Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1996, p. 14

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I. Page 14, Whltby Frue Press, Wednesday, April 10,1996l be beaten!'. April is Cancer Moth Research paYS off Two questions most often asked about cancer research are wWhat progress has been made in cancer research?" and WVhat difeérence has my donation made?* These are difficult questions to answer. Progress in cancer research has been made but there are rarely breaicthmigha. Réality te that progress comes ini small increments, tain plac over many years. Compare Rt to assembling a jlgsaw puzzle. Each pee e re moeInformation unoedb ressarc'ad ddki to the overal knowledge we have about cancer. But aIl the pieces have not yet been found. Here are some that have been found - wMt hep from Canaduan Cancer Society donations. -'The devebopment of the Cobalt Unit in the 1950à. Cobalt radiation- is stili used as a cancer treatment -Aew and suceessfuî treatments for Hodgkin's disease durfng the 1960s. T he flve-year survival rate for Hodgkin's la now 90 par cent; 25 ysars ago, ht was only30 par cent. Lat year, Canadian CacrSociety volunteer drivers ln Ontarlo transparted 12,500 patients nearly elght million kiiometres. to cancer cars - that's the equivalent 0f ? oing around the world about 60 turnes. -'lhe identftictior of CEA on colon cancer oisl n the 1970s. TMis spaed an entire newfiel f research around the wrld, to identify and deteot tumour markers that can be used to sgnal,blcae ad aid in the treatment of cancer. -*Work on the colis 0f bons marrow. ibis paved the way for bons marrow transplantation. - The disovery and isolaion of the BRCA1 in 1994 - the gene ssctad 0 asing between two ana four par cent oJ breast cancer and five to 10 par cent of ovarian cancer. Understanding the function 0f the g ene may help researchers identzt the causes of breast cancer, and ould lead to botter preventi and trsaMent strategies for breast and other cancer. Where your money goes Cancer Research About hait the money raised by the Canadiari Cancer Soasty goesto the. moxst prmrising- research projects acroas Canada, as determined and distributsd by the Socdety's research arm - the National Cancer Instituts 0of Canada. HsaIthPromotion Evsry day, Canadian Cancer Society volunteers deliver hsalth anid lifestyle messages romoting prevention, early detection and treatment 0f cancer to interested gmous in yvur community. Pagnt Srvk The Canadian Cancer Society kriows about the special needa 0f people lvng with cancer and has devsloped several programa to hslp meet thoe needs. WHERE OUR MONEY COMES FRON The Canadian Cancer Society is totally supported by public donations. Our programs receive no govem- ment aid anid we are not part of the United Way. Prevent ion Intemational studios 'suggest at least tm4-hirds' 0f cancers are preventable. In fact, we already know ons-third 0f ail cancers cari bo eliminated if we adopt the heaithier lfestyles known to result in less cancer, particulafly toba= reduction. However, th e ositive statistical resuits 0f aolighealthisr Iffestyles MiI teks e to bo evidenced - approximately 15 to 20 years. For instance, recent cancer statistiEs show incidence and death raes for lung cancer in mon have liîed off, reflect:ing a decrease in bb use among mon that began in mid-1 960s. SU/PPOR CANCER SOCIE TY RrOGERS" Community 1 OWASCO + RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Sales * Service * Rentais Pro yen'to serve you BEST sînce 1972. An " CARE« and CAUA award winner 1425 DundasSt.,East, Whitby 686m6410 This Cancer month message sponsored by SiihMOICèÎIu-Tone Outstanding Washability ~ I Excellent Leveiq Accolade *Velvety Enamet for WaiIs & Trim *Spatter Free *Superior Hiding *Use on aits, Oet'ngs Tnm *Maxkmum Wear y Reslts Sa& lgW Save with this ad until April 3»è6 n.u,., Attuuauuve Finish Tdn, Cabinets, Fumiture (MHITE ONLY) SPRIN G DECORAT1NG? Check out our in-store waîl.. Pa". clearancel 4MEAT COUPA NY* supporti ng, the Canadian Cancer Society easg made fre - eai on th pe-ies -- e -, Unit 7,- Whitby. 666-9 395 4 LOCATIONS: 107-Dundas St. E. 601 Dundas St W. 15 Thickson Rd. N. 3050 Garden St.' Door-tomdoor a big. part of fundraising By Mark Rfeor You can expect to see a Canadian Cancer Society volunteer canvasserknockng at your door sometime this month. Canvassers r dolng their best to visit every home ln Whitby durtng cancer month, says Whitby chair Janette Gîles. The soclety has set thls year's goal at $448,000 ln the Whtby-Ajax-Plckerlng amea and is countlng on. the residential campaign to brin g ln a substantial part of that amount. That's $1 0,000 more t han last year's goal, whlch she says theymade "b yjust under $10." Gtes te stililooking for people to help wlth the local campalgn, -- especlally ln the new subdivisions - and stresses that belng a canvasserdoesn't talcs a lot of time.. Each one cloes a route of only about 15 homes so "I1t's not a big task." Cail the soclety office at 686-1516 for more Information or to volunteer. Canvass 50 years old 1996 marks the 5Mt annirvesary of the Canadian Cancer SocWey~s door-to-door canvass. Throughout April, hundreds of volunteers i Durham whU be going door to door to collect donations -for th Cancer Soc*ety. This year the West Durham Unktof theçCancer Society has a goal Io raisa totlof $235000 durrng the residential campaign. This makes up more than hait of this yeas total campalgn goaloôf$4,ooO. 0f the funds raised by the Cancer, Sodety et large. 46 per cent funds researvh, 22 per cent sLçpofts patient 'services aid.1 8. per cent la desintd o heafth promotion. 0* s ht per cent tai used to fundraise and six te used for adminstrain win this 501h anniversary year we are workirtpIo have our most succssful residential camaïn ever. We are askwng people Io pleas bo as generous s possible hen one 0f our vIunteers kriocis on their door," says Lanne Lewis, chair 0f West Durhamns fundralslng. Anyone interested in vlunteering should cati'the local Cancer Society office at 686-1516. 1 -"qqqq

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