Page 28, Whtby Frço Prss, Wednesday, AprIl 3, 1M9 74 £ FRI 's Ilis I V ILA~ UUIIFREEAD CLL 1-800-763-130 ET. I MUT~~ EAR OÀOE-&1lV OCTN HONE. tive, funny, who has lime for someone else. Ad# 1090 ATTRACTIVE BRUNETTE SWF, 30, 5130, 130 lbs., brunette, Yaery attractive, seeking SWM, 28-35, pgo- fessional with a nice smile. Ad# 1056 QUALITY TIME SWF,? 33, 5'7", brown hair, brown eyes, seeking maIe to spend quality lime with. Ad# 1049 HONEST FEMALE SDF, 32,5'4", 118 lbs., curly brown hair, hazel eyes, enjoy swimming, dancing, basebal, movies, Get bac< tome. Ad# 1088 CUTE FEMALE SWF, 28, 5'4", brown hair, blue eyes, caring, honest, faithful, NS, interesîs include romanîic nights by the tire- Place. Seeking a soul mate, gentle- man 28-33. Ad# 1038 BLUE EVES SWF, 25, 5'2", blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy theatre, diing. seeking good looking, well dressed maie. 5'9", over 30 years old. Ad# l 135 SEEKING ADVENTURE SWF, 40. professional. no children. seeking mate for adventure and triendship. Ad,", 1084 SEEKING SPONTANEOUS MALE SWF. 34. 5'8*. blonde bai,. hazel eyes. enjoy travelling. reading. tennis. GREAT SENSE 0F HUMOUR SWF, petite, blonde, 5'3", great sense of humour, love to dance, seeking SWM who is taîl and interest- ed in love. Ad# 1076 EUROPEAN FEMALE SDF, 39, 5'1-, 115 lbs., blonde hair, green eyes, loving and caring person, seeking special maIe, 35+, for long terrn relationship. Ad# 1026 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 36, 5'2», shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, great legs, enjoy movies, music, candlelight dinners, & long walks. Seeking SWM, 34-45, must be honest, romantic, nice smile. Ad# 1182 SEEKING CLEAN CUT MALE SDF, 5l", 115 lbs., short dark hair, no mental baggage, seeking dlean cul mate who loves children. No head games please. Ad# 1027 ROLLERBIADE WITH ME SWF, 57", red hair, green eyes, enjoy funny movies, rollerblading, have 2 dogs & 2 cats. seekng M who has a sense of humour & enjoys pets. children 0K. Ad# 1091 SEEKING FUNNY MALE SWF. 21. 54". lonig dark aciubîîii air. brown eyes. coltege student. seekîin(j man with a strong personality, attrac-.E q!44 $29prmntha9ç opOl iL~ live my lite to the fulîest, love music and dancing. Seeking spontaneous maie. Ad# 1087 ARTICULATE & BRIGHT SWF, 35 years oid, petite, articulate, bright, seeking SWM who is honest and understanding. Ad# 1129 SEARCHING FOR A MATE SWF, 47 years old, natural blonde, blue eyes, enjoy live theatre, dining & dancing, searching for a mate.. Ad# 1010 GREAT PERSONALITY SWF, 31 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, love animais. Ad# 1134 SEEKING MOTIVATED MALE SWF, 23, 5'9", 123 lbs., independent. love going up north. honest. seeking tait. dlean cul maIe, must be molîvaied. Ad# 1020 ROMANTIC FEMALE S;WF. 27. !)Ci*. red biai. bluic.. nves, d.own i Iciearti . carirsq. ton alit j rj c> qj( going out arid slayin .g homoc. Ad# 1072 ENJOY DANCING' SWF, 26, 5'4", petite, long blonde hair, bîqe eyes, confident of appearance, enjoy dancing, movies, & physical activ- ities. Ad# 1041 MAKE ME LAUGH SWF, 20, 5W4, long brown hait, brown eyes. romantic, fun loving, outgoing, seeking maIe who can make me laugh. Ad# 1131 SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP SWF, 34, 5'9", blue eyes, light brown hair, seeking tali and employed SWM for serious relalionship. Ad# 1032 ADVENTUROUS SWF. 34. 5'. 100 lbs.. easy going. advenîurous. social drinker. love-music. Iooking for maie. 30-40 wbo can make mela.ugb. Ad# 1071 SENSITIVE, CARING SWF. 5*4". atlrwa'ive. loncî ark liai,. male wbo loves Io danîce. Ad# 1012 PROFESSIONAL MALE SWM, 40, taîl, good looking, protes- sionai, romantic, sincere & Ioving per- san, wuld like to meet an attractive w arl with similar qualîties. Ad# 1025 ROMAIITC WALKS' SWM, 20, blue eyes, blonde hair, attractive, enjoy walks on the beach, sports & outdoor activities. 230 lbs., enjoy bingo-, movies and aIl sports, with similar interesîs. Ad# 1023 OSH1AWA AREA SWM, 50's, retired. well adjusted, enjoy dining oui, quiet evenings ai home, seeking female 45-53 for last- ing reiationship. Ad# 1.140 DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE FUN? SWM. 39, 5.11"- enjoy working out. playing squash, pool. movies. music. seeking F wbcî enînys lite. Adif 1073 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWM, 39, 57'% 180 ibs.. brown hair. brown eyes, enjoy dining and danc- ing, pets, seeking IF for long terni relationship. Ad# 1136 LONELY SWM, 23, 6'l", 220 lbs., dark hair, brown eyes, muscular build, intelli- gent, seeking F who is funny and kind.hearted. Ad# 1148 MUST ENJOY LAUGHING M NISM 6 62,22 b.,ejy kig DWM, 5'l11", 235 lbs., 2 children, like to cuddie, leave me a mfessage. Ad# 1060 ADVENTROUS SWM, open mindd', vriety of intr- ests. seeking F who hs a good per- sonality. Ad# 1019 SEARCI-ING FOR A MATE SWM. .43. blonde baii. hazel eye-t.. enoy movies.' dancing. Ad# 1089 HOUWSf 9DRY > Whitby Fr 1 ee Préssi he ig OUI, leatre, ng F 28 to ý, wfth simi- ar inter- ests. ýAd# 1057 ýDDLE DRYS 1, W-MIE9 ...... .....