Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 18

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Whltby Free Presa, Wednesday, Apili 24, 199, Pa"e 17 Warriors tune . up for new season WhitbY- Warriors and Orangeville Northmen split a two- game, home-and-away exhibition series by identical 8-7 scores in Ontario junior A lacrosse as the two teams, both expected to be among the. strongest in the, league, prepare for the. upcoming season. [n Thursday's game in Oshawa, Warriors trailed 6-2 at the end of the second period but roared back in the third, outscoring Orangeville 6-1. Zac Aitken led the. Warrior attack with tiiree goals and two assists. Mldget call-up A.J. Shannon had three goals and one assist. Gavin Prout with a goal and an assist and Dan St. Aubin were the other goal-scorers. Steve Taylor, Derek Suddons and Pat Jones each had two assistew-W*ith Marty OBrien and Dav, Stabile adding singles. On Sunday' in Georgetown, Warriors led 7-6 witli 22 seconds left but Northmen scored two quick goals te tae the win. (YBrien led Wamrors with three goals and two assiste. Jason Ward iiad two goals with Aitken and Niail Maynard adding singles. Mike Francis, 18, of Henry Street High School was second in the Ontar' senior wrestling chaxnpionships in Hamilton over the weekend. Francis lost to Mir Quirzadeh, 99 of McMaster University in týIi. 52-kilograin (114.5-pound) final. Quirzadehii je a former national champion and Canadian wrestlingteam member. Rab Lyon of Henry was fourth in 82-kilogram (180 pounds). Leon lost to Brock University's CrsBurg in the bronze medal match. Francis qualified for the Cana- .,ones had three assiste, Maynard two and Rab Klrby and Derek Suddons iiad singles. Whitby coach Jim Bishop saw some positive things in bath games. "In the. flrst game, I liked our hustie to the. loose balle, especially wiien we were losing 6-2. Players that still go ail out for loose balse when they are losing siiow real character and mental tougiiness. "In Sunday'sgame, some of our players played really welI, but as a team w. did not. "However, saine of aur players have not been at ail practices because of school commitmente and two of last years outstanding rookies, Steve Voituk and Paul Sallie, are out witii injuries. Wiien we have had some more practices as a teamn I -know this will be corrected." .Warriors play their next exhibition game Friday nigiit in Kitchener. This Sunday, April 28, Warriors are hosting an ail-day tournament at Luthier Vipond Arena in Brooklin. For- more information, cali Blades Sports at 430-7717. dian senior championehipe At Simon Fraser University in Brit- ish Columbia May 3-4. Both Francis and Lyon will also take part in the U.S. national espoir championships in Purdue, Indliana May 17-18. Tiie two are niembers of the Oshawa Olympie Wrestling Club. ie club's junior teain was first at a recent national com- petition. Savvy Dees of Anderson CVI was fourth in the 40-kilora cadet (aged 15, 16) division, help- ing the cadet teain ta a third- place finish overall. Gymnastics 5 froin Whiothy in provincials Five WiiibygyIls are members Wright was first overali in her of the G ini Gynastics teain division at the. third provincial that will compete in the Ontario qualifier in Scarb orough chaznpionships May 3-5 in Mis- reoently. Totz was second, Dorre- sissauga. paaland Kolumbus both fourth. Michel nifer Kol nifer Mi] rgDorrepai Wrgt'i pet.. On the hot seat 130B MLtStNZIlE <et) of Whitby, hockey analyst for The Sports Network and Toronto Star columnist, was interviewed at centre court in the Oshawa Centre for the Dan Carter Show on local cable television. Athetes, celebnities, politicians and other "top newsmakers"i are interviewed by Car- ter(iiht) Photo by Jeromny Dresar, WhIlby FMe Preas Saintsfail in semi- final The Whitby Saints midget boys' basketbail team made- a strong showing at the annuai Brantford CYO tournament- over the weekend,. winning their pool over teams froi Mississauga and Guelph. I the semi-finals, Whitby lost in double-overtime te the, Noifolk Nets' who- wen t on- to face Scazborough in the final. The team was led by tep scorer 'and teurnament aIl-star Jeif Colins. Otiier team members include JR. ONeil, Jason Baker, Dwayne Camnpbell, Dwayne Corniffe, Chris Rutherford, Siiawn. Saunders, Craig Wilson, Mike Probert, Andy Ranson and Adam Parr. The previaus weekend Saints were the silver medalists at the Mississauga Monarciis taurnament, winming games over Windsor, Norfolk and Ancaster before lasing te Ancaster in the, gold medal gamne 59-55. Saints' midget teain, in its firat season of operation, is coached by Whi*tby hosets bantam final s Whitby wiii hast the. Ontario Basketball Association AA bantam championships this weekend. Froin Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, games wiil be held at Hlenry kitreet, binclair, Ausin and Anderson high sciiools. Sixteen teains will b. participating, includling the Whitby Sainte bantarn team. Whitby plays Kingsten on Friday, 8 p.m, at Henry foliowed by gaines; on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., aiea at Henry. and Milne fifth in their divisions. fle Totz in junior -3, Jeni- Dorrepaal was fifth overali and lumbus in senior 2,-Jen- Totz eigiith at an international ie in junior 2; Christine mieet in Shrnia recently. They aiinnoic 3and Asley and two other'Gemini members in pre-novice 3---l1 con-. were »snd overail in thi eel 9é team competition. Bill Probert and Bob Ruthierford. Tii. teain has been supported by Whitby Sunrise Rotaryan Durhiam Dodge Chrysier. 1996 Brookln, Redmen schedule' May 9. Brookin iBrazynipt May 10. haltimoga Brookin May 15. =rnena Brooldin May 17. Brooldin ai Fergus May 2Z six Nations arsi May 23. BmrodaPeteborough May 29. Fergus i BrookIn May 30. Broodn i Six Natios June 5. Bnpton i Brooldin June 6. Brooklin iPeterborough June 9. Brooklin ai Six Nations (7part.) Juns 14. Forgus at Brooldin June 19. Fergus aW Brooldin June 28. Six NatisaiBrookin June 29, Bmokrm ad 8raius n(7 p.m) July 3. Branpton ai Brooldin JuW 8. Brookin iFerguS (?p.IT) JuIy 10. P«Waborough at Brookin JuIy 11. Broadlin iBrançion July 17.-Sm Naions aiBrookl July 19. Brookin atlFergus JuI24, Petoeborough ai Brookin JuIy 25, Brookin iPoeeborough July 28. Brgokin ai Six Nations (7 part) AHl homre garr * e & - b. p ay.d et h à A#aP y a r s. ierItWaV'on.ub g- Francis qualiflies for .Canadian seniors event - -- ------------------ ..... .. . ... .....

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