Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1996, p. 20

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page 20, Whltby Free Pross, Wecinesday, June 19, 1996 1Squirts take gold hn Pickering Amanda Ottor scoed on a passed baîl te break a 2-2 tie and gevWhiby the gold in asquirt grls' fastball tournament in Plckoringover tho weokond. In thoeinal, Whiitby was facing Ajax who had dofoated Whitby 2-1 in a aiatchup oarlier in tho tournainent. Karen McWilliams and Susie Crabb drove la tho first two Whitby rninl tho final in which Ashloy McDonald tossod a one- bitter and struck out 11. McDonald albowed only two bits but Whitby lest 4-0 te Mark- bamin l thoirfret gaine of tho tournamont. Whitby Iroquois soccer BlOUSE LEAGUE Boys PEEWEE Jurel10- Teamil 6 Mathew Heout 2Andrew Kelly 2. Brendan Pool, Michae Zwicker), Teain#4 3 (Wayne Hopkdis. Kemar Carupeil. Roberte Pnincâtta); Bongard Collision 4 (Aaron Tayior Z. StevBerman 2). Teoin 82 7 <Andrew Race 4. AsaronFi. èKen Oltuhrm Graham); Tearnt3 2 <Colli Salazar, Sinon Goodfelow). Teain if 1 <Mark Robinson) ATON June 14 - Pedros Pizza 7 <Steven Ditil 3. Dereck MoelGrdoh2Z Stephen Dinordo 2), Optkrnist Club 1 <Philip McKenzio); bynde Brook Golf Course 4 Jordan Callaghan Z Jerern>, Keetch, Richard bagani). Wigger Custein Fumiture 2 <Michael Deverîsh 2) SHRMP June 14 - Teorai 814 7 Jo.>, Violin 3, Joinie Hanna. John Damrian DYiTri. Andrew MoMullan, lhomas Cosella), Saioopies G (Vctor Coscarella 3, Michael McDonald Z Stevo Davies); Trejans 3 <Kyle Amstrong. Flp Atuckovic, Taylor Ebbhtt), begion O; Teain 810 5 <Nathan Bouillon 3, Ae. Tillait 2). Teain 813 0; Bank of Montreal 2 <isa Naringln, HlY Mjur>,.Padgett Office Supp>, 2 Stephanie Thomas, Kai$lyn Conne>,); Pla>, h Again Sports 2 (Jacob Sturw), Teom M2 0; Orange 1 <Mdain Canpbell). Mn. Transmission 1 (Eric Mioor.4d); Haledss 0. Muppets 7 (Mark Jeffery 4, William Jones 2. Patrick Fizgerald); Turiles 2 PesasMogan. SainuelNabi), Big Bkrds 1 Jahinar Ferrmais); Blue #25 2 (M. Sosies 2). Bue 8261 <Edgar Suski); Vshafr Desigai 1 <Miles Thourpeon), Whitby mnor basebal JUVEDILEIJUNIOR Jure 16 - John G. Patte C.A.9 Whitby Fiee Pru G Jure 10 - WMBA Exel 5. Whitb Optimiste 2 June 9- WMBA Exel 6, Whhby Free Presse6. John Ga Patte C.A. 4. Whitby Optimiste O se of Juel John G. Patte C.A. Whitby Free Pieu WMBA Exel Whitby Optimiste TP 19 28 1 7 O 4 MDGEI June 10 - Creeds Cycle 2, Molor Ch>, Soturn O; Bradlbuy Hetng4. Cit>, Centre Auto 1 Jure 9 -Mtor Ci>, Satum 12. Devis Produce 1 Jures5- Ch>, Centre AutoS,. Creed's Cycle 2 es of Juen 10 W L T P CreetsCycle 4 1 O 0 8 ChCnrAuto 3 1 O 6 MooCy Sen 3 2 O 6 tabu eMi, 2 20 4 Swih;a'iteanO 0 3 O O Devlle roduce O S O O MAJOR PEEWEE Jure 12 - Highland Van & Storage ,9. Smiling Drllers 8 Jure Il - Durham Dcdge Chrysler 8. Smriling Dribre 7; Interational MiIl Service 9, High Van & Stefl 7; Sera Graphim 10. Wbitby Optimists 5; benniox ruin 8. Whhtiy Rotai>, Club 3 June 10 - RogersCble 8. Whitby Optimists O; Whitby Rotai>,ChAi 1. Gien Graphis O m efJusw 14 Du Dodg. Chawler Slon Graphis be rvî u am -Whity Optilrrt laim floalmINSevc WL 71 71 54 4 1 44 45 2,7 25 18 Ol c ....... _....._ Il..... IuInh.iii iiiii.i.m...m...m.oe..ei McDonald ad a one-itter.in.ort.Per.y an 11-4 in overShannon..bb.t.sed.a.no StDacyBebe had tho e oyhittn Pr erry.a2O i vrErnS l e Whitby hit - a bunt - in a 2-1 Mills ini the tnrt gaine. Stacey loss to Ajax. Taylor allowed only one hit ina c ns ato Whitby noeded a victory - and 6-2 win over Barrie,.o s lto lot of runs -- gi urigo Joanne Van Dyke and Misy Andrea Bilinski and Becky to advanoe to thotournament Kucherik each had three bits mtii Birtzu each drove in three runs final and got both in a 17-O a 10-2 win over LaSalle, Que. as the Whitby novioe II girls' romp Melissa Rogers, Susie fastball toam pounded Cobourg Crabb, Danielle Morrison, Laura Tait thon shut out Port Perry 17-O. Gainpbell and Karen McWilliamns to send Oshawa to the final won Krista Mueller facod only 21 each ad two hits. 4-2 by Erin Mills. battors. Kucherik had six hits and Whitby won a silver medal in drovo in four runs for the tourna- the consolation round of a tour- S iverjL for B s ment. Van Dyke and Taylor oach nament in Milton. bad fivo hits. In league play, Oshawa blan- flhe Osbawa Double B qi*rlsj' kod Micey f'ns 5-O on a three- :.. fastball toam won the silver bitterb andy McKenzie. Tay-E modal at a rocent tournament in lor had four bitsm Audlsy Ceramias 4 <Malt Kroekenstoel 2. Luke Curry,. ChritlopherGour) May 31 - TurtiesA <(Paul Carbone 2. Jesse Morgan 2). Halendas 4 <Pick>, Halenda 2. Bon Furford 2); Orange 3 (Nicholas Burtch. George Trouter, Benjamin Dodinglon), Blue 4 <Edgar Susld 4); Mr. Transmission 4 (Jamie Clement 2, Daniel Tomnarchio 2), Tearr narne nla O May, 24 - Orange 4 <George Trotter 4). Blue O ROMICE June 12 - Grever. 4 (Brianna Aints 4). Big Birds i <Varessa Viln); Sharks 8 <Collin-Spenoer Bums 5. Julien Decaire 2. Luke Di Danieli). Ninjas O; Qitimist Club 4 <Brent Ethier 3. Kyle Lindsay), T&D Steak 5 Jamie Scott 3. Ashtton Douglas 2>; Gold Kermits 9 Jillian Morillo 9), Mlghty Ducks O; Panthera O, Green & White Xermitsl1 (Devon Skeats); Snoopies 3 <Daniel Paohis 2. lan Daeâdsc). Gunners 2 <Benjamin Saudercook. Colin Uza); Teain #16 2 (Keehan Davis 2). Ladies Auxllary 2 <Marnas Delsordo 2>; Dynamos O. Loyal Ordercof MooseD2407 O; Rovers 5 James Hook 3. Brandon Burda 2). Lasco Steel O; Diveline Transmnission 2 <Steven Pierce. Anton Zupancit), Honkera 4 <Kyte Stephenson 2, Dru Douglas. Brendan Happer); Smurfs i <Melanie Mclntoah). Dynamos i <Nicole Peaison); Chelsea 2 Justin Nca2). Loyal Order of Moose 2 Jason Haizos 2); Turties O, Save-a-Buck 7 <Michele Defusco 4, Dorit Germann 2. Kevin Tromble>,); Taronte Domninion Bank 4 Johua theal 2. Jeremny Bouillon. Graham St. Martin), Bank of Montreai 1 <Maloin Campbell); Rangers 4 <Britany Chown 4). Teain #6 0 BOYS ROOICIE June 12 - Big Bird 1 <Kyle London). Canucks i <Ryan Serville); Doiphins O. Power Ranger. 4 (Brandonefllie, AMilan Denomy>, Mathew Kelly. Joshua Srith); Nurse Chev Qlds 8 <Colin Keay 5. Brandon Carknar, Eric Jerikns, Ryan Monk), Trojons O BOYS MAJOR SOUîRT June 13 - Adidas 3 <Brandon Goodchild 2, Colin ROOKIE Jure 16 - Pirates 9. Rolds 8; Jaya 14, Pirates 6 as ofJune 16 W L T P Reds 2 O O 4 Jays 1 i O 2 pirates 1 2 O 2 MAJOR SOUIfRI June 15 - Weedman 11. Dundas Contre Guardian Drugs 5; Pro Srest Autometive 12, Pringle Creek Guordian Drugs 9 June 14 - Pro Street Automnotive 14. Bank ef MereaiM 10; Rent-A-Tent 9. KSC Securit>,7 June 12 - Dundas Centre Guardian Drugs 7, Adeoneterinar>, Clinic 3; W.C. Town 8. Pringle Creek Guardian Drugs 2; Whitby Optimnists 6. Canadian Progresa Club 5 June 10 - W.C. Town 7. Weedman 6; Dundas CWeliuardian Drugs 14. Pringle Creek uaidian Dug. 7 Staiags te of JUne 16 W L T P Dundas Ctr. Guardian Drugs 6 1 O 12 Bank of ontreal 5 1 1 il W. Frank<(Karen Fedyk) 5 1 O 10 W.C. Town 5 2 O 10 Whiby Otimrists 5 2 O 10 Proetreet Automotive 4 2 0 8 Weednm 3 3 O 6 Rent-A-Tent 3 4 O 6 Canadien Pregress Club 3 4 0 6 KSC Secury 2 5 O 4 Piingle CreekGuardian Deug. 2 S O 4 Creamer Cuttin & Cerinq 1 4 1 3 Anderson Vtennasy Clinc 1 5 O 2 Brooldin Kinsmen Club O 6 O O LUNOR SOUINT June 14 - Co-Steel Lasco 10, White Rose 8; Top Cualky> Collision 14, Becldord Service'Centre 13; Bank of Montreai 15. Whitby bien Club 14; Jensen Aieo Body 4. Toronto Domfinion Bank 4. Buchanan Rleait>, il. Pinewcod Centre 4 Jure 13 -bongle>, Plurting 15. Air Con il June il - Pineweod Centre .11. Beckford Service Centre 11; Jensen ýAutabody 10. White Rose 5; Buchanan reail>, 10. Whitby Lions Club 2; Top Qualit> Collision 7, Co-Steel basco 6 June 10 - Toronto Domignion Bank 12. Air Con 4; banley Plurtibing 16. Bank of Montreai 7 St-sàn as off June 14 9 Budwonan eait> I9 Piewood Centre 8 Top Ouolty Colision >4 ranglyPurbn 412 »9" co - MCM- W 6 5 5 5 4- .3 2 LT 1 O 1 O I O 20 30 40 31 Thomapson), Honkers 4 Shane Graham 3, Kevin Nasu); Gunners 3 <David Alîbson). ChelseaS3 <Matt Deluca. Shane Verwey, Jonathan Sos); Ninja i (David Shaw). ragera i (Stephen Rodger); Trejans 3 <Marais Spasia Z Deon McCo>,), Dophins 2 <Matthew Geraghty. Andy Bel); Green Machine 4 (Scott Watson 2. Brandon Ccx, Ian Farquharson), Guardion Drugs I <Sal Dioncda) BOYS MNOR SOWIRT June il - Turtles 4 <Ban Klne 3. Michael Broed), Spding Creek Colt Course 2 <Michael MacFayden, Almr Mon); Shanvoclas I naine n/a>, Optmste 4 <narme na); Sinuifs 2 <Cor>, Ross), Sharks il <Jool Zondervan 5, Kyle Holdtxook Z Danny Nicholls 2, Scott Penquegnat. Evan lwako); Kermits 3 John Caryçbell-Mclaen 2Z Matthew Burns), Llghtning i <Chad Valois); Co-Steel Lasco O, Canucks 6 <Michael Kunz 3. Maxwell Bell, Jason Carkner, Nicholas Theis) June 4 - Optimists 3 <Sean Teather 2, Deon Frayne). Spring Creek Golf Course i <Michael MoeFayden) GIRL5SQUIRT June 10 - Celebrations - Party, Giant 0, Muppets 1 <Stephanie Laurich); Sandoz Canada i (Kauri Lafentaine), Canudus i (Nicolo Cunliffe); Co-Steel Lasco 4 <Cassidy Reid 3. Patricia Longhurst), Sandoz Nutrition 1 <Aileen Verkuyl); Whitby Optimiüsîs 4 <Andrea Loziuk 3, Amy Macinnis), Roms0; Bi V Drug Stores 3 <Brandie MacKlntosh 2. Juliana White), Bradara Shop City 1 Jennifer Gravai); CRCS Generai Contractens 2 <Danielle Perreault. Siobhan Mangano).'Mighty Ducks 1 (1-eonna Tilaart); Dundas Contre 13uardian Drugs i <Marîssa Minorgan>, Strikers 2 (Sarah Popewich, Amenda Bardowell) June 3 - Bradais Shoe Ch>, I Samantha Zara), Sandoz Canada 2 <Lisa Bruni 2);,Sandoz Nutrition 1 <Aieen Verkuyl), Celebrations - Part>, Giant 0; Muppets 0. Revers 1 <Teresa Ambra); Big V Drug Stores i <Rsanne Cannella), CRCS General Contracters 0; Mighty Ducks 1 <beanna Taart), Dundos Centra Guardian Drug. O; Strikera 0, Whitby Optimnists O Becldod Servce Centre 2 4 O 4 Whittey ins Club 2 4 O 4 WhiteRws. 2 5 O 4 Toronto Domninion Bank I 5 1 3 Bank of oitreal 1 S O 2 MAJOR &MSOITO June 14 - Brolin Kinsmnen Il. Whitby Audiot Vieo Il June 13 - CBC 5. Bank off Montrea 3; Mitchell Insurance 13, Whitby Optimrists 12; Ho/?s Enterprises 8. Plaque Attack 5 June il - Jerr/s Drugs 7, Whitby Audlo/Video* 6; Warrens Printing 9. Bank of Montreai 8; CIBC 14, Whitby Optimrists 6; Starr Burger 9, Brooklin Kinsmnen 7 Starudage »sOf June 15 W L T P Boy'. Enterpises G O O 12 Whltby AudiolVbee 4 2 1 9 Starurger 4 2 1 9 Jerrys Deug Warehouse 4 2 O 8 C SC 4 2 O 8 Marketing Reseurce Grcup 3 2 O G Waureais Printing 3 3 O 6 Bankaoferitreal 2 3 I 5 Breokin inrmn . 2 4 1 5 Plaque Aftack 2a 3 O 4 Whitby Optimrists I 5 1 3 Mitchell Insurance i 5 O 2 UmNmRMOGOUBTO June 15 - Deug Tumner Caqrpeai> 12. Exective Cleaners6 June 14 - Ail Tec Eledtrie 13. Dedd & Seuter 8; Vick Insurance 13. Legal Beagles 3; Exectuiv Cleaners 7. Cookie Cnjshers 7; Ail Kind Gas 15. Semeotiuk's Drille 8; Sunlea Faims 12. Hoskin Cep>, 9 June 12 - Pickeurng ViDae Source 14. Bank cf -Montrai 5;, Deug Turner Caqrpesll11 Vick Insurnce 7 Jure il - Oodd & Seuter 14. beamon Censulting 7 Junelo1 - Ail Tee, Ele 11. Sunlea Foais 10; Emiuke leanes 15% Hekin Ccp>, 6; AU i kd Ga 8. begal Beagles 2; Dedd & Seuter 9, Bank cf >Morbed 5-,Seinsks Drillers 14. Cookie rusher. .10 maoflJusîs15 MI Kind Gos Enterpue MI Tech Electrie Systsmn Vick lInsurance Piokerbu Viage Source Semeotiuts Dnliera Dedd & Souter Exeaîtiwe ones Leacom Consufting Cookie Crushers leagal eales Sunlea Fufm HuMe Copy, W B 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 i P 16 15 13 12 10 s 7 6 6" 5 5 4 4. MIIDGET Mike Hamilton and Robert Dasilva easeisrod twe goals as Whitby dofoated Mississauga 9-2 la midget A lacrosse beague action. Brett Pakesta Evan Cardwoll Casoy Dupont, fvike Galbas ani Aaron Lo-wos oach had a gal. 'Pa-ttie Phillipa hit a homo run aaWhitý opnd with an 11-8 win ove Creok. Ashbey Broome and Bilinski scored teonly two WIhitbyyuns on stoals whibo Penni-Lee Wheo- 1er allowed only one bit in a 2-1 win ovor Oakvillo. Whitby thon lost 4-2 te Erin M£iL to 'movo to the gold con- solation in which Barrie edged Whitby 8-7. Wheeler was namod most valu- able player as she was effective as the starting pitchor and also hit a triple. Other toaimombors are Lind- sey Frooman LUsa Forosta,'Cas- sie Grabowski*, Colleen Homon, Amenda Lawson, Krista Muellor, Kari Van Bossuai, Leab Brown, coach Miko Waller assistant Brian Wheobor and1 manager Kathy Bilinski. iýiIi1 W, monts in Peterborough and Brampton. Teain membors are Jool Weber, Jason Reod, Daniel Doinpsey, Androw Farie Jay Sing or, Ricky Frendo-CFumboy Matt Savoie, LChri loweBian Gonsalves, Aies Henâorson, Chris Wood, Justin Fox, James Noal, Luko Canson, Nick Canson, BATMDmn.~oay0K tir Jay Harrison scorod thre goals as Whitby downod Misais- PAPERWEIGDET sauga 8-5 in bantam A lacrosse The Wbitby pap orweight league play Juno 12. lacrosse toamirocently won tho Miko Johnson, Winnie Craw- silvor modal at the provincial ford, Kyle Wailos, Stephen Hoar championships. and F. Whittaker also scored. Whitby won 16-1 ovor Guolph and thon lost 14-4 te, Brantford. A 7-2 win over Niagara-on- NOVICE tho-Lak gaveWhtby tho silvor. Tho Whitby novioe B lacrosse Zacha;rla ]mer and Mark Mat- toam won a silver modal at the thews each had two'goals, sin- recent roical chàmpionships. gles by Bryce OH1aro, Danny The Whttam won tourna- Arnot and Spencer, Savoio. Whitby giris softbal BANTAN Jua. 9 - Wtt>, Kinsmen 10. Bank cf Montrai 20;. BioolcfKrmn4, Marigod Lincoln 22; Euroeaft Kitchens 17. Whiby Optimnists 6 WL YTP EurocraftKhichens 5 O O 10 Whitby Kinsmen 3 2 O 6 Marigeld Lincolni 3 2 O 6 Bank cifenrea 2 3 O 4 WhitbyýOptirnists 1 4 0 2 Breoin insmon 1 4 O 2 SOPHOLME June 10 - DDS Marketing 15. Whitby Kiwanis 4; DDS Marketing 16, Case/s Whitby il; Brooklin Optirnists 12. Fisharman'.» Friand 5 Staring Brooklin Optimigsts DOS Marketing Case/s Whitby Fishermons Friend Whitby Kiwanis L T P o i il O 1 il 4 04 40 4 60 0 NOVICE June 9 - Van Hemmen Tues 15, Whitby biens CIlub 17; Mcme Mobile Wash 9. Saturnaisu Metercky> 16; Bank cf Montrea 14, Untel 13; Certr>21 - Roserno,>,Breen14. Master Print 13; Dr. Kagetsu's Tin Grins 7. West bynde Fish & Chips 17; Knights cf Columbus 1e. Jas the Plumterl17 June 2 -Whhtby Lions Club 7. Bankoef Montrai 0; BSaWmimMokorcy 14. Unitel 15; Van Hemmen Tus 13. Ame Moble Wash 12; Masterint 15. KaighdofColumbtus14; WestbLynde IFish &Chips 0. Jo. the Plumber 7; Certur>, 21 - Rosemo,>, Brwn'7, Dr. Kagetsu's 71 Gei O Unifel Knights d Columbtus Whsty r iers Club Joeethe Plureter West bynde Fish & Chp Century 21 - R. Browni Van HNmeraTires MasterPint Bank ci Montreai Saturai Isuzu Motard>,y Acin. Mobile Wash Dr. KagelssTon Gins SOINRI WL 41 41 41 32 32 32 23 23 23 23 14 Os 10; Beakers Milk 11. DOS Marketing 17; Eastern Carpet Cleanlig 16. Whitby Kinen 17 W L T P DDOSMazklng 4 I O 8 Beckem Mik 3 i 1 7 PaintSorePFlue 2 1 2 6 Jensenuto Body> 2 2 1 5 Whitby Kinsmer, 2 3 O 4 Eastern CazpstCleanlng O 5 O O ThunderdlUvlsoo June 9 - Bank of Montreal 16. RP Oil 14; Ashbrl lnd 18. Acrne Mobie Wash 6; Broldîn Kinsmeai 16. Jenisen Aulo Body il; Chmeran Auto Glass 5. Van Henunen Tires 18 W L YTP AshbrllInd 5 O O 10 Van emmen Tires 5 O O 10 Bank of ontreal 2 2 i 5 BrookinKinien 2 2 i 5 Jensen Auto Body 2 3 O 4 Acme Mobile Waish 2 3 O 4 RP OiI 1 4 O 2 Cheesemman Auto Glass 1 4 O 2 SENOR DITE [leturseeo June 9 - West Lynde Optomnetrists 12, Dodd& Souter 15; Big V Daigs 8, Brooklln Kinsmen 18 kStings Dedd & Seuter Vaientinds Cec WL 41 31 31 32 o 4 Uulggsrsicvlson Jure 9 - bevel drugs 11, Beekera Milk 10; Miste Transmission 10. Broolcin begion 10; ICS Bandits 19, C&W Store Fhrtwes 3; DOS MoilceUng 12, Durhamn Cash Register 15 W L T P ICS Bandits 5 O O 10 Mister Transmission 13- 1 1 .7 Durtham Cash Register 3 2 O 6 Brokhibeiei2 2 1 5 DDS Maietng 2 3 O 4 Lovelî Drugs 2 3 o 4 08W Store Fixtuie 1 4 O 2 Becks Milk 1 4 O 2. JUNIOR LMT Jure g - Van Homen ires 11. Sunuise Rotar>, 12; Rlotaai .Club, il. WhitbyTrcph>,Homse'3; benne. Dium9. Advantage Tels 14 berme=Druin Jonc s- PInmttrePlUS*10;'JénsÀAi Mo nBâdj, W L T-P, 3 2 O0 .6 3 20 8O Ws Wms, silver for Whitby

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