Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 27

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Page 26, Whitby Free 'Press, Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Whitby Free Press 668-6111* Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 arn to 5:00 pm a Fax 668-0594 Police to again torch' THERAPIST: CARROL Campbell focuslng on maklng women whole aganbW deallng wthî fear, anger, co- depenency. buie relatlonshlps, to bullsseif rn, confidence & positive soif-image. (905) 576-3805. WANT MORE energy, a heahthier, attactive physiqu?-Then Bodyform Fitness Studli Isefor you. We offeor personaiized -structured _programs guaranteed to workIll Caîl 668-4464. EVANLY RAYS servvcing oe 20,000 Ontario households. Rated #1 ln Canada. Police, poliiclans & corporations use us. Concerns about loye, health, relatlonships, moiney. Just cal 1-900-451-4055, 24 nrs $2 99/min., 18+, 1 -9ô0-451 -4055. LET rrT BE KNOWN that an Arab ýonyjnamed Crystal standing et pngicfleld Farm belonglng to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke wtilI be sold at public auction under the Innkeepers Act. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus be pralsed, adored, glorlfled, boved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart 0f Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude Mheler 0f the hopeîess, pray for us. C 0': COMING EVENTS AUCTIONS AUCT1ON SALE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Pnivatecoentractor/must sali at residence 235 Hl #7'Uxbrldge, 11/4 km east o7'urham 23, SATURDAY APRIL 27aet 11 am. Prevew Vý9:3Oam. Ladders lncl. 24 ft ext.; muter bits (cabee' hand chisels; 10 hp snow bwer mercraft); 12 hp.. lawn gàweed spra?«,elecpump &trailer Shp. lier, bindscaller , 3,500 b. axds 6'X12 bed; refier1Ion reovry reculm unit(oz a oyatwe1u kit; elec. weght = ;aulravilet= detector, rigid akjmln. wrenches oa blanket; li 8X38' 2 stage a.p p Robnar iuklig(rfi-3 tin sewage PUmp ak ihp jet pump & an; oowolng hanld tools, ':Ntgei-mn & ealngCOMnMIoS & prs hammerdi laiB*k&.Deck e hammerdol (Bosohe); asat ofsaal wormdrlve (Bk & Deoker);be saîder(Crtma)hnd sander (SkiD., I-ltiN Moutis, lIommarinage üknmer.asst. vises; oeidless sockets ; n_>On ratchets & sociefts to1g l1 chest on robi; wrenches, pneumadic tools; shpeIng toob, dril press sMO fboor m be cdim, andkit,6u jointer 480 coronet lathe c/w oak stand Shp gas pressure washer 21/ ton hyd. fbor jack,, 11/ ton hoist (chan); 14* chan saw, gas; ELU biso. pner ELU onpound nite saw, lathe tools; bar & pe clamps. MISC.: Fumiture, sWmming pool pump & iker unit ar tiot stove Weed Eater gas powered; silo g un Winchester 2200; .22 caL MossbtM wfth scopeair p*tl (C02) fish tank, asst.oaJç tîm & boardfs-15 isgh2X4; 1,000 bd. ft. of pine sI1ng. Tomany Items to Et Terins: cs or Cheque with proper ID. AUCTIONEER PAUL BREMNER 905-294-1104 WeDeivr lyr- 66861 i TKrANKS I PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgn eyer known to aio. 0most beaut(fl flower 0f Mount Carmel, f ruitful vine, spiendor 0f Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, lmmraculate Virgîn, assist me In necesslty. 0 star 0f the sea help: me and show me her ouaemy Mother. O Ho!y MrMother 0f God Queen oi Heaven & earth I humbly beseech vou from t(ie :oflom of my heart I0 secure me In my necessty <malce requests). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary concelved wtt ut sin. pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). HoIy Mary I place thîs cause ln your hand (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publish it andit will be granted to you. S.J.B. COMINO E0MENT BINGO COUNTRY i45OfWr-is E Two Sl, ACKPOTS Loil- i*,Jýriti! ýli!itlýles 7:00 pm & 10:30 pm Mon..- Sun. 1:00 Pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30'pm Mon., Tues. & Wed. 'oints Malil wn & Taunton, Ïwa (behinci A&P) rities 945371 E ALS wA.MON SUPE ESTATE AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES COLLECTABLES& HoUSEI-IOLD EFFECTS SUNDAY, APRIL 28th, 10:3Oam MacGREcGOR'S AUC111ON HALL, 182 Wellington St., Bowmanville. Take 401 to Waverly Rd. North ta #2, east to Scugog St. &North, foilow auction & Wow Mart sIgns Sunday's auction features a qualty selection of articles from the past to present includig estate contents trom aoýronto apartment, partial list Includes china cabinet, exceptional Jaquess& Hayes baveseat, modemn coucheswashstands, cupboards, dressers & chests of drawers, beds, desks, misc. tables (pIne, parlour, kitchen, etc.), old gra one, music collectables (oId78Ts ooks, piano rolîs, etc.), stereo, TW, frldge, stove, air conditioner, Iawnmower, oki outboard motors <40s) plus glass & China Auction features articles for one & ai with many hidden treasures still to be unpacked. Caîl for ail your auction needs, your p lace or ours. MacOR EGOR AUCTION SERVICES Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 905-987-3664 IL ' CARR, DAVID (June 13, 1906- April 18, 1996) at the Golden Plough Lodge ln his 9Oth year. David Car was the husband 0f the late Gertrude Ellen Benedict who predeceased hlm on July 17 1994. Father 0f Margaret Jean ôarr of Peterborough, Fran and her husband Ron J!ay 0f Cobourg and Wayne and his wife KathTeof Whltby. Brother 0f the late William 0f Toronto. Brother-ln-law 0f Ada Cari 0f Bunington. Fondly remembered by 12 grandchildren and 20 great grandcren. David Carr was a WorlWar 2 veteran and past president 0f the CobourgRoyal çaaian Legion, Brandi 133 anga memberof theçCobourg Lodge #136 Oddfebws. He was also the lounder 0f the Cobourg Hi ghland Games. Fun"ra service washteld on April 22 et the MacCoubrey Funeral Home, 30 King St. E. interment Union Cemetery, Cobou rg. f desired.. memonaldonalions by cheque to the Calvary Baplist' Church or the Cobourg Highiland Gamres Society. Please Recycle This Newspaper. NEEO To KNOW S0METRHNG ~ AUT YOR NEW COMMUNITY? SINrE 1930 LT0 PH-ONE 668-6497 Our hostess wiII bring gifts and greetings, ~along with helpful community information] PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $1 0.00 for 25 words; ($9.35 + 650 GSI) 1 50 each additional word; (140 + 10 GSI) AUCTIONS $1.08 per agate Une DUSPLAY ADS IN CLASSUFUEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - $1 .15-per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $16. 10 CONTINUQUS RUN DISPLAY A S 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or- for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the*right to classify or rejeot aIl advertisements. Durham Regional Police, RCMP (Bowmanville detachment) and OPP (Whitby detachment) are once again taking up the 'torcWi and running for m entally handicapped youths and adults. On Friday, April 26, police will run 60 kilometres along Highway 2 in Durham Region. About 200 participants will carry the. torch which represents thie %F1ame of Hope' for Ontario Special Olympians lI total, more than 8,000 kilometres will b. covered as part of the. cross-province relay. More than 7,500 law enforcement personnel from 120 police and law enforcement agencies will try to rais. funds ta build on tiie 1995 total of *925,000 that was given to Ontario Special Olympics. Durham Regional Police 'last year contributedl $28,000 towards the provincial total. Durham Regional Police will send six members ta mun the, southeast route betwee-n Toronto and Klngston, and on ta Cornwall for the. May 2 Ontario Special Olympies provincial spring games. Donations can b. made at any police station in the region. Chieques should be made out ta the. 'Law Enforcement Torch ]Run for Special Olympica,' and can be sent ta: Durham Regional Police Service Law Enforcement Torch Run, c/o- P.C. Paul WilliamslJennifer ..Groth, 77 Centre St. N., Oshawa, Ontario, *L1G 4B7. Income tax receipts will b. mailed out for donations of $10 or more. Police hold symposium Durham ±<iegional' Police held an 'International Hate/Bias Moti- vated Crime Symposium' at Dur- ham College April 22-24. >The s ymposium was întended to, enhance police; officers' educa- tion and awareness of hate/bias- motivated crime.. Tapies covered included inves- tigative, strategies, 'training in- itiatives, trends such ais Mate on the. Internet' victim and cern- munity resources. Uni"ted Way' annual Meeting. The annual meeting Of the members of the United 'Way of Os3hawa-Why-Clarington will b. held at the. Whitby Station Gallery, Whitby, on April 25, 5:30 p.m. The agenda will include the report of the directors, financial statements of the year ended Dec. 31, 1995, report of the. auditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F MAVIS VIVIEN WILLIS, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, deceased. Ail Claims against the estate of Mavis Vivien WiIis late of the Town of Whitby, who died on or about the i 7th day of January, -1996 must be filed with the undersigned thereafter, the undersigned wili distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims then filed. DATED April 18, 1996. Terry Lawrence and Jan Lawrence, Executors by their solicitor DAVID J. GILLESPIE 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario L I N 5S 1 (905) 666-2221 ý carry

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