Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1996, p. 3

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u I Items from Whitby Counc agenda(s) MonayAprjilJ11 Planning and agenda Development Committee That a =t pa plication f rom Lt NgtCafe Ltd., (formerly Boppers) at 207 Dundas St. W. for an 81 0-square-foot expansion of its outdoor patio be approved. The addition will not impact any of the exlstlng on-site parking. The applicant ls also proposlng to upgrade the patio wlth brick pavers and railings. Recommendedto councl That a site plan application from BMW Canada for construction of a 5,000-' square-foot addition ta the southwest corner of its Canadian headquarters at 920 Champlain Ct. be approved. The addition will croate an indoor display area for the compny's vehicles. Recomendeto council That a site plan application from Canadian lire Corp. to permit the erection of a 2,000-square-foot temporary seasonal greenhouse at its Glen Hill Drive store be approved. omciLmended to council That a site plan application from Co-Steel Lasco to permit construction of a 44-kîlovolt electrical substation to service the Operations Committee That applicatons for the canceliation and/or refund of $37,661 ln 1995 property taxes b. approved. Most of the applications deal with businesss that are no longer mteommnended to couneil That an $8,625 quotallon from G&R Weiding of Brooklln for the supply 0f a tandem axie lowbed'trailer to transport pieces of equlpmnent such as mowers and trimmers used in the parks and recreation departmenrs grounds rmaintenance, program, be accepted. The exlsting traller hastsuffered extensive rust damage and lacks the structural stability to carry the required equiment. Recomnided to council That a $1 9,635 tender from R&N Maintenance of Guelph for sealing approximately 23,200 metres of cracks ln Town roads be accepted. MROTARY CA$H (ALMDAR$ 0 il Whitby Fmo Press, Weckiesday, Apnil 17199, Page 3 Charges are liMd after pedestrian injured hm hit and run accident A29-year-old Prentice ive Wbty man faces two chrgs a=%r man was struck by a car on Dundas Street East early Saturday morning. Police arrived on the, scene around 1:20 a.m. and found a man layn on the westbound centre lanegnear the post Office surrounded by a smail crowd of 1leevictim, a 49-year-old Hick- orytretWhitbr man was taken ttohospitaf with two broken legs. T'he witnesses told officers the car that had hit the victim, had taken off but they had the license plate nuznber. Officers later went to a resi- dence on Prentice Drive wbere they found the vehicle locked i thMradmer wasn't home, bis wife told police, but he later turned bimself in at the Wbitby police station, at 4 a.m. He was charged wlth failing to remain at the scene of an acci- dent and failing te report an accident. RAYMOND VEZEAU (left, holing the cheque for $4,080,808 h e sent to Whitby Hydro) and Thomas Hill (shown with wife Betty Ann and daughter Shawna) were among 300 forth Whitby and Blroki~n residents who received huge buis from Whitby Hydro recently. T he bis, for $40,4704.0-4 ("«demand charge"') and $4,040,404.04 (GSi) were sent due to a computer malfunction, Hydro says.* It sent a letter of apology and a corrected bill ta each recipient and extended the payment due- date. Hydro says Rts takin9 steps ta, prevent this from happning again. FORTUNE F1IN A N C1 A L INVESIMENT MANAGEMENT IF VOU GI 1?RAFFIC~EI4 puir SpeclalIzed T rrafflIc '-J Exprlencd ex-Prcosutors go f lT A. Point Prote ction tocourt for you FRE ONSLAIe IF YOU'rRE LOOKING FOR JUSTI CE, GIVE US A CALL (905) 665-STOP (665-7867) STOPP 1032 BRCCST. S. W-HITBY, ONTARIO (Just north f GO station). Gi*rls-only sehool curriculum suggested P&Le Numbers f« Apr.4 - ApL 10 0467 2053 1659 1215 -ý0610 1310 0821. f rX MINIUM By ark Reesor A parent committee is asking teublic schol board tobein a that would separate gIr from boy9 for selectd subjects. The group presented standing committee with a suggested Rkobbery at store A lone bandit escaped with $3,500 and some lottery tickets after robbing a' Whitby con- venience store owner late Satur- day evenmg. Plice say the owner of The Market Basket, 17 Sawdon Dr., was Iocking, up around 11:05 p..when a man arohed fmbehind and pushed-bis head into the glass door. The assailant whom police were told was eitkier East Indian or Jaiacan approxi mately five feet eight inches tall and wearing a dark winter jacket, pushed what the victim feit was a gun into bis back told him not to move andgraLb e isbriefease. When he turned around, the bandit was gone, olice Ba. Police are contEnuing their in- vestigation. Charest a PC dinner in Piclkering Jean Charest, leader of the Pkogressive Conservative Party of Canada, wlll b. keynote speaker at a PC fundraising dinner at Gallantry's Banquet Hall, Pickeing Town Centre, Apri 23, 6 p.m. ickets are $125. Caîl Brian Shedden at 416-751-5127. Costly hydro '00or STOPP mai numun" ý-- 'l t< cir . gg IIN 5dL timetable that would see the idea instituted in a split class, "poten- tially grades grade. 4 and 5,» at eitherPrne Creek or C.E. Broughton public schools in Sep- tember 1996- The N>arents for Girls Curricu-, lum Committeeprom.se to cover the cost of, the pilot project throug fundraising and grants from foundations. It says it bas 15 committed participants'and is working to get 15 more interested in tbe project, designed to "encourage young girls to increase their strengths, particulal in maths and sciences, to gin a strong sense of their capailitis and to promote the value of self- esteem.u Tii. committee says research shows girls taught in 'an ail- female setting «mnore often on to complete a University e uca- tion and possess increased self- awareness.- Interim director Clarence Prin promised to try and pre- p are a report on the idea ini time for the neit standing committee meeting (April 29). A girl-only pilot program i math is currently being conduc- ted at Anderson CVI, noted Whitby trustee Patty Bowman, and OWeill CVI in Oshawa i.' running a program for Grade 10 girls. Photo by Mwk Reesor, Whltby Fro. Prou j E 1 1 1 ý

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