Whikby Fr8. Pros.,Wockiesday, June12 96Pgl Aglgimpse of Durham ..... policin operations, Durham Regional Police will b. out in force Sunday in Wbitby -ta pive area residents an inside look at police aperations and oqpipment. Young and oid are invited ta drop in ta, 18 division - 650 Roissand Road E., acroos from Durham Region headquarters - -between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. ta view the displa s, watch a domonstration by Leo the police do&, hear the Police Cruisers Band and enjoy the clowns, fish races, biko rodeo, dunk tank and much mare. It's the third annuai police Community Day -- ist year's ovent drew mare some 3,000 poplle -- and ail the favourites wl eback, inciuding the OPP helicopter (scheduled) and the Durhamn police dive team traffie Management unit, bomb squad and Child Find identification. Thore will bo a free draw. A , mountain bike, plane ride, VIA Rail pakage anid barbecue wiii be rafedoffabrece ill be 04~ set up and other refreshments will bo available, with proceeds ~,ig ta the Chiidren's Safety j igo and community policmn Tho event is organzed by to Community Policing Committee, ~~ made upaof police and represen- tatives from the Whitby Jyes Brooklin Kinsmen, Whtby ans and the two Whitby Raar clubs. "It wili be .a, ver iformative Ay, ssCrgMcCuilagh of Whitby Jaýycees, adding 'you'il sS a whoie different perspective Ofpolice work." oint of fres parking is avail- able at the*iand ry office, OTEBA l ejsonoftearcdsa S jutwest of the polce station, CTHE BEnnAWiI b Jut oe !th ataciosat and organizers stress the day thir annul CFmunit Day wili go ahead rain or shine. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This page sponsored by 613est Wisl3es from Ç34of-Canafa on Community 'Day, '96 RISKY BUSINESS Meet Durham's tacticalsquad A yo u ]-ietyoung Aruinejday -as one af the 13 members of -the Durham ReiniPolice tacticai unit is an ti gbut duli..-. A edincidents, yhosa= lt ings, searching fr a m dand e onnÇgrus suspects, and escort- nhihrisk prisoners are some of the typicai calis that the unit rendato -- just ta naine a few. ergeant David Flynn, who is incarge te unit, wili be bo avalabeoat CommunityData answer any questions that people Wepie wili also be able to ses a dispay of theequipment that the tactical unit Uses on thefr calis, says Constable Tim Knpight, a mrember of the unit. 'Wevo got a variety of equl - ment like rifles bailiétic shielâ and gas masks, Knight says. But he alsa says during the seven oears that he has worked wihte unit, the'officers have nover had ta, use their rifles. es "There's been hundreds of gun incidents, but weve nver hado fire on a suspect ... and wepvo XO nover been shot at," ho says. Bestwishes to the Durhiam RemonaI Police Service' s 3rd Annual Community Day '96 I Dan McTeague, M.P. Ontario.Riding 427-6203 Jim Flaheiily, M.P.P. is proud to sponsor thie DurhaniReioalPoUc and Commwîiy Day. « l~fll am tothe Durham Regional Police and the Community Poliing Committee from the Join us'in supporting Communi4' Day '96 Thickson Rd.'& Hwy #2 xIl 12,1 M ý@ Page 17