Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1996, p. 12

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I il i~1 1! BY Mark Reesr The on-agai, off-again presen- taio b ornton public school parents te the public sehool board is -- for thelmoment -- on again. Uxbridge trustee and standing committee chair Faith Neumann says the parents will be put back on the agenda for an upcoming standing committee "as soon asI By Steve Leaby One of the disadvantages of expressing your-views in print is getting blamed for -tbings you've neyer said. Connie *Heron's letter in last week's Free Press suggested that ini my Brookih column I expressed resentment tewards' the new Brooklin development. That isn't the case at ail. I opposed the development from the beginni*ng for a variety of reasons. But when the flrst people moved ini, I wrote on, several occasions, "welcome newcomers," and asked long-term residents to do what they can te, help the new Brooklinites become a part of the community. As for expressing "negativities," Brooklin and Whitby have more than their share of problems. Ignoring those will not make them go away, nor will it make our village a great place te live in. Last week, John McCoy's letter, took exception te, some of the things I wrote about the proposed highway 407 coming te Duirham. I point out that we already have alternative transportation routes besides bighway 401. Rail lines already erist north and south of Brooklin. Why not utilize or build on the existing cost-efficient, less polluting rail transport we already have. Why should the public subsiihze those .with a preference for road transportation? Cars and especially diesel trucks1 are thesingle largest source of air pollution in our area, according to researchers at a conference on Air, Pollution and Transportation held can figure out a time."' She made the, commitment after Whitby trustee Doug Ross officially requested that commit- tee hear fromk the parents, who are upset their children are hein g forced te attend the new C.E. Broughten Public Sehool. Ross says he plans te make a motion te exempt ýthe 38 children from Thiornten and 23 from at York University last wee: He-ath Canada officiais there mi~ asthma attacks, allergic reactioni heart and lung disease caused b air Pollution cost Ontario's healt care program up te $1 billio annually. Mr. McCoy points out 'tlu railways were once thi supenhighways of Brookiin in th, 1800s. In Europe and Japan - ani now even ini the U.S. - they ari the supenhighways of the presen and the future.. 1We already have two of thesi supenhighways nearby. Instead'o, wasting hundreds of Millions tc buiid 407, 'why aren't we usini what the world is turning to an< we already have? BREAK-INS SOAR Maybe it!' the season,- but thieves are continuing a trend ol breaIdng inte Brooklin sheds, garages andcars. This seems to go back to late last fail and hasn't let up. There are- weil over a dozen cases that I know of - and likeiy many m rore. Most long-term residents say they can't ever recal anything like the* current epidemic.. .Hopefully everyone is reporting any thefts te the police, so, they at least know the scope of the problemn we're deaiing with. Perhaps it is time to talk to the police about setting up an officiai Neighbourhood Watch program.' Until thus crime wave abates, -I guess ail we can do is keep things iocked Up - Cars, -garages (don't forget those sidedoors) sheds and Summer -In.Britain 51 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLiN 655m5400 k. id s1, th )n t ýd *e t )f Io 9' i 4 FI - t'..t. i..+. i BROOKLIN PHARMACy, I V J65 BALDWIN ST, BROOKLIN* LOB ICO 905-655-3301 t It's Allergy Season- Agaîn An allergy is a sensitivity to a especially in relieving runny nose substance such as pollen or dust and watery eyes, but may cause *which causes. your body to drowsIness. There are several - release histamine. Once new non-drowsy antihistamines i histamine hias been released i available such as astemizole the body this causes the allergic (Hismanal), cetirizine (Reactine), reaction of sneezinë,*itching, loratadine (Claritin) and terfen- i - un oe and watery eyes. adine (Seldae T sereas Antihistamines attempt to block longer acting and may only have thisieaction and torelieve these to be taken Once daily. Consult syCgtoms. Anthistamines such your pharmacist for help iii Ias oehe'iamneihlnr- h e rin n rlrkt m in Trlpolon) are very, effective productTor your needs. McFarlane from having te trans- fer te Broughten because of their rèelatively small numbers., The parents had originally askéd te speak te committee May 6 but' were pre-empted by a special board meetin called te approve the 199J6budget. Parents were then informed trus- tees would not hear any more submissions on Broughten. 90 on. If its valuable and portable, lock it in the house. And take an extra few moments to pay attention te, who is wandening around your neighbourhood. RESPECT DINNER The Optimist Club of Brooklin has issued a general invitation to all residents to attend a 'Respect for Law'ý spaghetti dinner on Wednesday, May 15, starting at 5 p.m., at Brooklil United Church on Casses Road. There is bound te be a lot of good discussion. There will be displays, speakers and the winners of the 'What does Respect for Làaw Mean,' short essay conteat will also be announced. Tickets,ý at $5 for adlulte, $4 for seniors and $2.50 for children, are available at Brookljn Pharmacy, Jac's Variety and'The Video Image until Sunday, May 12. TherÈe wa su-pport for IGA To the editor: The article in the April 24 Free Press about the IGA closing in B rooklin states that' the store closed because there are too many stores in the area and there was not enough local support shown te Stay open. I do not helieve that this is the problem. I am a regular shopper in Brooklin. I have stayed with the IGA through ail the chaniges, but I have not been happy. When you shop once a week, you like to get everything. Many times when. I wanted my three bags of milk, the store only had one or two. Two weeks in a row, they didn'have any Heir>z ketchup, a staple in many homes, and many other regular items would ho out of stock The. weekiy flyer cornes out on Friday and the specials start the following Sunday. But when shopping on Wednesday, wo were told the specials would be coming in on Friday. What good is that? I am not in Brooklin on Fridays. I arn sure many people were fed up with this and went te other stores. Brooklin is a growing commumity and has a lot te ofl'er.-- Where else' can you do your banking,. go te the library, post office and shop. at a drugstore, bakery, hardware and feed store and nat drive or walk more than a few blocks? You coulca noi; go; botter ýservice from - stores anywhere. I amn going te, miss the. great service -an& fiendships I made with Dawn, Roms, Klm, K.eri andi ,Adam at the IGA. I hope that someone wili see the. great potential there is'for a grocey b store in Biroollin and realize that j they'do have aur'support. Just who made that decision, tho h, depends on who was «It was made by the chair of the standing committee and the vice-chair," said interim directer Clarence Prins at -Wednesday night's budget committee meet- luit. But Neumann said she didn't know the parents had been turned NURSERY SCHOOL ]Registration is underway for BroldWa' non-profit day nursery's last session before the summer. This session runs from May 13 te June 28, 9 ta 11:30 a.m. Children can be registerred for two or more days Per week. REMUNDERS The Brooklin United Church euchre partY starts at 8 p.m. on Friday, May 3. Admission is $2 a person and a iight. lunch will ho served afterwarda. It wifl be held at the church-, hall. Ever.yonje weicome, caîl 655-3467 for more information. Brookiin Legion's progressive ouchre contost is this Saturday night starting at 8 p.m. sharp. Cost is $4 a. person for an evening of fun, friondlahip and a chance te win big cash prizes. Food is also provided. Everyone is3 welcome. The 'real big' Redmhen yard s ale is this Saturday and Sunday. starting at 10 a.m. a t the CIBC bank 'parking lot ini downtown. .Broo-kiin. I Stee Leahy ' column appeari Feveiy wekHe eanbe reahed 5!4-4398 or 655-5888ffax).~ Cigarettes are stolen Pflifte cartons of cigarettes worth about $400 were stolen in a break-in at a *Brooklin. res- l;aurant/servioe station overnight April 21. Polioe saY someone brolce inte the Breakaway C ae at 49 Win- chester Rd. W. by- removbMg an air conditioner, sometime et- ween 8 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. Bunday. They then forced a door to get ite the adjoining Ciant Gas Bar. Nothing else appears te have jeen take-n. Lions wl !east May 8 The Brooklin and District Lions 'lub will hold a dinner meeting Tednesday, May 8, 6:45 p-m., in ie BrookiinCommunity Centre i. Cassels Road East, For more information, caîl Neil t655-4065 Or John at 6554640O. down. She suggests that one of the trustes froma the area, the cirector and the chair of the- board discussed the issue "and that was the decioion." .f BROOKIINj Matters of opinion. The valuecof a Beleve It or not, 1 act:ýuaIly 1< poucians. WMe "Mee me mom not"iIexeScplone, 1 find litmoat enlered lie poltilrena lot for lie koeycor lhe pSr but out of agenuine desire kb maie a contributIo; b> ive a fow years of their Rte k> maklelrM mark on aur saclety and Iotry b improve aur cormunity b> liebet ai Oweirabilites. Even when I profundlycdisagee. and appas.e t*palicies of ,a government 1I bave found aur electtd represent*tves bk> 9nlybolieve that lie are acting ln bo kil r o le 0 f li e p e p l l e y re p re s e n t . As a voler. 1 cari ask no morelia litfone ppe wbom we enbtt wlli govemment And it is precisey because of this vies lit 1beleve 0MatSheila Copps muet knrnedately reslgn ber seat i th*. House of Commons aid run lni a 4%Ielectlo. She pramlsed k> resign iIf lie GST wasn't scrapped . The GST bhm been. barmonlzed ln i a' ew provinces, but li most adlous and, regom sive ai'taxes romains. She'sald sbe»Mi quit If ff. tax didn't go, aid nelt1erdidsio uedf 0 f. course, 1 could absdo belng Incredh'ly n"iv expectng a poitci k aep a promise. But I actLuly expect lim b k> eep their word. Wben liW deaSive us,' #e emxeovely taiea-wy-y ývot, liey debase aur demibëi prooess end, turn eectlo n io olarata fraud perpetraldupon lievoler. Furdhe, lieyreduce lie lIeglmacy àf ait elecied officiais and vastly Increase lie cynlclsm l#bat la bath so prevaient and destructive k> aur county e argument liat a"i cantt bu beld accountb' for ariytblng she said ln lie beat oi ai elecloM canpalgn leaon of lie saddest and most absurd excuses 1 havem~ beard. Taing ber .k>lrtured logic Io Ifs nalurai conclusion, we are tho led k> bellee#Ma no politician should eme bu taken serlously whenever #We open tiefr mouths during a campaign. lsnl tMia atriumph fordomocrtia aooentablllty? And i If ltle ienew pollcy of aur Ioderai govemment It would appear liat 9Weyare talcng sotie lessons from lie 'Brlan F,IJroneyGuid' e on How b> Implode yor Party in oce Eleclioi.' oNo party govens by clre rlght they serve althle discretion of lie people. And once lie people. decide tbey have k> go, lien lars liat The Liberais eppear k>bu o ertain liathle nex edoin le In lie bag and lie can't las.. Wanna bet? This country le IrMeed wlli lie corpseof political pltreS bath provicial and fodwal who we convlnced liat #»ey ksiew butter lia li peaplo. lb. etectorate la boli volaie aid fragile aid once trust la aost it la very bard k> regain.' I AM.- Copps wculd restore lnteWity to lie system b', keëpki ber word atid asklng for a by-electlon ln ber rldlng. 1 bappen k> thik shé woulci Probably wki, for courage and bonesty If noing elee. But Inisteacise i spend lie next Yeais of ber If. aid ie next elec tiwli er words baning w«r'ber lie a guilty cloud whlch MIl not blow over._ - Mme Retom Party bas been loolcln Page 12.,Whiîby Fm rePess, Wedinesday, May 1, 1996 Thornton pare»cnt.s wi lve ter a eforeseh olbor Ob

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