Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 17

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.1 I. Police in Metro, York, Peel and Durham will ail be cutting back this; spring, -but there's no need te be concerned. These cutbacks won't affect service or public safety because Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, April 17, 1996, Page 17 -on fatty foods it' fatty snacks and second helpinge that are being scaled down - and it's ail for a good cause. Teains of police officere and clvilian personnel from the four ýBROOLN} The impact of a superhighway BM.y Steve làeahày The 407 will be ln the east end ofMarkham i lese than two years time, according te Ministry of Transportation officiais. At a meeting in Pickering a couple of weeks ago, they also stated they are looking at having the highway end at Brock Road near Brougham instead of in Markhami. The 407 la on a fast-track timetable - the public bas only until the end of this month to comment on where this phase of the 407 will end and where those massive interchanges are going te go. The maps also show that in the next phase of construction, the 407, which la roughly north of Highway 7 iPickering, will swing south Just as it corneste Brooklln. When that next phase will begin isn't clear. However, merely havlng the 407 a few ilometres away will dramatlcally increase traffic volumes on local highways and sideroads. That'e just one small inconvemience. Just think of what an eight-lane superhighway running through our communlty le going te do to, it. The Lung Association believes air pollution (primarily caused by Cimbing q u een' to be discussed The Brooklin Horticultural Society will meet on Wednesday, April 24, at Brooklin United Church. Dawn Smth wlll discus 'Clematis, Queen of the Climbers.' The society je celebrating its 75th annlversary and willl recognize its past presidents. Lions meeting in Brooklin The Brooldin and District Lions Club wili hold a dinner meeting Wednesday, April 24, 6:45 p.m., in the Brooklln Community Centre on Casuels Road East. For more infofnatlon, cail Neil at 655-4065 or John at 655-4640. cars and trucks) ie a serious health threat, especially for children. This Is flot a Toronto problem, the air is little better in Durham. Sure we have more fuel-efficient cars these days, but the number of cars and trucks on the roads has nearly doubled ini the last 20Oyears. That'e why the rates ofasthma, especlally among children, continue te rise. New roada mean less traffic congestion? Nope. In the past 10 years, road plannere the world over have learned that new roads neyer reduce traffic congestion for long. Los Angeles and înany other cities have etopped building' freewaye and are building rail transit as fast as they can. The 407 will result i even more vehicles on the roada. You can hear the roar of the traffic on the 401 miles away. The 407 will draznatically and permanently change our quality of life here in Brooklin. Sound pollution is but one impact, it will also be a- concrete wall dixriding our community in half. The vast majority of people in Whitby work elsewhere and that's why there are road-congestion problems. The healthiest and cheapest solution (highways cost mega-billions) ls te, create local jobs. That way people dont have te waste the time or foul our air travelling te, work. It take an incredible amount of gravel and sand te, build a superhighway. And ail of that will be tern out of the Oak Ridges Moraine - the' most naturally significant and beautiful piece of land in the region. How many hundreds if flot uiIesieFruitI Saturdavy & SWàdi': 9am to 6pm BROOKLIN PHARMAC Y. 65 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN * LOB 100 905- 655- 3301I SWhat is happening at the Pharmacy? l fWe are getting a «face-lift. This their professional service. TheN fincludes anew roof, new pharrnacists would be pleased heatinglcooling systemr and a to discuss drug interactions, messy.on the outside, but we therapies with you. They can hare stili working on the inside to also help you with your provide you with the personal selections of non-prescription service that you are accustomed medications so that you receive to. the right product for your needs. h -Brooklîn Pharmacy is a So don't judge us f rom the 'community pharmacy with a outside corne in and see us from 1l' staff who pride.themrselves.in the inside. thousande of acres of our tep quallty farmieand will be pavei over or forced out of production by the highway? Once dug up and pavai over, farmland is gone forever. The 407 le on the political fast track. Now the route through Brooklin isn't "officiai," but it wil go where the mlnletry wants it unlees people get involved. So whether you oppose the 407 altegether or just don't want it fouling your backyard, now le the time te find out whae going on. DOFASCO MMLE CHORUS The outreach committee of Brooklin United Church. will present the renowned Dofasco Maie. Chorus in concert on Monday, April 29, at 7:30 p.m. The 60-member chorus -came te Brooklin four years ago and it wae a seil-out.« There will aiso be an opportunîty te chat' with the membere of the chorus in an informai social after the show. Coat ile $7 a ticket. For tickets and information, phone the church at 655-4141, Bob at 655-4411 or cail 655-4579. PLASTC VILLAGE "Once you've been there, you'll yearn to become one of the village people," says the advertisement for Tribute Home's Village of Broolin. Well, Brooklin is a very nice place, but travelling along Thickson Road north of Winchester isn't too pleasant. The ditches on sither aide of the road are littered with plastic and other garbage from the construction site. Hard te imagine how ail that mess, a mere stone's throw from the model homes, fi, going te impress future 'village people." Steve Leahy's column appewM every week He can be reached a(t9,154398 or 655-5888 (fàx). Greateroronto Are reglons have challenged each other to trim the fat lose weight and shape up in a competition that wlll both improve their health and ralse, fumds for chlldren's charity. The teame are competlng I the 1996 Weight Watchers Bate of the Badge&. Over the course of 10 weeks, they will follow the food and fitness plans of the Weight Watchers at Work program while raising sponsorship'funds for the Sunshine Foundation of Canada. When the four polioe teams went at itlast, a competition won by the team fromYork, they collectively loat almost 1,500 pounds and raised more than $15,000. Because, each team bas a different number of participants, the winnmng team le declared based on the highest average welght loue. Individual winners wlll also be acknowledged for their efforts as tep 'loser.' "Despite their donut image, police officere are generaily in excellent shape," eaye Marguerite Neri, Weight Watchers general manager for Southern and Central Ontario. "But almost anyone can benefit from learning how te, choose and prepare foods for healthy eating. Our emphasis on physical activity will be oef p&rticular benefit te those officers and members who spend a lot of their time behind desks." Anyone wishlng te make a pledge. in support or the foundation and their favourîte police team can do so by cailing Weight Watchers at 1-800-387- 8227. NOTICE TO AIL WHITBY RESIDENTS WHO HAVE CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS These detectors' are designed to alert occupants of a build-up of carbon monoxide. This gas Is odourless, colourless and tasteless. Most of these alarms that the Fire Department gets called to have been caused by the running of automobiles allowing exhaust fumes containing monoxide to spread through the home through an open garage door or from within mhe garbage. As carbon monoxide is a by-product of combustion driven appliances, such as furnaces, gas dryers, gas hot water heaters, fireplaces, etc., it is important mhat these appliances are serviced on an annual basis, including the vents, chimneys, etc. Some detectors only sense monoxide and some have 10w level warnings. Check "yQr dtecars to understand its operation and make it part of your home Fire Safety Escape Plan. NQYIKE 1Qô_LL WHITBY RESIDET SMOKE ALARM BY-LAW 3794-96 The Town Council of the Town of Whitby has passed a Smoke Detectr By-law for ail dwelling units. Effective May lst, 1996 smoke alarms, battery or electrically powered, must be- instailed an<1 maintained on each floor level (includin g the basement) in every residential occupancy within Whitby. Any person who fails to comply to mhis-by-law is quilty of an offence and is liable to a fine flot exceeding $5,000. Copies of this by-law mnay be obtained during norm al business hours at the Whitby -Town HalI,575 Rossland Road East, Clerks Deparîmnent, or Whitby Fire Departmnent headquarters, 111 Mcinney Drive. Police to cut back

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