HME-style Redmen trade Tom Wreggitt paes 14, 151 page 20 Linkissue: P olice ' Conimunity Day' Sumday pmes 1719g Request DURHAM CENTRE MPP RESPONSIBLE FOR UPDATE Student architect shows bis 'sils page 25 deni ed By Mikeonowteaa ~~ for west Whtby Prst. hae fallen ondefas Two Ontario government S cabinet ministers have gie the cold shoulder to atb reqest for reconsideration.of the pro- psed conncin incbetwveen Highway 401 and the future Whiley4o7.dismissinx the Town's position outright U'ans- portation Minister AI Paladini and Environment and Enerpr Minister Brenda Elliott leave lit- tie doubt as to where their sym- pathies lie. Y Neither will support Whitby's bid for funding to continue its fight should the project be sub- jected to a ful environmental assessmenthearing. Nor is there much interest in the, Town's susgested alterna- tives for the eight-lane road -that S now threatens to sever the wes- 'talfostportiogi of.Whitby in ~ "Wedve received correspon- dence to the effect that 'wîeve Sbeen'throulJi it wve thiought it over and weIl taik to you later' aneaperatIed. councillor Don Mitchell complaîned to bis col- leairues Mon ay. hnt- 'At t tie whn tejre (vernment) crying that they. d't have any money, determined to build a road thats not needed and nobody wants," he said.. î Mitchell's condemnation of the government preceded councilas support of bis seven-part motion which reaffirmed the Town's long-standing opposition te the link. The motion was prompted by he receipt of letters from Palladini and -Elliott which were in res- ponse. te a resolution adopted by council last February. su~ PAGE 2 Condoowir benefit fron Adt overhaul WB Mike Kowaiuki Future and current con- dominium owners will benefit from an overdue overhaul of Ontarios antiquated Con-* dominium Act dlaims the MIPP responsible for steering the changes through the provincial Drham Centre representative Jim Flaherty wants te, eliminate the une surprise that occasionallplagues consumers who purhae units in older buildings. If Flaherty bas bis ways pro- spective owners will have pnior knowledge of how much they can expect te' pay -.when- the time cornes to eûeprs. No longer ..Ilthy be faced. with the, ospiit 9tigmn4uj of dollars ini capital costs due a condominium corporation not having adequate reserve funds te cover expenses. "A lot of condominiumns do have reserve funds, but they're not legally obliged or enough,» said Flaherty. «Tlhere are concerna that as a building gets older, it will n eed such things as a new roof 'or a garage, but there is no obligation tprovide this information,» hie «This (possible legislation) will make it obligatgry for a reserve fun do study'so, that a persan can see the'state of- repairs already done, what the future holds and how much money is set aside!' < Areu'n-eent for ýbuyers te b. IPI YI t4i, ir4PMPI <P ,i9 qqptX many recommendations con- tained in a working paper on changes te, Ontario's 29-year-old Condominium Act. Last arnended in 1979, the act governs the operations of the approximately 3,700 con- domninium corporations -- consist- ing of 290,000 residential units and 13,000 commercial units _ -registered with the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial ]Rela- tionis. Earlier this year, Minister Norm Sterling released a work- ing draft on proe reforma te te act and Flaherty, parliamen- tary asiéstant te the minister was given responsibility fo r moulding the proposaIs inte met with owners., developers and others with an interest in the growing condoninum market in order te obtain «staeholdern' fiierty will be accepting sub- mnissions ini resffonse te the work- ing paper until June 28 and hopes te have legislationpre- pared for presentation te MPPs in the faîl. SE PAGE 16 '4. 1 k ý 1 1 1 1 )