Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1996, p. 28

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Whkby Free Press, Weckiesday, April 24, 1M96,Page 27 Repon denssayno (o GTA STACI PHILBROOK of Peterborough does some finger- painting at the annual training* day, this year heki at Henry StreetHFigh Sohool, for 550 Girl Guide leaders fromn central area, extending from Pickering to Campbellford, and north to Haliburton. Crafts, campig 'diversity,' familles and law, March event attended by Ontaro Guide commissioner -Maureen Lawrence and area commissioner Heather Bowyeýr, a W ith Reidet.Photo by Joremny Omear, MWhy Free Proe MPP critical of 0cost FROM PAGE 1 services wouid travel ta expandeý hospitals in Oshawa and Ajax, a] earlier health council studi proposes.) -In fa-ct, it 18 conceivabie thatj cash-strapped overnment ma, decide ta sto.p funding a Whitb; hospital entireiy, Flaherty cori cedes. 'That (fear) has always beer there and rm disappointed in thi (hospitai) board for not realizini that,» he said. Ini previous interviews, boti Sdtans and hospitai board chahi JmSouch agreed that the pro posai is deadf if Health Ministei Jim Wilson rejects the studys findinge due ta financiai con- cerna. However, both considered rehabilitation ta be the hospital's salvation, rather than its down- faîl, since Wilson endorsed the scheme Iast September. «T'he health minister approved the acute care study wich pro- vided for a rehab role for "But that was subject t h Wht9»ate Flaherty.àoiinWib General's fate lies in deveioping dloser ties with its Oshawa coun- terat «Te only way for long-termn preseration of Whitby Generai Hospital as a community hospi- tai is a working reiationshi with Oshawa General Hospital,» "he said.9 "This wiil benefit Oshawa General Hospital which is Ian- diocked and it can preserve acute care services in Whîitby.» Flaherty insists Oshawa General is Whitby's oniy hope even though members ofth Whitby Generai Hospital Cor- poration rejected the amalgama- tion concept earlier this year.* "~Hospital assets -belong.tô the communiVy an: not the boards of de -h Iey toalal of this is n co-operation between the hosi [y tais. I think the board of Witb shouid address it as the oard of a Oshawa is prepared ta do.-" MyJod(fled calenda 9 PFROM PAGE 1 àAudrey MacLean. r «How many more tumes can ryou hear a public presentation ron a local issue that you've heard rover and over and over again?... What those parents should be *doing is taiking to their local trustees about it because we 3 couid go on forever.» McFariane parent Maureen *Clark and her two daughters pieaded with committee iast week to let the 23 students from that school who are now i the Broughton boundary ta stay put. «J7m flot really sure we shouid have heard that one either,» says Macean. 'm at the point now where it's overkill for me... the school's ging tobe open, it's going ta happen; if you want ta influence the change, work with the people who have the authority ta work it out.» Whitby trustee Doug Ross says he supports the parents' right ta have a hearing and promised ta work on their biehalf. "le no far; heyhad their Feilow Whitby trustee Patty Bowinan was flot aware the Thornton parents had been refused a hearing; neither was standing committee chair Faith. Neumann. «I neyer sent out thatmesse; Pli have ta check that out, shBe promised. PRO M PAGE 1 lights ftom the report of the Greater Toronto Area Task Force. Chaired by Dr. Anne Golden, the task force made 51 recom- mendations for reforming the GTA. There has been no indication from Queen s Park of how xnany, if any, of the recommendations will -be lmpiemented, but the ~vernent*h a promised action beore next year's municipal elec- tion. However, if it heeds the survey resuits, the government might be wise to leave most of the conten- tious proposais alone. For instance, 3,841 (96.7 per oent) o respondents were in favour o the Town of Whitby continuing as a separate munici- pality within its present boun- daries, whiie oniy 123 (3.1 per cent) were opposed and nine had no opinion. ShghitIy more than 97 per cent (3,6) were not preparedto ass- ist other municipalities through the pooling of Whîitby's industrial and commercial assessment/ taxes for education purposes, whereas only 1.3 per cent (50) were willing ta share the weaith and 1.5 per cent (61) had no opinion. As for Whitby being part of a new larger regional structure known as the Greater Toronto Council, but with limited indirect representation, 3,864 (97.3 per cent) said no,'50" (1.3 per cent) said y es andy 59 (1.4 per cent) ha oopinion. hadoi a true reflection of the, thinking of lepe in our com- muni, saidregi*onal councilior IaSe BrunelleT in rec-alling what Whitby residents have been teiling him over the past year. Edwards said the resuits ' con- firmed his view that council "took the right approac" in spending $7,060Oto prepare, print -and-distribute the survey., Edwards added that he- is par- ticulariy «comforted" by the fact that such disparate groups as the Durham Region Labour Council, Local 222 of the Cana- dian Auto Workers and the Whitby Chamber of Commerce "are of the sanie mind» with respect to the Golden commis- sion's proposais. Counciilor Dennis Fox said Whitby residents have delivered a «loud, 'clear message," but is worried that it will fail on deaf ears. Edwards replied that the mat- ter came up at last week's meet- ing of GTA mayors and regional chairs in Stouffviile. Management Board Chair Dave Johnson was asked a simi- lar question and whiie he could flot givo a specific answer, John- son indicated that the- govern- Toronto's taxation and financial ment is committed to «doing probiems, Edwards said. something about" Metro Hwy. 28 uRB st. 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