Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1996, p. 15

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WhIU>y Free Prou, Wecnesdy, May 29, 1996, pagO 15 ioThats LIte The Health & Lifestyle Section World No Tý May lst is designated by the Wjorld Health Organization as World No Tobacco Day. The purpose of this day is to encourage afuokers te try to go without cigarettès for one day and thereby provide a smoke- free environment for non- smokers. The Council for a Tobacco-Free Durham Region celebrates this day by recogni.zing those'restaurants in Durhiam which are 100% amoke- free. By establishing a completely smoke-freeé environ- ment these restaurants are net only helping smokers te quit, but are aise providing eating places where people are net exposed te secondhand smoke. The Council is particularly concerned about the efYects of secondhand amoke or enuironmenta tobacco smoke (ETS). ETS is miade up of aide stream amoke (which cornes from the bur g tip of cigarettes, cigars and pipes) and mainstream smoke (which is Ever wondered what smoking. does for people? Reprinted from SMOKE-FREE High blood pressure, arteries naT*-blood vessels constrict, sresa producing hormones, chronic bronchitis, arterial disease, thrombosis, hypler tnsion, stomach ulfcers cirrhosié - of ,tiie liver,. generai arteri6scleroàis,. emphysema, lung cancer,, cancer of the mouth, cancer, of 'the 'larynxý, cancer of the oesophagua,* cancer of the gullet, -'cancer, ýof .'the bladder, cancer. of the p'ancreas, cancer of the kidney, cancer of the urinary tract, coronary heart disease, depression, moodiness, irritabiity, emotion- al stress, fuzzy thînking, nerve damage, poor memory, impairs senses, shortens life, poisons the blood, -decreased athletic performance, low-birth-weight babies, increased chance of stillbirth, neurosis/psychosis in the young, DNA damage, exces sputum, phlegm, mucus production, morning cough, affects sleep, ages the skin, causes wrinkles, twice the il- health, impairs natural sense of well-being, injures sex-life, coats money, makes you smell, and every amoke steals 5 minutes ofyour lifespan. a MEDICHAI kL Wheelchairs & Seating Systems Scooters a Walkers & Rollators Power-Lift & Recine Chairs Ba throom and Safety Products Aids to Daily Living Producis 'w#c w*4e '?,ae &&t( 110 Dunlop St. E., Whitby, ON Phono 666-5001 Tol-Fres 1-800-465-5028 obacco Day exhaled by the user). ETS contains at least 42 chemicals which are known to cause cancer. Over 300 non-smokers ini Canada die from lung cancer each year as a direct, resuit of ETS. Recent studios show that ETS also causes other kinds of cancer and heart disease deaths among those who don't amoke! It creates problems for people with lung conditions such as; asthma. Babies and young children exposed to ETS have more lung, ear and throat infections.' Because children breathe faster than aduits, they inhale more harmful chemicals from cigarette smoke. 19% of al fast-food restaurant customers are under 18 years- of age, with 9% younger than six years. Research also shows that people who work in restaurants where smoking is allowed have an increased risk of developing cancer.M ,aWEST LYNDE SPHIARMACY e DIABETIC CENTRE e GLUCOMETERS 10% DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS FREE, DELIVERY (RX ONLY) WEST LYNDE PLAZA 965 DUNDAýS ST. WHITBY SUPPORTS A SMOKEnFREE ENVIRONMENT WUTH THE COUNCIL FOR A TOBACCOuFREE IIDUAM REG.ION. I FOOTLONG OR SALAD AT REGULAR PRICE GET ONE O F EGUAL OR LESSER PRICE FREE* 1 With purchase of a medium soit drink I One coupon per custorner per visit QOifé expire: June 18. 1996 I L I ANV WHITBY LOCATION Preserving the Breath of Life '~lenatura(way tb6etter &a(tli' *TOTAL BODY* *YOGA* *REIKI* *SHIATSU* Dring in this ad for initial treatment $10 off. The herbai heaith shop. 106 Colborne St. E., Whitby, ON LIN IV8 Telephone (905> 668-0234 Wings of Learnîng 125 Brock St. S., WhitbyÀ~ A New Age Store wth a Special Touch Now offéring private sessions and Certificate courses ifl: + i',eflexoIogy + Auricular Candling + Intuitive Boclywork + ReIdi + Aromathe.rapy Massage +and More!! for me Infomation cal:(6fi6-4613' 400le TALKING HEADs Salon Between mild & wild. Ihere's a hoirstyle for you. Corne in and see what we con do. WHITBY MALI 725-2080 Make a firesh start A remarkable video makes quitting casier. a t iAlTUD?4 121 Brock St, N. ~ IU(ff4 (ust N. of 4 corners) HEALTH & NUTRITION CENTRE (NC. 4*9TURAL 'eCt' 668-2661 e Reg. Massage Therapist We socka wi * eAromatherapy 4 : ."o qut'mokng,' eIris Anaîysis e Refîlexollogy . and more OPE MODAYTO SUNDAY One of the most important programs put on by the Lung Association is the one directed at our children - Lungs Are For Life. This prograin, which is taught in the schools for free by the Lung Association, is designed to stop our children fromn picking up that firat cigarette. The major target group in Durhamn Region _is grade six, ages il - 12, with the main focus being prevention rather than cessation because it's easier to get kids not to start smoking in the first place., Through discussions, films, games and demonstrations, the program encourages studenits t explore their own ideas about smoking and te make informed decisions based on fact, not on peer pressure. Studies have ahown that aecondhand ainohe actually containa higher ansounta of cancer-auaing ingredients than the macinstreang sioke inhaled b.y the amoker and ia one of thse leading contri butors to today' riasing asthma rate. 'Parents who smoke at home make sYmptoms- in aathmatic children worse, and smoking can even trigger asthma attacks. Even among non-asthmatic children, respiratory illnesses happen about twice as often to young children whose parents smoke compared to those whose parents don't. Here is a compilation of children's most asked questions: 0 How do 1 get m'y parentsto stop smoking? A: You cannot make them stop, but you can be supportive in helping thern. Discuss your concerns with your parents about the effects smoking has 'on their health as well as your own. Lot them kinow that you are worried about them. Ask themn if a first stop might be to smoke outaide of the house and the car. lb What do my lungs look liI<e if 1 trie d one cigarette?., A: The, physical effects of one cigarette- may be gone after a week.. The immediate efl'ect will be lower oxygen levels in your blood due to increased carbon monoide making you feel dizzy, reduced blood flow to small blood vessels such as your fingers and tees making them cold and numb. The problem is in the accepting attitude you may develop about smoking. If you 500 smoking as risk free you will probably become a regular smoker and be at risk for ail of the short and long terni health effects. Nicotine, just one of 4,000 chemicals found in a cigarette, is 'one of the moat addîctive substances ever known.W 0.Why doos the government allow cigarettes to b. sold if they are no bad for you? A: If cigarettes were introduced today, they wouid probably be illegal. For hundreda of- years people assumed '-that cigarettes were harmless because they had no way to know any dilTerently. Even though cigarettes are clearly very dangerous, it 'tàkes time te change peoplo's opiniona. 0 Why would. anyonce amoke a cigarette?, A: To start with, it is- due to the misconception that smoking is harmiess. Even if you think that cigarettes are harmful, peer pressure makes you try one. Most pre-teens .think that almoat ail teons. amoke. Actually, lesa than a quarter of them a moke. Too often children lot the person with the cigarette take away their power of choice. The topic of smoking seems te cloud our common sense - we wouldn't put our mouth on the tailpipe-of a car, but wouid put a cigarette containing poisons in our mouth. We wouldn't share cutlery but often share cigarettes. We wouldn't usuaily litter but throw cigarettes on the ground which could be lethal if a young child ate them. Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis and cancer. It La tthe largeat preventable cause of death in Canada. World No Tobacco Day, National Non-Smoking Week, Weedless, Wednesday, stiff smoking penalties. and the resulting myriad of smoke-free environmients, is proof enough that people, ,, especially our children, want to breathe clean air. For information on lung disease and smoking programa, eall- The Lung Association 'Durham Region at 436-1046. When you can't breathe, nothing else matters! Ma' Qutting the smoking habit can b real -test o one's willpower. The subconscious will constantly suggest the thought of -smoking whenever the mokor is confronted, with a typida smoking stuation. It couldb a. cup o coffee, a 'telephono conversation, a pint of beer or an after-dinner habit. In 1983 The Psychological Research and Development Organization of Britain developed a visual process which stimulâtes the brains visual' cortex directly and informa both the conscious mmnd and the subconscious., It's a powerful process called -*Psýchoisua Therapy and is now available on VHS video. It was awarded a seal by The British Medical Association and The British Life Assurance Trust for Ilealth Education. It has been improved twice since thon. !ts purpose is to, remove the desire for a cigarette, which has built up into a powerful emotional need over the years. The Stop Smoking pro-gram has two major aide effects: a lingerng feeling--of relaxation and a general. feeling of 'weII- being. Full instructions are included with the video, which can' be used in cojunction with other aids or cessation therapies. The cost is $25. (How much does smoking cost you per year?) The Stop Smoking video is available from Go Natural Health Store, Wings of Learning, Talking Heads Salon and Ttal Reflex Health Centre. Sd4 w4«0e4 presents $25 SPECIAL Hanicure & 1,i hour Relaxation Treatment only $25 (reg. $45) OR P'edicure & li hour RelaXat1on Treatment only $25 (reg. $55) 2 FOR 1 Bodysugarlng (Bring In a frlend or 14 price 1for one) On Bikini, Eyebrows, Lip, Underarms, Lower Leg OFFER EXPIRE JULY 1, 1996- BRIfiQ AD. <GIFTCERumiCA1MAIAI >.Located in Taîking Heads Saln, Whitby Mail (905) 723.2359 Ask for Tracey LOOK OUTFOR FATHERS DAYSPEC14L oSUE3WI;V" Z 1

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