014. Need a car - Crodit Probleme? Banknupt - Undlschargod? " We hmave ase tMceoves (rePossesslons> La Leeto own any make or model " Cas fo«t#abdeCal nm wkmequota LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Caîl Jeif (905) 683-6230 SNOWMOBILE FOR SALE '82 Yamaha ET300 twin cyl 'extra bogie wheels, â,000km. 6rnginaî owner. Excellent condition. Cover incfuded. $1595. (905) 576-7879. your wardrobe neeai1 Whether tliey be classic, business easy cere f ravel pieces, comforiable sf at home looks, or elegant evening fashions, Deni M. Originals has the souinin XS f0 plus sizes. Cal for your personal fashion advisor for more information. Cal Jyoti Pafel at (905) 668-8919. BATMAN FOREVER availabîe April -1996 *SPIDERMAN e CINDERELLA s WHITE RANGER also Red, Green and Pink *Birthdays, Company Picnics Etc. e'NO VIOLENCE!.- DOUG (416) 439-8133 frHaWyBk"hdyorAmnivasary. The classifieds are a special way to seend geings! Cali 668-6111lo DAWN, SPIRITUAL Advisor, tarot readings, $20. Past lives reading s, $20. Personal astrology*chrtpu predictions (+ compiatibilityachartl) $35. For more info please cal 579-0254. EVANLY RAYS servicing over 20,000 Ontario households. Rated #1 in Canada. Police, politicians & corporations use us. Concems about love, health, relationships, money. Just caîl 1-900-451-4055, 24 hrs, $2.99/min., 18+, 1-900-451-4055. 1 CHANGEDI 1 changed my shape, size & weiDht. 1 changà ed my lifestyle and mne level fo match my Wildest dreams. You cen f00. I wmtl train you free. Caîl Joe (905) 571-5063. *Conditioning aE Bdy Scuipting *Personalizeci Fitness TraIning 011IE O»M 011E. Peter Koeyers e Tel (9w5) 668-4464 213 Byron St. S. Unt li (Mtgommypl.) Whitby TAROT CARD READING. Twenty rears expenience as psychic (also m a medical registered technologist). Accurate readtings for future, love, work, travel and for solvn any problems. $60/hr. or Ca01 Violetfiçaointnent only. 'Cal Vilet909-a'073Whitby. BINGOCOUNTRYI 1$ 50 30 5 Points Ma Ritson & Taunton; Oshawa (behind A&I Charites 945371 7:00 Pm & 10:30 Pm Mon. -Sun. 1:00 Pm SaL & Sun. 12:30 pmn Mon., Tues. & Wed. t 436-9404 Support Vour Local Charities ALSO!I~ wAKO PT $291 IN P ZS OUR PRECIOUS little daug hter CHEYENNE LEIGH arrive don February 29, 1996 weighing llbs, Sozs. Proud parents are ,Angela Rice and Paul Jarrett. Th ird grandchild for Marion Rice. First urme grandparents Emmett and Faye Jarrett. Thanks to Dr. Kirupa and staff at Ajax-;Pickering Hospital. TO GRANDPARENTS Joan and Tom, Doreen & Paul on March 15 1996 a grandson, BRENDAN~ THOMAS. Proud parents, Alison Lennard-Wharton and Richard Wharton, at Women's College Hospital, Toronto. A cousi nfor Dylan and Brittany. Deo Gratias. PAYTON, LEONARD ERNEST ANDREW Passed- away March 16, 1996 at the Oshawa General Hsital. He will be sadly missed by hissamily, fniends and ail who knew him'. He is survived by his wife Betty, dauighter. Lynda, Helen, Patncia, Donna, Zina-Beth his son Ian. and Il grandchildren. A memnonal service wiII be held at the Toronto Naval Club, 14 Hayden St., Toronto on Saturday March 23, 1996 at 2:OOpm. The family requests in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Canadian Cancer Foundatiori Oshawa Red Cross at the 0shaika Centre or to the - ChiropracticlNaturalpathic Colleges. flAllO PREM-PAID WO RD ADS*. (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline)« $1 0.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 + 650 GSI), 150 each additional word; (140 + 10GST) DISPLAV DY N CLASSIF IEDS (Adis with borders, pictures or graphic.s)« Regular display rates apply - $1.15 per agate Une <14 agate ines per inch) Minimum size 1 coîumn inch $1 6:10 ONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). GSI is extra on ail ads, unless otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111. Please check your advertisement for errors on the 'first day of publication. The Whitby free Press* will not be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum co st of the insertion. The Whltby Free Press reserves the right to .-classify. or reject aill aidvertsements., Safe, permanent hair removal JCons'utation & Sample Treatment isi6-3606 (nieEuropean Women's Heath Club) --j ý:3 E::ý 1% ýPreDaicl. irlioluconn tâme- 1