Paqe 14. Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, May 15, 1996 ocusr Vdeô ons their first location in i Just in time for the long holiday weekend.. BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO CANADA will open its 213th store, located at 1615 Dundas Street East at Thickson Road in Whitby on Saturday May 18. BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO CANADA joins McDonald's, Wal-Mart and Business Depot in serving the Whitby community. Join in the fun! Come and meet our Blockbuster Kids, Clowns and we'1l have lots of giveaways. The fun starts at 1Oam. The mission of BLOCKBUSTER ENTERTAINMENT GROUP is to provide outstanding service and entertainment one customer at a time. We will accomplish this by: understanding the entertainment interest of the consumer better than anyone else, and delivering unique products and experiences with the highest level of service to the consumer. Our resolve to consistently provide the best consumer entertainment experience will result in exciting opportunities for our employees and will enhance the value of Viacom Inc., BLOCKBUSTER's corporate parent. BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO CANADA Inc. has grown rapidly since 1990 and is a leader in the entertainment industry in Canada. Adding millions of dollars to local economies of communities across the country, BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO CANADA Inc. has already created more than 4,000 full-time and part-time jobs for Canadians. Blockbuster stores stock the largest inventory of quality videos for kids in their areas. We are proud to provide a free Community Service Program of family- oriented videos dealing with important family issues such as health, safety, education and quality of life. Blockbuster offers over 9,000 movies and video games at each location. In addition, BLOCK- BUSTER VIDEO CANADA carries a variety of magazines, compact discs, CD- Rom, licensed product and confection items. Store hours are from 10 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The Blockbuster rental policy is that all videos in the store are three evening rentals, with the following exceptions: New Release titles (30 days or newer) are two evening rentals and kids' movies are seven evening rentais. An important community service offered by Blockbuster Video Canada Inc. is the "Kidprint" program. Kidprint is a video identification program that uses videotape to capture a child's likeness, mannerisms, voice and appearance and gives the parents an up-to- date permanent record of their child for safekeeping. Police say these tapes can be a valuable tool for parents, law enforcement officers and the media, and are actually more effective than a still photograph in the search for a missing child. Parents take home the only copy of this tape and it's recommended that they update their "Kidprint" videotape each year to account for the child's growth. Throughout August every SiBlockbuster Video location across Canada. provides this service for free if you bring in your own tape. If you want to purchase a 'Kidprint' tape for $3.00, proceeds go to Child Find Canada. Blockbuster has "Kidprinted" more than 10,000 children across Canada since 1993. BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO CANADA does not rent R-rated movies to youths under 18 .years of age without parental approval, and has its own Youth Restricted Viewing program to keep persons under 18 from renting unrated movies without their parents' prior approval on the family membership application. Blockbuster Video and Blockbuster Music are divisions of Blockbuster Entertainment Group, a unit of Viacom Inc. and a leader in entertainment retailing with more than 4,600 video stores in the U.S. and 22 other countries. Viacom is one of the world's largest entertainment and publishing companies and a leading force in nearlyevery segment of the international media marketplace. - 2 .~16ï5 Dundas SSteet East '.4 (Dundas & Hwy #2), Whitby. Bustinto serveyou! (0)4288 Kelly Douglas (lefi), Lesley .Maring (middle) and Mike Amyot, (right) Store Manager, peaefor theý Grand Opening of Blockbuster Video's new Whitby location May 18;.818 prpae '%, 3*