Page 24, Whltby Fr00 Press, Wednesday, June 12, 199 Squirts bounce back Whitby rebounded from, its firet le e s to defeat-Osh- awa194Tingirls'squirt fastball. Danielle loMo~n had four hits and Karen McWiliams three while Ashbey MeDonabd tbrew a two-hitter against Osh- awa. The win came afler Newmar- ket pounded Whitby 26-8, Stacey Belben getting three hits for Whitby. In a recent tournament i Aurora, Whitby won 17-1 over Pickering, 21-5 over Aurora and 10-3 over Ne'inarket before bos- ing 7-2 to Brampton. oinur..FASTBALL. I I . 3 for 4 The Whitby squirt irep fastball team had three wins and a boss i the recent Aurora tournament. Whitby defeated Orleans 12-4, Oak Ridges 13-1 and Aja 29-13 before falling 21-4 to Newar- ket. Maria Tennant and Jennifer Scott each had six bits whibe Ein Scott had five bits for the tournament. Melanie Fullerton bit a grand slam home man. ......................... T BU IAL. Novices win titie The Whitby novice Il girls' fastball team won the champion- ship of a tournament i Oshawa recently. Whitba'sonly lo10h8 sx8 gme ws97to Lac St aoi of 'Quebc But when the two teams met again in the final it was no contest as Whitby won 15-5. Whitby won two of three games a t a previous tournament i St. Catharines. Whitby recently defeated two Peterboroujgh teams, 11-10 and 6-2, toimprove its, bague record to five wins and a boss. Team. members are Andrea Bilinski, Becky Birtzu, Ashely Broome, IAndsayFreeman, Lisa Foresta, CoIlen Homen, Amanda Là awson, Cassie Gra- bowski, Krista Muelleir Pattie Phillipse Kari Van IËossum, Penm- Lee Wheeler, coach Mike Waller, assistant Bian Wheeler and manager Kathy Bilinski. Somimer socks 2 Sommer West hit a home run in each. game as the Oshawa Double B midget girls' fastball team won 12-2 over Mickey Finna and- 12-3 over Oséhawa intermediates last week. >Misty Kucherik belted two doubles ini the win over inter- mediates while Shannon'Tabb hit two doubles and knocked in three runs against Mickey Finns. Double B was held to only four hits in a 5-1 loas to Port Perry Seniors on June 4. The team had a win and two losses at a tournament in Lon- don June 1-2. Jenn & Jen toss one-hitter Jenn Woodcock and Jen Har- re combined for a one-hitter as Whitby got b Sunderland 8-5 in mixdget iirls' iabail. Melafiie Davis, Jillian Finley, Lindsay Upton and Jackie Slog- gett prvded much of the offence -or te Whtbv team that has two wins and two loases eo far. this season. Win, loss for peewees The Whitby minor peewee selet basebaîl team atarted the season with an 11-2 victory over the Pickering Pirates. The pitching trio of Ryan Sisson, Jeif Hass and Nichobas Bubela hebd Pickering to four bits. Ini game two, Whitby pitchers struggied ini a 14- Pickering win. Bantams win doubleheader T'he WVhitby bantam select basebail team won 12-8 and 6-2 in a doubleheader in Oshawa reoently. Kevin Connelly got the win in the first game,, David Bescohit a double and ingle, with great defensive piays by Matt Burna, Mhris Michaud and Ryan Bowen. I the second game, Whitby hurler Ryan Bayliss kept the game at 2-2 until the third inming when Bowen came i te earn the win. A double by Ryan Bayliss turned the game in Whitby's favour.. The teamn wiib hold a golf Whitby girls' softbal B-A June 2 - Batik cf Montreel 7. Euroadet Kichens 13; Whit2y KInsmen 18. Brooldm KiGnsmeun 5; Marlgot Uncoln 13, Whithy Optirnesta 3 W L T P Eurocraft Kicheris 4 O O B Whhiy Klnsmen 3 1 0 6 LaUnoolti 2 2 0 4 1t 130 2 BXCf»n 1 30 2 E"cOi Mord"MOI1I3 0 2 SOME June 3 - DOS Marketing 6. Casas WNhy 0, Fhlurrn%'Find 11. Whitby Kimwnis0- Brooldn (Ipte 17. Cas.ys WhuUy 8 W L T P Broinwssa 4 O 1 9 ODOSMaring 3 0 1 7 Cme.isWhilby 2 3 0 4 Fishonnn' Friend 2 3 0 4 Whiiby kiwans O 5 0O0O SOIirI 111- dis June 2 - Jsns.n Auto Body 15. Easlem Carpet Oe.*q 9,. Pait Store PUis 12,Bechera MIk 12; DOS Markting18. WhibvKIGnarne 10 W L T P Beckes Mik 3 0 I 7 3 1 0 8 Pait StorPlus 2 1 1 5 JemserArto Body 2 2 0 4 WhiUhyKlmnen 1 3 0 2 EaalsmCapet Ctanlng O 4 O 0 flumdordvW jas2 - Vanmen T'es25,.JensenAuto Body 12;Chesmm Aub Ghm 9.2Acie M"iulWash le:BuikoMorÈnd 17, BrookibiKkuimen 17;, RP tournament fundraiser on July 6 at Oshawa Airport Golf course. Anyone interested can cail Shirley Connelly at 721-2319. Mosquitoes lst Whitby defeated Pickering 5-2 and 16-6 in recent games to' move into first lame in the major mosquito selectaseball league. Derek Ard, Tanner Twining and Brent Chaschowy pitched for Whitby in the flirst game while Jason Gordon, James Steiger- walk and Cory Blanchard threw in the second game. Peewees win 2 Whitby defeatedPickerinig 5-3 and 6-3 to win bth ends of a recent doubleheader in major peewee select basebaîl. Paul Osvonka, Mike Weir and Marc Mitchell pitched for Whitby in the fira-t p1ame,, while Bilan D)onnelly ian Dan Debuca com- binied on a two-hitter in the second lame. Denius Maxwell had tbree bits and scored tbree runs in the two games. 03 14 AshbrllicL15 Asdblln& -4 0- 0- B Van!eummnTir«s 4 0 O B JensS Auto Body 2 2 0 4 AcffmsMobttsWah 2 2 0 4 Bank etMontreel 1 2 1 3 RP ou 1 3 0 2 CheesemnAuto Glas 1 3 O 2 Brooln Kinmen 1 3 0 2 SEo ME Juns 2 - Durhamn Cash Reglster 17, 08W Store Fobmres5. DOS Marketng 12, Brooldin Legion 17; Lcasil>ug 10. ICS Banbdits 12; Bokers MUk 10. Mister Transnussion 1 R0 Bandt MbterTranrnlss.a Brooldn Legion Ourhamn Cash Regeler DOS Marketing C&W Store Fldure BadsU Ok Juns 2 - CIBC 5. West Lynde Oplomie&rits15; Velentio' S, Big VDcugs 16;- odd & Sauterile. BroolliKOnsmen 1 Wed Lynde Opbonolrst CEGC T P 1 7 1 7 OSe 0 4 0 O O 0 JIJNM RME June 2 - Van Hennies TreS 4. Rotary Club 13; SuAs Romy 4. Lennbox Druni i1; Whktry Trophy Houas 10. AdvantageTels12 brumai Dnam Van Heim une ie Whigby Tropqiy Houa. Sunrue Rotar Whitby Iroquois soccer HOUE LEAGR DMoPsE- Juns 3 -Town 2 4(MairnGraham 3.Brandon Gorman>. Teun #3 3 Jason Vanulat2. Frank Brurriesit; Tewn 54 3 (Ryan Pauleron. Ion Archarrbmall, Nl"Vewyl. Bongard Couisin 4 (Brandon Bngvu, ARoeeph Reauxs, AarnTaylor. DanlelE gella)e;:Tewn 88 2 (Olon Laso Mathew Demmuer>. Teatn 91 4 (Andreur Kely 2. Dale Cngf. Corey Kiander> BoDMs siuw May 31 - Fer-Pal Construcdon LA& 9 <MMtheis Melnk 3. Robert Wihierns 3. Andreis Devidmon Dillan Moon, PudRI Bpo, Brooldn Oplinsts0. Houikers2 (Siyder MdCorack. AmrTirt>, Kemits 1 (ls Muarce); Trojum 0.Gtornons ChOcs3 <ThornesCosarek 2.JoyVidlin);Roa Canadien Legian 8152 O, Stooks I1(Andrea Pawluk); Big Bkds O, Muppels S8(Ark JdWey 4. AnmhwBbos WilemJones. Joshua Broderick) Moy24-FerPao* nsnrio Ld6S(Rey Lefebvre 2.. Andrew ODe on == d nHodder. Matthei MslniK PRObet Wlliains>, Broolin Odytnri s1 (Garret Francis); Honera 3 (NattanBeuWn Z 2 AIex iigaart). Kermidls 2 (Jesse fliarroni 2); Canadien Leglon 4152 1 <Dw umil ebosiQ. Shanwocka 3 (Nictol as tbnlkml. MMhtai O'Rouwks Jesse Prehbl>;: Trcgans 3 <tCyle ArnstrongPhllp Ahlukovic. Joeeph Cavelan), Whitby minor basebai LWM 13: City Contre AutoS. Swsh Maintenane 4- Creede Cycle 3. Badbury Hestlng 1; Mo« Cky Saturn 11. DOsViesProduce 4 May 22: Bradbury He&9 7. DeVise Produes4 May 26:Crees Cycle 10. Mole Cay Satuin O Umm iBANTAN MW 13: Co-Steel 1mc 8. Oshawsa Kimanis 6;. Sb FctyOshm7. Party Giant 4 MIay 15: Marigo Ld Unt Meraay 18, Whitby optimie s6. May 16: Co-SteelLaSco8,WhilbyCptirnsts 4 Sub Faciry Osha7. OshawaKinsmTbn 4 May 17: uigold Licok Mercury 7. Party Gari5 May 22- Sub Faclory Oshawa 2.Co-SteelLm= o1 May 23: Marigald Uncain Mercarry 2.COhawsa Kfismsn 5. Purty GNant 7. WIily Cptinist1 May 24: Marigo LdUncin Merauy 7. C44o-el May 27: Puty Gant 5, Oshawa Kinernen 1;. Sub Faiary ODos. ,Whiby Optimist4, May20. Oshwa Kinrnan 7. Whihy Oplhdsta6 May 30 Purty Gin2, Co-SteelLmSc 5; Sub Faixy COsw 10. Martold Uincoln Mrcuy 6 May 31: Party Gari7. CoStel L1co m of kMey 31 WL YTP Sd uory Oshawsa 5 0 O 10 Mar idnalu.rury 4 1 0 8 P&W iat42 0 8 Usasý"1 2 .4 O 4 Oshawa lKiasmn 1 4 0 2 Whilby Opinsts O O O O PEWE Juns 4: Lennox rum 4. Srrurig DriIers 3; Roger C"N 11. Glen Graphi 5; Whitby Oplinusts 5. Whâby Rrary Club> 3; Ourtan Dodge Chrysior 6. Intrninal MO 3 GOdwismCh" o4 (Thon.. Coscurela2, ZJoey Viln; Tdles 1<0MB iokas>).aIendaWs Moab 0. % Blk&s0. Muppmes 6 (Mark Jslery 3. Anthon Calabre»., MichioUWood, Joshua Bsod.ricl G.u"UM'l May 31 - Tern4 2 @&" lsCurran2). Crupi7za1 (KatOlyn Sliped; MR TrnLm a & Garden Servis O. Tewn 03 9 (Jennio Prias 4. Bronda Cudmare 3. Cassadr Ha wo. Anunda Ube>); Doins O, Whity Op*iamst 1 (M"ganCaNif; AMAPhaogrq*hy3 (Larapiers.Kyls Macmni, IHsdmJuA Bankci Monlreel2 <CariFue, Era. Nswlon>; Towrn 97 0. Towrn 4 2 JanineCafd, SardiCh@pWld) May 24 - Whltby Opldmis 3 (Hlary kelend 2Z SbçhuIsFloe) AAA Sports Ptaiagrphy 2 (Kylse M"cnnis2%; Tsem 13 1 (Jansy. Dzilwich>. Rouses0 .Boom Jumu 5 - Pr mRangsm I <Craig flahonm), Shaeb.4 (Clii Burns.4); Toroni omiannion Bankt 2 is.rnyBoullon. Siepon Mcinnis. Snoopis 0. Dynam»o o.Cthe«3 Jtin Noeia Z Ryan Van Kime. Co S"selLm 1 (Bake. Mkiachon>. Drive Lins Trananuion 3 (Pari Haipor3); Tufles 0. Nbps 8 Pu" Bunw 2. Stad.,FOIred 2. Ryan MarinalisChris Keedr>Partheus0, 0W(intre MooeesLodg 3 (ayler Mâchei 2Z Lauxa Johnson); lID SIsek &Burgsr 3 CAhion Dmughe 2,Androa Machs,. ne Hankors 3 (Kyls Slshenson Madew d kflgez, BwedanHoppor>; Pinsky Arsensmu 1 (BM. ISlolm. BatikoflMontreul 1 (Jamns. Leanard>; Broolin Ladie Auxliery 4 &U" oMamZ Marcu's Osiordo. Sean Edrrsinds>, Bkis Gurvises0. Gold Ksrnils 5 (JilrmanMriaS), Uirne Q asn ýýKsrrits 1 (Devon SUans>; Purpi Dynafms4 <CrystalHartag2. J.wca Cathane- Botin),Pfik Dophins 0; BSSnir 3 (Natals Gaoulx 3). BéBfd 2 (Vanss Violin 2); Mighly Duoks 0, Buorgwmdy Dynamnos 0, G'.s Maman 2 June 5: Dahain Dodge Chrysie 16. HWhSand Van a rago 5 Jais 9- Lenno. Ouin 10. DurteamDodge Chrysir 4 m olJisge RogerC"t.6 I O1 Ou=tiniDodgCIrmv 6 1 i.012 Glon Gr Un 4 3 0 8 o anx m3 11 7 hbMVan& torfl 3 3 1 7 ilyRgoy Club 3 4 0 6 Whithy Optimiets 2 5 0 4 Internatioinalmis Service 1 5 O 2 Srrulig Drillors 1 6 0 2 MMRSSWRT Juns 3: Canadien Pffrages Club 11, Bmooklin Irismn10 June 4: Banik ci Montreai 26, Anderson Veternary Clinic 1; W. Frank 13. Rert.A-Tsnt 11; Crearw Cutting à Coring 18, KSC S.curiy il; Whitb Opfftlmits6. W.C. Town 3 Jun. 7: B"nkof Montreal 10. Crmr Cutting à Corlng 10; KSC Seoirty 7, BrocihinKinsmen 6; Whithy Opllrtt 12,W. Frnk 5 Jais 9: Cansclian PragreesCl"b13. Bon-A-Test 12 nef hum 9 * BaIJiOIMW Bako or*eal5 W.Fnr*(amF M 5 Dunu Cntr Gurdiain 4 WhâbyOpfiuists 4 W.C.Town3 Canadiean Progrees Club'3 Weednrn 2 Pro Sb"eeAukoaivs 2 Pmigb Creek Guardiani Onrgs2 Rent-A-Tent 2 KSC Secrky 2 CrearnerCutting à C "- q 1 Anderson Voleninary Céinua1 Bruakin Kinsmen 0 L o 1 o 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 B Juns 1: Air Con 7. Beciord ServiceCentre5-. Wldby Uon Club 7. Tarnta o mifnion Batik I Jais 6. Whle Rose 15, Toran Top Ouelly Caiain 2M. Je Pinewoad Centre 5. Ce Stes Reoaty 3. üLanglPunwting 2 June6: Air Con 11. Bank ci Id mofhue P* ua mdmContre (K.UY Fostr, Brianna Arnts>, Rangles 8 <Bltta Choisies 7. Ch"ne SpeosIonan> Nurse Chis. Okis 9 <Cc&nKWW 7. Brandon Carmer Zachary RIpey>. Durham Merde. 1 (Chas Karm; Savs A Buck WstwoRth3 <Micheismoeil uoco 2,Craig fluoO, lhhm.Chw. Obes2 (Garrot Kâchrue, Datry eef); Tnjans 0, Sa. Psr Rangs e2 <Brandon Moncrilfl MathesKelly; Whle Canudks 2 <Brain Mltag 2). Bus DoWNne0 hW 20 -Numase v. CI& 3 (Ryan Monk Z Colin Kea"). Pwr Rangera1 (Joshua dbrê) May 22 - To>ans0. SUis Dolphînc 0; Numsa Chev. Oltis O. Powsr Rangeus I (Joshua Srnkh> Jurs 6 - GmessMachns 2 (lors Farquharson, Matthsw Heeroc>. Doiphins 2 (Michael sulo. Kevi 1hsriull; Guardlan Drugs 2 <Chri L.ow. Amon Do")n, Mn»al 2 (Derrck Rotanal, Androwa Iomlf); Gunners 2 (CSnnarBlrrell. Jordan Whlts>, Tmq.s4 (Marous Sp" l3. Ryan Tyrni>; Adidas 2 (Braiden-GoddiildJamosMiter>,Chols.. 2, (Connor Satipson, JonathanSos>; Honher 3. (Bhae Gmhwn 2.Mlles Pacleer>,Tlgers4 <Denlel Devries 2Z StemeonEtherion, StegmPhe Moger Jué4- Cuuicb10 (AI Valluls 4.Max Bol 2Z Dans Brown. Peer Catiposso Jason Canner Josh Oçasqual), Rangera 0- Sheila 7 (Denny Nicholie 6.FmonS>ek),Turde. 2 (JlrnvnyMcCarthy 2);C St.el Lasco 2 (De"e Rossen, Mark Macuarrle>, Sb 2 (oy Roms 2); Keds 4 (John Canipbl. MoLarun 4« Shanwoks 3 (StevenArahaadault Chrwistr MuLtu."iaz, Stphen Brasseur; Panthers 7 (Staphen &, Tyler botdye Aladakr Boyle>. Ugtln 2 <MaIlhewr Spfng 2) UW28 - Sh.rwas 68tph Brasseur 4. Steven Archwrvsul2). Pantheos0 SudiaanBeU TOP Qualy con Becrd S8r«"eCet"r "Wh'u>y onClub JemenAto Body Bank of Montrea Toronto Dorninlon Bank June 3: StarBurger 6. Mbieil nsurnos5 June 5: VeIby Opthimist 13. Warrsns Printig 7 Juns 7: Brooldn Kirismen7. Jerrs Orge 6; Whitby AudWicteo 8. Maretng ResurosGmou 7; Bais Enterprises11, Starr urger1i mafum Rloy's Ene e Markatkmg Resouros Group JerysrnOng Warehoua. CEGC Plaque At"ad Warreds Printn Brookin Kinsmen Mildi Opinourano 41 40 30 30 20 20 30 June 2: Ha.ldn Coy 11. CookldsCrushers7 June 4: Hoskin Com 7. lmacmniConsullng7; Cookie CrushersM20 augTurnerCarpemty 7; Sudeaun10, Bankol Montrea ; AJIlKlnd G» lZPickerlng VMiq9.;Vick kmuaros13. Oodd Y, souterS 8 Juw -Ema. Cn" , 9.Sesiotius OrUeri5 June S: ANITeeh EledfiaSystaens15. Hoshin oay 10. LesoorCcmn lg9. Sunia Fans0.-;AU Klnd Gu IOOuTumer Cupety 5; LegalBeagles6. Cooki rushens 2 91-me AI KWn Gm Enterprie to Dominion Banik 10; AI Tech ElsdnSysem eoi Auto Body 2; V*cLki umtiS I Lam=s3; Buchan-acri 1,som Leecom Consufting ~ Bank ciMont"ea 7 COa"ieruher Hoeun Copy w L T P O uTneCapeitry. 4 O O a Sunisaum