Ã4 We areproud to be a part of the efforts of... -Isues a Participating authorized Consumers Gas Dealers.. éWALKER HEATINGI Plumbing, Air iConditionung Natural Gas Equipment 'Ail Your Heating Needs" 285 Bloor St. W., Oshawa (905) 725-3581 ~1ÊRODMAN"S I'-I HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING (905) 683-3641 Since 1949 DURHAM MECHAIA Heaing&Air ondtio eResidential e Commercial Fred Climo (905) 434-6337 1621 McEwen Dr., Unit 17, Whftby Li N 9A5 Whitby Fmeem.ssW*escay, Apd 17, 1996, Pag 13 IL -J BU We