Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1996, p. 16

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page 16, WhIlbv i-mee Pross. Wednesday, May 1. 199 Whitby youth named student (Of the Year Michael Shaw of Whitby was named student of the year at the recent Educators' Breakfast ini Ajax. The. Col. J.E. Farewell Public School student was awarded 4y the Durhamxn District of the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation. «He's the ind of young man that one would like to have as a son," says Farewell vice-principal Allan AÉshby, noting he stated the saine thmng when he introdu- ced the Gradé 8 student at the Durham district Educators' Breakfast last week. mhe 14-year-old is a leader both in and outside achool, says Ashby describing hum as a «mnodetl» for oth er rtudents. Belinda Wong TRAFALGAR CASTLE The Independent School of Music was held at Roy Thomson Hall on Sûnday, April 28. Under the. direction of Mms. Roadhouse, Mrs. Huk and Mr. Southwell, the. senior and junior chairsfrom Trafalgar met with musicians and choirs from 30 independent schools from arounid the. province and rehearsed a common program begining ini January. It ail came together in a fantastic cascade, of sound in the. wide variety of musical styles fromn baroque to conemporary. On April 26 and 27, students practised at UCO and Navergal., W. are proud to have four musiciain this year performinr Julia 'and Ingrid .KlGao In wind ensemble, strings by Mhiranda Lenis and Miie Cho. It's rare tiiat ail sciiools practise together and learn from eacii other. Another event held was the. 30- hour Famine led by Mrs. Sigswortii and Mrs. Murphy to rais.' money for World Vision. Along witii the two students ini charge, Jean Templeman and Pekkey Ha, tiiey began their famnine on Friday, April 26 at 7:30 a.m. and went iiungry for 30 iiours, equivalent to skripping five meals. They were only allowed to drink wrater or juice. Our school raised $3,000 last year from the. f&mine. This yeaes 40 participants thank ail the. generous sponsors who gave them so much support. On Thursday, April 25, our Grade 10 students participated in Take our Daughters to Work Day., Organized by Mrs. Metselaar, the. program gives students a chance to experience their future occupations. Students were placed in offices, stores and businesses and experienced a. full work day, sometimes beginning at 6:30 a.m. and not ending until 5 p.m. After being an "aduit" that day, lots of students " tioughà excited and amazed, changed their thoughts on their ambitions, realizing that, the jobs they once wanted weren't really that wonderful. Jason Coltii HENRI Bynow, the. newest issue of HeuY's newspaper Hawk Talk, should b. available. Tiie student staff of this paper do a great job keeping the. students up to date, so pick up yaur copy soan. The learning enrichment department is preparing to participate in the. Quéen's enrichment program again this year. Seven Hawks will spend a week participating in ttus educational experience, .talcing courses in the. subject of their course and l.arning about unversity lhf.. Congratulations ta the Henry Senior School Reach team who made it ta the. finals of this y.ar's tournament. Hawks were defeated in the. final by a veay strong team - . Tanya'Hunter / Alana Koster I SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL Well, gang, it's definitely cruncii time (to say the. least). You know tiiat sciiool is almost over wiien teachers finaily know.your name, you've fk4aiy figured out that you need to b e e by 8:20 a.m., and you are finaily able to sign up for Wednesday, not the morning of. er, Y' ST. H.msa from Pickering. The Henry science department is. supporting the York University Science Olympics again tliis year. Any senior science students interested in participating in this event to b. held on May 17, should speak with their science teacher for more information. May will be a month of many opportunities for senior science students to test their knowledge of ciiemlistry and physics through competitions and contests. Tiie Ciim 13 contest will be ii.ld on May 9, the. Avogardro contest on May .16, the. Sir Isaac Newton contest on May 2, thei. Canadian Association of Physiciste contest on May 19, and the. Ontario Association of Physics teachers contest on May 14. The end oftiie year also mea ns an overload on students and teachers and we begin to see signe of "school blues." Some are trying ta rush warmer weather by dressing in shorts,' Ts, and yes, even sandals'... but keep those navels covered! We've noticed some sleeping bodies ail over thie school during lunch hour and even durinsc class Urne. W., too, have been.expeiriencing the. pressures'of school Urne. The. -stresses haive been quit. overwhelmingà. ý They 'v. interrupted- aur desired sleep times, kept, us from the. great outdoors, and made us a littie under tlhe'weatiier. Just when things seem ta be lookcing a littie brighter, they're- not. "Hereps another assignent," "You have a test this week," "You know, you're not doîng so good," and yes, "You look tired!" W. would like ta know if you have any of the. above symptoms, or are we the. only two who might b. ready ta attack each'other. Stop us in the. halls (w. don't smell) or write your difficulties on a piece of paper and visit Ms. Lammette in the. front office and ask her nicely ta put it in Mrs Cotter's mafibox so she can relay your message ta us. WeMl mention a few of your mishapo in an upcoming article se be sure ta respond. Here'. a word. of advioe, theres only six more weeks left! Young Whitby pianist accepted at U.S. academy Ten-yoar6old Marie-Tiere Se Gummer of W.itby was recenly accepted into the the-eek Summer Piano Academy at the. prestigious Indiana Univèrsity School of Music in loigtn Indiana. 8h. is on. of the. youngest attendeés, selected from applicants across North The academny offers serious Young -pianists an opportunity to work with outstanding teachers and internationally acclaimed guest artiste such as Marvin Blickenstaff and MARJEý-THRMRHS GUMMER Menahem Pressier. Niblett- ANDERSON' As usual, lif. at Anderson has' been fast and furiaus with acadenic, social and extra- curricular events all running together like a well-oiled machine, rigiit? A thank you goes ta aill of Anderson'. choir members who sang at the. Vocal- Cabaret on Friday night;, a good.time was iiad by ail who attended. Anderson was w.ll represented at the Neil McNeil track meet rec.ntly. As always, aur athletes gave a good Performance and represented Anderson wel. The animal Career Far was held in the. gym today.' Many Anderson students had the. opportunity ta visit and speak with people in'various occupations that interest us. Careers represent, .d ranged from doctor,* lawyer and police officer ta ý labour representative and computer techmician. Spontaneoua Combustion, Anderson's nigit of one-act plays, will be presented May, 15, 16 an~d 17. Many of the plays were wrItten by Anderson students and. staff.: Tii. Anderson Student Athletic Association is, holding a giant craftgarage sale on May 25,ý9 a.m. ta 4 p.m., im Anderson's parking lot. Vending space caste $20; if interested, contact R. Mitchell or L Corr-eia atAnderson (668-809). Almo, ASAA wiIl wash-cars during that Urnûe. Fillion' ST. ýCHARLES GARNIER -* is tue hast terni of the second semeserbegins, many students at Samnt-Cbarles-Garnier are starting ta show signe of strain. Our most recent challenge, -tue mid-terms, have left many of us weak and tired. It~ ha. been a busy y.ar. for aur small sciioh. The massive hockey and imnprovisation tournaments that we iiost.d taok a lot out of us. But ýtue staff and students at Garnier are taugii. Although* w, may be tired, we do not gave up.. there are still too many thinge l.ft ta do. A good examnpleý of our school's wiil ta fight and not give up i. the Smash taurnament, which taok place in London (Ont.) a. few we.eks ago (tue day aftr our mid-terms finished). Tiiree' of aur* school's' voileybail teams (junior girls, junior boys an d senior boys)ý participated in that taurnament even though they muet have been tired after having written their mi*d-terms. Althougii aur teams did not tae. tue gold,they ail played extremely weil. The junior girls' team played. their best and made it ahl the way ta, the semi-finals wh.re they wer. defeated by only a few points. Our junior girls'-vo1leybal teamcoached by Yvon Brunet with tue iielp ofNancy Ménard , consiste of Sanya Bertrand, Christine Càaburg, .-Jùlie ýCoté, ei Criciilow, Brigitte d'Auzac, Isabelle Hodge, Calli, Osbarne,ý Làindy Martin and Nadiàï Petryshyn. Brigitte d'Auzaàc and Nadia Petryshyn were eacii awarded a modal of distinàction. Imm

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