Page 4. Whitby Fiee Proeu, Wedneedgy,,April 3, 1M9 Rehab report goes to minister this week Ey Mike Kowalski Détails of howÎ Whitby Generi Hospital wili be converted to a rehabilitation treatînent centre will soon be made public. A report on impiementing a regionai ospital systeml in Dur- hamn. is expected to be in the hands of Ontario Ministry of Health officiais this week. The report, prepared by a com- mittee of the Durhamn Rego District Heaith Council, will be availabie tor public scrutiny prior to the health council meet- monApril 10. Orginaily faced with a Feb. 29 deadline for submitting the docu- ment, the health council reques- ted, and was granted, an exten- sion te April 47 by Health Minis- ter Jim Wilson. SA deiay in obtaining informa- tion from the ministry te, allow for completion of the report had prompted the health council te seek the extension. Health council officiais were StiR puttingr the final touches on the report las t week, but execu- tive director Lynda Hessey did flot expect a problem in meeting Thursdays deadhine. «We got what we were able to get within the timeframe and weredoing what we can to finish it on time,, Hessey said Fridaiy. "I dontL forsee the need for another extension," she added. When compieted, the report will outline ways on how to iniplement proposais contained in an earlier health council plan for restructuring hospitals in Durham Reg*on. Whiie the 1994 report con- tained recommendations affect- ing ail six generai hospitals in Durham, the most controversial conernedPte-fuure role of Whitby Generai Hospital. Included in the plian, which was approved by Wilson last September, is a'proposai to con- vert the hospital into a rehabili- tation treatment centre serving the entire region. ..Whitby residents* requiring surgery or emergency services would travel to expanded hospi- tais in Oshawa and Ajax, t he report of the health council's acute care steering committee. suggested. Although the report did not rule out gome form of urgent care arnd m-npatient services at. . M6"< e Windows.* Siding Doors Patio [Doors *Awnmngs I668-2252 # 686-1853 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT US 399 at DIXON ALIGNMENT. i~assnw4e Igln en 1, DurdasSi. 317 Hopkins St.' Conumrs 666-5167 Whitby, there was no guarantee critics of the proposai pointeci out. The health counci' l in tainplanning committee is chaired by ormer Ontario riding MP Rene Soetens and consists of eight separate subcommittees. Whitby resident Catharine Tunney, a former Durham separate school board trusteeS By Mark Reesor Durhami public school board trustees are trinming millions fron the 1996 budgt te cope with provincial funding cuts. 1The most. significant cost reductions aliproved at a budget meeting last Wednesday in clude: E Elmiatnthe equivalent of about 35 secretarial, cierical, resource and managerial posi-, tions at the bosard's adnminist- ration centre ($1..8 million). Busi- ness superintendent Brian Cain says every effort will be made te avoid layoffs by not filling some vacant positions and offering te institute measures such as wage rolibacks or unpaid daiys off -- «Durham Days for Rae Days.» *A five per cent cut te the education assistant budget, :aanl with every attempt te, aodayoffs. A Afive per cent ($520,000) reduction in school block budgets, which are used te buy suaceling plans to spend $2.9 million te upgrade and rewire computer labs and sys- tems. * Cutting the outdoor educa- tion prograni ($229,000), resuit- ing -in four job losses. 1 *CanceiIing'a plan to add an chairs the prograni advisory sub- commnittee which is responsibie for the siting and sizing of al proprams and services in the reglon. The committees are made up of hospital personnel, physicians labour representatives, hospital board members, community heaith care workers and region School board. cuits Million10sin buidget process additional $920,000 te the retire- mnent gratuities fund te offset an incrase i rtir*ing staff. *Saving $3152,000 by eliminat- MIng ii-ichroom supervision pro- VIde by non-teachers, pre- dominantly in the canceled junior kindergarten prograni. Schedules have been staggered te. allow teachers te supervise over lunch in elementary achools. * Reducing the maintenance and plant budget by 10 per cent te open two elernentary schools and two additions without adding custodians. The depart- ment is aiso looking te save $300,000 in. energy costs and reduce the amount of work con- tracted out. *tt Saig$35,000 by reducing thestf and trustee car allowance te 28 from31'cents a kilometre.->, Staff are working on more cost reductions, Cain says, since the board bas asked them te find $14 million more that can be elimina- ted fron this year's draft budget. "How we're going te find those kind of monies we're not. really sure, but we are going te have a workshop with. th e senior staff and the trustees this week and 4ust go at it te see what kind- of ideas come Up.» FEATURES 0 g-Wedge' Technology >1 Unique Tread Block Phasing * Varabl Groove AngeGeometry O New Tread Compounding * Two Full Polyeser Body Plis * PJISeason (M&S ratd) * Cbssic RaWed We Letter Styling& 1-Enhaned Black Sidewall Graphics * SsoeMLatd April Spe, 6, BFo ri Radial5R1 878 8856 Black55R16 89S02 Radial0R1/968 5328 'i P235/60R14 96S ýh TI/A P245/60R14 98S List Sale P245/50R14 93S Pne P265f50R14 98S P Price P215/65R15 958 -P195(60R15 87S P20560R15 90S 17580ioeooP225&60R15 95S' 175.0 10.00P235f60R15 98S 200.10 121.00 P245W6R15 1008 22950 13500 P255roOR15 102S - d hie P275ro0A15 l1078 -etters P27515OF115 1018 P295/50815 1058 Raia TA" as- ht - .-raed lck- ttr P195UR014 85S 84497 149.60 95.00 P21SU0R14 918 98659 154.00 97.00 www w w w w w w w '~ w w w w w~ w w w. 79644 54322 48000 91337 78624 64472 64148 54712 60013. 71728 45185 50381 d31 Tie 248.20144.0 164.10 102.00 174.10 107.00 192.20 116.00 208.90 124.00 162.90 102.00 156.30 98.00 161.00 101.00 176.70 108.00 177.40 109.00 182.30 111.00 190.30 115.00 210.90 125.00 229.10 135.00 Wffl, rials, 21k%-Tn-^