Page 8, Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday, March 20,1996. hot beiee Quality tramer gets qaity rting seniinars and customized on-site training, as welI as a network programa, specializing in quality "yteinu,I1809000, IS0 14000, QS- 9000, Boeing AQSR, production and materials management, The 180 9000 quality standard, tax crdit smnruemn Spaces are stl available for a seminar on the federal government investment tax credit program for scientific researceI andI experimental development. The senijnar will be held on Thursday, April 4, 8:30 am. te 1 p.m., at the Oshawa Golf Cluùb, 160 Alexander St., Oshawa, 'and i. sponsored by the econemie development departments .of the City of Oshawa and Town of Whitby, and Oshawa and Whitby chambers ef commerce. The Seminar will be of interest te business owners, cerporate presidents and general managers, chief financial officers and plant production managers. Many companies are not taking advantage of the tax credil incentives evenî though they are eligible and may net be aware that the cost of their- product and prooess improvement prejects qualify for tex credits. Cail 6684506. T coMPtJTlJs ~(905) 430-5615 oý QjpueéSystems, PartS& 131 Brock SC. S.9 Whitby, Ontario LUN J9 Compete Pentium 75 Multimedia System 4x CD, SVGA .28 Monitor, Win 95 - Package $1549. TRADE-IN* and reduoe your upgrade costs Motheroards, Memory, Hard Drives, VGA Monitors Megamage 14" SVGA .28 NI Intel DX4/1 00 wNLB1, 128k, Motheroard 530M HDU 840M HDU 14.4 Voice/Fax/Moderrvîntemet Software 4M 72pin EDO Memory *Cali for TRADE-IN Quotes ($329 $229. $225 $269 $68 $124 t r be in place to ensure that an organization bas the capabilities and systems te provide quality producéts and services. First published in 1987 and revlsed In 1994, it l. ostlmated that more than 100,000180O9000 registrations have been issued world-wide in 86 countries. 'Vie believe this is the first IBO 9001 registration for any educational, training and consulting group in Canada, and only one of three in North America," states Carmel Pubo, quality systems auditor with SGS International Certification Services Canada Inc. SM8 was the aoeredited registrar who conducted the on-site audit of PIC's operation te verify its Michaels' .la'unched tomorrow T Michael. of Canada will officially open its ,l6th Arts & WHITBY Crafts Superstore on Thursday, persan i March 21, 9:30 a.m., at Whitby's ners' gra Thickson Ridge Power Centre. waiting «l On hand wfll*- be Michael. preuident Brian McDowell, Whitby store manager Wayne Reid and al 50 of the new "store associates" t'O perforin the 'Michael. Cheer."f The 201000aure-foot store bas Ifl aselection' of arts and crafts merchandise. Michael.Sstores, me., is the mnajor shareholder of Michal. of> Buffett Tay Canada, Inc. The company owns a benefitc and operates 444 stores in Canada WhltbY, ha and the U.S. scholarships McMaster lUr LAD VICE ON scholftt IBANKR UPTCY AND $89000 and ALTERNATIVES Isarent Evenlng & Weekenid Appoiniments 619m2713 (1iLt t nr awodAa 110 Hunt St. (nearHarwood), Ajax Lansing Sq. (SheppardMctorla Pk), North Yotk 120 Carton St <at Jarvis), Toronto in school au rE FIRST CUSTOMVER, rRESIDENT Ellen Maracie-Benton was the first Ihraugh the cheokout- Thursday mroming at Win- ?nd apning. MaracleBenon said* she had been hmnts frtenew coh ta t oen. Pho b bf Rm, IhyMe rouW estabishestchoarchps Ylor &'Assoclates Ltd., consultlng frm In as es«tablishod six 1in association with krversity. arshlp, underwrftten T'aylor, la valued at is paid in annual Of $29000. la based on leadership nd the community,, outstanding acade'miec- achievement and the noed for financial maistanc. Anl scholarships- are for aPeiod of- "notîsasthnlâ-1Oyears" oéxiji to the frm. The scholarships bring te 12 the' number of .scholarhlpa. underwritten by _Buffett Taylor and represent an annual fnanclai commltment of *104,000.. At the round-ta ble'. The- Durham. Business and Professional Women's Club will' hold a round table discussion at- their next dinner mîeeting on Wednesday March 27 at Har- mony Creef Golf Club in Osih- awa. There will be discussion of a variety of business and peronal topice incuding human dynamics the Internet;- business resouroes atl-the library,'office ergonomjcs and aromatherapy. Cost i. $25 for members $30- for non-members.' Cal Laura Nigro at 905-839-1466 or 416. 752-2881. -for reservations- or Mutimodla .Models *75MHz Intel Pentium Processor *Quad Sped CD ROM drive OnIy $60 per monith* *100MHz Intel Pentium Processor *Quad Speed CD ROM drive OnIy $68 per month*, e 120MHz Intel Pentium Processor - Six Speed CD ROM drive OnIy $73 per month* *133MHz Intel Pentium Processor eQuad Seeed CD ROM drive Best e Computer Performbance:4enteÇ 25 Thickson Road North (Near K.F.C.) s Tel: 905-725-7454 e Fax: 905-725-7732 Hor:MnTe.107 e.F 09,St 06 u.11-4 ppp,~Ip*n~ PERSONAL (flMDI ITgDc, IPC BREAKS RADIO SILENCE! Onice again IPC redef-ines the computing environment! Last year we led the industry in offering a fax.modem card as a standard feature. We were among the first computer makers to pre-load Windows 95 and one of the first to include free internet access. Now we've added another innovative technology. Tune in your favourite FM radio station od any of the current IPC CDIFX and MX- 1 models. Get the Iatest news, sports or weather - 'or enjoy your favourite music in stereo while you work. If you've been looking for an affordable Pentium processorsbased multimedia system with a QUAD or 6X speed CD ROM, true I 6-bit sound, and aniplitied speakers, look no further! ll'C CDIFX and MX- I models ship with seven software tities, a two CD Windows 95 tutorial, and an exclusive CD sainpler previewing the best upcominggaines forWindows.95 -al to gel you stateèd.l. W' (li' ' oi']ii [l'l'Ie7Il 8 8MB.RAM * Intel 82430FX chlp set *1'.0GB hard drive e 1.44 floppy *MPEG full motion video 1 1MB PCI SVGA video *14,400 bps fax, data modemn *WindOwý 95 keyboard WindowS 95 pre-Ioà dedi - ncludes manuals & 2-CO tutorial *Eight Microsoft software ttlest kîm., Encana g- cD. * Wadoe95 - CD, - Mony- CD, p ag«j Coeaftme- CD, -*CGai.-CD, Eanfainmen PccadScenes", plus ew Cams ampWe e Mouse & mouse pad -3 year Parts & labour warranty *Furst year on-site service liMlendlahardware * -16-bit stereo sound card * FM radio tuner** * SpeakerPhoroe w/voioe mail & telephone directory software *Amnplified extemnal speakers *Monitor net lncluded 1 Te Jreductivity Imnprovemen Centre (PIC) ha. ahmeent1 9001 registration. PIC is a North Ainerican quality assurance training and conhulting group with offices in Whitby and IrvIng, Texas. PIC develops and delivers public mai Business Owne rs Buy Without CASH! BARTER WORLD IÇý- (905) 723-4923 COý 1-800-668-Ei9l5 A" 1 1- 4k ý