Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Weckesday, Mardi 27, 1996 ENERGETIC GRANDMA offers loving care to your child. Full/part-time, flexible hours, non-smoker, love, inics, lib rary, etc. West Whitby. 6i650026. CARING MOTHER WILL PRO VIDE a.happy envirooment for your child. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks crafts, stories). Thickson & Ross(and. Ages 6 mos. & up. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. ECE MOTHER 0F 1 providing queiity care in a Ioving, smoke-free home. Stimuleting ctiv'ities, nutritious meals. Close to parks. CPR & first aid. 9 years expenience. R e fer en c es. .Queen's Common/Otter Oreek erea. 430-2823. Specîalizing in Early Childhood Education.. For Peace of Mind Fery O use Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 ACCURATE CONTRACTING *Homie Improvements *Basemrentsel *Building Maintenance *Drywall - Sb=cc- Paindng FREE ES71MA TES - 905-666-2 185 r, r, 1 i Aterations. Dressmakingi i1 Restyllng a*ln-Home ServiceI îCail Janet 666-9607i L-------------- ,rookwood' Seasoned for any Occasion' Catering for, Weddings, Corporate Functions, Sporting Events, Private Parties and Wakes. Allan Brearley (905) 430-1490 44 OId CoIony Drive, Whitby *L I R 2A4 LOVING DAYCARIE IN MY home. ECE trained. Nutritionally and hygienicaîiy trained. Hot lunches and snacks. Daily outings to. library, etc. West Lynde area. Whitby 430-8383. Watch PrWu MmflaCare The systemr that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your chiid " fuIly trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Rel jable local back-up covers Provider illness or hoiidays.. " Complete insurance coverage *Income tax receipts *Chidren six weeks and up *Full or part-time For more information cali: 686-3995 alioensed Agency I nterlocking stone *Decks *Plantings *Relaining walls *Tree trimming and removai FE NCES, SHEDS, GAZEBOS Great rce, Service & Quality t 5Pr29 FREE ESTIMATES - Feces- **-Paio TRE CUTTING &TRIMMAING Fuily Insured a Free Eslîmates 433-7140 ~~J pager 721-7304 CALU, GUS FOR A FREE ESTIMA TE (905) 430-9344 ÇHIL~ CiRE I.~...UAI~ED SERVICES IAcc4~IIWDATIoN EXPERIENCED, REULABLE mother will provide care in my home. Flexible hours. RosslandlAnderson. Cali Mary et 430-0011. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in 1my home will provide nutnitious lunch & snacks. St. Marks school route Thickson & Dryden area. Cali Sharon at 723-8675. MOTHER 0F 3 wiIl provide fun & lovin9 ayar aily waiksloutings & nutrîtous meals/snacks. Fallingbrook area. Experenced, reoeipts, referenoes. COeil 68-8448. The COMPLE ROOF OVERHAUL ~17 9 1 ?«r ROOF MAINTENANCE PACKAGE Incudes labour & materials o'replace ail missung shingles we fasten aIl loose shingles Sseal flashing of dormers repair rigecaps -, eal aron smoke stacks w' seal around santary pipes .e seal around skylights s' seal around air vents -e seal around chimneys wsecure loose nails .e check for blocked eavestroughs -e check for blocked downspouls .secure aIl loose lashing< wremove damaging lree branches .e~ check chimney flues we plus complele roof inspection WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 *interiocking stone - retaining waiis - wood fencing & decks FREE GOMPETITIVE ESTIMA TES Written Guarantee. Since 19890 a 666-9690 I S The Mutual Group tv~ HERB TRAN calfor quotaton 668966 e432-7216 RRIFs AN U IT ES SINGLE, PROFESSIONAL femnale seeking working femnale roommate to share dlean 3 bectroom home in north Whitby Must be neat, non-smoking &- like cets. $400fmo. including everything. Joanne COMUNG EVENTS Cali668-6111l APARTMNTS FOR REN T WHITBY WEST LYNDE area furnished full bachelor lux. exec. besement apt. sep.1 entrence, laundry facîlities, $600lmo. includes. utilities. No pets. 2 references required. 905-666-1073. WHITBY AVAILABLE immediateiy 1 large bedroom besement apt living room kitchen, 3 piece bath, Indry facilities, $6951mo. inclusive. First & last. Non-smoker. References required. (905> 723-7306. ONE BEDROOM besement ept. availabie Api 10l96. $SOOImo. including utilities.. First & lest required. Pnivate entrence, close to ail amenities & GO station. Parking aveileble. Caîl after l2pm. 668-5698. DOWNTOWN WHITBY 2 bedroom newly renoveted appliances air & hydro included. $700/mo., first & lest, references req uired. Available May 1196. Ce!! (90.5) 62.3-101*3,. 2 BEDROOM PARKING & laundry, utilities extra. First & lest. $625/mo. 430-6109. BROOKLIN 1 BEDROOM APT. Also 1 bachelor apt. Close f0 meny conveniences. Aveilebie now. Oei 655-5539. 806 BROCK ST. N. IN A 6 -plex 1 bedroom apt. Suitable for e single p erson. $450/mo. + hydro first & ast negotiabie. Availabie immediateiy. Oelil. 623-4762 or 665-0321. AVAILABLE DOWNTOWN Whitby 1 bedroom apt. plus weik-in storage room. Available Ma y lst. $630 per month inctudes hydro, heet, water and one parking spece. Oeli 728-9679. OSHAWA CENTRAL 2 "bedroom duplex, newly renoveted, upper $595 plus. Oeli 430-3161., WHITBY 1 bed. apt. aveul May 1/96. $575/mo. includes heat & parking for 1 car.430-0959 or 723-6985. ONE BEDROOM 214 Mary N., Oshawa. Welk to GM OGH. Exceptioneiiy cdean & quiet, $575 everything included. Cable i s e bonus. Small pets welcome. Aveilable immediateiy. 668-3640. WHITBY CLEAN 1 BEDROOM apt., cientreliy located & dose to ail emenities. Suiteble for quiet, working person, non-smoker preferred. $540 per month + hydro. Availabie May 1196. Cali 668-3011 deys or 668-6818 evenings & weekends. L FOR RENT~ ROOM$0 FURNISHED ROOM availab immediatey. Parking & cable, usî of bathroom & kitchen. Suit maturi working femeale or maIe. Firsi & lasi 666-9620ileave message. LARGE, FURNISHED room for rer in NE Whitby. Close to publi transportation. Share kitchen ieundry facilities, includes cable Mature working person or studeni Firstllast week required. $90 pi week. (905) 430-1415. LARGE BEDROOM in townhouse Ail inclusive., No pets. Fema< c feérred. Avamlable March 1 st auntonlSimcoe. $300 rer month First and lest. CerI Connk 404-2176. BON VOYAGE Motel- room~ available et iow weekiy ratesc Comfortebie, quiet surroun dings, 1C minutes from Whitby on Hw.1i Brooklin. Caîl 655-5308. .12i FURNISHED ROOM for rent $80lweek.- Shar*e bathroom i kitchen. Worker preferred. Weik tc ail amenities. Ploase cail 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. OCLEAN, QUIET, fumnished ronm availabie immediatey. Close to downtown Whitby. Parking & cable inciuded, iimited kitchen use. Suit mature workina- maIe.- $90. Firstllast. 668-3640. CLEAN, FURISHED omr in NE Whrtby. Shared Michen & laundr~ facitities- indludes cabie. - Female. Non-smoker. $375 monthly. Availabli now. 430-8380. IP lease recycle 0 this newspaper i HOMES FOR REN MAY 1, LARGE 3 bedroom townhouse, near Oshawa Centre, 2 baths, garage, large lot court location,* 4 appliances, close to schools, $930 + utilities. Oeil Mike or Jecquie et 905-430-1103. 01FO SALE GUILDWOOD TERRACE, deluxe 2 bedroom solarium, lakeview, comer, ive appiiences, parking private. locker. Must be solâ sacrifice. Rent t0 own. $134 900 $4,000 down. Oeil (416) 287-ý881: BROOKSIN, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 'on large lot in village. Dining room, kitch, 4- pieoe bath room, detece arage, new gas fumece, connectedto sewers. Oeil 655-8673. WHITBY IN-LAW APT. 11/2 years old aIl brick home with walkôut in-iaw apt. in basement, 4 beths, 2 kitchens, 4 bedroom central vac, naturel g as line for ÀBQ, big, big backyard. This home is immeculate- a mu3t see & seli. Askiri $198,900. Oeil Paul OPEN HOUSE Wednesday & Saturday, 2-4pm .10 Fifewood Ores*' $212,900. Éxceilent 4 + 1 * bedroom, 4 weshrooms. Oeall Sarvesh 1-800-496-9220 Ooldweiil Reeity Terriquity. -l m CALL.- À% -2 mý - 1 i 11 m r

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