169 Baldwin St. Brooklin a Wa4 Joyce & Heidi wish the f Brooklin on Spring Fair every successl 655-4201 MonF. 9-6 No rain wanted in this jungle Orgnizrsare hoping thie ie the year when theres no rein on theirparde Thas the far ade1sheue for Saturday, June 1, throuh Brokli and traiinally the one evnt that atrcamore than its fair srefthe wtsuf UWere ue t ettm*g drenched, smyse raie Sh uron acnno.eVerY rarely do we gt a sunnyday. It would be a treat.» The ramn, how!ever, doesn't dampen the enthusiam of themany Participants each year. And hfe ýeMthey'll march, starting at 10):30 a.m. foSt. om School and Coleton Avenue, to the theme of «I' ugeOut br. fla Zmetitone in tefolom* categories: (non-commerci Most representative of theme, Imt dramnatic, Most humourous, beot design moot dramatic, most izmourous and speial menrit. There's also a fancy dres cmptition in which both chilrenandadulte competemfvn or sii categories, eachabiie intoagegroups:. five and under, six to eight, naie to 14 ad and over. Entry forme for compttions muet be completed and returned bj May 24 t=o ara Cotton, Valerie Madili or Uz Michel. For more information, oeil MacKinnon at 655i-3526. Saw, naiol challenge 1 . 8-.-- Fargoers' arm muscles and endurance will b. put to LANDSCAP' *ODU TS the test in the, long sawing and nail driving conteste held Sunda, June 2, starting at 2 pm se Contetants try to sawtbrugfh a log as fast as Desitie fo 1-wy.12 ousibe, or drive anail into ablock of wood with as few verstilty 905) hit aspossible. Both adulte and children can enter levents. Pnime are Sloge iý "à $15 for fret place, $10 for scnd and $5 for third in the inst-Ilatmi o Trono nail drive; $20 for fret, $15 for second and $10 for third etiiatce ny iciity in the sawing. lai(scl) (16 Both will fÎe held on the bal diamond. As many sas 40 projet 7987354 entrants are expected this year. --À Registration in at the time of the event. WHISTLE AT MYRTLE STATION STOP 655-3541 p. c> Orjust trea t the (ami/y to ice cream cones where you get more for you hard earned dollar! li 4Whitby Free Press arigoldTre "For Friendly, Personal Service"1 655-5400 51 Baldwin Street, Brooklin The I I ai.- ') Çi;