Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, April 17, 199 C' la 'fram in transition Nf you are ans af the many athietes who flnds hlmselfflerself putting away the wlnter gear and thlnklng ai yaur next sport, you are ln transition. This Is ans af the easlsst Imos ta plan your workouts because what you need most Is rosI. Acilve rest Is usually the phase ai training that follaws stage three or post-soason play. RIlIs a Uime thae you shauld plan ta relax, do someofaithe things that are just plain fun. If yvu want ta retain most af your ftness, do some active thlngs Ik. bike rlding, bowling, gaffing, walling, swlmmlng ar even an occasion l lght jog. Just give yaur body and mind a littie break Vour transition phase should last for about twa ta three weeks and thon Rt lalime ta pick Up the pao. again. If you plan ta play a second spart ln the sumnmer yau should stant ta get speclflc for It. f yau are focuslng on developlng for your Wlntsr sport, you should bogin an elght- ta 12-week pragram almsd at Increaslng your strength and power. As a rule af thumb, heavy weights should be avoided unii you have dans most of yaur growlng (approxlmately agod 16, but varies wlth lndMvduals). Vaunger athletes shauld fous on ovsrall devskopment and should Whitby minor hockey HOIBE LEAGI.E E». AliW.w.,iAmr& USP. MW l sporanlil. playor MUP. - mod 1,rovod player UDF - mast dedlcated layer MMET DODO a BOUTER:> USP - JMliCannln, UP- Jeremny Paulouaky. UDP - BradHarim; ROYS EIIERPISE8: USP - Aaron Shachltbon, UP.- Jamie Hdbard, UDF - Adam SOuriS; WHMST ILONS CWILr USP - Dan besco. UP - Keith Hamilton, UDF.- Rih Saundemr. .DURJIAM DOOGE. MSP - J.P. Coleman. MIP - Tony UL.i UDP - Jard Zdebak VAN VEEN SNAP ON TOULS: SP - Lms Hraka. UP - Adam Vul%, MWD- Calg Lann.gger; SPEEDY AUTO(.S MSP - Justin Fotier. UP - Brian Dick. UDF - Aaron Bqyan BANAM ALOOMA ORCUIARDS: USP - Michele Waltar. UP.- Slow Badali, UDF - Du"k Rwwao; VICK 1INURANCE.- USP - MaitiGulina, UMP - Stephen Momuion. UDF - Chad Kwasal; WhIST SATURP* USP - Rab Uiddlalon. UP - Andre. Souse% UDF - Ryan Lauil; BRADBURY MECHANCAL' USP - Brait Uoxley, UP - Kavil Dicil, UDF.-Adam Koanie; WHITBTINSMBL' MSP - Andmew Yarskavch. IP - Max Wilklnz. UDF-.isoHonter; MARIOLD"UNCOLN: USP - Ryan Walsh. UMP - Kurtis Kehoe..UDF - Tony Bradimor.; ANDERSON VET CUC: UMSP - Scott Demie. UIP- Sean Raynor. UDF.-Erik Steweon; BROOSCUN KIONSNUX SP - US Ferqi. MFP- Andrew Clark. UDF - Ted LStodis MAJOR PEEWEE WIY OPISUSiff:USP - Clans Michauit. MFP. Adam Balard. UDF - Uan Ud<ay; HIGh.AI VAN à STORAGE: USP - Grant frgin. MIP - Uatthew Goulit. UDF - Daril William.; RO"S EN ERPRIES: USP - Davi Normnan, UM. -gRob Colns,., UDF - Jardan Glas; DUFPS TONWO MSP - Bilan Abboy. UP - Matllue Aleacandar UDF - Graham Taom; DOS ORANCE.' SP - Chris Saw, UP- Androi Hual. UDF - Jamss Ellick, WhiffTRREBIGHTB: USP -.Jmma Muqpy. UP - UM" Simonalta, UDF - Chs. Addmon INOR PEEWEE CJC.AMJTBMO: USF - AI.. Rialtarihn, U- Daie Rarqi. UDF - 0mw Gaina, OOSE LODWE: USP - Steve aild. UIP - Kyl.- Udclnnay. UDF- Rob Wdker LBNOX DRUM& MW - JP. Gauhmk UP- Ryan IL»ick. UDF - Andrm Kely; WIITY TOYOTA USMW - Tasse Kozlenko, UIP - Cory AWuhono. UD - BWai Hom.; ,ICHONMBMDG.PROGUCIS: USP - Tyler Broueau. UIP - Gmg Bi"i..UDF - PU«e Mwinon; ISIACILE PHAIACEflICALS: MSP - John FmWa. MUP - Kyle Follioc.M, UDF- UNie Wjdylo- MAJOR ATM wark wlithln the Imits af their bodweght. Strngth gains corne tram noverloadlng,n dalng a Rtte more tomorrow than you dld yesterday, but yau give yourself enough lime betwsen warkauts ta, recover. Ri l durlng the recovery phase that growth occurs. Rlght now you are ln the recovery phase aifsprt. EnJay your transition andThave same fun. There's a new apportunlty for 11 - and 12-year-ald boys and girls. Lyndebrook Golf Course will accept registrations on June 1. 3 p.m., for a Saturday aflernoon junior gai beague. The Idea cornes tram course owner Lynn O'Bnien who wants ta give youngsters whose parents don't play a chance ta play wlth their frlends. OYBrien recommends a trip ta the drM grag befors yau go ths course 7h9nrogram is not golf lessons). The club prafessianal willl spend Uime wlth players, teachlng them propèr etiquette and procedure.There la a $35 registration fee and green tees of $9 per week. For more deails, cal 655-4653. OYBrien la alsa collectlng docent aki clubs that can be cut down and glven taklds, sa Yf you have some gyng araund the garage, give her a cail and drop them off. MF - An* Hatuv. UDF.- Mihael FiniGan; WhIT A1U0 .M5P - Bradley Wmiluaman. UIP - Aaron Kelly. U4DF - Devn Koopnmn; WHITBY OPTIISTS: USP - Ryan Shoriif. A41P - Jai. Adklns. UDF Jon Eik Slnufton; ROOKUN 11INSMSlé MSP - RManTaylo. MUP - Jmmij Sarlon, UDF - Rihard Smitlh; OWASO VOUCSWAOe& MWP - Justin OC«n». IP . Brandon -Meabariw, UDP'- Bilan Chard; LEDUIOX DOWM: MSP - D.nyl Lrarny. IP - Mishas Vadhy, UDFP- Darayl Donaitiuon 111NORATOM PROTECTOE- USP - Nlck Sdiad, MIP - Deon Dmk& UDF - Nancy Enghand; WIITY KINSMEI USP - Awono Posacil. UIP -.Si Cook. UDF - Thomas Farquharon; JERRY. DIIOSWAMR: A48P - Dr.w Bwatt M, IP - da Omho«ý,MCP -Corey Uoncada; ORA: MSP - Clais BMW.rMIP - maonCumear, UDF - pot Shannon KaIYBUROIRS: USF.- Paul Shauney. UIP - Sean Vim, UDF.- Janrad Miller; BANK OF UMnmALU5SP-Deany Brouglaton. MIP - Ryan EWe~vwwdt. UDF - Stuait Pairie;MoTEAGUE ELECTISO: USP - Brod Tasdauk, UIP - Craig Nino, DF - Ril.y Fals; Dit SEMOIUK'B DRLLR: USP - Jamnes Stalgeaad. MIP - Trovor Faaro. UDF.- Bobby Chopa. MAJORNOVICE SIIG DIJ.5B: USP - Anthony Novia. M IP - Jason Gah, UDF - Kyle Uwphy; ADVANTAGE AIR CARE: U5P - Jake Slarvons, IP - Kyle Mitchell. UDF - Sean Poupore; WMMTY FREE PRESSC USP - Chr. Thoipon, UIP - MilS Fergtuso. UDF- Bradley Stainhaur; TIN GEINS: MWP- Bobby NSorm. M IP - Brad Babb, UDF.- Rihëy SEblodq TBD STEAK à BURGER: MSP - KnèYocn, MFP- Lon Hant. UDP - Mika UoQuid; LEACOUMCONUlN: MSP - Uatthow Rae".l MF - Jason Raed. UDF - Uafthow Houglton; JAMES DOCK: UP - Kent Hom.o, IP - Jo. Md&vaK . DF - Kyls SiedziWsld; FICKENANG 11L USP - Toes Cooab, U6M P.-Evan Chance, UDF.- David Mon *INOR NOVICE tW FOM ELBECTNC: MP - lan Miller. M IP - Justin Duguay. MDP - flm Foffester OWASCO VOLKSWAGON MSP - Mitchell Sankhr. UIP - Kyls Guthwturg. UDF - Mike Gorazynaki; PRUDEDITIAL INSURANCE: USP - Y."fr Nasu. MP - Ryan Adams. UDF - Shan. Graham; cEIIIMCONTRACTWG: MSP - Ryan Maria, UP - Mark Halls, UDF - Kalen Sefmnhil, WMH AIJXLIAR: USP - DanillJonsen, UMP - Corey Uauder. UDF - GaaIm VWatt; BROOKN LEWIOM MSP - Bilin Gaamm. UP - Joseph Galiat, DF- Ryan Tyma WHM TIROPHY HOUSE-. USP - Kevin Stephena. UP - Andrew Boaoler. UDP - Bryan Hm#glun YDRUG WARE.: U5P - Dandi Ual. MFP-Joudon Hoddsr. DF - PPolrr Rossen; ROUWI.EY URANCE.- MSP - MWc"e Baulday, UP - Dustin Elcekni6MUDF - BiUy Hwdma; WIIIY PIST: MSP - Andrew Pocp.,MUP- Ryan Kiashan, DF - Mari6nzl Power; ALLWAY ECHANICAL U5P - Curtis Whknwshi, MP - Adam Col%. UDP - Trevo Redhvr.McUU.OU01I JEWELBBR: USP - Brnt Dawios UP- ennen Borendt, DF - Jarod UoCormack. PLAY T BTMINSPORTS: U5P - Daniel Fedyt MFU - Justin Smill.,UDP - Erie Regain; POLI.AIRD OeIG: SP - Kenny Pobwd. UP - 1Haldan Sumner. UDF - Bradley PORT PRY ~rAL USP - Oaiyl laaaeoey. COACHOF1IEVEAIbSIw. Wheallsy JAMES WHELAN, 6, one of those involved in lenged indMvduals, the first season of the Durham Dragons Julie Dionne. hockey program for developmentally chai- gets help from volunteer Photo by Jeromy Drewa, Free Prou Dragons on ice Challenged youth part of a secial team By Amy Southgato 11e hrl of playing hockey is the dream of many. And with a littie practice, anyone. can 'A-xat was the case with the Durham Dra- gons, a hockey club made up of deveiapmen- tally challengd individuals wha recently com- pieted their firet season. Cindy King and her Oshawa family started the Driagons.'The Kings use ta commute ta, Taranto so their son Kevin 19, cauld play. Since there were only teatome in al of Canada and the U.S.,, the King, wîth the holp of the Emms famiiy, decided it was time ta start another toam. Tho cost ta play is $200 per player. The Drgns receive some funding from -privato, sponsors and aiso do some fundraising For the first season there wero 3 lyos ranging i age from six te 38. Howevor, there are no _imiýts on age, gender or ability. Somo of the players disabilitios includo Down's syndrome, autism and cerebral paisy. Maura E~me sa<js some of the playors couldn't ee stand on skates when they started because they nover had the oppor- tunity te play hockey. Now every player cmii skate. T7he games are regular legh and they play once a week, whethor it be a practise or a game. One-on-one coaching is available te playors who require it. Othor teams in the league include the Tarante Grandravine Tornados, Ottawa Ambassadors and St. Louis Gateway Locomo- tives. The season runs from the beginning of Octeber until the end of March. The Dragons always travel on a bus togother but they mae other tripe besides hockey. P'or example, they recently visited the, Hockey Hall of Fame and watched a Tarante Ma e Lafsgame. Xei Dragons are a lot more than just a hockey club. A lot of the playors don't have good com- munication skils and have nover had the chance te have many frien 'do. By boing a part of a team, Cindy says, the players communi- cate botter with each other. Her daughter and coach, Guna, ays, "Wo even had a sleepover the othor day» - a big stepii theo oyrs' lives. "Itfs a reai social outiot most of the players have nothing else,» Eay mmse 1 ach layer on the team gete a chance. ovoryt game tecarry the puck.up thoeioe. «It's like slow motion,» Emnmes!say, "but every p layer cmii sense itpand thoy alIow each other the chance." US<mtimos we p ut tho puck on their stick and make them shoot if we have .'ta,9 so they know what it feels like te shoot,» says Gina, Piaying hockey .is important te thèse mem- bers. Emims says, "Now. thoy can do what over othor kid does, piay -hockey. And they can7felliko thoy beiong, likea heo.,, Her son Ryan, 12, h oes it bocause ho bas a lot of friends and he likes te skate. In St. Louis, Ryan saidhle found out thoir secrets" -- after every game the. teain sings, "We are the Champions. Emms says those who volunteer ta hoip out with the temm find that «It's addictive you get back a lot more than you put inte it.-4 And al you need te be a coach is "a heart.»' When the Dragons traveleéd ta St. Louis for a tournament they won the trophy -- it goos te the team itLi the most hemrt, not the most wins. Durung the summer monthly team activities will be argmnized ta Iceep the team tegether, cernent friendships and keop tho playors mati- vated. As for next season, it is hoped that mare sponsars, players and ice time cmii bo found. For mare information contact Cindy or Dave King at 666-6330. Novices Win Richnîond 111 un aet A Whitby major novice hockey team ended, the season by capturing the championship at the 24-team, Richmond Ili house league taunnament April 5 to 14. Whitby cruised te three consecutive shutaut wins behind the. goaltending of Stuart Armstrong. Game MVPs were Shane Morilao, Evan Boyce and Ryau Cocker. The fourth game was a thriller. Tied 2-2 afte»r regulation against Newrnarket, the teams went inta elirnunation overtime. At two players per team, Boyce got contrai, after the faceoif, fed a pass ta Chnis Mtchell who sped around the Newmarket defence ta pottee winnier. Michael Ferguson -was game hMVP. Ini the final againist Richmond II, Whit1by fell behund 1-0 before Cody Williamson knotted the score. Fuelled by MVP Morillo's three goalis, Whitby skated toaa convincung 7-1 victory. Wungers Matt Case, Mike Morgan and Bradley Steinhaur dominated their corners, frustrating the opposition and generating repeated scoring opportunities. Soid tournament. efforts were misa posted by Chris Graham and Chris McGrath. The Whitby team ls sponsored by the Whitby Free Press. Fatball1 clinic upcomg The Brooklin-Whitby Girls Representative Fmstball Assoca- tion will hold their scnd èekilîs dlinic, on pitchin on April 27. m and catching, Instructera will be Robin Slucs, o f the Canada Sum.. mer- aestmand. Diane Wamrner, a softbail hall of ramer and former fomale coach of the 430-2649. Whithv wÎll: field mnven tf*m -- M-PPM 1 > 1 - r!e-*-s-ý,-"-ý*fýr- i' j2mmýý, Id.

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