Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 29, 1996 Jarucziks SýCAO skiIIs tops n ationall y Peter Jaruczik of Anderson CVI won a gold medal at the Canadian Skills Competition in Montreal recently. Jaruczik had won both the Dur- ham and Ontario 9skills events in his specialty - architectural CAD. He may compote ini the inter- national competition ini St. Gai- ion, Switzerland in JuIy. Andorsn's Boavis i à aiso won i1d.i eloctronic publishing, at teOntario comptition and also quaiified fr the Canadian event. Bill Latham and Owen Brown of Henry Street High School won a bronze modal ini broadbased transportation, at the Ontario ovent. Blair Niblett ANDERSON CVI Two weeks ago at Anderson was Cold Turkey week. Eighty-four students signed up and 37 were able te kick the smoking habit. On the first day of the program, the Lung Association visited the schooi and tested the carbon monoide level in everyone's iungs. Each day through the week, participants checked in and .%eoeived literature on the effeets of cigarette smoke and the benefits of quitting. Non-smoker buttons and candy were handed out te students who checked in each day. On the last day of the program, the Lung Association returned to Anderson and re-tested carbon monoxide leveis. Students who had a significant drop, and committed te not going back te, smoking, won gift certificates from Dises and Dats. Speciai thanks go te Jim Flaherty, our local MPP, and te Keith Wick. director of the Brooklin Optimiat Club, for their financiai support. Additional funding was provided through pizza sales and the school. Mark. Scuse was elected next years student council president. After a week of long and* hard campaigning, the Anderson student body decided Mark was the man for the job. Special thanks also go out te Bilan Baker for his hard work -In putting tegether a good campaign. Next year's SAC executive will aiso be made up of Staey Espie as vioe president, Ruby Singh as treasurer, Enmna Griffiths as secretary, Amy Bereowski and' Ruby Lutbra as Grade il reps. The ASAA and music reps are yet te be announoed. .May 15-17, Anderson's drama department presented Spontaneous Combusion IV. This night of one-act plays entertained many peopleand showeased the immense talent- we have at Anderson. SINCLAIR MUSICAL THEATRE presents its first musical, <The Secret Garden,' Thursday to Saturday at the sohool. Fea- tured in the production are (from left, rear) Tom Ftzsimmons, Shawna Beesley, Devon Christie; (front) Ashley Richards and Lesley McRae. The $8 tickets,($5 for children) are available by calling 666-5400, voie mail ext. 513. Ptolo by LMrk Reesor, WNby Fuse Preou Silver, bronze for Whitby sohool- .bands Nicole Fillion ST. CHARLES GARNIER The end of the sehool year ls soon approaching which means that ifs once again time for sehool élections. This year's candidates are the foliowing: Vincent Dessureault, Brigitte d'Auzac and Carole Pilon (prime minister - the second runner-up will becomne deputy prime niinister of publicity): Lynne Larnarche and Rana Korkmaz (minister of recreation); Andrea Dessureault, Nicole Filiion and Stephamue Taillon (minister of culture); Isabelle Hodge, Rolland Lattouf and Sanya Bertrand (sports minister). 1Although the elections wiil be held on May 30, the candidates wili assume their rôies 'in September. Since next year promises te, be a very important year for Saint-Charles.4jarnier and its student council (we wiii finaily have our own sehool), this year's eleetions are of great e consequence te al returning students. The members of our present couneil were recently busy organizingGarnier's annual Spirit Week which took place May 13-16. Many activities were planned sueh as a beauty pageant (guys only - winner Carl Aube), a disco contesi (winner Luke Harknett), foui thome dlays, a karaoke singaiong and various outdoor activities. During Spirit Week,, each day had its own theme or dress code. this year's themes were hippie day, multiculturai day, casual day and pyjama/bad hair day. The whole week was a big success. College is an exception to trend in enrolment Durham College i. continuing te lead the province, with a 20 per cent increase in post-secondary enrolment. Whiie other collèges in the system are suffering a low enroiment rate, Durham Coliege i. forging ahead with an increase in not oniy first-year enroiment, but aise second- and third-year enroimont. Along with an interest in new programs, there bas been a significant inerease in students coming te Durham College from univorsity and other training areas. Tho Anderson Concert Band won a silver modal in the B400 concert band elass at Musiefeat Canada in Toronto reeently. The ensemble,- under the direction of Andrew Uranowski, was one of 338 fromn acroas Canada in the competition. The group competed in one of 80 Tonight (Wednesday), music students firom Anderson CVI will present the annual spring concert, Musie Night '96. The program wiii feature instrumental groups including the Concert Band, Junior Band, the Junior Jazz Ensemble and AnderJazz. Vocal groups wiil include the Concert Choir, Senior Chamber Choir and Jazz Ineorporated. The evening wiii also include a performance by students in the guitar ciass. The concert wili mark the l9th Music Night for Andrew Uranowski,-- head of music at Anderson. The evening wiil also be the final concert for Vivenne Joyce, vocal director' and keyboard teacher at Anderson. Tickets, $5 for adults and $3 for students and seniors, are availabie from'ail music students, at the door on the evening of the concert, or by calling the musie department at 668-5809. regional festivals te qualify for Musicfest Canada. The judges singledout Chantelle Clark (tenor sax) for a 1996 honour award. The Pringle Creek Public School's Panther Jazz won silver in the A601 jazz ensemble ciass. The judges singled out' Mark Serra (base guitar) for an honour award. 1The Pringle Creek Senior Band won bronze in the B200 concert band class. David Fiurnis (trumpet) was selected for an honour award. Both Pringle Creek ensembles are dirocted by David Morrison. St. Pa ul principal awa.rded T'he Durham separate schooi board recentiy presented the 'dis- -tinguished Catholic. leader' award te Brenda O'Donoghue, i of St. Paul Cat-ohcé oomWhitby. Catholic educator awards for Whitby schools were given te: (high schools) Robert Mayer of Saint-Charies-Garnier and Aldo D'Ailiesio of Father AO J. Aus- tin; (elementary schooi ) Julie Borgin of St. Bernard, Caterina ILaTrre of St John the Evangel- ist Valerie Leski of St.Lo Mario Léabriola of St. Mark, Cathy MacDonald of St.- Paul, Mary VanBerkum of St. Theresia. 240 in chess challenge Whitby' schoois won five of eight divisions at the Durhami Regional Chois Tournament, for students from grades 3 teSý held at PalmerstonPmiblic School May 14-15. Ini the intermediate division, Fairman won ffight A and Sen-. nett fliglt B. In junior, Palmerston waa f 4*ht AGlen Dhu 41*<,1t Ban Kathleen Rowe flightC. About 240 students compete<j, up from 164 hast year. Patrol jamboree in Oshawa Durham Regional Police wili hoat a safety patrol jamboree, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Oshawa, on Wednesday, June 5, starting at 6 p.m., at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. To rocognize al student safet.> patroilers in the reglon, awards or. merit will bo given te one patroller from each schooi, and two speciai patrullers will be receiving bicycles for the Patroller of the Year' awards. Foiiowing the awards ceremony, there will ho e dace., SECRET S AT SINCLAIR