Pago 2, Whltby Free Pmss, Wednesciay, May 29, 1996 Soul conditioner aprve'd fr1ocl1s £87 LVaime OWU.I5U Whitby farmers may soon be s a ' - more than fertilizeron Town council's planning and development committee has given its backing to a soil enricli- ment program which utilizes "paper eludge" produoed by a local paper recyching factory. Penidfng council alv Mon- day, the Ontal'Mnst Of Environment and Energy will be advised, that- Whitby has no objection to a joint initiative of Atic Packaging and Courtioe Auto Wreckers. Despite councillor Don Mit- chell's demand that the minîstry take responsibility for any pro- blems that may stem from using paper sludge as a soil con- ditioner, committee members had no qualins last week about Ietting local farmers participate mn the program. ,Har Ambrose of Courtioe Auto Workers appeared before committee to seek its permission to expand the two-year-old pro- gram into Whitby. Aithougli the prograrn has been in effect in parts of Durham Region and Victoria County sinoe Deoember 1993 terms of the companies' ceif Mcle of approval from the mini*stry require local FAMILY REALTY Realty 2000LEtd. LIS Tr Karen Cataf i FOR 665-2000 LES2 436-1800 TYour Sign of Dià dnction" WHITBY LANDMARK .$1 65,000 Attractive 3 story bidg with full basement, 2 apts. on 2nd floor, 3rd floor is open, 1800 sq. ft. on main floor. To view cali Blair Buchanan, 436-1800. $2249900 4 bedrooms, elevated deck with walkouts, fireplaoe in family room, oak cupboards in kitchen, walkout basement to large iandscaped yard. To view call Blair Buchanan, 436-1800. BARGAIN To view caiBlair Buchanan, BlairBuchaïtan 436-1800. government a povai. To date Claigtn, Brock, Scuto anâ1 txbridgje in Durham Région as well as Manvers TownsÃAip i Victoria Country, have endlorsed the project. Ambrose, who has Ieen invol- ved in waste management, achemnes for several years, teld committee that lie approached Atlantic about fiding an alter- nate use for the byproducts that emerge from the company's paper rSydling procms. te give his proposal a try, the company was foroed te, dispose of its non-reusable paper fibre resi- dues in landfill ii mr said.IlstsAboe As lie explained, the paper sludge prograrn involves the uti- lization of residues that result from the remanufacture of paper products from newspapers, cor- rugated cardboard and fine paper collected from Blue Box recylingpograms. prary of kaolin clay and lime used as filler material when maldng paper anid organic fibre that has been damaged in the remanufac- turing process and cannot be reused. . t's not a nutrient, but it nnproves the structure of the soil and allows it te be tilled," said Ambrose. nt makes dlay soil more porous and it ve sandy soul more I The Smarf Chokcelm Anil &,Renu Malhotra* For Quality Service & Unibeatable Savings Cali us at (905) 415-3800 (24 hr. pager) Even tlio, b his p artner is based in Wlutby, Ambrose said the Town was not approaclied until now because there had been no demand for paper sludge. However, word of the pro- era t*uces las spread and locl armrsare now requesting it, lie said. Councillor Gerry Emm cau- tioned that paper sludge should not be-confused with sewage sludge wliich is also used by farmners as a fertilizer. <Because that has metals in it, some farmers don't want it on their fleldas,n said Emm. Ambrose stressed that the level of metals in paper sludgeis virtually non-eistant and there is no odour, unlike sewage sludge. But Mitcliell, was- not reas- sured by Ambrose's words or a planning department report in support of tlie p am aithink werebem e up te be a sucker 4y the M E(minis- try) " said Mitchell . «*ithout disptnayhin anyone's saying, if theMOE ' satisfied that it's safe and won't harrn anybody, then they sliould be making the decision and tek- ing the heat," lie said. .Mitchell argued that neither staff nor council lias sufficient knowledge te, pans judgement on the program. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS TORMINA HOME IN WHITBY *One year new, 2,300 sq. ft. *Main floor family & den " Bieached oak cabinets *Ceramics throughout " CN/C. C/VAC andaiarmn " FREE APPRAISAIL GOLD TRADE *Flexible Commission REALTY LTD. *Sales Representative ORIGINAL OWNER!!! Well malýntained 3 bedroom home, upgraded fumace, shingls, aluminum eaves and softsome hardwood floors, Singl detached garage and e deep lot, corne have a look before itfs too late. seli et $1 22,500. He referred te the report's warning that the sludge must not be applied on fiefds wliere there is sîgnificant risk of runoif and that it must be stored a safe distance away from wells, resi- dences, and Watercourses. "f somebody's listed ail those things, , then why do we get a report saynff tWs great stuffi>" TIhe MOE lias te make up its mind," lie said. Councillor and committee chair Marcel Brunelle replied that the same conditions would apply te putting fertilizer on a imeowner's lawn. «'But tliey don't come and ask for aur permission," Mitchell countered. Brunelle conceded Mitchell's point that. «we are not competent te judge if this is safe te be spread on fields. "But wedo 'know it ishappen- ing'.elsewliere and tlie MOE monitors it. The issue is wlietlier we allow it liere and let each farmer decide. on an individual basis." Brunelle, a me'mber of Durham Regfion council's works commit- tee, said lielias received com- plaints from is iecolleagues on this matter. «'One of the biggest criticisme I get is tliat we've got a company in Whitby tliat's paying taxes and it's (program) not being used in Whitbfienoted. Despite bis reservations', Mit- chell joined witli the rest of the committee in supporting tlie surplus teachers probab ly back for netyear- The Jîrliam public scliool board lias declared 79 elemen- taryand 12 secondary teachers redundant toits needs for the coming school year. The teaclers, earlier declared ,regionally, surplus" on the basis Of 'seni*ority, have not been placed in a school and are slated te have tlieir contracta terminated Aug. 31. There was notice about thre months ago that cuts would be made. But operations superintendent Doug Wilson says his depart- ment la "anticipating" that no one will lose tieïr job. SThey're "relatively certain" that half the teaclie will be reinstated by September because of retirements, resignations maternity leaves, disabilityanâ leaves.- of absence and the majority "will have jobs witli the Durhiam board by Christmas time." Al of thie secondary teachers are expected te have Jobs before the end of June. In fact, if thie baard's projec- tions corne true. it will have ta Give your child the tremendous advantage lire five additional secondary teacliers. 1 However, said Wilson,, «Secondary numbers are more volatile. You neyer know exactly wliatV' go-mg te happen wt aIder kida." Teachers who arret- reinstated b>y Sept. will work, in supplyv and lon-term occasianal positions anunder the collective agree- ment, will retaih their cantract status as long as tliey work for the board, says Wilson. i ,«We have enougli staff off everyday that tliey wvill work for us everyday,»lie notes adding "we have approximate y29309 eîementary teacliers (andï) given liow many are off at anj one time, ha&vng 30 additiona sup- P 1 teachersis not a problem.» Teacliers witli, the most seniority will be the firat te, return te regular classroom jobs. The elementary redundancies are due te, the elimination of the junior kindergarten program and the 'buylug back» of an incre- mental pay raise stem under the sial contract, Wilsoýn says.. ' - Concerts - Academic Skil. r of this Montessoii mommum. experience! Toddlers ta Grade 6 OPEN HOUSES * 7PM SHARP Wed. June 5th - 545 Kingston Rd. Ajax (East of Church St.> Thurs. June l3th - 365 Kingston Rd. Pickering (Corner Rougemnount> Tues. June lBth - 403 Kingston Rd. Ajax (Corner Rothergien) Ask about aur Academic Montessori Summer Camp 415 Toynevale Rd. Pickering - Ages 6 to 12 Blaisdale Montessori Sehool 27 Vears of Educational Excellence! 905-686-5005 Ajax e 905-509-5005 Pickering eiV . À e ,. s ao e .sd oE e fJd l .l-iils.siid Serving Durham since 1981 1YHTBY AUTO GLASS W. Can V specialists lt.- With our FREE Mobile TOL REE 1 -'800-6 68-9747 Service, we will corne too 668 M 0 3 your home or office. We also do complete auto & marine i1013 Dundas St. E. Whitby JJIupholstery, boat tops & Mobile Service - * covers at our Port Perry Guaranteeci Workmanship.. CJ loatio. As us!Our staff has more than 24 vnarn .iwl.nà e embn.d, WW\ AVE ~Z/$5OPlus enjoy oeadon pur Ie FREE *eutil Emedium' - Pizza with 6 items] F...... Contuv2',i ll'ercy Fulton lAd. %L 9 1%