Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1996, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. April 3, 1996 PARENTS Parents Without Partners Chapter 0204 will meet Thursday, April 4, 8 p.m., at St. Georges Chux-ch (upstairs), 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa for conversation. For more information, cal! Debbie at 571- 5452 or Ron at 723-1699.. YMCA PROGRAMS The YMCA is offering many preschool programs for children aged two te six. Classes begin the week of April 8 and run 10 weeks and (prices vax-y according te each progx-am. For more information or to register, cail 668-6868. LA LECHE La Loche League Oshawa will be holding its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 7:30 p.m. Eixpectant mothers and mothers with nur-sing babies are welcome. Cati 723-0542 for fuxther information. CILD AND INFAN T PR St. John Ambulance wiil hold child and infant CPR/level D classes April 19-20 in Whitby. Cost is $40 per person. To register or for further information, cal! 434-7800. VEGE&TARJAN COOKING Whitby-Kendalwood Seventh- day Adventist Church health ministries will hold vegetarian cookinghealth education school on the second Sunday of each month, beginningApril 14,3 to 5:30 p.m., Kendalwood SDA Church assembly room, 300 Kendalwood Rd., Whitby. Cost is $10 per class, including meal and> menus (save $20 if pay ini advance for six classes). To register, oeil Tim or Helen at 436-8875. B3y.1teve Lesy Now that the nice weather's finally here, everyone wants te get up and about. A great way te get limabexed up for opri an sd let's not forget those hot sumer days aren't fax- away - in a few tene-upD sesons. Involving creative dance, freée weights, these have been very popular with local ladies aged 25 te 45 for the past four years. SFor dates sud times cati Jennifer at 655-8974. VEN4TURER SHEOOTOUT The lot Ashburn Ventux-ers participated in the annual Camp Samnac invitationa! shooing competition this past Sunday and managed -te capture the bronze team awax-d. The Ventux-ers used .22-calibre sporting rifles at the shooting range at Camp Samac sud were carefuly instructed in the safe handling of firearms. The individus! results for the Asbburn maxksmen were as foilows: Jon Polframman, silver medalihon, sud Bitiy Graham, bronze medallion for overal max-ksmanshp; Revin Sonley, bronze medallion for three- position shooting accuracy. Jon also won a special tx-ophy fox- out;- of-town high score. ELEVATOR Thanke te the efforts of the Brooklin and District Lions Club.. the Brooklin Community Centre is going te get an elevator se that the building will be fuMY accessible. The. Lions have comniitted te paying half of the $50,'000-$60,000 expense for the installation of the smail elevater. The, Proje' is expected te, get underway thisyear. The Lions meet ini the commiunitY centre every second and foux-th Wednesday of the month, starting at, 6:30 p.m. Anyone interested should cati John Hulley at 655-4640. CIIBC REFURBISHIED Bxooklin's CIC bx-anch has also been refux-bished to include wider and automnatic -doors and is now easily accessible for those in wheelchairs, walkere and se on. LOOK UP Adita!! the excitement about the meent comet visit - and BROOKLIN PAMCT S65 BALDWIN ST.* BROOKLIN LOB 100' 905-'655- 3,301 Anything New For Diarrhea? ~ A bland diet may help, for "Kaopectate" now contains example.toast, crackers, attapulgite which is a very applesauce and bananas. safe and effective' There is some thought that adsorbent. It oeduces the milk should be withheld for numfber of bowel move- a few days because of ments and improves stool possible temporary lactase consistency. A new drug deficiency. The use of ImodiumI reduces bowel "Gastr 'oIyten solutions may spasm and cramping as help, to replace fluid and well as controlling diarrhea. electrolyte loss.. -Consuit you pharmacist. pex-rhapo some disappointment sunce it didn't look anything like the graphics on Star Tr-ek - tenight's (April 3) lunar eclipse may be a better show..' Look te, the eastern horizon sud slowly a curtain of shadow wiIl be drawn back sud a full moon in al! its bright glory will be revealed. It wiil take su houx- or two for the big show te run its course, se get out the lawn chair, blankets, bring a thermos of something warm sud sing somne of those old favouxites - Moon River? SLJO-PITCH TONIGRT Registration for a recreational, mixed, slo-pitch adult basebal league in Ashbux-n goes tonight, April 3, 6:30 te 8 p.m., at the. Ashburn Commiinity Centre on the north aide of Myx-tle Road, just west ofAahburn Road in As3hbux-n. The gamnes are played on Sunday aftex-noons or eveningel from the beginning of June to the end of September. 'Everyone is welcome. If you missed registration, cai Si.mon at 655-4244 after 7 p.m. as soon as possible. APRIL FOOL'IS AT THE BEACH The Brooklin su'ad District Kinsmnen are te be congxatulated. on turning Up the. heat and takring their winter-weary frienda te a beach party. With great musie and marveilous, entertainînent - ites amazing the different uses. there are for bublons - it was a wonderful way te say "hasta la vistao, winter.le- SeeLeahy's cohum apeM en week Hen be àached g a' roacwiigw. 'FLERA MARKET Big Sisters NOW wiil hold a giant trunk salelfiea mar-ket at Dr. FJ. Donevan Collegiate Institute (parking lot), 250 Harmony Rd. S., Oshawa, on Saturday, May 4p 9 a.m. te 2 p.m. Bain date is Sunday, May 5. To get a table ($25), cali Suzanne at .725-9300. FIRST AID St. John Ambulance is offering a firet aid course for kids interested in safety awareness, ini Whitby on April 14. Call 434-7800. <CYCLING FUNDRAISER A cycling fundraiser, %Explore the Shore '96,' in support of the Head Injury Association of Durham Begion and the local Arthritis Society, wiil be held on May 5, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., starting on Gordon Street in Whitby. For more information, oeil 723-2732. NURSING In celebration of National Nuruing Week 1996, the Wbitby Mental Health Centre wiil present a one-day workshop on May 9. Topîe te be addressed include trends sud issues facing society, health care sud nursing, barriers and opportunities, allies and adversaries, strategies and tactics. Limited registration. Cal! 668- 5881, ext. 5261. DANCE The local chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation wiil hold a 50s/60s dance, featuring Laincolnaires, at Woodview Community Centre, Oshawa, on April 13, 8 p.m. te i a.m. Cost je $12 including a light supper. For tickets, cati 571-1582 or 576-6029. AQUARIUM SHOW- The Dur-hamn Aquarium Society's annual show and suc- tion will be held Sunday, A ri17, at the Ajax Community 'jnt, HMS Ajax room. For more infor- mation, cal! Frank Caputo at 404-0641. EPILEPSY A psychologist will be guest speaker at an Epilepsy Dur-ham Region meeting on April 9, 7:30 p.m., at 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. For more information, cat 666-9926. NON-PROFTr MANAGEIENT A program te, earn a national certificate in voluntaxy and non- profit sector management, awarded by the Canadian Centre for Philanthrophy, now exista in Durham Reglon. Classes begini May"6. Tuition fees.are $340- per course. For more information, cal! the United Way of CehwaiWhithy/Jaringon at 436- 7377. rNon-rofIt whlch are aectn Whtb or have a sstantal Whltby membershlp may place their or actlvldes on this page ai no cost. CARD PARTY The- Wbitby General Hospital Auxiliary- will hold a social card party at St. Mares United Church, Coîborne Street, Whitby, on Tuesday, April 16, 7 p.m. ickets are $5. Proceeds te the auxihiary. Fox-more information, cati Cory at 668-0411. EITNESSLE ES The Oshawa YWCA and Ontario Sports sud Recreation Centre wil offer an applied anatomy workshop for fitness leaders on Satux-day, April 13,'9 a.m. te 5 p.m., at the Oshawa YWCA, 1 McGrigor St., Oshawa. Cost, is ,$68.50 including manual. To register, cati 723-9922. BuREATHE EASY The Lung Association Dur-ham Region will hold a 'Breathe Easy px-ogram for adulte with lung diseae, at -Wbitby General Hospital April 15 te -May 6. Cati 436-1046. A QUARIMSOCITY Jody Ghini wiil diecuse angeLfh at the Tuesda, 1i9 meeting of the Durh am Aquarium Society, sag nat 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria o&RS. McILaughlin CVI, 570'Stèvenson Rd. N., Oshawa. For more infor- mation, cal! Frank at 404-0641. LOONIE DRAW A draw je being held every day until April 22 at Wal-Martý in Whitby for, a $100 store gift certificate, to raise funds for the United- Way. Raffle tickets at a coet of $1, can be purchaised from, cashiers. DANCE DJDon Daynard wiil hoet the 50sd sud 6&W Breath ofLIife Dance for cystic fibrosis 'at the Osh~awa' Civic arena, Satuixay -May -4,,.8 p.m. TIckets will b. sold in the lobby of the arena, Satuday, April, 13, 9 a.m. TIckets are $22 each and are lirited te > 10 tickets par' persn. For more' information, cat Jo-Ann Thow at 725-9-524. BREATHE EASY The Lung Association Durham. Region offers a seven-part' Breathe Easy program fox- adulte with lu'ng hsease at Wliitby General Hlospital starting Monday, April 15. For more information, oeil 436- 1046. UNIVERSITY WOMEN The Oshawa & District branch of the Canadian Federation of LUiversity- Women will hold ýClub Night'on Wednesday, April 10 -6:30 pm, -at Northminister Ljuited hurch, Oshawa. The business session will be followedi by an hour of lime dancing.. TORCHMEN The Torchmen gspelauartt wixll perform at St. ar's t;nited ikstnso4onhuI F LASH____ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR IC SPWINGA TtJNE-UP SPECIAL * in Je t <With Tune-Up ExhustWor (ýpto5.OLCas*doGlXO) Epr-Ar 0196 .,1s 15 -.ezf BROOKIN W Spring tone-up ý 1..:-l - YUK YUK'S Whitby ismen will present Yuk Yuk's on Tour and Dance on Saturday, April 20, at Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets are' $20 per person (special price >for a resered table of 10). Cal! Ralph at 666-4356 for tickets. 1O-YEAR tEUNION Past and present volunteers for Durham Region Idal on thelock who are interested ini celebrating the ida' îOth anniversary. ini Durham Region (tentative date ini June) can cati Katherine at 655- 5680 or Suzanne at 436-0925. VENDORS WANTED The Oshawa and District Association for Community Lving, an agency which. supports 400 cbildren and aduits who have a developmental. disabihity, is holding, its second annual. craft s»le on May 4, 9 a.m. te. 3 p.mn Vendors intereste cancati Terri or Angie at 576-3011. NE WCOMERS Susan Wright of Rousseau House Interiors of Whitby witi speak at' the Oshawa/Whitby Newcomers Club meeting on April 9, 8 p.m., at the Oshawa Arts Resource Centre, Green Boom. Ail wom en ii the area are welcome. Admission is $1 for members. For more information, cail Information Wbitby at 668-052 or Information Oshawa at .434-4636. HEARTHPL1ACE <Supporting the Healing Pro- cees with Alternative Therapies' will be discussed on Wednesday, April 10 7-30 p.m.. at MciLugh- linf Pbi Lbrary in Oshawa. The information- session is held by Hearth Place, .Durham Region support centre for "ar- sons cpmg with «cancer, For more inormation, cati Andrea at 579-M83. PC USER The Durham PC User Club wMl meet Thuraday, April 117 te. 10 p.m., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 -Pbillip, MurraLy - Ave., Oshawa.,'for, a presentation, on local internetproviders.Speedline, Infbrmation Gatewray EServesnd Docueystem wifl -l'discus thiefr. M ser ic s. For mo e i or a on cati 72343179. NUTRITON. SEPffNAI A nutritional symptomatelogy seminarwillbe held at the Family Wellness ýClini*c, 1631 Dunidas St. E., Whitby on Saturday, April. 13, 1 p.m Admission is, free. Cati 72à: 7121. AQUATIC PROGRAM Starting.April 10, the Arthritis Sqnolety iii%ml od a aqat

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