Giîrls-only sehool i1000 trees to be curriculum lante d suggested pae 3 ~atiday pae 4 Another AIDS resource to be produced page5 Garbai!e collection won't, go private ~ Revam p p lan p anned b y hos pital cou.ncil MEMBERS of the WIhitby Tigersý Running Club were among the thousands who: took. part ln the lOOth Boston >Marathon on Monday, Shown last week Preparing for--the run are <(from left) Pat Meade (Figer'presicient), Paul Zeman'..Dave Johnston, Ian Barron and Bob Lennox. Also, in the marathon were the club's Stephanie Ruiter and ýFrank Webster. Pholo t-Jure msw. WhIth FieS Pros By lke Kowaiski Proposais for révamping Dur- ham Région hospital have béen coilectively siammed by area hos- pitai officiais. The HoitpitaI Council of Dur- ham Région is critical of recom- mendations contained iii a reor Lprepad for the Ontario M'i- rY of Heaith by a committée of thé Durham "Région District Health Council. Released iast wéek, the report spelis out détails for implèmént- mng a regionai hospitai systém ini Durham that was the basis of a hospitai réstructuring study ;pproved by Health Minister Jimn Wilson Iast Séptémbér. Howevér, the hospital council accuses the health coundil com- mittee of making «unrealistic" assumptions that couid jeopard- ize the future heaith caré of Durham Région résidents., Whiie supportive of the ré- structuring ý'concept, the hospital couil dlaims lîthat ité #Ugg.- tions for implémenting a pew system- In Durham by thé year 2006 weré iargely ignored by thé comnuttee. Responding in kind, committé chair- Rêne Soeée, -a former Whitby MP, charges that hospi- taifficials were mgre intérestéd i protecting théir -own'turf than i working togéther. Thé council refuse to recog- nizé that thé existing sytemn muet undérgo substantiaI =chge if it is to meét Durham's future health caré neédas, Soetens adds. Ina preparéd statément hos-' pitai council chair John >Iilnes criticizéd theé implémentation planning committeé's proposais for an mntegrated s"stem. 1Milnes said thé hospitai coun- ciliscn, éred t atthé commit- tee made assum, tions that are SE PAGa 16 Catole K tocontinue, but probably for just another Yeau By Mark Reesor Durhamn separate board trus- tées havé decided té continue offering junior ldndergartén for at iéast oné more year - but haven't decidéd how té pay for it. Thé board approvéd a person- nel and finance committée déci- sion made last wéék té retain thé groffar but board chair Tom lan deférréd thé financing question back té thé committée. «People wili havé té convince thé matjority of thé membership hère that theré are othér aréas i thé budget that théy can cut' i order té kee this particular expenditure in placé, hé toid trustees. I an éarliér interview, Oid- man said it was %ttaliy irréspon- asiblèw for thé committée té say 'wé're going té, do it, no mattèr what it costs.9 "les rially imînmature .,(and. ishows) a'i1ack of understanding of how a large corporation would run it... you can't bé that irres- ponsible and say 'regardléss of whéré, 'wé'll gét thé monéy -- we'll icréasé taxés, who cares; wè want it because my kid's going té hé in JK next yéar and mywifèe wants it.'1 «You can't do that; it's t té bé a speciffic rationalé for it. If the monéy can bè found, Oldman said hé supports keép- Sthé program ?as is - estima- té cont $668,000 for thé comhig achool yéear -- "but if 'thé funds arèn't thère it's going té havé té hé modifiéif2' Hé said. thére are thréé options: thé board continués thé programi as is, complète with noon-hour busing, eliminatés noon-hour busing but rétais thé haif-day format for both junior and senior kindérgartén; or SR PAGE 16 Hospital could- beiofCmanada larges t rehab 1teatinent centes. ByMiike Kowald Whitby could évlntuaily hé home to, one of Canada's largéat réhabilitation treatment faci- lities. If a planforimeimenting a régonal hapi- tai systemin Dram recéives Ona0o g>vr7 ment approval, Whitby Générai H iti could weii bécomé a 3«centre of xeln or réhabi- litativé médicine as its backérs daim. Proposais contained in a Durham Région District Héalth Council report ensuré that a révampéd Whitby hospitai wili hé one of thé largest, if not thé largéot, centres of its kid in thé county.' A $24.1-milli6n outiay couidhé ail that is standing in thé way of convérting thé 27- yçar-oldt.Gordon Street hospitai inté a state- of-the-art réhabilitation- tréatmént centré by '"Tëlotomlime is that it's a nothing report until thé (health) ministèr gives his blessing or réecinsid hosptal board chair Jim Souch of reortprepared by thé heaith councii'à acué crestudy implémentation planning. committée. 'Théré are stili som question marks that havé to hé addréssed, but a $24-million expan- sion means jobs and a reai niché for thé' hospitai,» said Souch. Réleased iast weék, théreport .spelse out specicdétails for Ilimp1émenting a régional hoepital' systèm in, Durha»m -wlchý was thé focus of an earlier study undertakén by thé héalth council.-1 1That study was approvéd by Héaith Minister Jim Wilson las t Séptembér- and thé héaith council was givèn until thé end of February - iater extendéd to, Abril 4 - to evl a à -pan BER PAGE 35 Boston narathers