Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1996, p. 3

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WhIby Fro. Pmss. We*iesday. ApriI 1 0. 1996, Pa9o 3 Town warned of possible Ilde-mise of program FROM PAGE 1. cost will now b. chrged te the community sehools executive. At a cost of $4,000 per echool, tuis wili resuit ini a likely fee increase of $5 per prograin, Ste- venson said. "This is oly a minimal i- crease,» he conceded, "but it rnay just be the beginning. We have yot te bear the outeome of tbe scbool board bud«et.» This was i reference te coun- cil's decision te bogin chrging the board for previously free ice turne which had been exchanged for free use o! the echools. Cancelling that agreement, wbich aiso takes effeet in Se- tember, wiil add another $12,O0 to Town coffers. Stevenson,* wbo claimed te represet " rup of about 50 voun=rs, bundred of paid staff and tousan o! Whitby residents,» could not understand council's tbinking on the issue. "'«M. Town of Whitby an~d its community echools have been commended by other communi- ties for its tremd-setting and in- novation,» b. said. «uAs reoetIy as (last) Septem- ber, John" Dryden was estabi- ished and youre stili pursuing Kathleen Rowe and (R.A. Sen- nett.' But this will ail b. for naught if council pauses on coes to program usera, Stevenson said. rCosteffectlvenesis ,isnot alway the sole is4e," he oaid. «The benefits to the com- munity 'often outweigh any financial coets.» Councillors were quick to refute Stevenson's charge that community achools are endangered, especially after hearing parks and recreation director Larry Morrow state that the Town i.s tili contributing "in excess of $100,000" towards it. "The community sebool pro- gram started eight, nine years ago and I want to assure Mr. Stevenson and the commumity that thie council has not backed away. from its responsibility," councilior Denmis Fox declared. «You won't se. any erosion of the program, in fact, it's expand- ing-he said. Fox, who said b. bad not received one compiaint about the $5 increase, attributed it to the Town baving to cope with nearly $1 million lees in funding from the Ontario government. «Mshis j a fallout of the trans- fer payments eut. Either you increase fees or eut back pro- gramsne,» h.e aid. The. firat increase ini nine years proves that «we are not abandon- ing the ramn," sad councillor Judi Uongield. «W. want to maintain it. "I tbink $5 je certainly afford- able and if it can bring more achoole on lime in the next few years, it'. worthwhile,» ehe said. Couticillor Shirley Scott said the increase je. "reasonable" when viewed in the context of the weekly cost of the, prog ram's eih-ek-long core and acti- "T'hat's 60 cents per week and I don't anticipate that being a problem,» said Scott. «W. shouldn't let it get any higher, but I do believe $-5 i. mot expensive,» she said. Afrustrated Stevenson told reporters later that council had lost sight of bis argument. «They're triviaiizingr the wbole bu et process over the iesue of $5» hsiaid. '£&Five dollars je only the begin- Jackson's to oroyalty PROM PAGE 1 4Thiats going te b. a big sit- down dinner for ail of bis regi- mente amd officers -- he'e colonel- in-chief of five regiments and a wing of the air force -- and tlieyregoing te b.e presemtinýg new colours te, the royal regi- ment of Canada.» Jackson and company have previously catered. a big military reception for Prince Charles and ral meais for Princese Anne and Princes. Met. "For a littie Witbýy*coM an, that's mot too shabby, is itve kind of 1k. it because it's always big Toronte bas te phone littie Whitby for a catering company,» chuck les Jackson. Touch of Class was first called upon te serve a royal visiter in 1988 wben Princese Maraet reopemed the Newcastle (mow Clarimgton) tewn hall. Councillor Amm Cowman was in char o f prep r for the visit, Jackson recalis, and «I guess eh. had been to a, number of things we had done amd feit we would b. reliable enough te do a job like that.» After a "rigorous» inspection by the RCMP, Scotiamd Yard and the federal health departmemt, Touch of lass was ceared te handi. the occasion. "Seun'tywas very tight,» recalls Jackson. «W. bad te b. in tbe building two hours before anything even got started and thon the building was sealed... «They even had -the SWAT team -- we could '-se. tbem tbrough the windows. I particu- larly remember seeing a couple Of guys up in a bell tewer across the road looking dowm on the building... "And tbey brought eniffer doge ~1* througb the building -- they went everywhere. » Royal caterers submit "quite a variety» of suggested menu items says Jackson, "and would you LeÎlieve it's just the day before that tbey gt back te, us and say 'this is what we've cho- sen... "Nothimg can b. prepared ahead and we cannot use any bogtproducts. For instance, I u=aly et rny relis from Bune- master, e I, on a day k. tbis, if yo'reputting royseonthe table, then you've got te make them yourself." ii. RCMP move in before they begin preparing the food, he says. "They bock ail the outsid. doors. and mobody comes on the prernises, mot for amy reason. "We're literally iocked in and ther.'. a member of the federal and local health departinent ber. and they sit in the kitchen and drink coffe. and read the mews- paper -- w. do that alI day ie food i. tben sealed in preheated containers and loaded in a van -- the federal health departinemt inspector aces along for the ride -- and tlhe RCMP escorte the van te, its destination. Whem it comes time te eat, only on. person i. allowed te serve tbe guest o! homour -- it's always me, actualiy,» says Jack- son. "It's because rm the owner of the company -- "course, baving a Limey accent doesn't hurt either!» And despite wbat you read, «Prince Charles i. on. o! the niceet people rve ever met. I put birn rigbt up there with IAncein Alexander and Ed Mirvish - rve IF VOU GU~U? z-s TRAFFIC~TICI~E¶'<.EIE C>ffence served thein many times teo... "He pute you at eau.; lhe makes a point of talking te, the staff and thanking them for a loveiy meal. He went out of bis way te compliment my wife on the presentation and se, on and on bow wonderfui the food was... "He's a boli of anice iguy te talk te... let's face it, the bottem lin. is, we're tbe serving staff, but be oertainly doesn't treat you or talk teyou t at way.» Jacksen and company also got a nice compiement tom Princess Anme, he recalîs, relayed by ber "He (tickCockney) accent juet blew me away... se said nhere, se.teid.me te come back and tell you how much se had enjoyed the lunch. rve neyer knoWn ber te do that before.. "It was the strongest London cocknmey accent that rve beard in a long time, which you don't expeet from a lady in waitingt... «W. were tickled pink with, that.» Jackson says h. neyer drea- med be'd b.e erving royalty when he opened hie catering business. He used te, own The British Buiidog restaurant i Oshawa until "Bill Davis knocked it down te make room for the Ministry of Revenue.» It was juet Jackson, hie wife and two otherEi in the bei 9n. «W. just noverdrat that it would go up te the point of, like, Ed Mirvxsh -- we've done cater- ing for him. The guy owns seven restaurants and yet he calle us for catering -- and Lincoln Alexander and Hal Jackrnan mmd four royal visite and so, on. «You just dom't envision that y oui could ever reach those A i'u~r Speclallzed T z t0 Fraffic ITZ Point Protection Experlenced ex-Proeutors go to court for you IF YOU'rRE. LOOING FOR JUSTICE. GIVE, US A.CALL (905) 665-STOP (665-7867) STOPP - 1032 BROCK ST. S. WHMITBY, ONTARlO (Just north 'of GO statio«n) ning, it will start the bail rolling. Stevenson said bis exocutive has. a «fir bit of flexibility" ini eetting program fees -- wbich range fromm $25 to $60 per ses- sion - due te the Towne finan- cial support. But any reductions will make it diffcuit te offer programs without raisig fees, he amic. «Bocause of the shortfall in transfer payments fiom the pro- vince, the Town bas te review al budgets and that's understand- able, sald Stevenson. "'I4ey're trying topas. it along te the people at prices wbich are reasonable, but its mot the in- dividual coot that I quarrel with» "be smd. "Tii. Twn i.say"ing they)re going te cancel their (ice> agre- ment with the board of education and the. board will have no alter- native but to paos that on as Weil." "A-LI1TLE-EXTRA-HELP"Y Tutoring Servie -we corne to vour home -we use certified teachers -we consuit with the classrooin teacher - ail zrades anad subiects -individualiedprogirarn -guaranteed satisfaction 668-ý2037. ~FORTUNE FI1 N AN CIA L " INVESTMVENT MANAGEMENT " RETIREMENT PLANNING " TAX/ ESTATE STRATEGI1ES M«- 1 OMI 1 0 * 4 * A £1,Fl m iiqkïj r 666-8245 DEBBIE MORGAN ROUSSEAUS$ FAMOUS. 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