Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 27

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WVhiby Fiee Pres, Wednesciay, Aptil 17, 1996 ,p 27 TRAFALGAF CASTLE The third terni ha. arnived aný isi always are busiest time of ti school year. Students are involve< in track, tennis, basebaîl and golf, ThisYear we are again fortunate ta . aleta enter two senioi golfers in turee upcoming CAIS taunnaments. Belinda Wong and1 will compete on April 24 at Dalewood and then at Pen Lakes on May 1. If wedo well, we will carry oun banner ta the charnpionship at Blue Springs. In all modesty, I expect we might bring back a trophy. (kidding!) 0f course, many other non-sport extracurricular activities are available. For instance, on April 10 and 11, those involved in oui upcoming drama production wenl ta the drama festival and workshop series at Crescent School in Toronto. These girls were given the challenge ta interact witli students from other independent schools and expand their knowledge in creative arts. On Saturday April 13 we held our üdrd annual Information Day, held to give the public a chance to get a gllmpse of the vanlous aspects of the ichool. Current students, staff and alumni explain the many features of independent education and answer any questions. Tii. day ran smoothly and everyone wiio helped out was especlally. thanked for offering their t«me on a Saturday. The drama students have been worklng extremely hard for the pt -.few montha four their upcoming production of the musical Snoopy, ta b. performed Apnil 19 sud 20. Tih. public Io webcome ta attend the musical ta be held at the school at 7:30 p.m. both nights, sud tickets are required. Don't hesitate ta cail for your reserved seating arrangements., Chron icle 'excellent' Tii. Durham College student newspaper, Tii. Chronicle, won second place for general excellence for college and university newspapers in the annual Ontario Cmmunity Newspapen Awards competition. An axhibition of art by tudents of Durham Board of Education secondary schools will openat the Robert MeLaughlin Gallery on April 25. The. openlng ceremony wiil b. held Tiiursday, AprIl 25j, commenclng at 7:15 p.m. 'New Visions' wiil include art work executed in a varlety of media. The exhition continues until May 12., Nicole Fillion ST. CHARLES GARNIER Ahh! We can finally breathe, both the hockey -taurnament and the improv taurnament are over. I guese that in a certain way, the whole thlng was kind of depressing... all those montha of hard work and planning for only three day. of excitement. Nahhl it was worth it, especially considering I didn't mmnd having a few hundred hockey players and improv competitors hanging around our school. .For those of you who didn't get the chance ta attend any of the final games, let me recap fror you the winners. For the hockey tournament the teams were categorized in three divisions: small schools, medium schools and large schools. (2old medal winners were: for large school, EÉ.s. Garneau, Orléans;, medium school, E... Cité des Jeunes, -Kapuskasing-, small F'i-~~Ii I n~I-h intl IMI1MM t \be I SINCLAIR.SECONDARY SCHOOL ichool, E.9, fSmooth Rock Falis.' Although our school's team did not make It ta the finals, Its menmbers - Marc-André Bédard, Joëil Boivin, Daniel Chabot, Marc Chiasson, Carl Chouinard,Simon Gignère Daniel Grondin, Hawley Hébert, Andrew Hoît, Jimmy Jordan, Bertrand Lelièvre, LUC"s Malloy, Sean Mutton, Justin Squires, Christophe 'Thériault, Marc Vincent and Patrick Vincent - should b. congratulated for their excellent effort <well get'em next time!). I would also 11k. ta congratulate our school's improvisation team for winning the silver medal. Team memibers Christian Côté, Natacha Dupuis, Lynne Lamarche, Philippe Lévesque, Diana Mozzotta,- Steve Mornisson, Kathleen Imbeau, Andréa Dessureault and Jonathan Lauzon did a fabulons job of makingeveryo ne laugh (especially me). - I tr-ca Job talk CANADA Employment Centre representative Georgina Bruce-Raycroft recently talked to Grade 7 and 8 students at St. Pauls Sohool about employment trends and how to prepare for future careers. Po yJrm mVNh m r Jason Collier HENRY ST. H.S. Well, Hawks, another set of exaina is completed, and we are on the. home stretch for this year. les hard ta believe. that we have' already written the mid-term exams for the second semestor, and it still feels like winter outside. The Hawks basebail team has returned from ita trip to Boca Raton, Florida, after a very succeseful tournament. Henry's team members displayed their abilities against tearns fromn Florida, California and North Carolna, coming home with a very respectable record of 2-2. Ail those involved in the trip would like to thank everyone who helped make the trip possible. The OSAP presentation will be held on Wednesday, Ay 8, at 9:05 a.m. -Anyone -interested in information on financial assistance for post-secondary education should attend thus meeting. For anyone interested in finding out about* the Sunrise Youth Group, they wiil hold an information, session on Wednesday, April 17, 11:30 a.m., ini the lecture theatre. Congratulations to our. high performanoe athletes Who took part In the reçent Canadian precision champlonshlps in Hamilton. Kristen Pike, Melissa Underwood, Katie Hlinkson and Amy Lamb are aIl members of the Whitby Ile Angels novice team which succes;sfully defended its Canadian championship. Erin Beegan, Maggie Hinkson and Kristen Pike are membersof the Whitby Ice Fyre senior team which won silver. Welcome ta our vistiors froSn Whitby, England. Forty.one student,. are here for two weeks as guests of Henry Street billets. A. group of Hawks visited England Iast y'ear, and are pleased ta reciprocate for the students visiting here this year. The. students have been proudly showing the visitons the best of Whitby, Ont. and its surnounding areas. So fan, the studenta have visited Toronto, Niagara Falls, asý well as several local sites. They have also met the mayor of Whitby, visited the. works departent and the lire department. Plans are already underway for a new gnoup of Hawks ta visit Whitby, England again next year, 50 listen for details of this upcoming event. >Mid-terni report, carda will b. golng out on April 22,, along with the neit chool newslettr. We are approaching the final stretch before school is out for the summner. There are only elght'ùl weeks left until exama start, so, now is a great, time to pick up those marks and give it your best shot. Ms. Macennan. and our SAC have been putting together our sprlng semi-formal dance. On May 14, from 7 ta 10:30 p.m., students wil have the chance ta tak.e part in our first vldeo dance part. The cotls only $9 for singles and $15 for couples, no grab your frlend and come on out. Just remember this ls a formaI, event se, no jeans or tees. Tickoets are going on sale soon, you don't want ta miss out on the social event of the year. April is envlronmental month, s0 keep your eye on the screens daily for helpful and interesting tips on how ta help save- the planet. There wiil be an OSA presentaLtion on Wednesdy, May 8, dmring session A. Sign up for tht. at student services. Yet another, rominder 'to al those who sUE have overdue books ollecang midew undor your b.ds, se get your books returned today and get your name off the lut before the end of the school year. For ail those Inter.sted 'in -visiting Sunnybrook Hospital on April 28, slgn up with Mns. Brownson ln room. 208 wlth your $6.1 Classes for tht. yearle. sprlng night ichool start on April 23. If interested, slgn Up ln student services. Ifyou are looklng for an Idea for a Mothers day gift Ms. Hendry has the perfect solution. On May 8, for only $6, you oen make your mom a seasonal basket. Sign up in Twenfies musie, dancin*g revivedi Henryproduction Henry Street High Sehols dramatie musical production of The Boyfriend' is ready to hit the, stage Thursday, April 25, curtain time 8 p.m. The show runs from April 25 to 28, with three eveming shows. and the final performance at 2 p.m., on April 28. Students, staff and volunteers ha. been working on the play since early January. 'We have a diverse group of talented, dedxcated and hard- okigpeople once again this year," says teacher/director LorieLloyd. "Last year we had a lot of fun with Leader of the Pack, which wus Our first big musical. U'ltrea]y broke the ioe for a number of actors and actresses who have steadily unproved since then, and with the addition of several stmng new cast members, itIl be int.esting to soe what level tiley can rise to.ft lae Boffiend in set in the 19209 and shows off ail the popular songs and dances of that era. It will.b. performed in Henry's cafetorium. For tickets or further Information, cail the uchool at 668-2731le or go to.the school's library. Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for atdulta. w.,Wl RK, 1 Tanva'Hi intAr

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